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November 02, 1934 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1934-11-02

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Annual Parent Education Institute Convenes For Three-Day,


More Than 100,
Members Are At
Conference Here
Group Given Welcome By
Saginaw Women In First
Address Of Session
Increase Expected

Prof. Ford Calls Amendments

Social Science

In Minnesota Race

RegardingTaxes'Misleading Fellowships To:
_____T__ i

(Continued from Page 1) 1933, when the Federal government'
7,000,000 dollars in the sales tax rev- increased the tax on gasoline from
enue, using the figures ending with
the fiscal year of 1934 as an example," one cent to one and a half cents a
Professor Ford said. gallon, the retail price also rose one-:
"Because of the fact that the pub- half cent. Four days later, the price
lic schools of the state get all income rose another cent, and continued to
from the sales tax over $31,700,000, rise until a total increase of four
and since only about $34,000,000 was t b
collected last year, this would mean cents had been reached.

"oF o em ors
Awards For First Y e a r
Graduates Are Lauded
By Professor Remer
The change in policy of the Social
Science Research Council in award-

that the public school system would Price Deviates ing fellowships, which will take ef-
Henderson, Fisher, And not receive any of the proceeds from When the Federal government re- fect this year, will encourage entrance
the general ,sales tax. Since govern- duced the tax one-half cent on Jan. into the field of social science of a
Bowman Also Address mental units must have support, this 1, 1934, there was an equivalent re- more able type of student, declared
ptincome will of necessity be derived duction in the retail price for seven Prof. Charles F. Remer, chairman
from some other source."'weeks, which was followed by an in- of the local committee on social
(Continued from Page ) As a last reason, Professor Ford crease of one cent. science research.
wihCamoveentuinNrome Ywent ahead to show that in the case "It can be assumed from this, then,
with a movement in New York Cityo eea aaino aoie h htteei oasrneta h The new policy, announced by Don-
which has been attempting to train of Federal taxation on gasoline, the+ that there is no assurance that the adYug ertr o elwhp
leaders for parent study groups. He retail price did not necessarily fol- consumer will receive any benefit:
descred the rets of ths expe low the trend of taxes. On June 17, from a decrease in taxation," Profes- and grant in-aid of the council, who
dentcabeingterstsfatoi ry. sor Ford stated. "The retail of gaso- was in Ann Arbor' earlier in the week,
ment as being very satisfactory. line represents simply a case of charg- includes awards of 15-20 fellowships
Fortnightly classes were held at isimplytudatscaseheofnicharssg-
whic praticl prblem ofthe ar-ing what the traffic will bear."
whihpracticalplmshhehpar-TwodProfessorsedth advis- American universities to take effect
ent were discussed. Highly techxlcaluo of T ability of the income tax, which the after graduation, each fellowship car-
cmon srexcsuddin favorofailieHeard in Talks present trend has carried into 27 rying with it a stipend of $1,000 plus
common sense' reasoning, Dr. Bowman
said. He stressed the fact that the best states, Professor Ford disapproved of tuition in any institution chosen for
means of studying the child is O n Station W JRIamendment number 5, for several graduate work.
reasons.Never before has the council grant-
through daily observation. ed fellowships for first year grad-
Concluding the afternoon program, 1. The proceeds are to be used uate work, and, according to Profes-
Dr. Ralph McAfee, executive secre- Pargment, Phelps Speak for only one purpose, the support of .'
the chol sytemsor Remer, "tis new plan, combined
tary of the Detroit Council of Church- Over Radio On Program the school system. with the generous stipend, will serve
es described the purpose and program gram,2. The amendment states that the to attract students with real abilityi
of the Legion of Decency. Of Extension Division legislature may provide for a tdx in- into the field of social science, who in
"Censorship 'in motion pictures is come from whatever -source derived, a great number of cases would be
senseless and inadequate as a method Talks on the subjects of "Why However, if amendments 2 and 3 are drawn into law or some other occu-
of promoting decency," he averred. Study French,"' by Prof. Michael S. adopted, the gasoline and automobile pation commanding a larger and
"When you discuss motion pictures Pargment of the French department industries would be exempt from any more immediate financial income.
you discuss something which has and "South America as an Export income tax.
Another departure will be taken by
thoroughly needed reform for years. Market for American Goods," by Prof. Causes Confusion the council next year in offering 351
Some other method is needed to do f Dudley N. Phelps, of the business ad- 3. Further confusion arises out of fellowships of $1,500 plus tuition to'
it." M nministration school, were broadcast the amendment because of the pro- candidates for the doctor's degree
Praises Movie Industry yesterday through the University Ex- visions relative to classification of who have completed all preliminary
tension Division over Station WJR, property. The rate of tax shall be work except their thesis. Formerly
He paisd te inusty a "nees etrit.the average rate levied upon other all fellowships granted by the council
sary for education," and compliment- Professor Pargment divided his ad- like property. The term"average applied only to students holding a
ed Cecile B.-DeMille, noted director, dress into two parts, first talking on ke ey Th t " pl y


Prof. Christian
To Start Organ
Concert Tour
Professor Christian was the guest
organist, will make the first of his
recital tours for this season when he
plays in New York and several South-
ern cities during the month of No-
Professor Christian was the guest
recitalist on the evening of Nov. 1
at the First Baptist Church of At-
lanta. He will give the following pro-
gram: "Psalm XIX" by Marcello;
"Minuet et Gigue en Rondeau," by
Rameau; and "Largo in E (Concerto
Grosso No. 12) by Handel. Also in-
cluded in his program for the evening
Tuesday and Wednesday
Night at 7:30 P. M.
Special Rates
Friday Night at 8:00
Special Rates for Party of 10.
Free Transportation
Dial 7270

-Associated Press Photo
One of the candidates in Minne-
sota's exciting gubernatorial election
is A. C. Townley (above), former non-
partisan league leader in North Da-
kota and recently a member of the
Farmer-Labor party in Minnesota.
However, he recently broke with Gov.
Floyd B. Olson, the party's nominee,
over state appointments.
Sociology Students
Leave For Chicago
The Sociology trip to Chicago spon-
sored by the Student Christian As-
sociation will begin when students
leave from the Michigan Central De-
pot at 1:24 p.m. today, R. Francis
Anderson, '36, president of the S.C.A.,
stated yesterday.
There will be a special coach for all
those going on the trip, and students
are requested to arrive at the station
in plenty of time to secure tieir

HERO: Imitated often ... never
equalled Y
SHE: Oh-"Hero"-there are so
many nice things about
you - it's easy to keep
this late.
The secret of his Social
Confidence was a Social
Breath ... He lavorises
before the party .

on the quality of his films.
Explaining the program of the Le-
gion of Decency, he told of the strug-
gles of the Catholic bishops with
the movie producers. Then he des-
scribed their program of getting
pledges not to attend motion pictures
which "offend decency.''
The protestant organization in De-
troit adopted the same program, he
said, "only we also attacked indecent,
stage shows.
Stating that the theatre manager
could not help himself under the
"block system," Dr. McAfee advised
that documents and magazines ex-
plaining the types of movies be pub'-
lished in order to "fairly discrimin-
ate against indecent films."
In the evening session, held at the
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre Dr. Bow-
man described the fundamental
changes that have come about in
recent years in the relationship of
the home to the community.
To meet these new developments
Dr. Bowman expressed the need for
parents to work out their problems
of child guidance in an integrated
way with the community in which
they live.
Meetings Tomorrow
Addresses today will include, Dr.
Bowman on "The Home As the Chief
Educational Influence in the Life
of the Child," at 9 a.m.; "How Many
Schools and Parents Organize for
Character Education," at 10 a.m. by
Dr. Kenneth L. Heaton, state de-
partment of public instruction; "Op-
portunities for Parent Education
Through the Nursery Schools, at 1:30
p.m. by Elizabeth Paddock, Univer-
sity elementary school; "The Emer-
gency Nursery Schools in Michigan,"
by Ruth Freegard, State supervision
of home economics education; "The
Part the School Should Play in Par-
ent Education" at 3:15 p.m. by Mrs.
Fred M. Raymond, Grahd Rapids;
and "Extending the Scope of Edu-
cation" at 3:15 p.m. by Orin W. Kaye,
director of work-relief in education,
At 7:30 p.m. in the Lydia.Mendel-'
ssohn Theatre of the League, there
will be a panel discussion led by Dr.
Eugene B. Elliott, State department
of public instruction, on "A Plan for
Financing Michigan Schools." This
meeting will be open to the public.

the subject of "Why Study a Foreign
Language." He quoted Saint Paul's
listing of the spiritual gifts of which
men are proud as including "divers
kinds of tongues," noting that in
many portions of the world the study
of languages is taken as a matter of
course, and hence demanding no sub-
stantiating arguments.
Derides Arguments
Deriding the two arguments of the
people who oppose this study in the
United States, he answered the first,
that Americans have no native ability
for foreign languages, by stating his
own experiences which have con-
vinced him that American students
may learn even more in the same
space of time than do those of some
European countries famed along this
The second argument, that results
of high school courses are not gen-
erally satisfactory, he admitted, but
he allied it-with the very bad condi-

rate" is vague except for the further fPh.D. degree.
provision that it may not exceed the A total of $200,000 will be given out
15 mill limitation. in the form of fellowships to students
4. If it is the intention simply to all over the country. Professor Rem-
tax intangable property at low rates, er said yesterday that those students
this could be accomplished better interested should contact Mr. Donald
than as income than through a sys- Young, 230 Park Ave., New York City.
tem of property classification.
5. The classification clause would SAN JUAN, PUERTO RICO, Nov.
tend to increase the pressure on the 1.-VP)- Col. Bailey Kelly Ashford
administration to favor those factions of the United States Medical corps,
with strong political power with a discoverer of the hook worm disease,
more favorable classification of their died at the age of 61 years.
"We cannot allow our educational
system to be supported by such a var-
iable tax as the income tax, which
will fall down in periods of depression 4
when it is most needed," he said.
"Neither can we have a classification/I
of property which will allow strong
factions to obtain any political fav-
! D ! A T !T f i f ln m fi t / -,.Y, rV }.


tions under which it is frequently RELIGIOUS GROUP MEETS
taught in this country. The Council of Religion met at 4:30
Speaks Of French p.m., yesterday, in Lane Hall.
Speaking next of the French lan-
guage exclusively, he termed it the The representatives of the various
international language of the Occi- church guilds were present as well as
dent since the 12th century, stating the ministers of the churches in Ann
that it is the language most wide- I Arbor. Rev. Lee Klaer called the
spread outside its own frontiers. Pro meeting to order, and plans for the
fessor Pargment quoted from an of-metntordadplsfrth
ficial document of the British gov- year were discussed.
ernment, which stated that for four
hundred- years England was in some h
degree under the influence of France;{1
and our own country was long in- I For
timately under English influence.
Professor Phelps, speaking on our
possible export market in South OOd M at
America, attributed the recent de- AND
crease in volume of our trade there
to the cessation of roans, in 1929. Fur-
thermore, he showed that, as a na- G roceries
tural market, South America really
belongs more to Europe than to the
United States, pointing out that Bue-
nos Aires is seven days closer to Lon-
don than New York, that the lan-
guages are largely European, as are
the cultural traditions, that there are
closer racial ties between the peoples CAMPUS MAR K ET
of South America and Europe, and-
that the needs of these two conti- 1114 South U.
nents are complementary, which is Phone 2-2331 Free Delivery
not the case between South and A. ROE, Proprietor
North America.

I1 it / 1 :; not U



Tomorrow Night
Men 40c Ladies 25c

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ments of, good beer. The same
high quality wherever you go.
Try it today!
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