THE MICHIGAN DAILY E MICHIGAN DAILY Emphasis On The Human Side... I r . . " l . I ,~-0 Publislied- every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session by the Board in Control of Student Publications. Member of the Western Conference Editorial Association Alndl the Big Ten News Service. MEMBER Nsocidated olegiatt e rTes . -= 1934 1935.- 'ADWROt4 WIONSN MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news published herein. All rights of republication of special dispatches are reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as1 second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant Postmaster-General.. Subscription during summer by carrier, $1.00; by mail, $1.50. During regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50, Offices: Student Publications Building, Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan. Phone: 2-1214. Representatives: National Advertising Service, Inc. 11 West 42nd Street, New York, N.Y. - 400 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, Ill, EDITORIAL STAFF. Telephone 4925 MANAGING EDITOR..............WILLIAM G. FERRIS CITY EDITOR.................JOHN HEALEY EDITORIAL DIRECTOR . . .........RALPH G. COULTER SPORTS EDITOR .................ARTHUR CARSTENS WOMEN'S EDITOR ..... . ........... .ELEANOR BLUM NIGHT EDITORS: Paul J. Elliott, John J. Flaherty, Thomas E. Groehn, Thomas H. Kleene, David G. Macdonald, John M. O'Connell, Robert S. Ruwitch, Arthur M. Taub. SPORTS ASSISTANTS: Marjorie Western, Joel Newman, Kenneth Parker, William Reed, Arthur Settle. WOMEN'S ASSISTANTS: Barbara L. Bates, Dorothy Gies, Florence Harper, Eleanor Johnson, Ruth Loebs, Jo- sephine McLean, Margaret D. Phalan, Rosalie Resnick, Jane Schneider, Marie Murphy. REPORTERS: John H. Batdorff, Robert B. Brown, Richard Clark, Clinton B. Conger, Sheldon M. Ellis, William H. Fleming, Robert J. Freehling, Sherwin Gaines, Richard Hershey, Ralph W. Hurd, Jack Mitchell, Fred W. Neal, Melvin C. Oathout, Robert Pulver, Lloyd S. Reich, Mar- shall Shulman, Donald Smith, Bernard Weissman, Jacob C. Seidel, Bernard Levick, George Andros, Fred Buesser, Robert Cummins, Fred DeLano, Robert J. Friedman, Raymond Goodman, Morton Mann. Dorothy Briscoe, Maryanna Chockly, Florence Davies, Helen Diefendorf, Marian Donaldson, Elaine Goldberg, Betty Goldstein, Olive Griffith, Harriet Hathaway, Ma- rion Hoiden, Lois King, Selma Levin, Elizabeth Miller, Melba Morrison, Elsie Pierce, Charlotte Reuger, Dorothy Shappell, Molly Solomon, Dorothy Vale, Laura Wino- grad, Jewel Wuerfel. BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 2-1214 BUSINESS MANAGER .............RUSSELL B. READ CREDIT MANAGER........ ..ROBERT S. WARD WOMEN'S BUSINESS MANAGER........JANE BASSETT DEPARTMENT MANAGERS: Local Advertising, John Og- den; Service Department, Bernard Rosenthal; Contracts, Joseph Rothbard; Accounts, Cameron Hall; Circulation and National Advertising, David Winkworth; Classified Advertising and Publications, George Atherton. BUSINESS ASSISTANTS: William Jackson, William Barndt, Ted Wohrgemuith, LymanBittman, Richard IHardenbrook,' John PArk, F. Allen Upson, Willis Tom- linson, Homer Lathrop, Tom Clarke, Gordon Cohn, Merrell Jordan, Stanley Joffe. WOMEN'S ASSISTANTS: Mary Bursley, Margaret Cowie, Marjorie Turner, Betty Cavender, Betty Greve, Helen Shap land, Betty Simonds, Grace Snyder, Margaretta Kohlig, Ruth Clarke, Edith Hamilton, Ruth Dicke, -Paula Joerger, Mary Lou Hooker, Jane Heath, Bernar- dine Field, Betty Bowman, July Trosper. NIGHT EDITOR: JOHN M. O'CONNELL PERHAPS A FACTOR that makes many hesitate about entering the University is a vague fear that it is too large, that two many students come here, that there is no personal touch and little chance to get acquainted or to make friends. The human bent for companionship is natural. And if Michigan were like many believe, it would not be a good place in which to pursue one's higher education. But Michigan is not like it is sometimes pic- tured - not a huge, cold, impersonal institution. There is a personal touch, and there is a chance to get acquainted and make friends. No better example of this can be cited than Dean Bursley's freshman luncheon club. For the past several years the dean of students has invited a group of freshmen to lunch with him at the Union once a week. In these meetings he has not only acquired their friendship and understanding for himself, but other faculty men have been invited in to talk over various problems with the first year men. These luncheon gatherings cater to no group or sect. Fraternity men mingle with independents. Liberals exchange views with conservatives. The boy from Maine finds out what the boy from California is thinking about this business of going to college. The clubs offer a representative cross-section of the freshmen men. Certainly a real chance to get acquainted and make friends is available to them. This idea has been recognized in other campus organizations as well, but there is always danger that its possibilities may be lost sight of on a campus where so many contacts are of necessity casual. ~As Others See It We Can Take It! THERE HAS LONG been a growing feeling among the general public that the college youth of today is soft, that he has been reared in the lap of luxury and can no longer take it like his grand- pappy did. But Sunday morning several hundred of our collegians will be able to testify that grand- pappy was a piker. Griandpappy may have risen at dawn, hiked twenty miles westward, slain six In- dians with his bare hands, and chopped five cords of wood as part of the day's work, but grand- pappy got off easy; he never went to Open House. Hundreds of physical wrecks, once able-bodied college men, shudder when they think of the ghast- ly ordeal to come. They start, light-hearted enough on the surface, but with an undertone of grim foreboding. The first house. The gay lights. The smiling faces of the new and charming pledges. The good partner in the first dance. The second house. The third house. The fourth house. The growing feeling of weariness. The strained smile. The too-bright lights. The now mechanical-sounding piano, and the same tune, heard for the thou- sandth time. The girl with the giggle. The girl with the bony knees. The girl who looked like Kate Smith and danced like Carnera. The fifth house. The sixth house. The seventh house. The dull, agonizing ache, spreading from the big toe up to the middle of the spine. The ex- cruciating agony when 200 pounds of dainty fem- ininity drives a French heel into your arch. The. names you never can catch. The piano, now remi- niscent of a pile-driver. The dance floor suggest- ing the Black Hole of Calcutta. The long, long grind from the Tri-Delt down to Alpha Phi. The brief freshner in the Side. The de- termination to do or die. The feeling that it will be die. The next house. The crawling minutes. The nauseating blur of lights, music, and banal con- versation. The creeping numbness. And then, Glory be, the last house. The dances, eons long, and at last, the hurried farewells and the cool night air. The determination, (hang the expense!) to take a taxi to your own house, four blocks down the street. The last staggering rush up the front walk; and then (oh joy, oh miracle!) the bed. Just the same, though the morning after reveals mangled feet and shattered nervous systems, the sufferer will consol himself by remembering that an ordeal like this builds character, and that those who have been through it together will retain for- ever a strong bond of comradeship. --Oregon Daily Emerald. COLLEGIATE OBSERVER By BUD BERNARD This really happened at the University of Washington when the professor was attempt- ing to arrange the class alphabetically by having the students call out the first two let- ters of their names. One co-ed is to be looked upon with pity. She said, "I'm B-O, where do I sit?" *a * * * The senior class of Dartmouth University re- cently endorsed three curriculum reforms: A course in marriage, abolition of the present marking sys- tem, and unlimited cuts for all. Ida Wanna offers the following: CO-ED'S PLEA Breathes there a man Around this school Sufficiently restrained And cool Enough to limit His demands And say "Good-night" Just holding hands. Who has the decency to wait Until at least The second date To reach the warm Romantic state And give a girl Some preparation Before expecting osculation At least an hour In duration? If such there be Go mark him well; I'll date the guy Though he looks like hell! *' * * * Here are a group of rules for writing to a co-ed from one who knows at Tulane University: 1. Don't get too personal with one co-ed. 2. Be careful what you write, for remember that your letters will probably be little more than a bulletin board. 3. Get in the right mood for the kind of letter you want to write. 4. Never answer a co-eds letter; make her answer yours. 5. Use college stationery. 6. TRY TO KEEP A CO-ED GUESSING. This is by far the most important rule and the hardest to do. A B.M.O.C. .at the University of Maryland was recently seen walking around the campus with a dejected and pathetic look on his face. When asked what ailed him he said: "Even my best friend won't tell me - so I flunked the exam. A Washington BYSTANDER By KIRKE SIMPSON IF WASHINGTON'S CORPS of experienced polit- ical onlookers have it right, the first Tuesday in November isn't going to see anything finally de- cided as to future national economic and sociol- ogical policy. They expect a popular endorsement of recovery and relief efforts of the Roosevelt "New Deal" ad- ministration on a scale likely to prove more embar- rassing than helpful to the White House. They cannot read into the Congressional campaigning any clear-cut issue of permanent reform on which a mandate from the "pee-pul" can be claimed. This analysis of the political situation on the ele of the elections bears fruit among the news com- mentators in such descriptions of the contest as "colorless," "one-sided," "foregone conclusion." In fact the campaigning is splashed with unprece- dented coloring. But these highly impressionistic touches on the national campaign canvas have no inter-relation, no common hue or kinship in pat- tern. HOW, FOR INSTANCE, can the astounding Upton Sinclair candidacy in California be hooked up intelligently with the Lehman-Moses gubernatorial race in New York, the La Follette last-ditch effort to hold the Progressive lines in Wisconsin or that strange Reed-Pinchot vs. Guf- fey-White House Senatorial affair in Pennsyl- vania? It does not seem to make much sense unless viewed as old-fashioned party expediency tactics. It was that which gave rise to the old saying about politics making strange bed fellows. The spectacle of La Guardia, fusionist mayor of New York and self-gagged on politics within that state due to G.O.P.-inspired intra-party maneuvers for his election, going out to aid LaFollette G.O.P. party enemy No. 2-- (No. 1 is George Norris) - in Wisconsin, is just of a piece with all the rest. EVIDENCE INDICATES that White House cam- paign strategy plans underwent a decided change at a given point in the contest. While Pres- ident Roosevelt's parting message to the present Congress at least implied that a program of for- ward-looking social legislation would be evolved about September and put out to give his supporters in all parties a chance to make affirmative fights, nothing of the kind happened. The talked-of legis- lation program conferences with party leaders in Congress failed to materialize; the new social program still is in the making and nobody in au- thority talks about it. The point where that happened in the cam- hr STUDENT~ DIRECTORY 75c. Also MICHIGANENSIAN SENIOR PIC...TURES CAMPUS SALE TODAY the Warning )f Huey Long IT IS TIME that the intelligent sec- tion of the American people took, Huey Long for a very serious threat to American' traditions and ideals that he really is. No longer is it possible to laugh off the Herr Fuehrer of Louisiana as a bumptious, bragging bully whose peculiarly vulgar characteristics appeal only to the moronic underworld .of the canebrakes. This Huey Long has become a figure of no mean consequence in American public life, and it is quite possible that, with the passage of the months and the continuance of our present economic inequality, he will grow as a leader of the dis- contented elements - and many of these elements have' a righttobe discontented in all America, North and South, East and West, Look at last Saturday's jaunt to Tennessee. "He reached Nashville," the Associated Press reported, "in a sweep across Louisiana and Mississippi and western Tennessee where folks stood at stations all along the way shouting and waving at him. Farmers stopped work in their fields to lift their hands in salute." A true Caesar of the hookworm belt, this 'Huey Long! Huey's program is simple. He would "redistribute the wealth." He would take "money" away from the rich and give it to the poor. Whether Huey is sincere or not, this is a program of straight for- ward attraction to the underdog. There IS an in- equality of the control of wealth in America. There IS an inequality in opportunity for American citizens. Huey knows it. He is a wise and clever enough demagogue to use for his own advantage this dissatisfaction with what has happened to the American dream. If he should ever ride into the White House (and there was a time when people in Germany pooh-poohed Hitler) he would keep his promise. Huey Long knows how to take care of his own people. Huey Long is the alternative for Franklin Roose- velt. Take one or take the other. Let the heartless inequality of American life be remedied by slow, ju- dicial intelligence or let it be abolished in one flaming revolt by a blubbering ass of the barn- yard and out house. Old Guarders will not like the choice, but the capitalist-democratic system as it has developed in America will either be saved. by Roosevelt through honest attempts at restoring the original American conceptions of an equal chance or it will be smashed into oblivion by Long. The Do you have typing to be done, or do you want typing to do*? Or, have. you lost- anything In any case, your best medium is The Michigan Daily Classified Column Is The Honor Worth It?, FRESHMEN AND OLDER students as well will soon enter that annual period in college life -which might be termed, "The Joining Season,"I when honorary, professional, and social organiza- tions begin to prey on college pocketbooks in .the guise of "conferring honors." The Crimson-White wishes to take this opportunity to warn all of those who do not understand, or who have a mania for crs-mfasuchar RFGtaoinRFGtaoinRFGtaoinRF such activities, to look twice before laying your in- itiation fee on the line. There are no doubt many worthwhile organiza- tions scattered throughout the maze on this cam- pus. But, there are also many, a preponderance in our opinion, which are not worth the paper it takes to write their names on. When the individual is informed that he has "made" or been elected to an organization, he should control his ego long enough to investigate and find out whether membership is worth the price. There are many clubs on the campus which meet twice a year; once to pick the suckers and once to initiate them. True, to this number may be added an annual tea dance. Also both prospective and present members wouldl do well to find out just where initiation fee and dues go to once they are handed over to the treasurer. whether he be local or national. One iron CASH RATES LINE ic PERP (Short term charge advertisements accepted) Plcevnu rndwnand vnu r