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October 31, 1934 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1934-10-31

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The Weather
Mostly cloudy and somewhat
warmer today, possibly scatter-
ed showers and colder tomorrow.


131k igai


Snobbery"And The
Sororities ...
Welcome Victory .



Seniors Will
Choose Class
Heads Today
Polling Places And Times
For Balloting Are Named
By Hilty_
Voters Required To
Identify Themselves
Undergraduate Nominees
Must Present Eligibility
Slip From Dean
Senior men and women in seven
schools and colleges of the University
will cast their ballots this afternoon
to select class officials for the cur-
rent school year in elections conducted
by officers of the Undergraduate
Council and Union student organiza-
Polling places end times for ballot-
ing for students in the medical school,
education school, music school, bus-
iness administration school, literary
college, and engineering college were
announced last night by Carl D. Hilty,
'35, president of the Undergraduate
Hilty stated at the same time that
seniors in all other schools and col-
leges who are desirous of electing class
officials must file a petition with the
Council signed by at least ten seniors
or three-fourths of the membership,
of the class.
Identification Essential
Before any student will be allowed,
to cast a ballot in any of the elec-
tions he will be required to identify
himself either by a treasurer's receipt
or Union membership card, Hilty
It was alsp pointed out that under-
graduates who are nominated for of-
fice must at the time of nomination .
present an eligibility slip from the of-
fice of the dean of students.
The various schools and colleges
and the time and place of their re-c
spective elections, as announced byt
Hilty, follows:t
Literary college: 4:30 p.m. to 5:45
p.m. in Room 25 of Angell Hall. t
Engineering college: 2:30 p.m. tot
3:30 p.m. in Room 348 of the West
Engineering Building. r
Medical school: 4:30 p.m. to 5 p.m.x
in the amphitheatre of the Universityt
Education school: 4:30 p.m. to 5t
p.m. in Room 2432 of the University
Elementary School building."
Music school: 3:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.r
in Choral Union Hall.
Business administration school:
4:30 p.m. to 5 p.m. in Room 206 ofs
Tappan Hall.t
Law school: 4 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. in r
Room 102 of Hutchins Hall.7

Sings Tomorrow


Lawrence Tibbett, famous baritone,'
who will present the second of the
1934-35 Choral Union series concerts
at 8:15 p.m. tomorrow in Hill Audi-
Direetor Sends.
Out Call For
McCracken Asks Large
Turnout For Positions;
Committeemen Needed
A call for tryouts for both the cast
and technical staff of the 26th annual
Michigan Union Opera was issued last
night by Russell McCracken, director
of the production.
Both groups will meet from 3 p.m.
to 5 p.m. today and from 3 p.m. to
4:30 p.m. tomorrow in Rooms 316 and
320 of the Union, McCracken stated.
A large turnout for positions in the
cast is desired by McCracken inas-
much as nearly 200 students will be
needed for the major roles and the
various choruses of the production.
Met Yesterday
A preliminary meeting of all stu-
dents interested in working on the
committees of the opera was held yes-
terday afternoon. It was stated by offi-
cials that more students will be needed
to fill the positions on the seven pro-
duction committees.
Tryouts will be conducted for the
music, publicity, personnel, scenery,
property, dance, costume, and make-
up committees. The make-up of these
groups and a list of the chair-
men will probably be announced later,
in the week, according to DeWitt'
Snyder, '36, who is in charge of com-
mittee tryouts. -
To Be Promoted
Snyder explained last night that
students who work on these groups
this year will be promoted to chair-,
menships for next year's production.
They will also be eligible for mem-
bership in the Mimes of the Michigan
Union, campus dramatic organization,
officials of that organization pointed

Fifth Meeting
Of Education
Group Friday
Members From All Over
State Expected To Attend
Parent Institute
Extension Division
Sends Out Notices
University, And Michigan
P.T.A. Congress Are The
Session's Sponsors
Members from all over the State
will arrive tomorrow in Ann Arbor to
attend the Fifth Annual Parent edu-
cation institute, sponsored by the Uni-
versity and the Michigan Congress of
Parents and Teachers.
There is no indication of the num-
ber of persons that will attend, but 8,-
000 notices have been sent to parent
and teachers associations, school of-
ficials, and persons who attended the
institute last year, according to Dr.
C. A. Fisher, assistant director of the
extension division.
At 9 a.m. tomorrow members will
enroll at the University High School.
The fee is 50 cents for one day, or $1
for the three days.
Mrs. Palmer To Speak
At 10 a.m. in the University High
School Auditorium, opening talks will
be given by Mrs. D. W. Stewart, presi-
dent of the Michigan Congress of
Parents and Teachers, and Prof. W. D.
Henderson, director of the extension
Mrs. Pauline Wilson will head a
family consultation service at 11 a.m.
at the Merrill-Palmer School.
The afternoon sessions will begin
with a discussion by Dr. Fisher, "To-
ward a Program of Adult Education in
Your Community," at 1:30 p.m. in the
University High School Auditorium.
At 2:15 Dr. LeRoy E. Bowman of
the Child Study Association of Amer-
ica, will conduct a conference on "My
Experience with Study Groups in New
York City."
Will Hold Conferences
Conferences on "The Part the Home
Should Play in Parent Education" by
Mrs. Stewart, and "The Purpose and
Program of the Legion of Decency'
by Dr. Ralph C. McAfee, executive
secretary of the Detroit Council of
Churches, will be held at 3:15 p.m.
Tomorrow's sessions will close with
a talk on "The Home and the Com-
munity" by Dr. Bowman and a dis-
cussion of the proposed amendments
to be voted on in the November elec-
tion by Mrs. Stewart at 7:30 p.m. at
the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
The meetings of the institute will
continue through Friday and Satur-
day with talks by State officials, mem-
bers of the faculty, and educational
Triangles Society Will
Hold Initiation Today
Triangles, junior honorary engi-
neering school society, is holding its
initiation at 3 p.m. today.
Formal initiation will follow the in-
formal with a banquet at the Union
at 8 p.m. Prof. John M. Worley will
be the speaker, and Robert E. Mer-
rill, '36E, will act as toastmaster. Wen-
cel A. Neumann, '36E, president of
Triangles, will welcome the initiates,
and Charles A. Framburg, '36E, will
answer for the incoming men.
The men to be initiated are Rob-
ert L. Taylor, Robert J. Auburn,
Charles Framburg, Cedric C. Sweet,
Don.B. Stewart, R. Foster Campbell,

Floyd J. Sweet, Robert S. Fox, Rich-
ard H. James, and Charles Kelly.
NEW YORK, Oct. 30 -(P)- Recov-
eries were the rule in most financial
markets today, although the activity
was still restricted.

Tables Are Turned
On Woman Nominee
By Mrs. Roosevelt
r WASHINGTOW, Oct. 30. -- R) - A
verbal stone was tosse . today at Mrs.
Franklin D. Roosevelt - and like an
old-time campaigner she picked it up
Cand threw it right back.
At a press conference, reporters read
to the First Lady an assertion by Miss
Dorothy Frooks, New York congres-
sional candidate that the President's
wife was using' her "exalted position"
and "social prestige" for Miss Frooks'
opponent, which Miss Frooks called
eminently unfair."
Mrs. Roosevelt produced a pre-
primary letter from Miss Frooks in
t which Miss Frooks herself asked "your
100 per cent co-operation" in obtain-
ing the Democratic nomination in the
25th New York District.
Failing the Democratic nomination,
Mrs. Roosevelt pointed out, Miss
Frooks became law preservation can-
didate for congressman-at-large and
so was in direct conflict with Mrs.
Daniel O'Day, old time friend, who
has the Democratic nomination and
for whom Mrs. Roosevelt campaigned
actively last week.
Walter Oxtoby
Dies At Office
Of Heart Attack
Prominent Detroit Lawyer
Collapses At Desk As
Aftermath Of Fire
Walter Ewing Oxtoby, '98L, prom-
inent Detroit attorney, collapsed at
his desk yesterday afternoon, and
died shortly afterwards.
Death was caused by a heart at-
tack according to the attending physi-
cian, Dr. Frank Kelly. Mr. Oxtoby
had been suffering from slight at-
tacks since a fire in his home on Jan.
18, 1933, when he was overcome by
Born in North East, Pa., Mr. Ox-
toby received his law degree from
the University of Michigan, and was
admitted to the bar in 1898. He
immediately entered upon active
practice, pleading a ca before the
Supreme Court of Michigan at the
age of 21. Long a member of a well-
known Detroit law firm, he had re-
cently been practicing alone, being
particularly interested in corporation
law, probate work, and patent litiga-
A Republican, Mr. Oxtoby was a
strong supporter of Judge Edward
Command, his last act before his
death being to endorse for deposit a
check for the campaign fund. He
had celebrated his 58th birthday on
Oct. 19, and at that time appeared
in excellent spirit.
Present when he died were his sec-
retary and clerks, his brother, James,
reaching his side shortly after his
His two daughters who survive him
are both in attendance at the Uni-
versity, Alice Mary Oxtoby, a grad-
uate of Wellesley, and a post-grad-
uate student here, and Dorothy Anne
Oxtoby, '38. Three brothers and two
sisters also survive.
Burial services will be held at
the Oxtoby home Friday.
Shepard leads
For One-Plank
Socialist Party
Would Stand Solely For

Complete Socialization
Of All Industries
A plea for the formation of a single-
plank political party in the United
States that would stand solely for the'
immediate complete socialization of
all productive industries was voiced
last night by Prof. John F. Shepard,
of the psychology department, in a
talk before a meeting of the Mich-
igan Vanguard Club at the Union.
Professor Shepard emphasized his.

Football Pool
Fails To Pay
Off Its Losses
$2,115 Should Have Been
Distributed To Numbers
Of Student Bettors
Local Agent Unable
To Explain Failure
Attempt To Contact His
Cleveland Headquarters
Is Unsuccessful
Two thousand one hundred and
fifteen dollars was won by students
from a Cleveland football pool on a
list of last Saturday's games -if the
pool hadn't failed to pay off at the
specified time.
The pool is known as the Pickem
Pool, Cleveland, and has the motto
"insures payment of winning tickets."
It is operated in Cleveland by C. A.
The tickets, which are sold at prices
ranging from 25 cents to $5, contain
a list of eight games. If the better
can name the winning team for all
eight games on the list he wins 100-1.
If four teams on his selections win
he is paid 10-1; if five win, 20-1 is
paid; if six win, 30-1 is paid; 60-1 is
given for seven winning choices.
A member of the Delta Kappa Epsi-
lon fraternity bet a dollar on all
eight games and won a total of $100.
The rest of the house also won heav-
ily and their combined winnings were
to go to charter a plane to the Mich-
igan-Minnesota game at Minneapolis.
Te No Direct Contact
The Magent of the pool here said
last night that he had no direct con-
tact with the Cleveland office and
could not understand why they hadn't
mailed the money. He said that he
was in the habit of paying off winners
out of the money he had collected
from students. The remaining mon-
ey was sent into the Cleveland office.
If not enough money was taken in
to pay off the winners, he wired to
Cleveland for the needed amount.
He said that the pool had won on
the first few games but had lost $80
the week-end before the Michigan-
Illinois game. The money was sent
to the local operator who always paid
off by Tuesday. No word had been
received from Cleveland at 11:30 p.m.
last night.
May Lose All
The possibility that the 800 stu-
dents who bought tickets might have
lost even the original sum they bet
was revealed by the head of the local
pool. He stated that he was first
supposed to turn in the money gath-
ered from students as soon as he got
it. He would handle the pool, how-
ever, he said, only if the company al-
lowed him to keep the money he had
taken in until after the winners had
been announced and the money paid
by the Cleveland company.
The operator has all of the money
originally invested by the students in
the pool and, according to a state-
ment issued by himself last night, will
pay back the money through 16 sub-
agents as soon as lie knows definitely
that the Cleveland company will not
pay off.
TriesTo Contact Berger
The operator of the pool, who gets
a commission of 10 per cent from the
money taken in, said that he had tried
to get to Cleveland Sunday but had
not been able to find transportation.
He further stated that he had sent
three telegrams and had called sev-
eral times but could receive no an-
swer. He said that he did not know

Berger, although he presumed that
he was the head of the pool, and that
his only connections were with a man
named Dillworth of Northwestern
University, who he knows to be "on
the level."

Student Directory
On Campus Ends


Today will be the last opportun-
ity to purchase the Student Direc-
tory during the regularbcampus
sale. Hereafter, it will be avail-
able only by calling at the 'Ensian
offices in the Student Publication
Building, Maynard Street.
The Directory is priced at 75
cents this year, a reduction of 25
cents from the price of previous
Operetta Cast
To Be Selected
During Week
All Students Interested In
This Work May Contact
Director Windt
Casting for the music-drama course
production of Gilbert and Sullivan's
"Iolanthe," to be presented Dec. 5, 6, 7,
and 8 at the Lydia Mendelssohn The-
atre, will take place this week, accord-
ing to Valentine B. Windt, who is in
charge of production for the operetta.
Several vacancies in the cast and
the chorus are ready to be filled, Mr.
Windt announced, and will be open
to any students in good standing who
are interested in doing this type of
For this purpose, Mr. Windt will be
in his office for interviews today from
11 a.m. to noon and from 1 p.m. to
3 p.m. Interviews may also be made
at different hours by securing an ap-
pointment with the director.
"Iolanthe" is the second production
of the combined music-drama course
and, incidentally, the second Gilbert
and Sullivan operetta. Last year, thea
initial production was "The Gon-
The purpose of the course, Mr.
Windt explained, is to give plays with
music, which will enable both mem-
bers of Play Production and students
in the School of Music to take part
in the type of production which could
not be presented solely by either.
Mr. Windt will be assisted in the,
production by a committee which in-
cludes Miss Emily White, in charge of
the dance, and Professors David Mat-
tern, Earl V. Moore, and Arthur Hack-
ett, all of the School of Music, who
will direct the singing, choruses, and;
Merlino Addresses
Dante Organization
"Beatrice, Laura, Fiametta: Tre
Epoche" was the title of an address
in Italian delivered recently by
Prof. C. P. Merlino before the first,
meeting of the Detroit chapter of
Dante Alighieri Society held in the
Italian Gardens of the Book Cadillac
Professor Merlino, director in Ital-!
ian literature, characterized Dante,
Plutarch, and Boccaccio, particularly
with reference toward their treatment
o the problem symbolized by Bea-'
trice, Laura, and Fiametta.
The Dante Alighieri Society is a
national organization that devotes it-
self to the study of Italian literature
of the period of Dante.

Refutation Of Free Press
Accusations Voiced By
Auditor Withrow
Says He 'Had Never
Given Out Figures'
Detroit Paper Asserted
That Funds -Were Being
Wasted On Repairs
Charges that FERA funds were be-
ing wasted by Washtenaw County in
the repair work on the Ann Arbor
High School, were denied last night
by officials of the Washtenaw County
An article appearing in the Detroit
Free Press yesterday stated that
"Washtenaw County is sinking in a
financial morass with a public works
program millstone about its neck,"
and said that one of the work projects
instituted to furnish work for unem-
ployed men, the alteration of the Ann
Arbor High School auditorium, was
taking $40.000 of the relief funds, al-
though the original estimate made
by J. E. Withrow, FERA auditor for
the county Relief Association, was
only $28,000.
Denies Statement
However, Withrow said last night
that "he had never given out such
figures to the press, and that the
original estimate of $28,000 had iot
been increased." This estimate in-
cludes merely the cost of labor, since
the school board of Ann Arbor is pay-
ing for all of the materials used in
rebuilding the auditorium.
Answering the charges of wasteful
expenditure, L. L. Forsythe, principal
of the school, said, "We expect to have
a splendid new auditorium when the
work is completed, at a minimum cost
to the taxpayer." Although the article
stated that several county officials
had said that the school might have to
be closed when cold weather set in,
because of heating difficulties, all
officials who could be reached last
night denied making such a state-
Negligent Engineering Charged
It was charged that negligent engi-
neering had caused the entire roof to
be removed so that the ceiling might
be raised thus allowing rain to ruin
the gymnasium which is directly below
the auditorium and necessitated us-
ing FERA funds to refloor the gym-
nasium. Forsythe stated, however,
that the board of education had been
contemplating reflooring the gymna-
sium for several years, since it had
long been in bad condition, and "were
not dismayed because the rotting of
she floor boards by the rain had made
it necessary for action to be taken at
Would Make Gym Safer
The board is also paying for all the
materials used in altering the gym-
nasium, so that the only expense to
the FERA will be the labor. Forsythe
also said that the remodeling of the
gymnasium would make it much safer,
since the poles around the edge of the
basketball court, which support the
room of the gymnasium, will be re-
Although Everett DeRyke, editor of
the Milan Leader, and chairman of
the Welfare Relief Commission for
Washtenaw County, refused to make a
statement, he said that the matter
would be discussed at a commission
meeting to be held the latter part of
this week.
kVMiss Mildred Valentine, head of the
Family Welfare Bureau, said that "the
article was merely political propa-
ganda intended to derogate the work
of the present administration."
Adelphi Initiation Is
Held For Thirteen

Thirteen new members were ini-
tiated into the Adelphi House of Rep-
resentatives last night at the weekly
meeting of the society.
Those initiated were Robert -Rein-
hart, '37, George Quick, '38, Joseph
Dascola, '38, Samuel Krugliak, '38,
Howard Meyers, '37, Bernard Garber,
'38,. Hary Schniderman, '38, Eugene
Gressman, '38, Herschel Miller, '38,
Albert Ricker, '38, Bruce Johnson, '38,
Louis Goldberg, '37, and William Wil-
son, '38. Several others have been
accepted for membership, and an-
nt a infifnn- nornrstr uil lk 1-n71

Denial Of Charges
Against FERA Is
SMade By Officials

Slates Are Announced
Party leaders remained silent on
the candidates for office except in the:
literary and engineering colleges. In
the literary college, the State Street-
Campus Coalition faction will oppose
the Washtenaw-Coalition group.
Alfred Plummer, Phi Gamma Delta
will lead the State Street slate as its
candidate for the class presidency. He
will be opposed by George Lawton,
The other candidates on the State,
Street ticket are Georgina Karlson,
Mosher-Jordan independent, for vice-
president; Ruth Kaser, Alpha Chi
Omega, for secretary, and Frederick
Jones, Phi Kappa Sigma, for treas-'
The Washtenaw slate includes Mar-
garet Mustard, Pi Beta Phi, as the
vice-presidential candidate, Marion
Bertsch, Martha Cook independent,,
for secretary, and Lee Shaw, Phi
Delta Theta, for treasurer.
Students May
Apply Now For
Announcement that the Mandle-
baum and Marsh Scholarships for
students in the literary college are
open for application was made yes-
terday by Prof. James E. Dunlap,
chairman of the scholarships commit-
Included in the group are the three
Simon Mandlebaum awards for men
students, established in 1929 by a
bequest of Mrs. Mary S. Mandelle in
memory of her father. These schol-
arships amount to one-sixth of the
income from a fund of $60,000, as
there are three smaller awards made
in the College of Engineering each
The other awards open are thef


At a recent meeting of students in-
terested in writing either music or
lyrics for the production, ten were'
present, in addition to Dr. Earl V.
Moore, director of the University Mu-
sical Society, and McCracken. Stewart
Cram, '35, has been appointed chair-
man of the music committee.
Scouts To Form Local
Chapter Of Fraternity
Eagle and sea scouts attending the
University met in the Union last night
to make tentative plans for the per-
manent organization of a local chap-
ter of Alphi Phi Omega, national
Boy Scout fraternity.
Following a business meeting, Prof.
Ralph L. Belknap of the geology de-
partment gave a detailed account of
his experiences in three University
expeditions to Greenland.
Future meetings of the group will
be held every other Tuesday at 7:30,
in the Union.

Lawrence Tibbett To Present
Excerpts From 'Emperor Jones'
Included in the Choral Union con- The opera describes his flight through
cert program which will be presented the wilderness of his kingdom when
by Lawrence Tibbett, popular bari- he attempted to reach a seaport for
tone, tomorrow in Hill Auditorium, Hardship, hunger, and weariness
are various excerpts from the spec- had its effects and the continuous
tacular opera, "Emperor Jones," in beating of drums in crescendo warn-
which Mr. Tibbett has many times i ed him that his pursuers were grad-
performed the title role. ually overtaking him. His bravado
The opera has caused world-wide gradually breaks down and fear takes
comment and has nearly always been hold of him, and his semi-delirious
sung with Tibbett as the "Emperor." wanderings, he sees and imagines all
The stony concerns a Negro chain sorts of uncanny circumstances.
gang convict who succeeded in es- When the chase finally becomes too
caping by killing his overseer. By a 1 much for him, he ends it all by shoot-
nr~mhivnt ri of +h i ,i_ __,, _ , ,

Famous Editor Will Speak At
Annual Press Club Convention


conIvict1 io nat suc a arty oult With 40 years of newspaper ex-I
concentrate its activities on an appeal perience as a background, ranging
to the masses of the people mainly from reporting for the New York'
on the basis of the fulfillment of the Evening Journal in the nineties to
"American dream" of liberty and managing the International News
democracy. Service at the beginning of the last
So deep-rooted, especially among decade, Marlen E. Pew, editor of Edi-
the rural population, is the rever- for and Publisher, will address news-
ence for these ideals, Professor Shep- papermen of the State who will meet
ard declared, that they must be held he'erein the sixteenth annual conven-
out as the ultimate goal toward which!tion of the University Press Club of
socialization moves. Michigan Nov. 8, 9, and 10.
The meeting heard a report from
the Vanguard Club's representative Mr. Pew will deliver two speeches
on the United Front Committee before the convention. The subject
Against War and Fascism, explaining of the first, which will be given at
"10"C fnr _ _the banquet session Nov. 8, will be

leadership in his column, "Shop Talk
at Thirty," which appears weekly in
Editor and Publisher.
In the Sept. 22 issue of Editor and
Publisher he wrote, "Six months ago
we believed that the editorial men of
this city (New York), and the country
at large, were about to build an or-
ganization which would win the
respect of the publishing field and give
the whole craft a professional status
and a fairer share of the rewards. The
radical union that has developed,
thanks to mistaken leadership is a
great disappointment. It has made
no progress and will make none, be-

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