TOBER 30. 1934
Tau Beta Pi: Dinner meeting, fol-
lowed by the election of new members,
at the Union, 6:00 p.m.
Varsity Glee Club: Rehearsal and
meeting at 7:30, Glee Club Rooms.
Will all members of the Varsity Glee
Club please take notice: The Wait-
ing List Club will not meet this week.
Christian Science Organization:
There will be a meeting of this Or-
ganization tonight at 8 o'clock in the
Chapel of the Women's League Build-
ing. Students, alumni, and faculty
members of the University are cor-
dially invited to attend.
Vanguard Club meets in Room. 304
in the Union. Professor Shepard, of
the Psychology Department, will ad-
dress the meeting on "The American
Dream." All interested are invited.
Children's Theatre Committee:
There will be a meeting in the
League at 5 p.m. for the following
people. Those who are absent will'
be dropped from the list:
Marion Anderson, Mary Alice
Baxter, Camela Bowman, Janet
Brackett, Phyllis Brumm, Florence
Carpenter, Betty L. Chamberlain,
Elizabeth Chapman, Madelyn Coe,
Janer Durham, Saxon French, Edith
Forsythe, Josephine Gibson, Dorothy
Groff, Jean Gourlay, Jeannette
Grune, Martha J. Howard, Mary T.
s Jaycox, Suzanne Johnson, Mary L.
Johns, Ruth Ann Jernegan, Harriet
z Kesselman, Jane Kretschner, Eliza-
beth Miller, Mary A. McQuillan,
Alice Morgan, Marjorie Morrison,
Mary Potter, Ruth Rich, Lillian Ros-
, en, Jean Royce, Ruth Sonnanstine,
Nancy Sheppard, Miriam Stark, Olive
Webb, Charlotte Rueger, Rowena'
Goldstein, Mildred Goldberg, Anna
G. Lamb, Mary L. Miller, Josephine
Wilcox, Katherine Alexander, Cath-
erine Peck, Elizabeth Butzel, Mary J.
Clark, Margaret Ballard, Grace Bart-
ling, Josephine Scott, Virginia Spray.
Hillel Players: Meeting for all those
who wish to try out for acting or
technical positions on the three-act
11 play to be produced by the Hillel
Players, at 7:30 p.m., at the Hillel
Foundation. If you cannot be pres-
i ent, leave your name and telephone
number at the Foundation.
Sea Scouts, Eagle Scouts: All Sea
Scouts and Eagle Scouts are invited
to meet in Room 302, Michigan Un-
ion at 7:30 p.m.
Faculty Woman's Club, Tuesday
Afternoon Play Reading Section: The
first meeting will be held today at
2:15 in the Alumnae Room of the
Michigan League.
Elective Tap Dancing: The elective
tap dancing class meets on Tuesday
g evenings at 8:00 in Barbour Gym-
nasium. This class is open to anyone
m interested.
y Coming Events
Students in Hygiene and Public
Health and Others Interested: Three
moving picture reels, entitled "Per-
sonal Hygiene for Young Men," "Per-
- sonal Hygiene for Young Women,"
and "General Hygiene," have been
obtained from the United States
11 Public Health Service. These films
will be shown in ,the West Amphi-
theatre of the West Medical Build-
s ing from 5:00 to 6:00, Oct. 31.
Electrical Engineers: Meeting of
the student branch of the A.I.E.E.
k Thursday, Room 246 W. Eng., 7:30
y p.m. All Electricals including fresh-
men are urged to attend. Refresh-
Alphia Nu will hear tryout speeches
by those applying for membership, at
7:00 p.m. in the Alpha Nu Room, 4th
s floor Angell Hall, Wednesday, Oct.
n 31. Following the tryouts, at 7:30, a
pledge debate will be held on the
e proposition - Resolved, That all state
s and local judges should be appointed
by the governor. An open forum dis-
d cussion of this topic will be held fol-
e lowing the debate.
LaFollette Arrays Progressives For Election
CLASS IFIEI)water. Will call fo and deliver.
Telephone 4863. 3x
AD)VERTISING; STUDENT Hand Laundry. Prices rca.-
Place advertisements with Classified sonable. Free delivery, Phone 3006
Advertising Department. Phone 2-1214. 9x
The classified columns close at five
o'clock previous to day of insertion._
Box numbers may be secured at no PERSONAL laundry service. We take
e tra charge, individual interest in the landry
cash in advance-lie per reading line idvda neeti h anr
as(on basis of five average words to problems of our customers. Girls'
line) for one or two insertions. silks, wools, and fine fabrics guar-
oreeseing line for three or anteed. Men's shirts our specialty.
Minimum 3 lines per insertion. Call for and deliver. Phone 5594
Telephone rate -15c per reading line
for one or two insertions. 611 E. Hoover. 2x
14c perreading line for three or - __
more insertions. WNE
10% discount if paid within ten days WANTED
from the date of last insertion. --
Minimum three lines per insertion. OLDER STUDENT experienced ir
By contract, per line - 2 lines daily, one care of furnace to work for 1o
month \....... .. ................e .aeo uncet okfrro
4 lines E.O.D., 2 months.......3c Address, Box 25B, Michigan Daily.
2 lines daily, college year .....:..7c
4 lines E.O.D., college year........7c
100 lines used as desired .........9c WANTED: Two girls to share small
300 lines used as desired........Be apartment with third party, on
1,OQO lines used as desired.......7c
2,000 lines used as desired ......6c half block from campus. Expenses
The above rates are per reading line, exceedingly low. Call Lillian Brazil
based on eight reading lines per inch.
Ionic type, upper and lower case. Add 220 South Thayer.
6c per line to above rates for all capital
letters. Add 6c per line to above for WANTED: MEN'S OLD AND NEW
bold face, upper and lower case. Add 10cd
per line to above rates for bold face suits. Will pay 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 dol-
capital letters. lars. Phone Ann Arbor 4306. Chi-
The above rates are for 71, point lr.PoeAnAbr40.Ci
type. cago Buyers. Temporary office, 201
North Main. 7x
company, one of the oldest and larg- FRATERNITIES AND SORORITIES
est concerns in the United States, artistic piano tuning. Terms ra
announces a line of made to meas-
ure suits priced as low as $21 up. sonable. Phone 6328. lx
Liberal allowance made on your old VOCAL STUDIO: Grace Johnson
suit. The Fair. 200 N. Main St. 7xa Konold, former instructor in Uni
versity School of Music, announce
FINANCE CO. offers bargamns in re- the opening of her 'vocal studio fo
possessed and repurchased cars. beginners and advanced student
Many 1934 cars with low mileage 1908 Austin Ave. Phone 4855. 8x
included. We will trade and extend 198AsiAv.Poe45. x
convenient terms. Open evenings. WATCH REPAIR SERVICE: Backe
311 W. Huron. Ph..2-3267. lox by our own factory facilities. Burr
LAUNDRY Patterson & Auld Co. Manufactur
ing Fraternity Jewelers and Sta
STUDENT SPECIAL: Rough dry 8c tioners, 603 Church St.
pound. Shirts, beautiful hand fin- -
ish, 10c extra. Home Hand Laun- FOR RENT - APARTMENTS
dry. 520 E. Liberty, 628 Packard.
Phon 889. 5x APARTMENT with private bath ant
Phone 8894. 5x shower. Law student desires room
LAUNDRY 2-1044. Sox darned. mate. Dial 8544. 422 E. Washingtoi
Careful work at low price. 4x ---- ---- ---- ---
tion to the general public here for
the first time. LOST: Blue R.O.T.C. manual, voluni
t i tfour, in Room 2231 Angell Ha
Intramural Director Rowe will add Monday morning. Will finder pleas
another sport to his already large a 2.
program for minor athletes in the LOST: Rhinestone bracelet. Finde
University, a rifle team this time be- please phone 7118.
ing the subject of his endeavor.
Frank Springer, celebrated author- - -I t-
1ity on fossils of the natural museum MAN'S COONSKIN coat large size
ty nfsiso h aua uem $25. Phone 5254. 613 Hill St.
at Washington, has sent the geology $ P _ne
department a collection of 300 species
of fossil crinoids in exchange for CAMPUS CIGAR STORE
material given by the University
museum. Meeting Place For
Socia ble Fellows
Arrangements are being made for
the annual floral exhibition given Full line of Pipes, Tobacco,
under the auspices of the Botanical Candy, and Soft Drinks.
department on the main floor of 521 EAST LIBERTY ST.
Memorial Hall., _____ _ _ _
-associated Press Photo
The peculiar political lineup behind Sen. Robert M. La Follette, Jr.,
(upper right) in the Wisconsin off-year election promises to make the
latter one of the most interesting of a number of significant ballot battles
to be decided November 6. La Follette, heading a "Progressive" ticket, has
received support both from administration and Republican sources,
while Wisconsin voters have heard the administration does not favor the
Democratic nominee, John M. Callahan (upper left). John B. Chapple
(lower right) is the regular Republican candidate.
MABEL ROSS RHEAD - A Review Quia respexit .. . Jean Titelouze
Deposuit Potentes
The University Symphony Orches- (Alter Ver).........1563-1633
tra opened its series of Sunday after- Gloria Patri et Filio
noon concerts in Hill auditorium this While the registration of these Latin
week with Earl V. Moore conducting hymns will no doubt sound strange to
the Overture to Rosamunde, the Schu- modern ears, it should be noted that
thI vruet osmne h cu the pieces themselves wer e wr itten for
mann First Symphony, and the Saint- the Praetorius organ and in the six-
Saens Second Concerto with Mabel teenth century.
Ross Rhead at the piano. First Chorale in E Major .Franck
It is one thing to take a body of After an impressive introduction in
finished artists and conduct a suc- which the Great and Swell organs are
cessful concert, and it is quite an- effectively contrasted, the chorale
other to take an aggregation of mu- proper is announced. This in turn
sicians in the making, in various de- forms the basis of a number of free
grees of technical and artistic de- variations culminating in a final
velopment, and weld them into a satis- statement with the full organ in which
factory instrument of musical expres- the manual and pedal organs answer
sion. In this difficult task Dr. Moore in a similar manner to that of the
succeeds to an astonishing degree. introduction using the chorale melody.
The Overture to Rosamunde was Scherzo ................... Doty
played with spontaneity and delight- Legende .................. Bossi
ful delicacy. One of the lesser known, although
The subtlety and obscurity of the fairly imposing, compositions by
Schumann seemed a little ambitious Italy's leading organist of the latter
for a newly assembled group of stu- nineteenth century.
dent musicians but the effect was not Toccata from Fifth Organ
at all that of mere ambition. The Symphony ............. Widor
opening of the Larghetto especially Widor has succeeded here, as in
was played with impressive clarity, several other of his eight organ sym-
Mrs. Rhead was very much at home phonies, in writing music broad
in the Saint-Saens Concerto. It enough in scope to effectively pre-
abounds in the delicate pianissimo sent the grandeur of the organ as
scale and arpeggio passages of which an instrument. The performance to-
she has such mastery. The orchestra day is by request.
and Mr. Moore gave her a splendid
E. William Doty, instructor in organ
at the School of Music will give the
following organ recital, WednesdayI
afternoon at 4:15 o'clock in Hill Audi-
torium, to which the general public
with the exception of small children{
is invited without admission charge:
Concert Overture in1
F Minor .............. Hollins j
From the Daily files of
November 1, 1914
When the new science building is
completed, Michigan will have one of
the finest herbariums in the West.
Complete specimens of nearly all
plants and fungi of plants and trees
will be displayed and put on exhibi-
I Thic nrem ncit-int vhihif-c thn camo
.1 1I us coposUiiti exiiss Lilt:same
Freshman Glee Club: Regular re- fine gift for melodic writing which
hearsal Wednesday, Oct. 31, prompt- characterizes the Overtures in C
ly at 5 p.m. in Music Rooms at the i Minor and C Major. In form it re-
Union. sembles slightly a free fantasia and
fughetta closing with a return of the
Pi Tau Pi Sigma rushing smoker
Wednesday night, 7:30, at the Union. 15c TO 6-- 25c AFTER 6
Room posted. All members urged to1
attend. Uniforms requested.I W H ITN EY
TREE CENTURIES AGO Anthony Van Leeuwenhoek
made the first microscope. For over two centuries microscopes
were priceless instruments obtainabe by only a ew. Today
Bausch & Lomb manufactures microscopes of unsurpassed qual-
ity for every purpose at a price that makes them readily avail-
able to Science, Industry and Education. Bausch $ Lomb
Optical Co., 635 St. Paul Street, Rochester, New York. 10%
-Baus'ch & LoMb
,_ A
The most charming - the most
intelligent musicai picture to
come out of Hollywood
fStump Speakers Society of Sigma
Rho Tan regular training meeting will
begin Wednesday at 7130 at the Un-
ion. Circle meetings will be held be-
fore the Assembly, hence it is impor-,
tant that all members be present on
time. Any member who will be un-
able to. attend his circle meeting
should notify his circle leader before
the meeting. A discussion on the ad-
vantages and disadvantages of the
slide rule will be held during the as-
sembly and plans for further debate
work will also be discussed.
National Student League will meet
at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, Room 302,
Union. All interested are invited.
Daily 1:30 -11 P.M.
Last Day
Young and
. .
40c le s 2o
A happy-go-lucky guy
whose whole life was a
OFFERED joke . . on himself'
-- Tomorrow
"Take the
- Added
"Wise Little Hen-
"Stri es and Spares-
r~J1JJ S;I "
But she ran
away from
,.. isc lava I
If *;-~ - ______ x,~ ~