25, 1934 THE MICHIGAN DAI LY ..N I .III uIII IIIII IIIIEM IIII $ $ III dn . ..,. . .; ,, n, _ .: f CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING FOR RENT - APARTMENTS APARTMENT, upper floor: Four rooms, bath, gas stove, electric re- frigeration. Furnace, garage. 514 Pauline Blvd. SOUTHEAST LOCATION. Furnished apartment for two or three men. First floor of private home. Phone 3768. LARGE FRONT room and suite. Fine for upperclassmen or instructor, 802 Oakland, Phone 7686. FOR RENT - ROOMS TWO PLEASANT single rooms. Steam heat. Two adults in family. 1230 Broadway. $2 and $2.50. Phone 2-2849. TWO SINGLE rooms in private home. Shower bath. Garage available. 1421 W. Huron. DESIRABLE and reasonable: Two room apartment. Inquire E. B. Brooks, 711 Mary St., near Intra- mural Bldg. entrance. SUITE of rooms with private bath or shower for 3 or 4. Steam heat. Ap- proved house. Dial 8544. LARGE corner room for one or two upperclassmen. Campus district 1102 Prospect. FOR RENT - Upright piano. Call 7753 after 7 p.m. ROOM with or without board in mod- ern home. Shower bath. No children and no other roomers in house. Phone 2-3338. WANTED: Good used typewriter cheap. Call at 600 E. Kingsley or apply Box 10B, Michigan Daily. FOR RENT: Comfortable single room to girl who does not smoke. 209 N. Thayer St. HELP WANTED - MALE u EXPERIENCED PHOTOGRAPHER wanted for work on yearbook. Free to spend time on fall sports as well as work throughout the year. Splen- did opportunity as well as a rea- sonable salary. Apply at the edi- torial offices of the Michiganensian, Publications Building, Maynard Street. Students preferred. WANTED - SITUATIONS AMERICAN second cook or baker wishes work in restaurant or bak- ery. Box 104, Mich. Daily. PROFESSIONAL SERVICES MISS MAC NAUGHTON has re- opened her pre-school kindergarten at 711 Catherine St. Transporta- tion arranged. Phone 5837. FRATERNITIES AND SORORITIES Call the Kempf Music Studios for artistic piano tuning. Terms rea- sonable. Phone 6328. STUDENT LAUNDRY. water. Will call for; Telephone 4863. Good soft and deliver. 3x STUDENT SPECIAL. Rough dry 8c pound. Shirts, beautiful hand fin- ish, 10c extra. Home Hand Laundry. 520 E. Liberty, 628 Packard. Phhe 8894. 5x LAUNDRY LAUNDRY 2-1044. Sox darned. Carefut work at low price. 4x PERSONAL laundry service. We take individual interest in the laundry problems of our customers. Girls' silks, wools, and fine fabrics guar- anteed. Men's shirts our specialty. Call for and deliver. Phone 654. 611 E. Hoover. 2 WANTED AMERICAN student with car de- sired as company for a widower, fourteen miles outside Ann Arborin exchange for room and part board. References. Phone 5782. WANTED: MEN'S OLD AND NEW suits. Will play 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 dol- lars. Phone Ann Arbor 4306. Chi- cago Buyers. Temporary office, -200 North Main. 7x FOR SALE FOR SALE: B. & L. microscope, oil immersion objective. Phone 2-2956. FIRST WITH- PROGRESSIVE SERVICE AND QUALITY Laundry Service I .. .. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN (Continued from Page 2) ask for whatever decorative plants may be necessary. Plants which be- come potbound may be sent at any time to the Botanical Gardens for repotting. To insure the return of the plant to the office from which it was sent, it is quite necessary to at- tach to it securely a label giving 'the name and room number of the sender. Because of the 3considerable cost of pots, and the fact that in the past few years so few of them have been returned to the Botanical Gardens when the plants they contained have died, many flowering plants which might have been used in campus buildings have lately been kept in the greenhouses and their flowers only used. The return of pots encourages the sending out of plants. Requests for the use of plants and flowers should be made directly to Frieda C. 'Blanchard,. Assistant Di- recto, preferably by telephone. H. H. Bartlett Paul F. Bagley Scholarship: Those interested in applying for the Paul F. Bagley Scholarship in Chemisry ($200) must have their applications filed in the Chemistry Office (Room 212) not later than Friday afternoon, September 28. Application blanks may be obtained from that office. This scholarship is open only to jun- iors and seniors specializing in chem- istry. Preference will be given to those needing financial assistance. Reading Examinations in French: Candidates for the degree of Ph. D. in the departments listed below who wish to satisfy the requirement of a reading knowledge during the cur- rent academic year, 1934-35, are in- formed that examinations will be offered in Room 108, Romance Lan- guage Building, from 9 to 12, on the cfilowing Saturday mornings: Oct. 6, Jan. 19, May 18, and Aug. 10. It will be necessary, in each case, to register at the office of the Department of Romance Languages (112 R. L.) at least one week in advance. It is desirable that candidates for the doctorate prepare to satisfy this requirement at the earliest possible date. A brief statement of the nature of the requirement, which will be found helpful, may be obtained at the office of the Department, and further inquiries may be addressed to Mr. L. F. Dow (100 R. L., Wednesday at This announcement applies only to candidates in the following depart- ments: Ancient and Modern Lang- uages a n d Literatures, History, Economics, Sociology, P o l i t i c a1 S c i e n c e, Philosophy, Education, Speech. Aero. 15: All students enrolled in this course will meet today at 4:00 p. m. in Room B-304 East Engineering Building to rearrange hours. English 297: I shall be in Room 3227 A. H. Tuesday and Thursday from 9 to 12 to meet students who have elected my section of English p97. The -first meeting of the class will be at 7 o'clock, Monday evening, October 1, in Room 407 Library. . W. Cowden English 211E, Pro-Seminar in Rhetoric and. Criticism will meet in oom 406 Library, from 2 to 4 Wed- niesday, Sept. 26. R. W. Cowden French 195, Studies in French iterature. Nineenth & Twentieth English 183 will meet in 2231 A. H. on Wednesday. L. A. Strauss English 297: Mr. Weaver will meet students in 2218 A. H. at 11:30, Wed- nesday; Sept. 26. English 197 (Honors Course): The class will meet for the first time at 4 p. m. on Friday, Sept. 28, in 2219 A. H. W. G. Rice English 293 (Bibliography) : The class will meet for the first time at 9 a. m. on Saturday, Sept. 29, in 2225 A. H. W. G. Rice Political Science 291, Seminar in Political Science, International Lawi and Philosophy of Law: Discussion of fundamental problems and of current questions of sociological, juridical and ethical State Science, of International Law, and of Philosophy of Law. An intensive study of selected general problems in state, law and interna- tional organization. The intention is not so much to deal with dogmatic statements of the law as to develop in the student the ability to see in current questions of the state, of the law and of the International Com- munity of States the fundamental problems which are important not only for one single country but for the whole of mankind. Thursdays, 3-5, 2037 A. H. Professor Laun. Two hours credit. Mathematics 355: Professor Rain- ich's seminar will meet to arrange work at 10 o'clock Wednesday morn- ing in 3001 A. H. Ma-thematics 301: Seminar in Analysis. A preliminary meeting for arrangement of hours will be held Wednesday, Sept. 26, at 3:30 p.im. in Room 3001 A. H. T. H. Hildebrandt Students wishing to elect Mathe- matics 253 (Differential Geometry) meet in Room 315 West Engineering Building on Tuesday. Sept. 25, at 5 o'clock to arrange hours. Hygiene 101: Open to Juniors and Seniors of the Literary College and others, will be given this semester. Lectures Wednesday and Friday at 2:00 in Natural Science Auditorium. Quiz sections to be arranged. Three hours credit. Dr. Sundwall Chemistry 17: Section 1 of this course, listed in the catalog for MWF at 8, Room 410, is changed to MWF at 10, Room 303. Assignment of Desks in General Chemistry; Chemistry 3, 5 and 5E: Each" student' must obtain two $5 Chemical Coupons at the office of the University Treasurer, and then report at the first possible laboratory period assigned to his section after the opening of the University. No desk can be given out without the coupons. Sociology 165 (American Sociology) will meet in Room 3209 Angell Hall instead of in Room 3212. R. D. McKenzie Sociology 113 (Human Ecology): will meet in Room C Haven Hall in- stead of in Room D. R. D. McKenzie Sociology 154 (Social Problems) will meet in Room D Haven Hall in- +. ., ~ a ~ ~ 0 1 Preliminary Examinations for the Ph. D. Degree in Economics will be offered Oct. 8 to 10, inclusive. Those wishing to write the examinations at that time should get in touch with the Department office at once. Coming Events Architectural and Art Exhibition, College of Architecture: Student work is being shown in the following fields: drawing and painting, decorative de- sign and building construction. Open daily, 9 to 5, Architectural Building. Adelphi House of Representatives will have a closed meeting tonight at 7:30. Organization, programs and plans for the Freshman Smoker will be. discussed. All old members are urged to attend. Stump Speakers Society of Sigma Rho Tau: There will be a meeting of all officers and prospective leaders Tuesday and Wednesday, Sept. 25 and 26, in the reference room. Plans to be discussed. French 207, Introduction to Old French (Knudson): Mebers of this class will meet on Wednesday, Sept. 26, at 1:30 in room 401 R. L. to select aclass hour. Michigan Dames: Meeting of Ex- ecutive Board at the League at 8 . m. National Student League meets at 8 p. m. in the Michigan Union. 'Elec- tion of delegates to the Youth Con- gress Against War and Fascism in Chicago will take place, and a pro- gram for the semester will be dis- cussed. All interested are invited. The Michigan League Against War and Militarism will hold its first meeting of the semester in Lane H.all at 8 p. m. All interested are invited to attend as plans will bemade for this year's work and a delegate' will be chosen to attend the national' cdn- ference in Chicago. Student Christian Association Cab- inet meeting this evening at 7:30 in the Cabinet room of Lane Hall. ' In addition to the compulsory attend- ance of those on the cabinet-stu- dent guild presidents and ministers are cordially invited to attend. The first regular meeting of Sphinx Junior honor society of the literary. school, will meet at 8 p. m. Wednes- day, room 304 of the Union."'All members are urged to attend. Varsity Glee Club Try-outs: Regu- lar fall try-outs in the Musical Ac- tivities room on the third floor' of the Michigan Union Thursday, "Sept 27, 7:30 p. m. All students except freshmen are eligible and are urged to try out.- Freshmen Glee Club Try-outs: All freshmen interested are urged to try out Wednesday, Sept. 26, 5 p. m., in the Musical Activities room on the third floor of the Michigan Union. Lecture Sponsored by A.A.U.W. on Saturday evening, Sept. 29, at 8 o'clock, in the Michigan League Ball- room, by Mr. Herbert C. White, "With the Camera in an Enchanted Empire, China." Art Cinema League: We are pre- senting for 6ur 'first art presentation of the school year, No Greater Gloy, an A a in r 0l , . . . A M, lg m You Can AFFORD' Our rougk dry ( emi-finish) bundle service for students is economically priced. This servicg gives you finished laundry on shirms, hand kerchiefs and Socks. Underwear and pajamas ready to wear. You cannot afford to sendJ your laundry outof the city at these' how rates. I I I I - d SAMPLE B UNDLE Price per . ioc v 3 Shirts 2 Suits Underwear 6 Handkerchiefs 3 Pa i r Socks 2 Bath Towels 1 Pajama Suit COST'2c Minimum Bundle 50c SkirtsExtra .u... plc (Full Dress Shirts are not included in this Special Price), Sox Extra ppr Pair. Z .2 Handkerchifs Extra. N0o LONGER is it economical to send your laundry borne. OUR ROUGH DRY (semi-finish) BUNDLE makes it possible to have your Laundry done cheaper in Ann Arbor. This service gives you FINISHED LA UNDRY, on SHiRTS, HANDKERCHIEFS, and SOCKS. UN DE RWEAR and PA JAMAS are washed and folded ready for wear. TRY this new Economical Laundry Service. Y VARSITY LAUNDRY Phole 2-3123 Ic KYER LAUNDI Phone 4185 TROJAN LAUNI Phone 9495 DRY WHITE SWAN LAUNDRY Phone 4117 .. - - - _ a