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November 01, 1934 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1934-11-01

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The Weather
Fair and cold tixlay; tomor-
row increasing cloudiness and





Pickem Pool Passes Onr
The Class Election Farce . .


VOL. XLV. No. 34





Fifth Meeting
Of Education
Group Today
Enrollment, Conferences,
Addresses, Will Feature
Tax Amendment To
Be Subject Of Talk
Nome And Community To
Be Discussed By Child
Study Director
Enrollment of members, confer-
ences, and addresses will feature the
bpening session today of the fifth
annual Parent Education Institute,
which is convening here for a session
to continue through Saturday.

Chairman Of FERA Committee
Defends Public Works Projects

Commenting in regard to the recent
attack by the Detroit Free Press on
the FERA public works projects now
underway in Washtenaw County, Prof.
Lewis W. Gram, chairman of the Uni-
versity FERA committee, said yester-
day that as far as the University proj-
ects, which cover a considerable por-
tion of the entire county relief work,
are concerned, all have proved to be
well-conceived, sound in construc-
tion, and efficiently administered.
Denies Charges
The charges made by the Detroit1
Free Press Tuesday stated that
"Washtenaw finds much of its distress
arising from an ill-conceived public
works program," and continued to cite
the Ann Arbor High auditorium proj-
ect as an "example of bungling" and
"a relief job proving dangerous to lives
as well as proving expensive."
In replying to these charges Pro-,
fessor Gram said that the important
part taken by the University in the
county's "ill-conceived" public works
program has resulted in large sav-
ings to the operating costs of the

ample of the University's relief works
in the power substation that has been
constructed adjacent to the Uni-
versity to supplant the transformers
formerly located in the basement of
the Hospital. This FERA project, Pro-
fessor Gram stated, has proved to be
a "relief job proving a safeguard to
lives, and has considerably econo-
mized the electrical operating cost of
the Hospital."
Many Projects Completed
Among other projects that have
been completed under FERA and CWA
finances have been the extension of
electrical servicing by the University
power plant to the Ferry Field ath-
letic buildings and stadium, the con-
struction of a low-pressure heating
tunnel leading from the central heat-
ing system to the architectural school
and to the University high, and the
addition of some 600,000 square feet
to the area of the basement floor of
the East Engineering building.
In each of these projects, Professor
Gram said, there has been no evi-
dences of waste, faulty construction,
or poor administration. "There can be
little cause for criticism against any
or all of the FERA projects con-
nected with the University."

Tibbett Sings
Tonight For
Choral Union
Program Marks The Fifth
Appearance Of Popular
Artist In Ann Arbor
Personality Makes
Star Great Favorite

To Sing Excerpts
'Emperor Jones,'
Known Opera


Prominent speakers on today's pro- University and extensive additions to
gram include Dr. W. D. Henderson, the value of the University's educa-
director of the extension division, tional facilities.
Mrs. D. W. Stewart, president of Professor Gram cited a typical ex-
the Michigan Congress of Parents'
and Teachers, and Dr. LeRoy E. Bow-"
man of the Child Study Association Qun-te te ters
of America.
Dr. Henderson and Mrs. Stewart Traced Here
will give the opening addresses of
the institute at 10 a.m. in the Uni-
versity High School Auditorium. U S. Detectives
Addresses Meeting Tonight
Dr. Bowman will address a meeting
at 7:30 p.m. in the Lydia Mendelssohn Over $175 Passed Since
Theatre on "The Home and the Com- Illinois-Michigan Game
munity." Mrs. Stewart will address
the same meeting and will explain Last Saturday
the Parent and Teachers' stand on
the tax amendments to be voted on With approximately $200 in coun-
in Tuesday's election, particularly the terfeit bills circulated in Ann Arbor
weight tax amendment. Arrange- since last Saturday, United States
ments will be made for an inter-
mission at this meeting for those who secret service men from Detroit have
wish to attend the Lawrence Tibbett begun an intensive search for the

Every Good Team
Ought To Have At
Least One Of These
WASHINGTON; Oct. 31. - (P) -
Huey P. Long's gridiron argosy to
Nashville last week has brought him
into demand as a football crowd-
George Washington University,
which meets' Huey's 9thletes, Louis-
iana State University's Tigers, here on
Nov. 10, wants the Kingfish to come
along and beat the tomtoms for the
ball game.t
With the plump and hilarious sen-
ator twirling the baton, Louisiana
rode into Tennessee last week, attract-'
ed a huge bunch of fans, and elim-
inated Vanderbilt from the unbeaten
ranks, pouring on the touchdowns for
a 29 to 0 victory.
Both unbeaten, George Washington
and Louisiana are sure to draw a good
"house" ten days hence. But with the
Kingfish as an added attraction,

Lawrence Tibbett, the spectacular
American operatic star who has won
popular acclaim never before accorded
to a baritone, will give the second
concert of the Choral Union series atj
8:15 p.m. today in Hill Auditorium.
Mr. Tibbett's appearancetonightl
will be his fifth in Ann Arbor, as he
has been heard three, times as a
May Festival soloist and once before
on the Choral Union series. His Ann
Arbor debut was made in the Fes-
tival of 1925 with outstandng suc-
cess, and successive appearances in
1927, 1929, and 1932 saw him triumph-
ant among local music-lovers.
Program Is Attractive
The program which he has prepared
for tonight's concert has been termed
"particularly attractive," including
among the various numbers excerpts
from the famous opera, "Emperor
Jones" which has commanded such;
universal attention.
Mr. Tibbett, like Rosa Ponselle, who
opened the series last week, is known
for an outstanding personality. He is
endeared to audiences throughout the
country, primarily because his name
and fame are "American made." Since
his first great triumph at the Metro-
politan Opera House, his fame has
mounted to where he is snow the out-
standing male singer of the country
in popularity.
Star Is Versatile
His work is not confined to the
operatic stage, for Mr. 'TIibbett is as
well known as a star of the concert
stage, the motion pictures, and the

U.Of C..Action
Incurs Wrath
Of Collegians
Suspension Of Five For
Alleged Radical Activity
Brings Much Criticismn
Official Defends His
Ruling In Statement
Three Hundred Students
Vote In Favor Of One.
Hour Protest Strike
SAN FRANCISCO, Calif., Oct. 31--,
(P-Collegians at Stanford and Cali-
fornia universities fumed today
against the suspension of five stu-
dents at the University of California
at Los Angeles for alleged radical
Three hundred of the 12,000 en-
rolled at the University of California
in Berkeley voted in favor of a one-t
hour protest strike unless the five;
are reinstated. Some Stanfordites
circulated a protest petition and the
Stanford Daily printed an editorial
berating the U.C.L.A. faculty's atti-
Provost Ernest C. Moore of the
U.C.L.A. said the agitation resolved
into the question who was running
the University.
Defends His Suspension
He defended his suspensions with
the assertion his campus was a "hot-
bed of communism," and added it
was a question "whether the consti-
tuted authorities should run the uni-
versity or whether we should turn it
over to the control of an unorganized
group of communists."
The mass meeting at Berkeley hoot-
ed his stand as against the right of
student self - government.mThey
threatened to smash the camera of]
a photographer who said he had been
hired by the University Buildings and
Grounds Department to take pictures
of the gathering.
Photographer Is Released
The photographer was released un-
disturbed after cooler heads had
argued against violence.e
The Daily Californian, Berkeley!
c a m p u s publication, questionedt
whether "any five students in anyi
university could have power and in-z
fluence to 'use their offices to destroy
the university by handing it over to1
the communists.' If that condition
actually prevails at U.C.L.A. - well,
it must be an awfully queer campus."r
From the Stanford Daily came
the editorial charge that the wholet
trouble was engendered by state poli-c
tics and that the university authori-
ties sought to prevent "an open forum
discussion of the state election."
"What are they trying to turn out1
as graduates - gentlemen and intelli-
gent citizens or plain nincompoops?"
the editorial demanded. r

Washtenaw Party
Sweeps Senior Lit
'Posts In Election

Concert at 8:15 in Hill Auditorium.
At 11 a.m. Mrs. Pauline Wilson
will conduct a Family Consultation
Service at the Merrill-Palmer School.
Dr. C. A. Fisher, assistant director
of the University extension division,
will. address a 1:30 p.m. meeting in
University High School Auditorium.
The topic of his talk will be "Toward
a Program of Adult Education in
Your Community."
To Hold Conference

group which passed $75 bogus money
at the Illinois-Michigan game and
more than $100 to local merchantsa
since then.
Harry Tillotson, ticket manager for
the Board in Control of Physical Edu-
cation,. reported to government oper-
atives that six ten dollar and three
five dollar bills were discovered to be
bogus by employes of the board en-
gaged in checking the money. One{
bill was refused by a ticket-seller,

Uncertain Gunman,
Timid Frosh Stage
A Double Retreat
A startled, panting freshman pledge
darted into the Sigma' Phi house
Monday night, to tell the elder broth-
ers of a light scrimmage he had just
undergone with a would-be bandit.
When Richard Kendrick, '38, on his
way home from the house about 11
p.m. was walking up Catherine St.
in the vicinity of the hospital, a
man waving a gun stepped from the
shadows with a command to "stick
'em up." Kendrick, still shivering
from a tubbing he had just received,
was a bit slow in raising his arms,
and the bandit, taking this for a sign
of resistance, threw a punch at his
victim with his free hand, but missed.
Kendrick, seeing an opening, came
right back with a long, vigorous left,
and the bandit turned and ran. Tak-
ing the opportunity for a little warm-
ing up, the freshman laid the bandit
low with a flying tackle, jarring the
latter's gun from his hand.
The bandit recovered and set out at
a terrific speed; Kendrick set out
with even greater speed, but in the
opposite direction.
Equal Chance
In Education
Plea OfGroup
Emergency Commission
Plans To Help Children
During Depression
That equal educational opportun-
ity for all the childien in the nation
shall not be periled during the pres-
ent financial exigency is the primary
purpose of the Joint Commission On
the Emergency in Education, accord-
ing to resolutions adopted at its
recent meeting in Chicago.
The Joint Commission was ap-
pointed by the National Education
Association and the Department of
Superintendence. Dean James B. Ed-
monson of the school of education,
was among the leaders in educa-
tional fields chosen for service on the
Appraisal of the present education-
al methods and curriculums to en-
able the schools to meet new needs
presented by a changing social, in-
dustrial, and economic order is stated
as the secondary purpose of the com-
Among the subjects considered at
the recent Chicago meeting were:
Federal government aid to schools,
the effects of the drought on the
schools, and anticipated school legis-
From leaders in education and child
welfare, 860 consultants have been
chosen from all parts of the United
States to act as advisers to the mem-
bers of the Commission.
CHICAGO, Oct. 31.- (RP) -Federal
Judge James H. Wilkerson today over-
ruled motions for directed verdicts of
not guilty filed in behalf of 15 mail
fraud trial co-defendants of Samuel
Insull and his son, Samuel, Jr.

George Washington envisions a sell- Individual tickets fr tonight's con-
out and perhaps an all-time high cert will be on sale at the box office
for capital contests. in Hill Auditorium. They are priced!
What with Georgia reportedly of- at $1, $1.50, and $2 each. Some sea-
fering Louisiana a game next fall "if son tickets are still available for the
they bring Huey along" and George remainder of the series including the

At 3:15 p.m. there will be two con- and this is believed to have givenf
ferences in University High School. the money-passers warning.
Mrs. Stewart will lead the one on During this week all four local;
"The Part the Home Should Play in banks report the receipt of the coun-
Parent Education, and Dr. Ralph C. terfeit bills, chiefly in deposits made
McAfee, executive secretary of the by business houses. All the fake bills!
Detroit Council of Churches, will ex- were of five and ten dollar denomina-
plain "The Purpose and Program-'of tions.
the Legion of Decency." Describing the counterfeiters' work,
. Alfred F. Staeb, cashier of the Ann
The Parent Education Institute is Arbor Savings Bank, said yesterday
sponsored .by the extension division that the five's were poor imitations
of the University, the Michigan Con- but that the ten's were much harder
gress of Parents and Teachers, and bt t en s erfes m
the School of Education. to identify as counterfeits.
Herman F. Gross, cashier of the
The enrollment fee for the institute State Savings Bank, further describ-
this year is $1 for the entire three ed the bills. He said that the one
days or 50 cents for one day or a ten dollar bill which his bank had;
single session. The meeting tonight received seemed as if "it had been
at the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre put through the wash." He did not
a panel discussion that will be held suggest any other means of identifi-
on Friday, and the luncheon on Sat- cation, although he said there was
urday noon, when Dr. Paul F. Voelk- an unofficial report that all the coun-
er, State superintendent of public in- terfeit bills had the same serial num-
struction, will speak, are all open to ber.j

Washington clamoring for
ence, Long has made quick
an apprentice in his new

his pres-
strides as

Opera Tryouts To
ReportThis Week
Further tryouts for committee posi-

Tibbett performance. They are priced
at $5, $7, and $8.50 and may be pro-!
cured at the School of Music, Maynard
The third concert, to be given on
Nov. 19, will feature the Don Cossack
Russian Male Chorus, consisting of
36 expatriated officers of the Russian
Imperial army, known as the "Horse-
men of the Steppes."j

New Deal Party Takes
All Engineering School
Senior Positions
Orvil Aronson Wins
In Business School
Independents Seize Slim
Medical School Majority
In Close Ballot
Polling more than 200 votes, the
candidates of the Washtenaw-Coali-
tion party yesterday were elected to
all four positions in the senior class
literary college election by a landslide
majority over the State Street-Cam-
pus Coalition faction.
George Lawton, Trigon and Wash-
tenaw party presidential candidate,
was accorded the most one-sided ma-
jority on record over Alfred Plummer,
Phi Gamma Delta and State Street
nominee. The vote was 243 to 67.
The Washtenaw candidates for the
vice-presidency and secretaryship,
Margaret Mustard, Pi Beta Phi, and
Marion Bertsch, Martha Cook inde-
pendent, respectively, were unopposed
when the women named by the State
Street party withdrew from the elec-
Shaw Is Secretary
The position of class treasurer went
to Lee C. Shaw, Phi Delta Theta, by a
margin of 242 to 68. He was opposed
by Frederick Jones, Phi Sigma Kappa.
In the engineering college, the New
Deal party placed all five of its can-
didates in office. However, in no case
was there a margin of more than 22
votes between the nominees. Sam Tra-
montana, Phi Kappa, at the head of
the New Deal ticket, was elected pres-
ident by a margin of 77 to 60 over
Charles Weinfeld, Phi Epsilon Pi.
Julius F. Bartus, Frank DuLyn,
Robert Phohman, and Joseph Wagner
were chosen for the positions of vice-
president, secretary, treasurer, and
honor council member, respectively.
Aronson Is Elected
The eight seniors who balloted
in the business administration school
voted unanimously to elect Orvil Ar-
onson to the class presidency, Robert
Shaw to the vice-presidency, Louis
Klass to the secretaryship, and Robert
Allmand to the treasurer's position.
An unusually heavy vote was cast
in the law school elections with Wil-
liam Babcock winning the presidency
by a margin of five votes over Rich-
ard Angell. Babcock polled 58 votes.
Herbert A. Milliken gathered the
largest margin in the balloting for the
vice-presidency when he defeated
John Piester by a count of 66 to 30.
Ellsworth Allison and Milton J Mil-
ler were elected to the secretaryship
and treasurer's position, respectively,
over Evelyn Nielson and Leonard
Independents Successful
The independent ticket won the
medical school election by a slim ma-
jority with William B. Taylor, presi-
dential candidate, being placed in of-
fice by a margin of 10 votes. Sol Baker
was chosen to the vice-presidency,
Marcus Weiner to the secretaryship,
and Mark S. -Donovan to the treas-
urer's post.
This was the first time in twenty
years that the independents in a sen-
ior medical class organized a ticket
and elected it over a strongly organ-
ized fraternity group.
Merrill W. Michels and Edwin R.
McKnight were elected to the honor
The senior class in the dental school
unanimously elected Bruce Fuller,
president, Jan K. Frowing, vice-presi-
dent, Dwight A. Jackson, secretary,
and Bernard Weintraub, treasurer.
Carl Hilty, '35, president of the
Undergraduate Council, announced
last night that senior classes in other
schools and colleges may hold an

election at a later date by petition-
ing the Council. All such petitions
must have at least ten signatures,
Hilty stated.
The junior classes in all schools and
colleges will elect their officers Wed-
Alpha Nu Debaters
Hear Court Topic
The negative team was awarded
victory by Alpha Nu members yes

tions and, parts in the cast of the NSL M eeting Is
26th annual Michigan Union operai
to be presented Dec. 10 to 15 in the IAddressed
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre will be By

the public.
Federal Wages
Will Be Raised,
Says Roosevelt
Predict Rise In Prices As
Result Of The Levelling
Effort By President
WASHINGTON, Oct. 31.- (P) - An
administration determination to lift
prices and values higher during the
next eight months was evidenced to-
day in a presidential decree that gov-
ernment salaries would be restored to
the pre-depression level by next July 1.
Mr. Roosevelt, making known his
intention at his semi-weekly press
conference, revealed that the budget
for the new fiscal year would include
funds for replacing the last five per-
cent of the 15 that this administration
lopped off of federal salaries.
The cost of living will be high
enough by July 1, when the next fiscal
year begins, to justify the salary in-
crease, the President declared. He
does not expect it to be high enough
by the end of this year to warrant the

Payments Not Yet Made
By Pool Representative
Late last night no payment had
been made by the Ann Arbor repre-
sentative of the Pickem Pool who had
previously announced that because of
the default in the bet payments, the
money which had been put up would
be refunded.
Efforts have been made to contact
the Cleveland offices of the organiza-
tion, but as yet these have been un-

conducted today and tomorrow, ac-
cording to Russell McCracken, di-
rector of the. show.
All students interested in parts in
the show or committee positions are
asked to report from 3 p.m. to 4:30
p.m. today or from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m.
tomorrow in Room 316 and 320 of
1 the Union.
The cast tryouts will be divided
into groups of dancers and singers,
according to McCracken. Those who
are interested in singing parts are
asked to bring music for demonstra-
tion purposes, while students trying'
out for speaking parts will be re-
quested to read some manuscript of
their own choice.
Approximately 50 students reported
for tryouts yesterday. It was empha-
sized that four times that number
will be required to fill all the cast


Prof. Meader!
I Discuss Relationship'Of
Economics And Recent
Social Trends
The relationship existing between,
economic trends and scientific, relig-
ious, and literary trends was dis-
cussed last night by Prof. Clarence L.
Meader, of the general linguistics de-
partment, before a meeting of the
National Student League in the
Professor Meader employed a chart
marked with vertical colored strips of
varying widths to illustrate the rela-
tive expansion and contraction of hu-
man activity under these general di-I
In discussing the economic situa-
tion, Professor Meader pointed out
that the chart revealed a condition of
concentrated wealth in the United
States at the present time compar-
able to thehcondition in Russia just
before the Revolution.
Developing the theme that econo-
mics is the principle factor in the
interdependent aspects -of life, Pro-
fessor Meader continued by showing
that along with the evolution of the
present economic system has come a
widening in the scope of science, a
retreat of theology before the advance
of ethics and rationality in religion,
and a spurt, particularly in Russia, in
the amount of literature dealing with
the proletarian point of view.
Russia, Professor Meader declared,,
is the new leader in all cultural ac-
tivities, since there the principle of

Girls Can't Go Nude
Lest Forests Flame
(By Intercollegiate Press)
SALT LAKE CITY, Utah, Oct. 31.-
Fear of forest fires has made it nelces-
sary to refuse nine Salt Lake City
girls the right to go nude in the Saw-
tooth National Forest of Idaho.
The nine girls asked permission to
occupy a camp site in the nude from
M. S. Benedict, supervisor of the for-
est. In explaining his refusal, he said:
"Sawtooth days and nights are cold
and the girls would have to build fires.
The forest fire hazard would be too

Negro Actor Has Played Role
Of'DeLawd'For Many Years

Number Of Foreign Students
In University Has Increased
Foreign student registration at the Porto Rico comes next with 13; the
University has increased almost 15- Philippine Islands have 9; India 6;
per cent this year, the aggregate fig- Turkey, 6; Hawaii, Germany, Eng-
ure for this semester being 215 n- land each have 5; Korea, 4; Scotland,
ureforths smeterbeng 15non- 3; Switzerland, Hungary, Iraq, Do-
American students. The number of minican Republic and Japan, 2 each.
foreign students last year was 187. The list of countries represented by
These figures, obtained from ad- one student on the campus is: Al-'
vance copies of the International Di- bania, Australia, Brazil, Cuba, Den-
rectory, apply only to students who mark, France, Guatemala, Italy, Java,
claim citizenship in another country, Panama, Persia, Poland, South Wales,
not to those who were born abroad Sumatra, and the Union of South
and who have become American cit- Africa.
izens. A number of nationalities are pres-

Unheralded by any golden trump-
ets, not even followed by his retinue
of pickaninny cherubs, "De Lawd"'
arrived in Ann Arbor yesterday morn- I
ing. For Richard B. Harrison, the,
72-year-old Negro actor who rose to
thespian heights in "The Green
Pastures," the performance last night
marked his 1,534th enactment of the
famous role. And though the last
trumpet has blown for two Gabriels,
and a Moses, and a Noah, and a high
priest in the play have been gather-
ed to their father, "de Lawd" still
treads the boards in the character
he made famous.
Resembles A Patriarch
Looking the part of a Biblical pa-
triarch, white-headed and benevolent,

the Mansfield theatre on Broadway,
Feb. 26, 1930, Mr. Harrison has never
missed a single performance. During
that time the little angels, to whom
he acts as father while the play is on,
the road, have grown most prodig-
iously big, and several have had to
be replaced, Mr. Harrison relates that
Connelly, the author, attending a
rehearsal, listened for a moment to
one cherub's supposedly soprano
chirp, and remarked, "Gee, I guess
you'll have to put him in the bass
section of the choir."
Mother Was Slave
Mr. Harrison's mother was a slave
in Missouri, and his father a slave
in Kentucky. "They both ran away
to Canada around 1854, and they met

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