The Weather Generally fair, somewhat warmer Friday; Saturday prob- ably showers, warmer. L A6igau Iait Editorials Evangelists In Education What Hope For Man ... VOL. XLV. No. 35 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1934 PRICE FIVE CENTS Ed ucation Me etings Open Here Prof. Ford Calls Amendments Regarding Taxes_'Misleading' Group Given Welcome By Saginaw Woman In First Address Of Session 125 Are Present At Opening Sessions Henderson, Fisher, And Bowman Also Address Initial Meetings One hundred and twenty-five mem- bers gathered yesterday in the Uni- versity High School Auditorium to open the three-day session of the fifth annual Parent Education Institute. Dr. C. A. Fisher, assistant director of the extension division, said yester- day that he expected an increase in the enrollment today. The Institute opened at 10 a.m. when Mrs. D. W. Stewart of Saginaw, president of the Michigan Congress of Parents and Teachers, welcomed the group. , "The Parent-Teacher Asociation stands for parent education," Mrs. Stewart declared. "It is a movement of supreme importance." She denied that the family has passed as a social institution, and chanilenged "it to meet the new so- ciety." Explaining how the P.T.A., with 6,000 members, reaches out all over the State, she called it "a most demo- cratic group." "But it must," she concluded, "have a general social out- look and not confine itself to simple behavior problems." Dr. Henderson Speaks Following her saddress, Dr. William D. Henderson, director of the ex- tension division, told his listeners that "one of the blessings of the depression, and amost hopeful sign for democracy is that people are now beginning to face disagreeable facts and discuss them in public." Dr. Henderson poked. fun at the' present gradeschool system, and said he would start children in school at six years of age, and train them1 from "the point of view of learning, not of passing." He said "we are not through with this depression yet; it may be far from over." He also decried the fact1 that schools must rely on the liquor tax for revenue. In conclusion Dr. Henderson sup- plemented Mrs. Stewart's praise of the P.T.A. by calling it "the one or- ganization fitted by training and far reaching democratic tendencies to take the lead. It occupies a most strategic position." Speaking of their family consul-l tation service, Mrs. Pauline Wilson of the Merrill-Palmer school told members of the Institute of the two- fold project of this service in a speech at 11 a.m. Has Two Aims The consultation service has two aims: a general, permanent aim ofx straightening out social difficulties of all kinds, and a five-year plan of re- search into the life needs of women1 graduates of colleges, with special ref- erence to the higher phases of educa-Y Lion. . There are also placement and em-* ployment bureau departments, deal- ing with religious problems and health questions, and groups handling volun- teer work, social service, hobby clubs, and newcomers to the community. The investigation project calls for detailed research into the completez backgrounds of the persons studied, with a view to discovering what good college has done for the womantgrad- uate, and what it could contribute. After this meeting members ad- journed for luncheon and met again at 1:30 p.m. to hear Dr. C. A. Fisher, assistant director of the extension division, speak on "Toward a Pro- gram of Adult Education In Your Community.", This is the first in a series of articles in which prominent faculty authorities discuss the advisability of passing the amendments to the State Constitution which appear on the ballot Nov. 6. To- day's interviewis with Prof. Robert S. Ford of the economics department. Professor Ford was formerly research investigator for the New York State Tax Commission, and was more re- cently connected with the AAA admin- istration in Washington. By COURTNEY A. EVANS Opposition to the constitutional amendments regarding taxation as proposed on the ballot Nov. 6, was expressed by Prof. Robert S. Ford in an interview with The Daily yester- day because, "they are misleading and contrary to the sound principles of public finance." The amendments to which Profes- sor Ford had reference are those numbered 2, 3, and 5 which appear on the November ballot. The first two would place a constitutional limitation upon the amount of gaso- line and automobile taxes, while num- ber 5 would give the State legisla- ture the power to classify property and impose a general income tax, the proceeds of which would be ear- marked, for public schools. "I am opposed to the taxation amendments," Professor Ford stated, "because they fail to meet the requis- ites of a sound tax system - that it be flexible and elastic." In consideration of the amend- ments numbered 2 and 3, which will 'place constitutional limitations upon the gasoline and automobile indus- tries, Professor Ford pointed out that I there are five main issues to be con- sidered. 1. Granting that the proposed taxation rates may be fair ones, it is not advisable to place a constitu- tional limitation upon such taxes which will restrain the legislature in the future. 2. These taxes will be in lieu of other taxes, thus exempting the auto- mobile and gasoline industries, two of the largest of the state's industries, from the general sales tax and any income tax. 3. Since an equal amount of rev- enue will be needed to run the State, this reduction of taxation will only mean a shift in the tax burden, which may lead to an increase in other taxes, or a restriction of governmental functions. 4. There is no assurance that the consumer will receive the benefit from the reduction in the gasoline tax. "The joker in the amendments which will exempt the industries concerned from the general sales tax, will mean a reduction of more than (Continued on Page 6) House Filled To Capacity For Tibbet Delighted Audience Calls For Ten Encores From Distinguished Singer Many Standing To Hear Performnance Great Reception Follows Singer's Excerpts From 'Emperor Jones' By ROBERT S. RUWITCH Lawrence Tibbett had no difficulty whatsoever last night in living up to his reputation as the most popular i male singer in America. He was called back for noless than 10 encores be- fore a delighted audience at the sec- ond of the season's Choral Union series concerts. . The distinguished baritone was heard by a capacity house in Hill Auditorium, where every seat was oc- cupied and people were standing in the rear of the main floor. Tibbett triumphed from the very outset when he opened the program with a group of three songs: "Bois Epais," by the French composer, Lully, the Italian "Che Fiero Costume," of Legrenzi, and an old English ballad titled "The Bailiff's Daughter." This group was followed by a sec- ond, which included four German songs that the Metropolitan star sang in English. Among these were two Brahms pieces, one by Hugo Wolf, and one by Schubert. Two numbers were then played by Stewart Wille, Mr. Tibbett's accomp- nist. They were an ararngement of a Bach Chorale by Hess and a second Bach number, the "Organ Prelude in G minor," arranged by Siloti. Mr. Wille's performance seemed particularly attractive to the audience and he too was called back for en- cores, two in number. A tremendous ovation followed the singing of Brutus Jones' "Prayer," an excerpt which Mr. Tibbett selected, from the opera which he has made so famous, "Emperor Jones." After the intermission, the popular artist sang a group of three songs: "God's World," by Jacques Wolfe,; Rachmaninoff's "To the Children," Harvard 'Lampoon' Issue Disappears; It Looks Like Yale CAMBRIDGE, Mass., Nov. 1. - (P) -Mystery of deepest blue shrouded the office of the Harvard Lampoon, undergraduate humor magazine, to- night. The accustomed joyous quips were stilled; distraught editors and adver- tising forces paced the floor with leaden steps and even the office boy forgot to be impertinent. Trouble? Plenty of it. Four thou- sand copies of a joint issue of the Lampoon and the Princeton Tiger, which had combined for the first time in history to honor Saturday's re- sumption of football relations be- tween the Crimson and the Orange and Black were missing - gone - stolen, Lampoon men averred. Strange to say, it was the Asso- ciated Press which first brought news of the calamity to the Lampoon's own editorial forces and sent them scurrying in amazed incredulity to the room where, Francis Moore, presi- dent of the Lampoon, said Lampy's printers had "prematurely" deposited the issue last night. The news, it seems, had first been heard on the Yale campus, several hours apparently before Lampy's own men were astir and Moore, although professedly reluctant to believe that anyone from Yale could have had a hand in such a scandalous business, conceded it was not beyond the pos- sibility of belief that the Yale Record knew more about the outrage than it ought. Regent Shields Will Speak On Polities 'Today- Tax Accusations Branded As False By County Auditor Conclude Tryouts For Union Opera Today Final tryouts for the 26th annual Michigan Union Opera will be held from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. today in Room 319 at the Union, accord- ing to Russell McCracken, direc- tor of the production. The cast will include 200 persons. Students interested in trying out for any of the seven production committees of the show are urged to report at the same time. The list of opera committees includes groups on publicity, make-up, scenery and property, music, cos- tumes, personnet, and dances. It is expected that the mem- bership of these committees, as well as the cast of the show, will be announced some time next week. 'Street Scene' To Finish Run i Free Press Says Almost Half Of County Budget To Be Used For FERA Charges Waste In Building New Jail Commission Member Increase In Funds To Rise In Prices By ELSIE PIERCE Says Due 700 To Attend Union Formal Dance Tonigh Charge 0.. U. With 'Commercializing' Of College Spirit (By Intercollegiate Press) COLUMBUS, O., Nov. 1.- Brand- Corsages And F 1o w e r s ing Ohio State University's new plan Banned In Accordance of cadet cheering corps as "commer- cialized college spirit," officials of With Regulation the university Y.M.C.A. and Y.W.C.A. caused no end of controversy when A capacity crowd of 700 will dance they issued a statement bitterly at- to the strains of music provided by tacking the cheering project. Ferde Grofe and his orchestra at the Under the plan, put in effect by the, student senate in co-operation with' first formal student ball of the year, the Department of Military Science, the Fifth Annual Union Formal sophomore cadets in the R.O.T.C. are Dance, at 9 p.m. today in the ballroom to be admitted free to football games of the Union. so they can form a special cheering Only a few tickets remain to be section. sold, according to student committee- Dolores Rupplesburg of the Y.W.-. men, and it is expected that the pres- C.A. minced no words in denouncing ent supply will be completely sold out the sophomore cadets who "goose today step" and yell at the grid games. Thirty-three University officials, "I think that paying people to faculty members, and their wives have cheer," she said, "is commercialized been asked to serve as patrons and college spirit. It discriminates against patronesses for the annual dance, all women students and junior and Stdentsseshirmte nutheardare.senior men, as there are many who' Student co-chairmen of the party are would be only too glad to cheer in George P.W. Wanty, '36, Harold rtr o retces" Strickland, '36E, and Robert W. At-s return for free tickets." kins, '36, all members of the Union Howard D. Willits, secretary of the executive council. Y.M.C.A., insisted that "Ohio State Asistadtonl.forthiwill be the laughing stock of other As is traditional for this dance, Icolleges if we have to subsidize our the ballroom will be simply decorated cheering." with palm plants. Members of the One of the sophomore cadets said executive council will wear blue -rib- O , . . si bons. .."It's a damned nuisance wearing The traditional grand march, which those 'monkey suits' on the campus' all week, and it's worse on Saturday, is usually held at midnight, will be but for free football tickets I'd wear a omitted for the first time in recent sack." years. In accordance with a Union' rule, no corsages or flowers will be per- Slayer Sentenced ! ifft d n tha h llr n drri tor . '.., Activities Of National Local Government To Be Described And Are Regent Edmund C. Shields, '96L, will speak on "Political Trends" at 8 p.m. today in the Tappan school auditorium. He will describe the present ac- and a modern interpretative song,I "Traffic," by Ridgway. 1 tivities of the national and local gov- This group-was followed by a like ernments, and their changing atti- number of encores, which included tudes towards administration. a humorous song entitled "Lullaby," The address will form part of a by Gladys Rich, a negro ballad, public forum, and while it is being "Short'nin' Bread," and Deems Tay- given primarily for the voters of the lor's "A Song For Lovers." sixth and seventh wards, all towns- The final portion of the concert people, and students interested are program found two songs, "Death's invited to attend. Lullaby," by the Russian, Moussorg- Regent Shields graduated from the sky, and "Eleanore" of Coleridge- University, receiving his A.B. in '94, Taylor. and his law degree in '96. He has Then a burst of applause which long been interested in problems of continued for minutes brought back' government, and while he has been the gifted star four more times. He an important factor in the Comstock responded with another song of administration he is expected to give Moussorgsky, the clever "Song of the a non-partisan talk tonight. Flea," Oscar Fox's song of the Texas One of the most prominent attor- cowboy, "Greer County," the humor- I ous "Long Ago In Alcalar," and fin- neys of the state, Regent Shields is all "Dinkto e Oly ithThine a member of the law firm of Shields ally "Drink to Me Only With and Silsbee. He is the newest men- Ey-es..1., ', A.f , +, T- f . 1 ( !' 1 1 1 1 1 1 l t 1 7 l i l 1 t 7 i i 1 1 l It Saturday Night Play Production's Second Offering Of Season To Be 'The Royal Family' The third and final performance of Elmer Rice's Pulitzer Prize play, "Street Scene," will be presented by Play Production at 8:30 p.m. tomor- row in Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. The play is the initial offering of Play Production this season and was given before large audiences on Fri- day and Saturday last week. More than 50 players, approxi- mately all of the members of Play Production, are given an opportunity to act in "Street Scene," as the play embraces an exceptionally large cast. The central plot revolves around the life of the Maurrant family in an East Side New York tenement. Although there are no main charac- ters, as such, the principals include Harlan Bloomer, Grad., and Vir- ginia Frink, '35, as Mr. and Mrs. Maurrant, Mary Pray, Grad., as Rose, the Maurrants' daughter, and Frank Funk, '35, as Sam Kaplan, Rose's sweetheart. The entire setting of the play is the single apartment house in which the Maurrants reside. All action takes place in front of and through the windows of the house. Among the other members of the cast in important roles are John Sil- berman, '35, Max Fuller, Grad., Har- riet Kellerman, '35, and Hattie Bell Ross, Grad.. Tickets for the production are priced at 75, 50 and 35 cents. They are on sale at the box office in Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. During the week of Nov. 18, the players will present as their second offering, George Kaufman's and Edna Ferber's great play, "The Royal Fam- ily." THREATEN OFFICIAL INDIANAPOLIS, Nov. 1.- (P) - Gov. Paul V. McNutt said today threats had been made in Lake coun- ty against the life of J. Edward Barce, assistant attorney-general who has been investigating the March 3 escape of John Dillinger from the Crown Point jail. Statements that citizens of Wash- tenaw county are being oppressively taxed to pay for extravagant FERA relief projects, which were published in the Detroit Free Press yesterday, were branded by L. O. Cushing, Coun- ty auditor, as "either outright lies or misleading interpretation of the facts." The Detroit paper stated that tax- payers are being assessed an addi- tional $75,000 to pay relief projects of the FERA, and in addition that $84,000 or 48 per cent of the county budget for next year is being allotted to these projects. Cushing said, how- ever, that of the $84,000 only $8,065 is being spent on FERA projects. The rest of the money, although it is used for, welfare purposes, goes to support permanent institutions which take care of the needy citizens of the county who do not come under the FERA, and is ,no larger a sum than was allotted to these institu- tions before the FERA was organized. $40,000 is spent on mothers' pensions, $24,000 for the care of tubercular pa- tients, $12,500 for the care of the insane, $36,000 for adult hospital cases, $2,500 for patients with con- tagious diseases, $25,000 for the county poor farm, $500 for children's aid, and $500 for indigent boys. Money Not Taken From Taxes It was also charged that Wash- tenaw county is being assessed an additional $75,000 "for immediate welfare needs" by a dictatorial State Emergency Relief Administration. Cushing said, however, that this state- ment is untrue, inasmuch as the $75,000 does not come from the coun- ty taxes, and is not used by the FERA projects. The money is taken from the state income tax funds, and although it is true that some of the citizens of the county have contributed to the amount, the whole burden does not fall upon this county. He also said that the money was not arbitrarily demanded for emergency relief, but was a customary appropriation which has been allotted for several 'years. The sum which is to be raised this year is a decrease of $20,000 from last year's amount. Charges were also made by the Free Press that the largest work proj- ect, the erection of the new county jail "has been an especial problem to the county," and like so many other projects in Michigan represents a cost of almost double the original esti- mate, "and is wasting taxpayers" funds to the extent of a $1,000 a week payroll to'welfare workers. Increased Estimate C. E. Elliott, a member of the .Emergency Relief Commission, in answering these accusations, said that th6 original estimate of $64,000 had been increased only 50 per cent to a total of $90,000, and that this increase was not caused by construction delays but was a result of the unforeseen rise in the prices of materials caused by the NRA. Another reason was that the county had, at a later date, decided to use a better quality of ma- terials. Although Elliott said labor costs did reach $1,000 at one time, this fig- ure was maintained only for a short period. The payroll at the present time is only $500 a week, and, accord- ing to Elliott, this figure will be cut even more within a few weeks. He also stated that the Free Press' ac- cusation that no more funds are available to buy materials needed to complete the building was without foundation, since it will be completed in two or three weeks. Not Completely Furnished "It is true," Elliott declared, "that the building will not be completely furnished down to the last detail, but we realized that we would not have the money to do that when the esti- mate was first made and w hav not k mLi inl ea bin Uauroom, accor ango o Allen D. McCombs, '35, president. I The office of the dean of women has granted late permission for all women students allowing them to remain out until 2:30 a.m. The dance music will stop at 2 a.m.I By Judge Sample Raymond Gimmey, 24 years old, was sentenced yesterday by Judge George W. Sample to five years pro- bation and $100 costs for causing the death of his wife when he struck her BARROW TO SPEAK HERE l during a quarrel Oct. 18. Walter Barrow, assistant United I Earlier yesterday, Gimmey plead States attorney-general, will address guilty to a charge of manslaughter. Washtenaw County Democrats here "I want to get this thing over with," at 8 p.m. Saturday in the court he said at that time. "I ask nothing room of the county building. of the court." Michigan Union Opera To Be 'A Noisy And Satirical Revue' By JOSEPHINE T. McLEAN The 1934 Union Opera is to be defi- nitely in the tradition of those noisy Stresses Need Of Project satirical revues such as "Of Thee I As his first point he stressed the Sing" and "As Thousands Cheer, need of starting the community proj- declared Russell McCracken, director ect at the educational level of the of this year's production. "Ensembles community, pointing out the danger in a satirical vein, treated rthymical- of being either too far advanced or ly and sometimes in pantomine are retarded for any specific group, being substituted for the pony chorus His second demand was "don't be type of dance routine of the 'Rio exclusive." The program, he ex- Rita' era." ' plained, should not be limited to the This 26th annual Michigan Unionj group organizing it. Wherever the Opera will be presented from Dec. 10 movement starts, it is bound to end'to 15 in the Lydia Mendelssohn up as a widespread project. Theatre. The book, which has not The third order was to let the been titled as yet, was submitted by people study what they want to study. Kyril Conger, '36M. "Adult study," said the speaker, is Stress is being placed on the music good where it brings out something fressridubein,"plcronkenuc creative in the individual." He con- for the production," McCracken con- cluded by offering individuals all the ine.The music isn't just to be scores for Walt Disney's Mickey Mouse Cartoons. "The lyrics are satirical and, horsey," explained the director. "Even the scenery is in a modern manner. It is to be stylized and painted in brilliant colors, and will play as im- portant a part in the production as any of the actors. "A definite plot differentiates the opera from an absolute revue. The situation is an impossible one wherein' the principal characters get involved in the business of presenting a rip- roaring kidnaping melodrama, after having rid themselves of the'author of the piece." College, but not a local setting will be the background. Instead of por- traying campus celebrities as in "With Banners Flying," last year's show, Conger's book includes many char- Band To Leave At 5:10 Today For Minnesota Its final drill run through on Fer- ry Field yesterday, the Varsity Band will leave Ann Arbor at 5:10 p.m. today for Minneapolis - its first in- vasion of the Minnesota stronghold! since the band was founded 75 years ago. One hundred and fourteen mem- bers of the band and its staff will en- train at the Michigan Central sta- tion for Chicago, from there they will proceed by the Chicago, Mil- waukee, St. Paul and Pacific Rail- road to Minneapolis. Joseph Horak, '35, head cheerlead- er, will accompany the band on the train, which will also carry student and alumni rooters. The band will participate Saturday morning in Minnesota's huge Home- coming Parade on Nicollet Avenue, Minneapolis, and will leave for Chi- cago and Ann Arbor Saturday night. Stuart Chase Will Speak Here Nov.8 Stuart Chase, eminent author and Bugle Calls Michigan Students' To South American Battlefield ber of the board of regents of the Uni- versity, being elected in 1933. For long, he has been one of the most active of the University's alumni, and has been keenly interested in the, problems of the school. He is a fre-I quent visitor in Ann Arbor between meetings of the board. Regarded as an authority on pub- lic affairs, he is one of the most prom- inent members of the Democratic party in Michigan. During his car- eer, he combined the three functionsl of political administrator, education- al administrator, and attorney. By MARSHALL D. SHULMAN Four thousand miles south of here, from the heart of South America, a bugle sounds a call to arms; it echoes faintly down the campus walks, and six students lay down their books to take up arms. Bolivia sends a -call to its youth the world over. Hostilities with Paraguay over the Chaco district are being re- newed; this smouldering controversy flames again, and fighting blood is needed. Quebracho, a South American- tree whose bark is very useful in the tan- ning of leather, grows abundantly in the Chaco district. Paraguay has Valverde, is now flying in the Bolivian air force. The cavalry has claimed another. G. Terrazas, who responded to the call this July, Is m the cav- alry; G. ae la Reza and F. H. Pacheco are in the engineering corps. The ar- tillery has claimed E. Barrazan, and C. Rios has chosen the infantry. Many times in the last few years the call has come, but occasionally the Bolivian government has overlooked the matter of money for travelling ex- penses, and so there are three Boliv- ian students on the campus who are awaiting the call to come again with some of those green Bolivian dollars. J. Jauregui Alcazar, one of the re- maining students, says that latest ad-