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October 30, 1934 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1934-10-30

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Senate Will Hold Reception Tonight At

Ne w Faculty
By University
Incidental Music Will Be
Featured; Dancing Will
Be Held In Ballroom
The senate and the faculty of the
University will welcome the new
members of the faculty according to
custom at a formal reception at 8:30
p.m. tonight in the Union ballroom.
President and Mrs. Alexander G.
Ruthven will be in the receiving line
from 8:30 p.m. to 10 p.m., after which
there will be dancing until 12 p.m.
Prof. Everett S. Brown of the politi-
cal science department, general
chairman of the reception, will in-
troduce the guests to President and
Mrs. Ruthven.
Prof. Earl V. Moore of the school
of music has arranged the music for
the evening. Incidental music will
be furnished by a trio consisting of
Romine Hamilton, Grad., violin; Ruby
Pernert, '35SM, cello, and Ruth
Pfohl, Spec. SM, harp. The Union
Orchestra will supply music for
Prof. Wells I. Bennett of the Ar-
chitectural School ,in charge of deco-
rations will use palms and chrysan-
themums from the botanical gardens.
Those who will preside at the re-
freshment table are: Mrs. Junius E.
Beal, Mrs. William W. Bishop, Mrs.
Henry M. Bates, Mrs. Edward. H.
Kraus, Mrs. Samuel T. Dana, Mrs.
Clarence S. Yoakum, Mrs. Clare E.
Griffin, Mrs. Joseph A. Bursley, Mrs.
G. Carl Huber, Mrs. James D. Bruce,
Mrs. Emil Lorch, Mrs. Herbert Sad-
ler, Mrs. Chalmers J. Lyons, Mrs.
James B. Edmonson, Mrs. Charles
.Sink, and Dean Alice C. Lloyd.
Personal invitations have not been
sent out this year as previously, but
a general invitation has been given
to all members of the faculty with a
ranking of instructor or above.,
Few Tickets Unsold
For Union Formal
Only a few tickets remain unsold
for the fifth annual Union Formal
Dance to be held Friday night in the
Union ballroom, according to Union
student executive councilmen in
charge of the dance.
It was predicted last night that the
supply would be completely exhaust-
ed within a few days.
George P. W. Wanty, '36, Robert
Atkins, '36, and Harold Strickland,
'36E, all members of the dance com-
mittee, have been named co-chair-
men of the party.
Ferde Grofe and his orchestra, who
last week completed a long engage-
ment at the Book-Cadillac Hotel in
Detroit, have been contracted to play
for the dance. Music will start at
9 p.m. and continue until 2 a.m.
Women have been granted special
late permission for Friday night by
the office of the dean of women. It
is expected that the names of guests
and committee members will be re-
leased within a few days.

T~ill Be In Green


League Open
House To Be


eatre Group
eets Today
o Orfganize

Richard Harrison as "De Lawd" and Morris McKinney as "Noah"
are cenversing in this scene from the great Negro spiritual with its
famous cast. "Green Pastures" will be presented at the Michigan Theatre
Wednesday, Oct. 31.
Law Club Dance, Fraternity
Parties Brighten Homecoming
The tremendous number of frat- I with gold accessories. Ruth Fowler

Art Exhibit, Dancing, Ping A meeting of all petitioners for
work in the Children's Theatre will
Pong And Bridge Will Be be held at 5 p.m. today in the League,
Features Of The Affair according to an announcement made
yesterday by Sue Calcutt; '35, general
The League, with all its facilities chairman of the work.
At this time Miss Calcutt will find
functioning and all portions of the out on what sub-committees each
building open for inspection to the woman wants to work and will see to
public, will observe the third annual the organization of the group. Over
Open House tonight. Sue Mahler, 60 women have petitioned for this
'35, Ann Osborne, '35, and Marie work and are expected to attend this
Metzger, '35, are co-chairmen in meetig.
charge of the affair. Work on programs, box office, cos-
Al Cowan's orchestra will play for tumes, scenery and properties will be'
dancing in the ballroom. A program distributed at this time among those
of cabaret entertainment is to be of-
fered at intervals, under the direction This is the first time that all heads
of Nan Diebel, '35. The League vocal of theatre committees are unified un-
trio, Maxine Maynard, '35, Mary, der one general chairman. Miss Cal-
Morrison, '35, and Jean Seeley, '36, cutt will be the student assistant
will give a number of selections. working with Russell McCracken,
Other entertainment features in- presenting three plays this year,
include bridge on the third floor, ping ventures of Tom Sawyer," to be pre-
pong in the Games Room, and tours vente of.Tom ad "o7.
of inspection of the building under sne o.1 n 7
the guidance of hostesses.
A special art exhibit has been ar- -
ranged by the Theatre and Arts MONTH-END
committee of the League, which may MO I JNITFH - EIN LD
be seen in the upper hall on the sec- CLEARANCE
ond floor. Louise French, '36, is in C AE
charge of the exhibit. The display is of
the first of a series being planned by
the committee, under Sue Calcutt, '35,
Julie Kane, '36, is planning the Boucles :: Angoras
decorations which will carry out the Novelty Knits :: Wools
Hallowe'en theme. Jane Fletcher, Crepes:Velveteens
'36, is in charge of the Games Room,
and Grace Snyder, '37, is in chargeFr
of bridge on the third floor. Margaret For Two Days Only!
Palmer, '37, will head the hostesses
in the Grill Room, and Billie Carr, ALL
'37, is to direct the hostesses acting$9
as guides. Jean Seeley, '36, will be Values Vus
Vaus Values
in charge of the hostesses on the third It at
floor. All these women are members $9.85 $6.85
of League committees, either House
or Social or Reception.
The first League Open House was h
held in 1932, under Helen DeWitt, ELIZABETH DILLON E
president. The function was success- GOWN SHOP
fully repeated last year, under Grace 605 East William
Mayer, president, with more than Just a Block from State St.
4.000 attending. Miss Kane planned
the affair. ! -

All New Fall Merchandise
drastically Reduced
1 - $65.00 Value............$47.75
1 - $55.00 Value.............$37.75
2 - $39.75 Value.............$27.75
4 - $22.75 Value..............$16.75
9 - $29.75 and $35.00 Value $24.75
Values to $19.95 Values to $16.95

ernity parties Saturday celebrating1
the Homecoming week-end entertain-
ed record crowds all over the campus.
The first dance of the year was
held at the Law Club Saturday eve-
ning. Betty Aigler, the presid'ent of
Pan-Hell, selected a burgundy vel-
vet gown, the neck and girdle of
which were trimmed with a gold
cord. Martha Steen and Jean Royce
were also noticed in attendance.
Kathleen Carpenter, president of the
Judiciary Council, was noticed danc-
ing a brown lace frock, whose deco-
rations consisted of a brilliant orange
flower. Ruth Sandusky wore an in-
tricately cut black velvet gown. Mir-
iam Robertson and Jane Peter, who
was garbed in midnight blue velvet,
were also noticed.
Hold Tea Dances
The Chi Psi and Beta Theta Pi
fraternities both celebrated with tea
dances after the football game.
Among those seen at the former house
were Joan Nelson, in a black crepe
dress, and Ann Timmons. Kitty Jane
Miller and Virginia Spray were also
present. Some of the guests that
were entertained at the Beta house
were Harriet Heath, attractively
clad in a red knit with a matching
hat, Josephine Wilcox in a dark blue
skirt with a plaid blouse, and Peg
Cowie who was noticed in a dark
brown tunic frock trimmed with a
brown taffeta bow.
Informal Held
Virginia Allamand and Nancy Cas-
sidy were both guests at the Delta
Sigma Pi fraternity informal dance.
Norma Lou Cane was there also in
a dark green frock. Norma Pioch se-
lected a black and white ensemble.
Mary Lambie wore a red gown deco-
rated with black velvet.
Doris Gimmy and Mary Morgan
were seen at Chi Phi Saturday, and
the latter was gowned in a frock
made of the new cerise uncut velvet

and Joyce were both in attendance.
Velvet Is Popular
Alma Harbican and Kitty Rucker
were at the Lambda Chi Alpha frat-
ternity. Winifred Tribelcock appear-
ed in black velvet and Mildred Shap-
ley, in a blue silk with a white top
flecked with gold.
Catherine Shannon and Mary An-
drew were seen at the Alpha Kappa
Lambda house Saturday. Jane Wil-
loughby and Lucy Marshall were al-
so there..
The informal party at the Acacia
fraternity entertained Mae Herndon,
who was attired in green velvet, and
Katherine Hall. Billie Carr and Bet-
ty Jones were also noticed dancing by.


Values to $8.95........


Alpha Omicron Pi announces
pledging of Charlotte V. Baxter,
Springfield, Mass.




Xi Delta announces the
of Mary Burke, '38, Palmer,

. ..

in Choral Union Series
Hill Auditorium at 8:15
Thursday, Nov.11
Tickets $1. - $1.50 - $2.
Season Tickets (Nine Concerts)
$5.00 -" $7.00 -- $8.50 -- $10.00
TIBBETT ..............November 1
COSSACKS ...........November 19
SZIGETI..............December 3
BOSTON SYMPHONY.. December 1 1
LEHMANN ............ January 25
ITURBI...............February 12
GORDON QUARTET . . . . February 20
SCHNABEL..... ........March 4

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