THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRDAY, MICHIGAN DAILY i. What hope ForMan?.. . 4i COLLEGIATE OBSERVER l''I Li' 4- 7.1 'ublis!ied every morning except Monday during the iversity year and Summer Session by the Board in ntrol of Student Publications. Member of the WesternConference Editorial Association d the Big Ten News Service. MEMBER ssociat4d folltiate rtss a 1934 ( g 1935 - FAISON WISCOISt 74EMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS he Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwisecredited In this paperua d the local news blished herein, 411 rights of republicationx of special patches are reserved. ntered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, 'as and class matter. Special rate of postage granted2 by rd Assistanit Postmaster-General. ubscrpton ndurin gsumer rlbycarrier, $1.00; by mail, 0. During regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by [1, $4.50. )ifices: Student Publications Building, Maynard Street, n Arbor, Michigan. Phone: 2-1214. epresentatives:gNatrnal Advertising Service, Inc. 11 st 42nd Street, New York, N.Y. - 400 N. Michigan Ave., .cago, Ill., EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 4925 NAGING EDITOR............WILLIAM G. FERRIS CYTEDIALODR C ....... .JOHN .HEALEY IORIL DIRECT............RALPH G. COULTER )1TS EDITOR .................ARTHUR CARSTENS MEN'S-EDITOR-...................ELEANOR B M 3HT EDITORS: Paul J. Elliott, John J. Flaherty, Thomas E. Groehn, Thomas H. Kleene, David G. Macdonald. John M. O'Connell, Robert S. Ruwitch, Arthur M. Tadb. )RTS ASSISTANTS: Marjorie Western, Joel Newman,j Kenneth 'ark~er, William Reed, Arthur~ Settle. MEN'S ASSISTANTS: Barbara L. Bates. Dorothy Gies, Florence Harper, Eleanor Johnson, Ruth Loebs, Jo- ephine McLean, Margaret D. Phalan, Rosalie Resnick, [ane Schneider, Marie Murphy. PORTERS: John H. Batdorff, Robert B. Brown, Richard lark, Clinton B. Ponger, Sheldon M. Ellis, William H. Fleming, Robert J. Freehling, Sherwin Gaines,Richard Kershey, Ralph W. Hurd, Jack Mitchell, Fred W. Neal, Melvin C. Oathout, Robert Pulver, Lloyd S. Reich, Mar- hall Shulman, Donald Smith, Bernard Weisman, Jacob SSeidel,Bernard Levick, George Andros, FredrBuesser, E obert Cummnins, Fred DeLano, Rotbert J. Friedman, Raymond Goodman, Morton Mann. )orothy Briscoe, Maryanna Chockly, Florence Davies, [elen Diefendorf, Marian Donaldson, Elaine Goldberg, netty Goldstein, Olive Griffith, Harriet Hathaway, Ma- ion Holden, Lois King, Selma Levin, Elizabeth Miller, elba Morrison, Elsie Pierce, Charlotte Reuger, Dorothy ihappell, -Molly Solomon, Dorothy Vale, Laura Wino- rad, Jewel Wuerfel. BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 2-1214 KNESS M ANAGER ............RUSSELL B. READ EDIT MANAGER.........ROBERT S. WARD MEN'S BUSINESS MANAGER .........JANE BASSETT ARTMENT MANAGERS: Local Advertising, John Og- ten; Service Department, Bernard Rosenthal; Contracts, oseph R~othbard; Accounts, Cameron Hall; Circulationi nd National Advertising, David Winkworth; Classified advertising and Publications, George Atherton. INESS ASSISTANTS: William Jackson, William arndt, Ted Wohlgemruith, Lyman Bittman, Richard Eardenbrook, John Park, F. Alien Upson, Willis Tom- inson, Homer Lathrop, Tom Clarke, Gordon Cohn, derrell Jordan, Stanley Joffe. MEN'S ASSISTANTS: Mary Bursley, Margaret Cowie, darjorie Turner, Betty Cavender, Betty Greve, Helen hapland, Betty Simonds, Grace Snyder, Margaretta :ohlig, Ruth' Clarke, Edith Hamilton, Ruth Dicke, aula Joerger,. Mary Lou Hooker, Jane Heath, Bernar- ine ield, Betty Bownan, July Trosper.H NIGHT EDITOR: THOMAS H. KLEENE THIS IT NOT EXACTLY the most Tapproprate time of year to enter into a discussion of mosquitoes, but a few facts concerning the family Culicidae having been called to the attention of the press, we pass them on for your consideration. "A mosquito is an insect and hatches from an egg." That, somehow, seems vaguely familiar; we may have heard it somewhere before. "Since water is the only breeding place known for mosquitoes, a mosquito must swim before it can fly." And that seems logical enough. Other information presented in the report is not designed to leave one in a very cheerful frame of mind. We are told that there are more than 500 species of mosquito in the world; that cold, ice, and snow have no effect on the eggs; that the eggs may hatch out four or five years after they have been laid; that salt marsh mosquitoes fly from 10 to 30 miles from where they breed. You'd/certainly think it was a mosquito's world. There seems to be one ray of hope: the female mosquito is the only one that attacks man. But the next news may be that there are no male mosquitoes. We wouldn't be surprised. Campus Opinion Letters published in this column should not be construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The Daily. Anonymous contributions will be disregarded. The names of communicants will, however, be regarded as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked to be brief. the editor reserving the right to condense all letters of over 300 words. 0 Tempora! 0 Mores! 0 Hell! To the Editor: The editorial entitled "Snobbery and Sororities" which appeared Wednesday in The Michigan Daily asserted that sorority women liked to be called snobs. "It goes to their egos as gin goes to their heads," the editorial stated. . And like gin, the word "snob" gives us a head- ache. Campus leaders - and we should be judged by our leaders as well as by our misfits - are sorority women. Certainly Maxine Maynard, pres- ident of the League, Billie Blum, women's editor of The Daily, and Ruth Rdot, president of the Wom- en's Athletic Association, have as sympathetic and cosmopolitan an outlook as any woman on campus. The editorial goes on to say that "In their own social world they (sorority women) circulate as fiercely as amoebae in a wash basin of stagnant water, but they never see or think about the world beyond that wash basin." A pretty accusation. But does it apply to us anymore than to the non- affiliated woman? We think not. Anyone who has lived in a dormi- tory realizes that these organizations emulate if not surpass the sororities in the matter of cliques. It is as difficult to break into the established dor- mitory group as it is to be accepted by a sorority. The idea that we are the ones to "snob" the non-affiliated women is erroneous. The tea spon- sored by the League last spring proposed to further association between independents and sorority members. The records show that the majority of Greek houses were represented, but only three non-affiliated women attended. Contrary to popular opinion, the independent has equal chance with the sorority member to be elected to office. Non-affiliated women and Greek-letter women combine their talents in class projects. The petty snobberies between these groups do not exist. - We are not "high hat." We are happy to broaden our acquaintances. It is the non-affiliated woman and not the sorority member who persists in keep- ing a halo around the Greek letter girl. -A Sorority Member. NOTE: Gott Im Himmel! The editorial said, in just so many- English words, "This is not -snob- bery." The objection was that campus women were self-centered and isolated from contacts with out- side ideas and people, and that they concentrated their lives upon a never, never land of colle- giate superficialities. That the sororities claim, as this letter does; that they are more successful in the matter, is not a laudation but a condemna- tion. The editorial contended that the sorority girl was unable to understand the possibility of life outside of her own life-which is college life. This letter proves the truth of the contention' completely and unequivocally.-The Editors. r By BUD BERNARD Today's column will be a hodge-podge of facts picked up from the various campuses throughout the country. The McGill Daily, student publication of McGill University, gives us some added information on the workings of its date bureau. The dateless co-ed calls the bureau and specifies the sort of date she wants, such as blonde, blue-eyed engi- neer (purely theoretical this) six feet Mall, and about 21 years old. The dateless man calls the bureau for a willowy brunette who doesn't talk too much. The bureau refers to photographs and statistics which it has on file and find out just what the two want. It then calls the boy and gives him the name and telephone number of the suitable girl. If the bureau finds it impossible to produce the kind of date the boy wants, it calls him and suggests another date. Some specifications are of this sort: want a good looking girl who likes to dance and is willing to pay her own way and to share all incidental expenses to go to the informal. After several weeks trial, officials believe that the bureau has shown itself successful, without a doubt. A professor of neuropsychiatry at the University of Wisconsin, has been conducting extensive re- search in the effects of "truth serum" on human beings. The work, still in pioneer stages is con- cerned with probing for a means of determining true testimony in criminal investigation and seems to be fairly successful. The serum produces a semi-conscious state in which the patient makes direct answers without first considering what the replies will be. A student at Ohio State University has a novel way of working his way through school. He does it by accepting wagers from his fra- ternity brothers. They think of all the crazy things they've wanted to do but never had the nerve, then get a pool and bet him that he won't do it. And there is nothing he won't do. Pajamas to restaurants at dinner time, tights to class- just most anything. A freshman at Washington and Lee, with the super-brightness common to yearlings, has evolved a plan by which he can supply the entire student body with Great Dane dogs, at a nominal price. It is his idea that each member of the freshman class chip in a dime and buy a pair of puppies. In the course of time, Great Danes, being that way, each man will have his personal bodyguard, bed- mate, and bathmate. "Whether you know it or not," says the W. and L. genius, "there are many advantages to this kind of dog. For one swish of his tail you may have a shower whenever and wherever you are. In fact you may get a shower when you don't want it." V Hear... THE HONORABLE EDMUND co. SHIELDS II Regent of the University Discuss "Recent Political Trends" at the Tappan School Auditorium TONIGHT at 8:00: I 1 I A WashinEgton BYSTANDER ll . rangelists Educati ... E DUCATION,. like every other move- ment has its evangelists and its or- ganizers. Both have their function. The one group vaunts. itself, clamours loudly against existing faults, paints brilliantly the mil- lenium soon to come. The other group comes after, patiently cleans up the mess, quietly accomplishes the few reforms that are .practical and possible. Without the second group, the first would be just so much sound and fury. Without the first; the second would find its way but poorly prepared. For two .workmen whose every success depends on the interaction of their philosophies,.the idealist and the practical man make very poor bedfellows. Neither is any too proud of the other nor does he consider him very essential to the total scheme of things. ny single day will bring to light two move- ,-each banging away independently of each other, each attacking a similar problem in a fundamentally different way, both together win- ning something for the future good of mankind. Speaking of education in particular, we find a professor of philosophy at the City College of New York bursting forth with "a burning denunciation of educational institutions in the United States and a nation-wide campaign for revision of the pres- ent-day educational system." This educator, a Dr. Ralph B. Winn, finds the. system "irrational and absolescent." He wants a curriculum "that prepares us for life, that gives us a better understanding of self, society, and the. world." He believes that "the time has come for action." Specifically, he suggests that the admin- istration, the faculty, and -the students of schools should meet in friendly discussion to work out a program. That's all very nice and no one will quarrel with Dr. Winn's fine ideals. Someone somewhere may be stirred anew to the action for which he cries. But boiled down fine, it tells us very little that we haven't always believed. Dr. Winn stops at precisely the point where the trouble has always begun. Just how administration, faculty, and students are to get together is what we've always wanted to know. That they should do so literally in one big congregation, is inconceiv- able. If he means figuratively, through the bun- gling sort of contacts that have always existed, we are no better off than before. i As Others See It By KIRKE SIMPSON THE HABIT of American politics to rely on per- sonalities so largely in battling over policies has had its own troubles in this campaign. It has been easy for "regular" Democrats. All they have had to do is shout "Roosevelt!" The President is the "New Deal" for them. The fact of his personal popularity right along has had a lot to do with dragooning otherwise highly con- servative-minded Democrats in Congress into bandwagon support of administration innova- tions. Only "off-the-reservation" men, whether they are off to the right or to the left, have been bothered by the necessity of drawing a distinction between the President and the "New Deal," of being for the man but against some of his works. It has been tough going for them. 0 N THE REPUBLICAN side of the argument the situation has been far more perplexing. Every non-regular Republican,. whether a "Roose- velt Republican" in '32 or not, was forced to find some solution of his own to the campaigning prob- lem. Those solutions ranged from Sen. Hiram Johnson's sweep of all California nominations for re-election with White House blessing to Sen. "Young Bob" LaFollette's resort to a third party bridge to find a route back to the family seat in Congress. For regular Republicans with further evidence of Roosevelt popularity detected in the Congres- sional primaries, the task of finding personalities to rage against "New Deal" policies without direct- ly assailing the chief New Dealer himself, has been hard right along. A few, such as Dickinson of Iowa and Schall of Minnesota or Robinson in Indiana have defied lightning by direct presi- dential assaults. The vast majority of others, however, have preferred hitting over the shoulders of the Moleys, Tugwells, Richbergs et al. of Roosevelt brain- trust connections. Or, conversely, they wept over alleged conservative sacrifices to leftist policy like the Johnsons, the Spragues, the Blacks, and the former director of the budget, Lew Douglas. CURIOUSLY ENOUGH, Dr. Moley, once hailed as arch villain of "left-wing influence" at the White House, was discovered. in public and bitter opposition to any party rapprochement with the Upton Sinclair kind of Democracy out in Cali- f--i T.o i n~r% ccatnr to o i~racrin tia il- S tudentkiectories 75e May Be Purchased at the StudentPublications BLilding on n Maynard Street iii WE'RE HERE TO SERVE YOU Everything You Could Waint In A Drug Store $5.00ToyA d O RONSON LIGHTERS $2.49 Ben Wade Pipes fron Leeds, England G LOL IT E *L Gri* $09 made by $20 StraIg Gramn. $10.95 ELECTRO-LITE $12.50Larnix PipesĀ®. $8.95 $7.50 Selected Grain $5.95 $6.50 Statesman.$3.95 VESTA LITE $10 Dunhill Pies $8 95 Marvelous Windproof Ppe $.9 lighter for pipes 8 9 C CLI NS, CALKINS- MATCH K1NGS Wort to $1.50 "A MICHIGAN TRADITION" THE DEPENDABLE STORES Loyal In Defeat, FEW QUESTIONS are more frequently asked in athletic circles than why the University of Michigan has until this year always presented a football team of outstanding ability, and many of the answers have been rather uncomplimentary to the University and the management of ath- letics at that school. The probability is that the results have been due there, just as at other institutions where good teams have been produced, to the accident of good material, ample equipment, good management, and excellent coaching. But there was an incident at the railway station at Ann Arbor last Saturday when the team came back from Chicago whence it had suffered the worst defeat Michigan had experienced on the gridiron in years, that is the best index of what makes good football teams at Michigan. Several thousand students, accompanied by the university band were at the station when the band drew in and they cheered the team and