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November 02, 1934 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1934-11-02

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Wolverine Gridders




Trackmen Rest
And Wait For
Indoor Season
After a five-week's outdoor train-
ing period, the Wolverine track team
will have a brief rest according to
an announcement made by Coach
Charley Hoyt yesterday afternoon.
About the tenth of December the
Varsity candidates will report at the
Field House again to start intensive
drill for the indoor meets.
Meanwhile, the few weeks between
will give the team only so much ac-
tivity as they need to stay in con-
dition, according to Coach Hoyt.
There .will be no supervision of prac-
tices and the runners have been told
to report for exercise about twice a

'I L


BATeam Is Given
TA R U CARSTENS Strenuous Drill
Before Leaving

have a pa
the stooge
staff as a
winners, v
about bece
true to fo
A sta
thus far
have Pic
games t]
Only 20
week but

IT IS THE DAY for thea
all consensus and today I!
it on the back for each of
as who do the picking. The
whole picked 21 out of 24
which is not much to boast,
ause most of the games ran;
aff percentage of .875
the average.for the year
to .747. The official sta-.'
says the trusty elevenj
eked 62 winners out of 83
hus far.
games are on the list this
a number of them lookI

merit a 10 to 1 vote for Pittsburgh 1 Inter-class hockey players and the
over Notre Dame. Coaches Encourage And Ann Arbor Hockey Club will act as
Purdue's single vote majority Warn Players In Last hostesses tothreeteams from De-
troit Saturday at Palmer Field. The
over Chicago is another very de- Practice Here purpose of the competition is to se-
batable choice. It ought to be a lect members of an all-state team to
real battle and I think that Pur- Thirty-two Wolverines and Coach represent the state of Michigan at
due is favored only because peo- Harry Kipke, bound for "Gopher the Great Lakes tournament to be
meat," to quote line-coach Wallie held in Cleveland in- the near future.
plh aren't yet convinced that Weber, left Ann Arbor at 5:15 p.m., First and second teams will be sent
Shaughnessy has a really good1yesterday and will arrive in Minne- to this inter-state meet. Outstand-
outfit. apolis at 9:30 a.m., today. The team ing players in the Great Lakes
will take a light workout in the Min- tournament will attend the national
No one would be greatly surprised nesota stadium during the afternoon. competition in Chicago.
western Coach Kipke drilled his gridders
and make Michigan really buckle for two and one-half hours yesterday, The out-of-town players will be
dawn in preparation for next week's before entertained with luncheon at the
down in prepartion forfnextentraining. They were driven Lau t1:0pm isHlaBr
game against the Badgers. The Yale through a strenuous blocking drill, League at men p.m. Miss Hilda Burr
-Dartmouth game is another one on followed by a defensive workout of the Women's Physical Education
which the pickers split, and are likely against Minnesota power plays, and department is in charge of the ar-
to be fooled. concluded by running through their rangements.
Here it is: plays.
Minnesota (10), Michigan (1). Regeczi In Form RUTH GETS AN OFFER
Michigan State (11), Marquette John Regeczi was at his peak as aI ffrT TNT, T.-. n 1- "

tough to me. Illinois-Army is a toss-
up as far as I can see and the relative

Frosh Quit Too strength of the 'two teams doesn't
Coach Ken Doherty, freshman
track coach, has called for a cessa Reach Playoffs In
tion of regular practices for his squad Play
also during the same period. Though e L a
schedules are not yet posted, the
telegraphic meets will not get under;
way until the second semester. The Intramural interfraternity
Cross-country competition will be espeed-ball league has at last reached
the focus of interest next week. The the playoffs. This is the first event
All-Campus run has been scheduled on the intramural calendar to reach
for 4:30 p.m. Monday, and the In- the finals outside of the cross-coun-
dependents will race at the same time try event which was run off in one
on Wednesday. The All-Campus meet afternoon. The majority of the teams
will be a handicap race, and Varsity 1 in the finals last year have again
distance men will be eligible for com- reached the concluding round.'
petition. Delta Upsilon, Theta Chi, and
Two And Ope-Half Mile Course Alpha Omega drew byes in the first
The course for the two meets next round. Phi Beta Delta and Alpha
week' has' been set at two and one- Kappa Lambda will play to deter-
halfmile in engt. (mine the second round opponent of
half miles in length. Delta Upsilon. Tau Delta Phi, Tau
Yesterday's winner of the Interfra- Kappa Epsilon will play and the win-
ternity race was named as Clayton ner will meet Psi Upsilon to clinch
Brelsford, due to an error in com- the fifth position in the draw.
putation. Paul Pinkerton, not run- In the volley-ball league, Lambda;
ning with a team, covered the dis Chi Alpha, Phi Beta Delta, Phi Lamb-
tanc: of one and three-quarters miles da Kappa, and Sigma Alpha Mu have
in 9:15, while Brelsford ran in_9:28. each won four games in their re-
spective leagues of which there are
nine. The leagues will be ready for
MACK'S the playoffs by November 15.
Handball will start November 15,
M E N'S SH 0p and swimming and water polo, Nov.
New Broken Stripe
and Plain ColorL
You can trust their Belmont
label. It always assures you
of materials and tailoring of
high calibre. Collars attached.
All sizes. New ties 25c. Base-


Illinois (8), Army (3).
Pittsburgh (10), Notre Dame (1).
Purdue (6), Chicago (5).
Detroit (11), Oklahoma A.&M. (0).
Iowa (10), Indiana (1).
Northwestern (7), Wisconsin (4).
'Columbia (11), Cornell (0).
Tennessee (10), Fordham (1).
Georgia (9), Florida (2).I
Princeton (11), Harvard (0).
Alabama (11), Kentucky (0).
Southern Methodist (10), Texas
Navy (11), Wash. & Lee (0).
Syracuse (10), Penn State (1).
Stanford (11), U.C.L.A. (0).
Washington (11), Oregon State (0).
Yale (6), Dartmouth (5).
Iowa State (11), Kansas (0).
MINNEAPOLIS, Nov. 1.-(Special)E
-Minnesota's huge Homecoming
Week-end begins pretentiously. Let-
terheads- of the Homecoming com-
mittee, in colored letters a half inch
high, read "Homecoming of the Little
Brown Jug" with the slogan "Mangle
The Oratorical Association
The Popular Economist
Author of "Men and Machineq.""'The
Nemesis of American Business,"
"Your Money's Worth," etc.
speaking on
Hill Auditorium - 8:30 P.M.
Thursday, November 8
Season Tickets (7 numbers)
$3.00 -- $2.75 -- $2.50
Single Admissions 75c and SOc j
Tickets at Wahr's(i

passer, getting more accuracy and
distance than he has at any time pre-
viously. Vincent Aug exhibited excel-
lent form as a pass receiver.
For the second successive day,
Kipke devoted most of his time to the
second team in a defensive drill
against Minnesota formations. The
second stringers include, Rieck and
Savage, ends; Wright and Jacobson,
tackles, Beard and Hanshue, guards;
Fuog, center; Oliver, quarterback, El-
lis and Triplehorn, halfbacks, and
R.emias, fullback. The second string
secondary was extremely weak stop-
ping passing plays.
Kipke was satisfied with the man-
ner in which the Varsity diagnosed
Gopher plays. The boys -displayed
plenty of spirit and they are fully con-
fident they can defeat the Gophers.
Rubbing It In
Coach Bennie Oosterbaan who
scouted Minnesota, has impressed
upon the Wolverines that they will
be up against the Toughest opposi-
tion they will meet all year. As the
reserves ran Minnesota plays, Oos-
terbaan would should "There goes
Lund on that flanker play. He gained
on it every time in the Iowa game."
As the backs swept through tackle,
on a typical Gopher power play, he
yelled "There goes Kostka, he can
really hit a line."
On the other hand, Coach Wallie
Weber has driven inspiration into
the Wolverines. He was constantly
telling them, during blocking drill,
"Block like that Saturday and you'll
beat Minnesota."
MADRID, Nov. 1.-( -Freddie
Miller, who holds a share in the
world's featherweight boxing title, ar-
rived here yesterday to begin prepara-
tions for his fight with Jose Girones,
European and Spanish champion, in
the bull :ring, Nov. 4.
Members of St. Mary's football
team have to write themes on noted
historical spots they come across dur-
ing the course of their gridiron trav-






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"1 I I B

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