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October 31, 1934 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1934-10-31

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Victory.. .


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Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.-
Member of the Western Conference Editorial Association
aid the Big Ten News Service.
ssotated tgottgiate rezss
,1934 1 jI eXIige4 I935e -
ADMsoN wscOS"
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news
published herein. All rights of republication of special
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Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class matter. Specia rate of postage granted by
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$1.50. During regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by
Offices: Student Publications Building, Maynard Street,
Ann Arbor, Michigan. Phone: 2-1214.
Representatives: National Advertising Service. Inc. 11
West 42nd Street, New York, N.Y. - 400 N. Michigan Ave.,
Chicago, Ill.
Telephone 4925
CITY EDITOR... ....................... JOHN HEALEY
WOMEN'S EDITOR .....................ELEANOR BLUM
NIGHT EDITORS: Paul J. Elliott, John J. Flaherty, Thomas
E. Groehn, Thomas H. Kleene, David G. Macdonald,
John M. O'Connell, Robert S. Ruwitch, Arthur M. Taub.
SPORTS ASSISTANTS: Marjorie Western, Joel Newman,
Kenneth Parker, William Reed, Arthur Settle.
WOMEN'S ASSISTANTS: Barbara L. Bates, Dorothy Gies,
Florence Harper, Eleanor Johnson,. Ruth Loebs, Jo-
sephine McLean, Margaret D. Phalan, Rosalie Resnick,
-Jane Schneider, Marie Murphy.
REPORTERS: John H. Batdorff, Robert B. Brown, Richard
Clark, Clinton B. Conger, Sheldon M. Ellis, William H.
Fleming, Robert J. Freehling, Sherwin Gaines, Richard
Hershey, Ralph W. Hurd, Jack Mitchell, Fred W. Neal,
Melvin C. Oathout, Robert Pulver, Lloyd S. Reich, Mar-
shall Shulman, Donald Smith, Bernard Weissman, Jacob
C. Seidel, Bernard Levick, George Andros, Fred Buesser,
Robert Cummins, Fred DeLaano,Robert J. Friedman,
Raymond Goodman, Morton Mann.
Dorothy Briscoe,rMaryanna Chockly, Florence Davies,
Helen Diefendorf, Marian Donaldson, Elaine Goldberg,
Betty Goldstein, Olive Griffith, Harriet Hathaway, Ma-
rion Holden, Lois King, Selma Levin, Elizabeth Miller,
Melba Morrison, Elsie Pierce, Charlotte Reuger, Dorothy
Shappell, Molly Solomon, Dorothy Vale, Laura Wino-
grad, Jewel Wuerfel.
Telephone 2-1214
DEPARTMENT MANAGERS: Local Advertising, John Og-
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Merrell Jordan, Stanley Joffe.'
WOMEN'S ASSISTANTS: Mary Bursley, Margaret Cowie,
Mrjore Turner, Betty Cavender, Betty Greve, Helen
S apland, Betty Simonds Grace Snyder, M4argaretta
Kohlig, Ruth Clarke, Edith Hamilton, Ruth Dicke,
Paula Joerger, Mary Lou Hooker, Jane Heath, Bernar-
dine Field, Betty Bowman, July Trosper.
Snobbery And
The Sororities.
POPLE - and particularly women -
do not object to being called snobs.
They like it. It goes to their egos as gin goes to
their heads. That is why charges of snobbery,
isolated from other charges, against fraternities
and sororities always fail in their purpose. The re-
action is the opposite to what is desired.
Snobbery is not the main criticism of the Greek
Letter System. The fact that this snobbery is based
upon superficialities is ,a greater charge. And,
greater than both, is the objection (at Michigan
all objections are nullified by the necessity of hav-
ing the houses as a pleasant place to live) that
the Greek Letter System is almost always a prac-
tical innoculation against a cosmopolitan outlook
on life. The individual student when he or she joins
a house is not a stereotype, but the fraternal life
so concentrates his or her being upon his own
clique and mode of living that after three years the
Greek products become convinced that this is the
way God has designed life for everyone. The re-
mainder of the world is forgotten. In their own so-
cial world they circulate as fiercely as amoebae in
a wash basin of stagnant water, but they never
see or think about the world beyond that wash
This is not snobbery and it is not a lack of in-
telligence. It simply is a complete class uncon-
sciousness. It recognizes its own class and looks

upon the remainder of the universe, when it looks
at all, with the eye of an analyist or explorer.
Other people exist. One knows because one meets
them in newspaper headlines, or while driving
through slum sections of big cities, or in a line of
statistics on unemployment. And that is all one
knows of them - or cares to.
If the sororities are, as Miss Alice Lloyd, dean
of women, said at the Panhellenic Banquet Mon-
day night, "on trial for their existence" and if they
must "face issues honestly and fearlessly," one of
the things which their members ought to learn
is that everyone does not like a sorority girl.
If they could get that into their heads, they might
advance to the principle that it was (in the ma-
jority of cases) not themselves who made them
sorority girls rather than waitresses, artists' models,
soda clerks, or vaudeville queenies. From that they
might question why they are sorority girls and the
vaudeville queenies are vaudeville queenies. The
possibility of a social revolution, once a sorority
girl starts to think about this subject, is almost
appalling. In the meantime, an independent tour

the University of Chicago has main-
tained a sort of aloofness from the plebian things
that were currently popular at other institutions
of learning. Chicago, let it be known, was a
place for scholars and not for college boys.
If Chicago's athletic teams were ruthlessly tram-
pled by mightier opponents, it was because the
school on the Midway placed its emphasis else-
where than on athletics. It seemed likely that
Chicago might never figure seriously again in
major Conference sports, but the Maroons, we were
given to understand, were not worried by athletic
standing; they saw the ephemeral nature of such
measuring sticks.
With all due regard for the truly valuable
educational leadership emanating from Chicago,
we always had a sneaking suspicion that stu-
dents there must be enough like students every-
where to resent their athletic domination by other
Conference schools and wish inwardly that they
might throw off the pose of disinterestedness they
had been forced to espouse.
Chicago students were probably as surprised
as anyone else to discover this fall that they
actually had a football team to be reckoned
with. It took some time for them to realize that the
first lop-sided victories were not just flashes the
pan. By the time of the Indiana game they had
become almost as football-crazy as the most rabid
collegians of the land.
Rallies, torchlight parades, freshman-sophomore
class struggles, and victory dances have become
the order of the day where football was once
almost taboo in the sacred halls of learning. The
Daily Maroon, student newspaper, was quick
to begin elaborate plans {or a revival of homecom-.
ing in connection with next Saturdy's game
with Purdue.
Last week's encounter with Missouri was gen-
erally conceded to be a breather. There was noth-
ing at stake except the Maroons' unbeaten record
and little danger to that. The day before the
game the Daily Maroon broke out with the bold-
face line "MURDER MISSOURI!" scattered over
the front page in 19 different places.
No one begrudges Chicago its celebration of a
season that has been amazingly successful so far.
To tell the truth, we're just a little relieved to find
that Chicago's scholars are human after all.
As Others See It__
TWO IDENTITY DISCS, one pending from the
other were worn about the neck of every
American soldier during the World War. In case
the wearer became a battle casualty, one disc was
cut from its string, and the other remained on the
To safeguard the identification system further, it
was made a court-martial offense for a soldier
to be caught without his discs.
But these Precautions were not enough, the
War Department says, so now it considers a plan
to tattoo soldiers for future wars. Why they were
not enough-is apparent. The identity discs were not
infrequently blown to pieces along with that part
of the wearer's body from which the tags were
The new identification scheme of the War
Department is practically bomb-proof, and the
term is used literally. It purposes to tattoo the sol-
dier on each shoulder and hip. If so much as one
member of the deceased remains, it can be identi-
fied and given what might be whimsically called
a decent burial.
This latest proposal suggests the degree of per-
fection in the planning for the next war. A "basket
case," true enough, would lose his identification
numbers and might cause some confusion in the
hospital. The man who had the misfortune to
run point-blank into a high explosive shell would
also be unaccounted for. But only about one sol-
dier in 5,000 goes to his death in this manner,
and occasionally there is someone close enough
to report that the deceased vanished in thin air.
So war is becoming gradually less horrible for
the folks at home. And there will be less work for
the Graves Registration Service.
-The Detroit News.

Peace Scholarships
"4 WHEN MEN SIT around a conference table
they start off with an attitude of strange-
ness and aloofness. One of my great hopes is to
foster a friendship and an understanding between
the boys and men of England and our own country.
There is no way of estimating how much valte
this might prove to have in the future when the
boys of today become the statesmen of tomor-
This is the opinion of the headmaster and
founder of the Kent School, F. H. Sill, who stands
out as one of the foremost figures in the country
on the question of international relations between
youths of America and England.
The headmaster of Kent School believes that
anything that can be done to give the English peo-
ple as a whole some insight into American char-
acter should be sponsored. He says, "Anything that
can be done along these lines by athletic organi-
zations, visiting delegates, scholarships, and fel-
lowships will, I believe, be worth more and more
as time goes by."
Unfortunately, exchange scholarships, a large
part of which were a direct result of war-time
and early post-war idealism have decreased in
these days of friendship and hatred, hope and vin-
dictiveness, the idea of greater intercourse among
nations as a cure for world ills found its widest ac-
ceptance; and the generosity of people on both
sides of the ocean established a considerable. num-

Evidently the Thetas have been liking the
publicity they have been getting. Here's a
letter received recently:
Dear Bud:
The Theta pledges wish to acknowledge the
rapid and accurate performance of The Daily
publicity staff. They, too, feel honored to think
there is a person on the staff of The Daily
with enough superior intellect to be a "Theta
Sincerely yours,
This was found on the fly leaf of an old library
book in the Indiana University library:
If there should be another flood,
For refuge hither fly,
Though all the world should be sub-
This book would still be dry.
W.H.C. sends in this answer to a "Co-eds
I am the man with soul so white
Who gets the mostest
Big delight
By holding hands
To say good-night.
I easily hold myself in check
Till the third date
When I start to neck;
Nor unsuspecting do I fling
Myself right at her
With a spring
But genteel like,
I ask the miss:
"Say, Babe, how about a kiss?"
Here is a paper on "Work" written by a
freshman at the University of Maryland:
When you work you perspire,
When you perspire, you get B.O.
And who the H- wants B.O.?
From a Nassau we learn that the founders of
Massachusetts Institute of Technology were not
as technical as the later graduates of the school.
It seems they built the Institute in the wrong place,
and now the whole educational structure is going
down for the third time. Literally speaking MIT
has sunk into the ground six inches in the last 18
years. But some of the buildings have sunk much
further than others, and now the masterminds of
the Institute are trying to determine when the
slower ones will catch up.
A Washington'
THF4STRANGE SPECTACLE of the bankers' con-
vention, coming into Washington like a lion,
raging at the "New Deal," and going out like a
lamb, having made a truce with the chief "New
Dealer" on what looked very much his own terms,
requires an explanation.
What possibly could have inspired that drama-
tic change of front? Did the bankers c'ome to
Washington, to see the "New Deal" at work and,
reversing the old veni-vidi-vici bonmot;' go away
conquered themselves? Not very likely. There was
something else involved.
Probably that something else was a conviction
on the part of the bankers of what is to be expected
on election day in November. They may anticipate

a Congress of a sort that seems more fearful to
them in prospect than any known Roosevelt "New
Deal" policy, be it of the recovery or reform per-
IF THAT CONCEPTION of what all the powwow-
ing in inmost and controlling circles of the
banking fraternity has been about is correct, the
explanation of the docility toward administration
leadership, indicated in the tender of banker co-
operation instead of the previously admitted an-
tagonism, is easily seen. President Roosevelt may
appear to the financiers as their sole salvation
from the Congressional mandatory inflation bogy-
man, or even worse -the central bank idea.
That the peace pact between the White House
and the bankers - and it is that by specific state-
ment, not inference - was made on the President's
terms, does not seem open to challenge: The spokes-
man of the convention; President Jackson E. Rey-
nolds, of the First National of New York, specially
picked to make the gesture of rapprochement in
introducing Mr. Roosevelt, left little to speculation.
He picked up three major questions of policy
that have been dinned at the White House in-
cessantly for weeks.
BUT HE DID NOT MERELY repeat those ques-
tions. He answered them, answered them in
President Roosevelt's own much-favored counter-
interrogatory form.
Reynolds asked if it was "avoidable" to con-
tinue vast emergency relief expenditures, private or
governmental, adding that the answer must be
unanimous. So the President would have answered
unquestionably had he been -so minded. So un-
doubtedly he has answered in private conferences
with bankers.




AUTUMN STYLES OF 1934 make their bow. Dif-
fetent, ddshing, novel. Of course, you'll need some-
thing new for this event . . . it really requires it.
These gowns aren't Gibson girlish any more. That
"naughty nineties" air has succumbed to the
charm of the Directoire influence.and memories
of Napoleon.
SKIRTS - - shhh - - are slit to the knee on occasion,
as they used to be in 1915, in the hysterical era of
the World War - the days of tango teas and too
brief furloughs.
Let us suggest that you drop in today and let us
show you the new selection of gowns that we secured
especially for this event. Prices are reasonable, too,
16.95 and up.
WRAPS are three-quarter and full length in velvet.
Both self and fur-trimmed. 19.95 and up.




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