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October 31, 1934 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1934-10-31

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Gates Comments'
On His Findinffs
In Restaurants,
Health Officer Describes
Minor Violations Noted
In Eating Places
Asks Students' Help
All Boarding Houses May
Not Have Been Properly
Inspected, He Says'
Amplifying his report on Ann Ar-I
bor restaurants, Dr. Lloyd R. Gates,
deputy health officer of Ann Arbor,
stated yesterday that "what restau-
rants are like when the inspector is
around and what they are like the
rest of the time may be two different:
Dr. Gates said that students could
help in the enforcement of local
health regulations by reporting viola-
tions to the department or to the
restaurant proprietor.
Minor violations noted by the in-
spector in various eating places from
time to time include lack of general
cleanliness, presence of odor, unused
plates exposed to flies, glasses not'
thoroughly washed or completely
dried, neither paper nor cloth napkins
available, baked goods on display not
enclosed with screens or covers, or
properly wrapped, cats, dogs, and flies
in eating places, milk not served in1
original containers, cracked dishes,
no ice-boxes, garbage cans uncovered,
dirty towels used or no hand washing
facilities for employees.
'Restaurateurs Careless'
"It may seem," Dr. Gates said, "that
every restaurant owner would take
care of such things. But such is not
the case. Last year we found that
the Socialist Club co-operative board-
ing house on East Ann Street was try-
ing to do 'business without an ice-
box or refrigeration facilities of any
The health officer stated that
glasses which are improperly sterilized
might be considered a major healtht
menace. Sometimes, he added, a dirty
towel is used in drying them, or they
are not thoroughly dried. Dampness,t
dirt, and temperature are essentialsk
for the transmission of disease germs,k
he stated.c

Is Making Australia-T o-Ainerica Air Flight

Y.M.C.A. Headsi
To Meet Herea
Starting Nov. 9
Russell F. Anderson Toj
Direct Entire Program
Of Conference
The conference of the presidents
'f the Y.M.C.A. organizations in mid-
western schools will open at 8 p.m.,
Nov. 9, in Lane Hall. Russell F. An-
derson, '36, president of the Student
Christian Association, is directing the
rogram of the entire conference.I
The first meeting of the group willI
oe given over completely to deciding!
what topics will be discussed during
,he remainder of the conference.
Saturday morning, following break-:
fast, the discussion will begin with;
Prof. Robert Angell of the sociology
department in charge. At noon the,
delegates will have dinner at the
Plans have been made for the mem-
bers to attend the Michigan-Wiscon-
sin game. The Board in Control of
Athletics has granted a special rate
for those delegates who wish to see the
Sessions will continue Saturday
night at the Michigan League, and
the final meeting will be held Sun-
day morning, under the leadership of:
Dr. E. W. Blakeman, religious coun-
sellor to students.
Those who will be present as dele-
gates are: Ralph Wareham, Iowa, Vin;
Borderud, Northwestern, R o b e r t
Dierks, Minnesota, John M. 'Porter,
Purdue, Jack Bricker, Western Re-
serve, Frank Seaman, Illinois, Edwin
Wilkie, Wisconsin, Robert Ives, Ohio
State, Robert C. Johnson, Cincinnati,
John Longsworth, Adrian, Rollo May
and John Bratton, Michigan Stater
Albert Stickney, Hillsdale, Harold
Bodley, Kalamazoo, and Joe Esther,
j Hope.
Ralph Heilman, student secretary
of the greater Detroit Colleges, and:
Fred Burner, representative of the
Y.M.C.A. national and state associa-
tion, will also be in attendance.

Hospital Stall Poisoning
Cause Not Yet Certain
Exact identification of the cause
of food poisoning of 150 members off
the University Hospital staff had not
been completed last night, Dr. Harley
A. Haynes. director of the Hospital,
Dr. Haynes said that the bacteriolo-
gists were working industriously on
the problem, but that it would take
some time before accurate results
could be obtained.
All of those suffering from food
poisoning, except 26, had been dis-
charged yesterday morning, he stated.

Dr. Florer To Lecture
On Life Of Martin Luther'
Dr. W. W. Florer, formerly of the
German department, will give anI
illustrated lecture on the life of Mar-I
tin Luther at 8:00 p.m., today in;
St. Paul's Church, corner of Liberty
and Third Streets.
Dr. Florer will use the noted
Swain's pictures of scenes in Luth-
er's life for illustrations. He will;
emphasize the preparation of the
great German for his translation ofI
the Bible, and will contrast Luth-
er's conception of liberty with that,
of Hitler.,

Fencing Lessons To Be
Given Advanced R.O.T.C.
Fencing lessons will be available
to members of the advanced unit of
the R.O.T.C. according to Lieut.-Col.
Frederick Rogers, commandant of
the Corps.
John Johnstone of the intramural
department, and coach of the tennis
team, will be the instructor. The
series will be free of charge. It
will be held Monday, Tuesday, Wed-
nesday, and Thursday at 5:00 p.m.
in Waterman Gymnasium.
Sabres will be the weapon studied
most by the class
American college men have a sure instinct
for improvements in apparel that add to the
smartness of the things they wear. A typical
instance of this style-sense was the nation-
wide approval of the Kover-Zip fly by
"best-dressed" seniors at the great univer-
sities from coast to coast. Here are some of
many comments on this invisible seamline
closure by college men who were selected
as "best-dressed":

i "

' Ll2C2 0 n




-Associated Press Photo
After a flight of 3,197 miles in 25 hours and five minutes from the
Fiji Islands, Sir Charles Kingsford-Smith brought his monoplane Lady
Southern Cross to a successful landing in Honolulu to complete another
lap in his Australia-to-America flight. He is shown here with his infant
Inerease In Oral Surgery Library
Named For Dr. Lyons
Selfare Dr. Chalmers J. Lyons of the School
of Dentistry was recently honored
is ts Shown by the Chalmers J. Lyons Club
through the naming of a library in
the oral surgery department of the
Approximately 12,000 people are ,on University Hospital after him.
the welfare lists of the Washtenaw The library will be for the use of
County FERA, it was announced yes- those men under the service of Dr.
teray.Sevntyfiv ne caes aveLyons at the Hospital, and although
terday. Seventy-fivo the rolls during Octo- the number of books is not large at
ber, increasing the total number of present, the library was dedicated
cae, to sght7anuwith the hope that it will develop,
cases to 2,750. . and prove a lasting tribute to Dr.
Although the majority of the fami-Lyns'prok.t
lies are. taken care of at the present gLyons' work.
t in wn At the meeting of the club when

APPAREL ARTS, men's style authority, says:
"Every forward-looking men's store merchant ought to take a trip
to the Princeton campus. The point of this would be.. . some-
thing of an intangible nature that goes by the name of fashion."
Princeton men have never approved the bizarre
or the extreme in apparel. Therefore the statement
of Gommy, Incorporated, famous Princeton tailor
and specialist in men's wear, is important.
. .* . . . . . . . says: The difference between
fine tailoring and common-
place work is all in the attention given to what some people
call little things: Every detail of a man's clothes is important
to us, that is why we equip the trousers made in our shop with
the Kover-Zip fly. In both style and fit, it is superior to the
buttoned fly and is a big improvement over the ordinary un-
covered zipper because the metal is hidden."
Princeton men have endorsed Kover-Zip, the in-
visible seamline closure for trousers, as an essential
of correct apparel.
O:t i cclleye tailcr , a tii e( i tyle,
escar e oer--'7Pa.1 te Onlyao a oe
li xte ct tvytc t i

T. R. Bassett
Princeton. 1934
"The covered zipper
fly is neatness and per-
fection for trousers and
slacks - quite an im-
provement over the or-
dinary zipper with its
unsightly strip of raw


" }
1 l 'f
1 ,

Jack W. Hoerner
Stanford, 1934
"The new covered
zip with the invisible
fastener has the finished
appearance which is so
necessary. I am in favor
of this new fastener for
campus, sport and
dress wear."
Monroe B. Hellinger
Cornell, 1934
"The usual slide fas-
tener with its strip of
exposed hardware just
doesn't belong on good
clothes. The covered
zipper is the last word
in a Modern closure for
the fly; no metal shows"
John A. Hooley
Yale, 1934
"I've never seen a
fly-fastening device of
any kind that compares
with the Kover-Zip-
good taste would rule
out the uncovered slide
fastener with its strip
of exposed metal." '

Inspection Advised
Dr. Gates said that if students eat-
ing in private boarding houses have
any question in their minds concern-
ing the conditions under which their
food is; prepared and served, they
should not hesitate to inspect them.
He cited an instance recorded by the1
Health Service in which six out of the
ten students eating at a boarding
house last year reported, to, the in-
firmary with stomach disorders.
"Boarding houses spring up here
and there without our knowledge,"
the doctor stated, "and consequently
we do not inspect them until such a
case comes to our attention. Students
should therefore satisfy their ownl
minds on the question of sanitation
before eating at them, for the damage
is often done by the time we learn of
their existence."
Dr. Norman E. Hartweg and Dr.
Lawrence C. Stuart, both of the divis-
ion of reptiles and amphibians of
the Zoology Museum, returned re-
cently from nine days of research
studies at Harvard University.
The results of their research,
which was along the lines of herpe-
tology, has not yet been fully ascer-
tained, but may be made public soon.
GLASGOW, Oct. 30. --P)- Sir lainI
Colquhoun has been elected lord rec-
tor of Glasgow University. Ignace
Paderewski, the Polish pianist-patriot,
was second in the voting.
206 N. Main - Downtown
(Next to Postoffice)


oy direcL renei, a new sysbi uwir
projects is being planned now where-
by a man works enough hours to earn
a salary which will cover his budget
as planned by the case worker of the
The county jail, which is rapidly
nearing completion, and the down
river sewer were two of the work proj-
ects carried out last spring. The
new projects will consist of the erec-
tion of a new school at Manchester,
the alteration of the auditorium of
Ann Arbor High school, and a. mat-
tress factory in Ann Arbor. The
county FERA has received materials
for the mattresses from the Federal
government, and the mattresses made
during the first two months will be
distributed entirely to families on
the county welfare. After that they
will be given out proportionately to
the welfare organizations of other
counties in the state.
l .. .. 4 ...-....-a

I -- --A- T'%- T 7-%

the presentation was maae, Dr. J. D.
Bruce, vice-president of the Univer-
sity, spoke on behalf of the Univer- Burr, Pc
sity. Among the other speakers were
Dr. C. E. Badgley of the School of
Medicine, and Dr. U. G. Rickert of
the School of Dentistry.



Rough Dry
Skirts l0c


Phone 3916

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And His Orchestra


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