The Weather Unsettled, showers today and probably tomorrow. Somewhat warmer today; colder tomorrow. LL G 44 it~ Thz ij Editorials Glass Politics As A Luxury ... Preacher And Prist... PRICE FIVE CENTS VOL. XLV. No. 36 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1934 I T. A. Knott Is Appointed y RegentAction Is Selected To Replace Late Prof. S. B. Moore As Dictionary Editor Summer Budget Is Aceepted By Board Allotment Increased By $6,000 To Provide For Larger Enrollment The appointment of Dr. Thomas A. Knott, noted student of English and general editor of the New Webster In- ternational Dictionary, to replace Prof. Samuel B. Moore, who died sev- eral weeks ago, as professor of Eng- lish and editor of the Middle English Dictionary was made yesterday by the Board of Regents. Other important items brought be- fore the meeting was the approval of the 1935 summer season budget of $233,000, an increase of $6,000 more than that of the past summer, the accepting of $5,250 in gifts to the University, and the granting of sab- batical leaves for the second semester to seven professors. Scholar Of Note Dr. Knott, who received his Ph.D. at the University of Chicago and taught both there and in the Uni- versity of Iowa, is recognized as one of the most outstanding English scholars in the country. As general editor of the Webster Dictionary, he has been in charge of putting out the recent volume for the past eight years. He is 53 years old. The reason given for the $6,000 increase in the Summer Session bud- get was the 10 and one-half per cent increase in the number of students enrolled, together with an added en- rollment in the Graduate School. Private Papers Given Perhaps more important than any gift of money, according to Univer- sityhauthorities,pwassthe bequeathal of the private papers and clippings of the late Gen. Russell A. Alger of Detroit, secretary of war under Pres- ident McKinley, by his daughter, Mrs. Henry E. Shelden of Grosse Pointe Shores, and Mrs. Charles A. Pike of Chicago. Other gifts accepted by the Regents were as follows: $2,000 from Mrs. Marjorie Flemming Meyer of Ann Ar- bor to establish a Dr. George Flem- ming memorial fund for investigative and educational purposes in thorasic surgery; $1,500 from the American Library Association for the use of Mrs. Evelyn Steel Little, doing re- search here; $1,200 from the Commit- tee in Aid of Displaced Surgeons to make possible the appointment of Dr. J. Heinz Aronheim as research assis- tant in pathology; $400 from Mrs., Daisy Potter Biele of Evansville, Ind. for investigation in the cardiographic laboratory; and $150 from the Mich- igan Athletic Association to add to its loan fund here. Leaves Are Granted Sabbatical leaves were granted to the following members of the fac- ulty: Prof. O. J. Campbell of the Eng- lish department, who will do research work in the Hudington Library in California; Prof. Roy W. Cowden of the English department; Prof. N. E. Nelson of the #English department, who will go to Europe; Prof. C. B. Vib-1 bert of the philosophy department; Prof. O. S. Duffendack of the physics department, who will also go to Eu- rope for research purposes; Prof. C. H. Griffitts of the psychology de- partment; and Prof. Carl Dahlstrom of the English department of the en- gineering college, who will study in P'rance. Anordinary leave was granted Prof. G. G. Brown of the department of chemical engineering. Nine Per Cent Enrollment Increase A report showing enrollment rec- ords to Nov. 1 placed the number of students at 9,005, a gain of nine per cent over last year. The literary col- lege has the most with 2,772 men and 1,602 women, a total of 4,374. The authorization of an additional infantry officer in the military science department was given, as was permis- sion to keep the medical exhibit of the Simpson Memorial Institute in the Hall of Science, which were open at A Century of Progress in Chicago for two years. The Board was informed that the American Psychological Association has named the University as the site of its summer meeting in 1935. After listening to the report of the auditors Peat, Marwick, and Mitchell, examining the financial condition of the University. it was approved. The c r E r i l i 1. F i Prof. Pollock Finds Judiciary . Amendment Lacking In Merit Reach Climax In Convention Of Educators Undaunted Michigan Ready For Struggle SPowerful Gou[her I Team With Eleven This is the second in a series of interviews with prominent faculty au~- thorities who discuss the advisability of adopting the amendments to the State constitution as proposed on the ballot partisan manner. The same factors[ resulted in the failure of the Ohio plan, Professor Pollock believes, would apply in Michigan. i Nov. 6. Today's interview is with Prof. "It is not further irresponsibility James K. Pollock of the political sci- of judges which we desire to promote, ence department who discusses amend- it is not further complications in the ment number one dealing with the non- electoral process which we want," he said, "and yet amendment number By COURTNEY ,A. EVANS one, instead of improving conditions, Because the proposed amendment will only make them worse. Certain- ly it would complicate the task of number one to provide for the non- the voter. partisan election of judges will in no "As far as I can discover, the spon-{ way accomplish its ultimate purpose, sors of this amendment have put the and because its passage may set up issue before the people because two veteran supreme court judges who a barrier to the most desirable method were Republicans were defeated by of choosing judges, namely, the ap- two Democrats in the last general pointment of judges, it should be de- election," the professor went on to feated by the voters at the polls next say. "If this is the case, and I think Tuesday. This was the opinion ex- it is, a non-partisan election might s be intended to promote the Republi- pressed by Prof. James K. Pollock in can cause. It might easily work the an interview with The Daily yester- I other way, in which case, non-parti- day. san would be made to read Demo-. "With reference to amendment cratic." one," Professor Pollock stated, "there Professor Pollock pointed out that is general misapprehension about calling an election non-partisan would non-partisan elections. Some people never make it so, and that although think an election is made non-parti- no one can be proud of the responsi- san simply by calling it such. bility of either party in making judi- "Such has not been the case in cial nomination, we do have at least the United States," he continued, "in some responsibility, and it is public, judicial elections or in other elections and it cannot be avoided. in which the state in a whole or in "It is my personal opinion that a part is concerned." judges should be appointed and not Professor Pollock went ahead to elected," he said. "And I think that point out that in Ohio, which provides if amendment number one is passed, for a partisan nomination of Supreme it might easily bar the way toward court judges, and an election upon this final adoption of the proper: a non-partisan ballot, experience hasI method of choosing judges. not shown that the Ohio supreme, "For the reasons I have listed, I must court is any more non-partisan than go on record as opposing the amend- other courts chosen in the regular ment." ..j 'Yellow Journalism' To Detroit Free By Olin W. Kaye Laid Press I 1 Education Director Scores Communism Dr. Bo wman Discusses Influence Of Home On Life Of Child Shields Calls For Support of New Deal 'Lump Of Uselessness' Is, Description Of G.O.P. 'F- n -- --:5 - ' I -I -- LINEUPS Michigan Pos. Minnesota Patanelli ...... LE .......Tenner Viergever ..... LT ...... Widseth Hildebrand . . . LG......... Oech Ford.........C ... Rennebohm Borgmann .... RG........Bevan Austin.......R..... Bengston Ward.........RE .......Larson Jennings ..... 3........ Seidel Aug .......... LH ....... Roscoe Regeczi ......W. R......Alphonse Sweet ... .... F .3 . .... . Beise Columbia In Throes Of"Struggle To Oust Record Crowd Expected For Contest; Wolverine Line Has Weight Edge Ward Shifted Back To End; Aug At Half Lund Will Start In Spite Of Thumb Injury; Band Goes To Minneapolis By ARTHUR W. CARSTENS MINNEAPOLIS, Minn., Nov. 2.- i Mangle Mirhi a"urs+® n-e A climax was reached in the Par- In Regent's Address ent Education Institute meeting yes- terday when Orin W. Kaye, State di- Declaring that "you must choose rector of relief work in education, between a party that is active and told members that one of the primary trying, and one which proved a lump purposes of the education of the fu- of uselessness for three years," Regent ture would be to educate people to ;Edmund C. Shields of Lansing fired recognize the inaccuracies so fre- one of the big guns in the Washtenaw I ~~~~~~ t D fuTPnrti amianhfr I quently found in papers such as the Detroit Free Press and the Chicago Tribune. Speaking at a 2:15 p.m. session of the Institute in University High School Auditorium, Mr. Kaye further declared that these cases of deliberate misstatement were examples of "yel- low journalism." Communism Scored Answering questions after his ad- dress which was on "Extending the Scope of Education," Mr. Kaye said, that the "angleworm" of Communism will destroy itself, adding however, that he was vitally interested in this subject, having a speech concerning' it which he had given 287 times, di- rected, he said, against the Soviet. In conclusion, he stated that the cali- ber of teaching in the newly formed "freshman colleges" throughout the State was inferior, and by its very nature must continue to be inferior to the teaching in organized educa- tional units. Mr. Kaye's discussion took the form of a conference, supplanting a pre- viously scheduled speech by Ruth; Freegard, State supervisor of home' economic education, who was ill, and, unable to be present. P r ot. lodkey Fail 'To Determine Cause Of Poisoning Investigation to date has not yet Dr i ve Leader completely determined the cause of I . Selected By Ruthven To Head Community Fund Planning Committee the poisoning of 150 members of the! University Hospital staff last Sunday. night, Dr. Albert C. Kerlikowske,c chief resident physician announced last night. Bacteriologists have been at workr i oun y iemocra ic campaign before 250 University professors and towns- people yesterday in the Tappan Jun- ior High School. Regent Shields decried the "inac- tivity of the Hoover administration' during the most critical days of the depression," and praised President Roosevelt for his New Deal. "President Roosevelt was elected by Democrats with the aid of Re- publicans who joined with them toI change the kind of government we' had been having," he said. He stated his belief that people must use one of the two parties, and that "voting the Democratic ticket does not make you a Democrat." Discussing the agencies of the New Deal one by one, the regent pointed out that "they all follow the preamble; of the Constitution in attempting to provide for the general welfare of the people." He quoted many statistics and brought the CWA, the PWA, and the CCC into focus, claiming they have done "inestimable good." "If you don't agree with these pol- icies --if you don't approve of pro- viding work for the jobless, food for the hungry, and shelter for those without it. then you must vote the Republican ticket," he asserted. 'e d'eclaied th'at the NRA is "fun-; damentally sound in theory, lawful, and just." He urged that voters send Democratic congressmen to Wash- ington to support the President. Touching on the senatorial cam- paign, he.inferred hostility to Van- denberg when he said, "I would not put my judgment against that of theI President by saying thatI am with him when he is right and against him when he is wrong."1 Regent Shields saw the election as "your chance to approve or disap- prove the policies of the present ad- ministration." "I am only a country lawyer," he laughed, "but I am here to make you professors think about the kind of government you want.", Regent Shields was introduced by George J. Burke. William Gerstner," president of the East Side Democrat, Club, which sponsored the rally, pre- sided. Announce Armistice, Prof. Robert J. Rodkey of 'the; since the trouble was first discovered: Bowman Opens Session School of Business Administration Sunday night, Dr. Kerlikowske stat- Yesterday's session of the Institute{ was named chairman of the Univer- ed, and so far their investigations was opened at 9 a.m. with an address, sity planning committee of the an- have shown that the germ which on "The Home As the Chief Educa- nual Community Fund Drive, to be caused the poisoning was staphylo- tional Influence in the Life of the held, Nov. 12-26, by President Alex- coccus. However, the doctor said, Child," by Dr. LeRoy E. Bowman of ander G. Ruthven, honorary chair- that a formal statement of the cause the Child Study Association of Amer- man of the Drive. would be issued after the final meet- ica. The rest of the committee appoint- ing on Monday of the committee in- Dr. Bowman was followed- at 10:30 ed yesterday is made up of Prof. John vestigating the case. a.m. by Dr. Kenneth L. Heaton of E. Tracy of the Law School, Prof. the department of public instruction, Wells I. Bennett of the architectural;whspkon"wMaScolad college, Dr. Russell Bunting of the fN ew Members Of who spoke on "How May Schools and dental school. Prof. Raleigh Schorling, Parents Organize for Character Edu- of the education school, Prof. Russell Galens Announced ation." Elizabeth Paddock of the Univer- Dodge of the engineeringcolleeDr.sity Elementary School, opened the Harley Haynes, director of the Uni- versity Hospital, Prof. Louis Eich of Announcement was made yesterday afternoon session at 1:30 p.m. with the speech department, and Dr. of the 14 junior medical students a talk on "Opportunities for Parent Charles W. Edmunds of the Medical initiated into Galens, honorary up- Education Through the Nursery School. per class Medical School society, as Schools." The organization of the drive on a 1 well as two faculty men, who were [ Before discussing the work of par- basis of business classification solicit- taken in as honorary members. (continued on Page 6) ing this year, in order to eliminate Those from the faculty are Dr. house-to-house campaigning, made it Carl V. Weller, professor of pathology necessary to appoint a special com- and Dr. F. Bruce Fralick, professor mittee to take charge of the Univer- of ophthalmology. sity campaign. The city has been di- The new members are: Virgil D. After Accident vided into 10 business classification Shepard, Duguald S. Maclntyre, Fred-.! divisions, which will be covered in- er , Wilsond J . Wood, Rert iesvlyb eem.ric W. Wilson, John B. Wood, Robert esvl y1 em, tesvl y1 em.J. Bannow, Eugene W. Springer, John.; In3u r es v Included among these divisions are T BMason, Jack G. Oatman, Donald automobile, financial, construction, .Msn akG amn oad clothing, furnishings, foods, official' J. Francis, John MacNeal, Charles W. Prof. John E. Emswiler of the organization, public service, and 'I Knerler, George B. Higley, Hugh D. mechanical engineering department fessional groups. The teams of this McEachran, and Wixom S. Sibley. has started suit against E. V. Cole, division will solicit every man and I Members of the society were ad- 27 years old, following the injury, woman employed anywhere in the dressed at the formal initiation in of his wife, Mrs. Cecile Emswiler, in city except those employed in the in- the League by Dr. Max N. Peet, pro- an automobile collision Wednesday, dustrial plants. fessor of neuro-surgery, and Dr. Al- it was announced yesterday. The goal for the Drive this year has bert Furstenberg, professor of otolar- Cole was charged with reckless been set at $60,000. yngalogy. driving, and after pleading nolle con- tendre when arraigned yesterday be- fore Jay H. Payne, paid $9.25 costs. Ann Arbor Once Was Indian The collision occurred at the cor-1 ner of Baldwin Ave., and Cambridge LlSRoad. Cole was driving south on s Baldwin, and Mrs. Emswiler was driv- ing west on Cambridge when the two t vlLgl c 1vluian was thne oywora eSpectator' Editors that thundered through the streets of the Twin Cities tonight as the foot- NEW YORK CITY, Nov. 2. - ball-mad populace cheered the cham- The Columbia University campus was pionship-bound Gophers toward a de- in the throes of a fight today to oust cisive victory in Memorial Stadium the board of editors of the Spectator,' tomorrow. student daily publication. A A senior committee of 17 men was A record crowd of more than 58,000 formed to obtain, through a question- Gayhbe onhando see the undefeated naire, "the consensus of undergrad- Gopher powerhouse attempt to crush uate opinion on the present Spec-. .wekMciatm ---oin i . , - -- . ~~~thai an nfh 2-M-- tator regime." Dean Herbert E.? Hawkes stated that "while I think the poll is a good idea, I have not given my support to the committee of 17." James A, Wechsler, editor-in-chief of the Spectator, challenged Maxwell J. Wihnyk, a member of the commit- tee, to a debate on the subject. Wihn- yk refused on the grounds that "such a debate would be valueless." Another campus group also took a hand in the fracas, supporting the Spectator's editors. They circulated a petition through the University, stating that "we are unequivocally against any attempt to censor the press in any manner." Co-ed Injured When St r u Cc By Automlobile Bernice Kleiman, '37, was in the University Hospital last night as a result of injuries sustained when she was struck by a car at 4:15 p.m. yes- terday at the corner of Division and Washington Streets. Her condition was reported as not serious by hospital authorities, al- though information as to the exact extent of her injuries could not be obtained last night. According to the report of Sergt. Clifford West and Irwin Keebler who investigated the case, Miss Kleiman was struck by a Ford coupe driven by Mrs. Pearl W. Sellards, 224 Mason Ave. The report stated that Mrs. Sel- lards was driving south on Division St. and struck Miss Kleiman who was just crossing. At the time of the accident Miss Kleiman was past the center of the street on the south-west corner of Washington and Division e r marcntotheBienandna- tional championships. Bierman "Fears" Michigan Comparative records of the two teams show that Minnesota should win easily, but Coach Bernie Bierman fears Michigan. He remembers that Minnesota hasn't defeated Michigan at home since 1892, he remembers that Minnesota hasn't scored; on Michigan since 1929, remembers too that his powerful running backs fumble a great deal and that Mich- igan always plays smart, heads-up football waiting for the breaks. A squad of 31 Wolverines arrived in Minneapolis this morning and worked out for a short time in Me- morial Stadium. The players are ap- parently undaunted by the nation- wide reputation of Pug Lund and his teammates have won as a bone- crushing steamroller and have pre- pared a tricky forward and lateral passing attack with which they hope to upset the Northmen. Gopher Line Outweighed Kipke will start his regular line which will outweigh the Gophers slightly, and will have Whitey Aug in the halfback position left vacant when Willis Ward was moved to end at the beginning of the week. The Michigan team as a whole is in better condition today than it was for the Illinois game a week ago. Leg injuries suffered by several linemen in the Georgia Tech game have com- pletely healed, and Ward's return to end will give Mike Savage a chance to rest a battered knee. Cedric Sweet's broken finger still keeps him' from handling the ball well when kicking, and will necessitate the use of Russ Oliver if Regeczi has to be removed from the game, but the injured digit does not hinder the fullback's line- bucking and strong defensive play. Defense To Be Pressed Both he and Jerry Ford will have a busy afternoon stopping the rushes of Lund and Stan Kostka, high-scor- ing sophomore fullback, even thougi Michigan's heavy line does perform up to expectations. Lund, in spite of a wet field, ran through the Wolverine line at will in last year's scoreless game, and Kostka has virtually taken the fullback post away from Beise who played stellarly against Mich- igan last November. The 215-pound youngster has scored nine touchdowns in four games to become the second highest scorer in the nation. He will appear in the game very early, although the vet- eran Beise will probably start. Lund chipped a bone in his right thumb during practice this week and may be unable to pass or kick very ac- Day Arrang ements I The history and potentialities of With the advent of the white man, the Huron River are discussed in a Mr. Curtis stated, many saw and I recent report prefaced by Henry S. grist mills were started on the river,: forming the nucleus for the three Curtis, director of the Washtenaw towns previously mentioned. But,' County Recreation Survey. about 1900, the Detroit Edison began. Mr. Curtis first sketches the history to buy up the riparian rights, now of the river, noting that it was by no controlling a large part of the river' accident that Ypsilanti, Dexter, and bank. There are 10 dams on the Ann Arbor were founded upon its river, 6 belonging to the Edison Co., banks. It was at one time the main and 4, built on ground sold by the highway of the Indians, over which Edison Co., belonging to Henry Ford. they transported their furs, and came Mr. Curtis commended the attitude' to attend the councils of the French of the Edison firm, stressing its con- at old Fort Ponchatrain, and those stant willingness to co-operate with held further to the east. county authorities, but suggested Through the upper reach of the a few improvements in the method Huron, and Portage Lake and River, used in controlling the water level of they reached the headwaters of the the Ford dams. Grand. passing on to Lake Michigan. Control of the sewage is the pri- cars hit. The impact threw Mrs. Emswiler out of the automobile on- to a lawn extension, Scabbard And Blade Will Initiate 22 Men The numerous blue clad figures who have been wandering about the campus lately are not addi- tions to the B. and G., but the pledges of Scabbard and Blade, national military honorary fra- ternity. This year's initiates are: Robert J. Auburn, '36E, Wilfred G. Bas- set, Grad., John W. Bellamy, '35E, Robert M. Burns U, '36, John P. Coursey, '36, Wayne W. Crosby. '36E, Gerrit J. DeGelleke, '35A, The announcement of the Armis- Streets. The injured girl was rushed to tice Day program which will be held the University Hospital in a police car. Monday, Nov. 12 this year, was made The following were witnesses to the. yesterday by Ann Arbor Army and accident: Marjorie Drake, 820 East Navy Club officials. University Ave.; D. R. Dale, 906 The main address of the memorial Woodlawn Ave., and Mildred Pop- service, which will be held at 11 a.m. penger, R.F.D., Box 8. in Hill Auditorium, will be delivered Miss Kleiman's residence is at 442, by Dr. Charles Brashares, pastor of Mosher Hall. Her home is in Detroit. the First Methodist Church. Organ 'Miss Kleiman's nurse stated last music will be furnished by Achilles night that the injured person would Tallaferro, Methodist Church organ- be confined to the hospital for two ist. or three'days. Press Club Conclave To Hear Leader Of Anti-Crime Publicity Henry Suydam, recently appointed gian, and French armies, and twice as chief of the publicity staff of the to the British fleet in the North Sea. Department of Justice in its anti- In the course of this time he reported crime program will address the Uni- campaigns at the Dardanelles, Ga- eth Ui- licia, the Somme, Ancre, and Verdun. versity Press Club convention which When the revolutionary spirit broke meets here for its 16th annual session to the surface within the boundaries Nov. 8, 9, and 10. of war-torn nations Mr. Suydam re- Mr. Suydam, not merely 'a publicity ceived the assignment from his home man for the department, is one of office to "get the story." Accordingly, the important factors in formulating he witnessed the Russian, Chinese, policies for local, state, and Federal and Irish upheavals, reporting them " co-operation in Attorney-General all, and interviewing leading state- Cummings' drive against racketeers men of both groups of belligerants. As and kidnapers. He is known to stand a result of the contacts he made at high in Washington affairs, and has this time, Mr. Suydam can speak with been instrumental in tracking down personal knowledge of the men in Dillinger and his henchmen. and behind the scenes of the war. rom 1099 to 199 Mr .Sudrnm was He was the ommander.o d in- r curately. He will start at his usual halfback position, however, with the ambidextrous Clarkson at the other half and Seidel at quarter. Minnesota Line Rates Highly The Gopher line boasts an experi- enced veteran or stellar sophomore in every position. Larson was an all- America end last year and Tenner was rated nearly as good. Bengston a veteran tackle, teams with Widseth, sophomore who beat out Smith, last year's regular, for the left tackle post. Rennebohm has won the center po- sition left vacant by the graduation of Captain Roy Oen. Michigan's 100-piece band will ar- rive here at 9:30 a.m. tomorrow to participate in the elaborate Home- coming festivities a student committee ha arranned-e Ts .hranera fnnthm11