Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President
until 3:30; 11:30 a.m. Saturday.
SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1934 1 the Faculty Women's Club will meet
VOL. XLV No. 35 Tuesday afternoon, Nov. 6, at 2:45
o'clock with Mrs. J. M. Cork, 2034
Notices - Day Street.
Insul" Sheds Tears On Stand
Gates Outlines
Standards Forj
Acolytes will meet Monday, Nov. 5,
at 7:30 p.m., in 201 SW. Professor
A. P. Uchenko will speak on "The
Logic of Measurement in Physics."
Vulcans: There will be a supper
meeting Sunday at 6 p.m. in the towera
room of the Union. Will everyone
please be present.
Harris Hall: Sunday evening at 7
o'clock the second discussion in the
series arranged for the student group
on the general subject of, "Religion
as Viewed through the Sciences and
the Arts," will be led by Professor 0.
J. Campbell. His topic will be, "Re-
ligion Through Literature'' All stu-
dents are cordially invited.
Saint Andrew's Episcopal Church:
Services of worship Sunday are: 8:00
a.m. Holy Communion, 9:30 a.m.
Church School; 11:00 a.m. Kinder-
garten, 11:00 a.m. Holy Communion
and Sermon by the Rev. Henry Lewis,
7:30 p.m. Choral Evensong and Ad-
dress by the Rev. William D. Orr.
Unitarian Church, Sunday evening,
Devotional service "Jefferson Casts a
Ballot . . . the Political Arena BeforeI
Election," by Rev. H. P. Marley. 7:30,1
Liberal Students' Union - "The Mod-
ern Dance." Miss Emily White. I
Reformed and Christian Reformed
Students: Dr. Ralph Stob, presidentj
of Calvin College, will conduct the
services in the Chapel of the Mich-
igan League, Sunday, Nov. 4, at 9:30.
-Associated Press Pnoto
Twice while testifyin - in his own behalf during hs trial on mail
fraud charges in F deral court in Chicago, Samucl Irsull, Sr., brcke into
tears but rcccvered quickly to describe his career. He asserted Insull
utilities contributed mere toward wealth of the Mlississippi valley than
"all the lvsses on any scurities I might have issued." He is shown
with his attorney, Floyd Thompson, as he appeared on the stand.
Congregational Church:
10:30-12:00 -Service of Worship!
and Religious Education. Sermon by
Mr. Heaps. "A Great Moral Adven-
ture" or "Some Snap-Shots of Abra-
The lecture on "The Evolution of
Religion" will be delivered by Prof.
W. R. Humphreys. His subject be-
ing, "The Drama of Job."
At 5 o'clock a candle-light com-
munion service will be held with
music by stringed orchestra and solo
by Annis Dexter Gray.
Congregational Student Club: Pro-
fessor Albert Hyma will speak on
Sunday evening at 6 o'clock, on the
subject "What Ails the Christian
World Today." All young people of
college age are invited. Music will
be furnished by the Congregational
Symphony Orchestra under the di-
rection of Thor Johnson.
First Baptist Church: Roger Wil-
liams Guild: Sunday, 10:45 a.m.-
Sermon by Rev. R. Edward Sayles,
"That Flaming Spirit - Kagawa."
12:00 noon - Roger Williams build
class, at guild house, led by Rev.
Howard R. Chapman, "The Christian
Message for Human Society."
6:00 p.m. --Student meeting at
guild house. Mr. Chapman will speak
on "Our Need for Re-thinking the
Significance of Jesus." A social hour
will follow, with refreshments.
Presbyterian Student - Announce-
ments for Sunday:
9:30 a.m.- Morning classes at the
Church House.
10:45 a.m.-Morning Worship,
"An Inclusive Religion," Dr. William
P. Lemon.
5:30 p.m.-Social Hour and Sup-
6:30 p.m.-Student Forum. "How
God Views the World." Dr. William;
P. Lemon.
Methodist Episcopal Church: Sun-
day morning worship service at 10:45
a.m. Dr. C. W. Brashares has chos-
en as a subject, "Fellowship." This
is the fifth in a series of sermons
entitled "What We Want."
Wesleyan Guild worship service at
Stalker Hall, Sunday, Nov. 4, at 6
p.m.. Professor Shirley W, Allen of
the University faculty will be the
guest speaker. His topic is "Good
U oniversity's I
The unique and intricate inventory
system maintained by the University
business office was described yester-
day by John C. Christensen, control-
ler of the University.:
This system was started over 20
years ago when a physical inventory
of all equipment on the campus at
that time was made.
Since then, all equipment pur-
chased is recorded from the vouchers
into equipment records, with individ-;
ual cards for each item inventoried.
These cards are made in duplicate
one being filed by the department to'
which the equipment belongs, and
the other by item.+
In this way the University can+
tell what typewriters, for instance,
are owned by it and to what depart-
ment they belong, without going
through all of the inventory.
When the system was started in
1914 the total value of University
equipment was $1,741,177.35. On
June 30, 1934, the value was $11,174,-
855.04. The basis for inventory isc
cost to the University as long as the
equipment is in service. When worn
out or discarded, the item is elimin-
ated from the inventory.
ftventory Sy'stem'
Mr. Christensen said this equip-
ment inventory was of special service
in case of fire, as the business office
is able to make, on short notice, a
statement of equipment damaged or
destroyed. It is also valuable in giv-
ing descriptions which may be used
in locating stolen property. These
records have enabled police in De-
troit to locate items of equipment
stolen from the University in sever-
al instances.
A further use of the system is in
purchasing duplicates of equipment.
The records give the manufacturer's
number, the purchase order number,
disbursement voucher number, and
other references which are needed in
locating equipment.
Dr. Bunting Attends
Health Conference
Dr. Russel W. Bunting of the School
of Dentistry left yesterday for Wash-
ington, D.C., to attend a child health
conference being held under the aus-
pices of the National Research Coun-
Dr. Bunting will present a paper on
"Dental Caries as a Child Health
Problem," which will be a complete
statement of what is known about the
means of preventing the decay of
teeth in children.
This meeting is the second of its
kind ever held at Washington. The1
first one was held two years ago, hav-
ing been called by former President
Herbert Hoover.
The conference will be held today
and tomorrow, and will probably end
on Monday. Doctor Bunting is ex-
pected to return Monday night.
Jud oingC afes
Health Inspector Replies
To Requests Of Students
By GivingCriteria
Dr. Lloyd R. Gates, deputy health
inspector of the city of Ann Arbor,
stated yesterday that he ,had re-
ceived many requests from students
for a criteria on which to judge the
sanitary qualifications of restaurants.
The following is a list of the stand-
dards for excellent rating as set up
by the local department of health:.
A maintenance of high standard1
of cleanliess and sanitation of prem-
ises, equipment, utensils, and food.
Provision for employes of adequate
hand washing facilities, towels and
Premises clean; floors, wall, ceiling,
basement, and yard.
Screening: all outside screens the
full size of the opening during fly
:eson: all screen doors swinging
Building in repair; floors, walls
ceilings, decorated throughout.
Ventilation adequate.
Light; 10 per cent of floor space.I
Toilets; good condition, clean
proper window or ventilating flue,
self-closing doors.
Absence of flies and vermin. !
Food protected from contamina-
tion by insects, dust. persons, and ani-
Cleanliness of equipment; working
tables, counters, shelves, cases, scales,
bins, soda fountain, coffee urns, and
kitchen utensils.
Washing and sterilizing dishes (in-
cludes knives, forks, spoons); two
compartment sinks or equivalent,
each dish sprayed or submerged in1
water at least 180 degrees for two1
Milk; pasteurized milk served di-
rectly from bottle, baked goods deliv-
ered in dust proof containers.
Refrigerators; clean, meat and
foods on plates, no spoiled foods.
Garbage and rubbish; garbage
properly cared for in covered cans,
both inside and out, rubbish burned
and carried away.
Standards for employes' health and
behavior are:
Periodic health examination.
Personal cleanliness; keep hands
away from face and mouth,, hands
washed before preparing food or serv-
ing it, and after going to the toilet.I
Release from duty when ill.
In the opinion of the local health
department, the health and sanitary
habits of employes makes up a large
part of the sanitation question.
Every form of co-operative human
endeavor cries out for men and wom-
en who, in their thinking processes,
will know something of the broader'
aspects of any given problem. -
Franklin Roosevelt.
Now Playing
She fell for the line of
a fake drama-schooI
...and then all Holly-
wood fell for her,. in
a mad, merry, laugh-
festthatlives you 0
new and riotous
s.Ia~t on
the world's
oddest 'city l.. .r:>;<;> .
_---- -- ----_ in my home or theirs. Prone 6152.
ANTIQUE EXHIBIT and sale. Nov. !
7 to 9th inclusive. Harris Hall. State * NOTICE
and Huron Streets, 9:30 a.m. to 10 -
p.m. Admission 25c. FINANCE CO. offers bargains in re-
__m._m__s__n-_. possessed and repurchased cars.
FOR SALE: Full-dress coat. Tuxedo Many 1934 cars with low mileage
coat, medium large. Best quality. included. We will trade and extend
Call 7522 evenings. Ask for Mr. convenient terms. Open evenings.
Bills. 311 W. Huron. Ph. 2-3267. 10x
-MAN'S COONSKIN coat, large size.
CLASSIFIED $25. Phone 5244. 613 Hill St.
Place advertisements with Classified WANTED: MEN'S OLD AND NEW
Advertising Department. Phone 2-1214. suits. Will pay 3, 4, 5, 6, anid 7 dol-
The classified columns close at five
o'clock previous to day of insertion. lars. Phone Ann Arbor 4306. Chi-
Box numbers may be secured at no cago Buyers. Temporary office, 200
extra charge.
Cash i advance11 ner reaini North Main. 7x
JR Sales Promotion Expert
On Air With Speech 151 Group
Stanley Boynton, in charge of sales When asked what the difference
promotion at station WJR, spoke to was between a coverage map and a
the Speech 151 class Thursday morn- survey, Mr. Boynton said, "In a sur-
ing andpc 1 asthinterviwrsdaym- vey, we figure the number of listeners
ng and broadcast an Interview relat- there are within an area, also the
ing to radio surveys and merchandis- number of these listeners who tune
ing campaigns. in on Station WJR.
He first explained what is meant Such surveys are frequently made
by a field intensity or coverage map by telephone, he continued, we go
made by broadcasting stations. into a town and hire a long distance
He said that station WJR has an operator to make so many calls an
automobile equipped with instru- hour, asking two questions: Is your
ments which will pick up one micro- radio tuned in now? and What are
volt or more. This car is driven I you listening to?
through Michigan, Ohio, and Indiana, He said there were some 6,154,000
constantly in touch with the trans- listeners in WJR's territory and ap-
mitter, and from the findings a cov- proximately one-fourth that number
erage map is built that shows the out- of receiving sets.
side limits of good reception, also Mr. Boynton then explained tie-in
any dead spots within that area. campaigns employed to advertise
This map, he explained, usually radio programs and to remind buy-
takes the form of a lop-sided circle. ers to purchase products made by
The station also uses fan mail to sponsors of programs they have lis-
check up on coverage. tened to.
(on basis of five average words to
line) for one or two insertions.
10c per reading line for three or
more insertions.
Minimum 3 lines per insertion.
Telephone rate -15c per reading line
fo,' one or two insertions.
14c per reading line for three or
more insertions.
10% discount if paid within ten days
from the date of last insertion.
Minimum three lines per insertion.
By contract, per line -2 lines daily, one
4 lines E.O.D., 2 months........3c
2 lines daily, college year ........7r
4 lines E.O.D., college year ........7c
100 lines used as desired ..........9c
300 lines used as desired ........8c
1,000 lines used as desired ........7c
2,000 lines used as desired......Cc
The above rates are per reading line,
based on eignt reading lines per inch.
Ionic type, upper and lower case. Add
Gc per line to above rates for all capital
letters. Add Cc per line to above for
bold face, upper and lower case. Add 10e
per line to above rates for bold face
capital letters.
The above rates are for 71, point
pound. Shirts, beautiful hand fin-
ish, 10c extra. Home Hand Laun-
dry. 520 E. Liberty, 628 Packard.
Phone 8894. 5x
LAUNDRY 2-1044. Sox darned.
Careful work at low price. 4x
STUDENT Hand Launry. Price .;rea-
sonable. Free delivery. Phone 3006
_____ ___ -9x
Call the Kempf Music Studios for
artistic piano tuning. Terms rea-
sonable. Phone 6328. Ix
1NTELLIGENT care giver to children
{! 1
a.k i
for Four Days
Shows at 2:00 - 3:30 - 7:00 -
30c 40c 1Oc
Will." Refreshments and social hour
after the meeting.
The World Friendship Department:
Of Stalker Hall will have a discussion
on the mutual exchange of ideas on
Labor Problems as they appear in
various countries, Sunday, Nov. 4, at
4 p.m. Mr. Wesley McGraney will
be chairman. Foreign and American
students are cordially invited to par-
ticipate. Note - The hour is changed
from 3 p.m. to 4 p.m.
15c TO 6-25c AFTER 6
New Story!
"I Give My
R FOX Picture with
Mitchell and
Produced by Sol M. Wurtetl
Directed by George Marshall
On The Stage
15c till 6
25c after 6
:::.WCUJ. Iaa
lfi 11 I