The Weather Fair Tuesday and Wednes- day; continued rather cold. Ll r e IJUIC igaz iIait~ Editorials The Warning Of Huey Long ... Emphasis On The Human Side ... r Er VOL. XLV No. 32 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1934 PRICE FIVE CENTS Attitude Of Sororities Is Decried By Dean Lloyd At Panhellenic Banquet, Election For Seniors Is Tomorrow Hot Political Fight Looms As Campus Factions Gird For Battle All Colleges And Schools Will Votei Literary Students To Pick Four Officers; 2 Parties Are Contesting Student-Faculty Relations Committee Asks New Plan For Campus Government Cautions Women Against Being Snobbish And Superficial. Dr. Margaret Elliott is Guest Speaker Speaks On 'The College Woman In The World Today' B3y ELSIE PIERCE Challenging sororities of the Uni- versity to put aside "superficial man- ners and snobbishness if they wish to survive in this period of educational crisis," Miss Alice Lloyd, dean of women, delivered her annual address before 791 women at the Panhellenic Banquet last night in the League ball- room. "Sororities are on trial for their existence," Dean Lloyd said, "and they must learn to face issues honestly and fearlessly, they must move forward with this changing world, and they must not be content with the same standards year after year." She point- ed out that' of the 408 women bid by sororities after the formal rushing season this fall, only 208 turned in preference slips. The smallness of the number of women pledged she attrib- uted; partially to the hectic rushing season, which makes it .difficult for a freshman to know her own mind, the financial disability of some girls to join, and the disillusionment of freshmen women in the sororities. Can Be Changed "However, Miss Lloyd said, "this sit- uation can be changed, for the sorority fulfills a definite purpose on the cam- pus, and the Panhellenic association is strong enough to have a great deal of influence in the educational prog- ress of the University." In urging the women to lay aside snobbishness, Miss Lloyd criticized the sororities' methods of discussing ushees in order to decide whether or not to bid them. Too often, she said,' small defects keep out a girl who is excellent material, simply because they are judged superficially by the active members during rushing. The quotation, "He has the gift of truth so that he can laugh at him- self" can well be applied to sororities, Dean Lloyd said; for affiliated women should not take their sororities too seriously in thinking that their's is the best and only worth-while organi- zation on the campus. Dean Lloyd also presented "Men of Art" to Helen Loomis, '35, president of Chi Omega, the sorority which maintained the highest scholastic average last year. Dr. Elliott Speaks Betty Aigler, '35, president of Pan- hellenic Association, who was toast- I mistress of the evening, introduced I Dr. Margaret Elliott, of the economics department, who spoke on "The Col- lege Woman in the World Today." Dr. Elliott explained that, since women own 38 per cent of the wealth of the country, and also have almost unlimited control over the expenditure of the family income, that they should take advantage of their tremendous power and "civilize society." This, she said, meant the cultivation of lives that are harmoniously integratedto include wide intellectual, social, ar- tistic, and cultural interests. Women, un until now, have been content to prove that they can do what men do, but Dr. Elliott urged that women should now leave to men the build- ing up of the mechanical apparatus of civilization, and use their talents to improve the social and cultural sides, of civilization. Should Have Goal College women all too frequently' follow an almost completely un- planned program of study, without having any definite goal or rational basis for the selection of courses, Dr. Elliott said, and as a result they find themselves prepared for nothing at the end of their college course. Ira Smith, registrar, gave a short talk discussing the scholastic aver- ages of. the sororities, pointing out that the marks of each girl can change the rating of a sorority by several places. Jane Arnold, '36, was general chair-I man of the banquet, and was assisted by Grace Bartling, '36, chairman of seating arrangements, Marjorie Tur- ner, '37, chairman of tickets, and Dor- othy Utley, '36, chairman of decora- tions. Speaks Here Friday Regent Shields Will Speak To VotersFriday 'Political Trends' Will Be Subject Of Open Forum In TappanSchool Regent Edmund C. Shields of Lan- sing will address voters of the sixth and seventh wards at a public forum at 8 p.m. Friday in the Tappan school auditorium, it was announced yester- day. His topic, "Political Trends," is ex- pected to be in the way of enlighten- ing voters on certain present-day gov- ernmental activities. Regent Shields headed the NRA in Michigan during the summer, re-j signing this fall because of the "press of business duties." He is a graduate of the University law school and an attorney of note. The regent ,is a leading Michigan Democrat and a student of public affairs. He played a prominent part in the affairs of the Comstock ad- ministration. His talk is expected to! be non-partisan in character. - Regent Shields is the newest mem- ber of the governing board of the University, being elected in 1933. He has taken a great interest in the Uni- versity and is a frequent Ann Arbor' visitor between meetings of the Board' of Regents. While the forum is specifically for voters in the sixth and seventh wards, all local residents, as well as stu- dents, are invited to attend by officials" in charge of the program. Brummi' s Play Is Chosen For Press Meeting According to an announcement Health Officer Gives Report On Restaurants Says Major Violations Of Sanitation Are Relatively Few In Ann Arbor The following report on the con- dition of campus eating places was made yesterday by Dr. L. R. Gates, health service sanitarian and deputy health officer of the Ann Arbor Health Department: There are 52 restaurants, cafes, lunch counters and dormitories sur- rounding the campus which should be of particular concern to faculty members and students. Inspections are made at frequent intervals alone and about once per month the health officer and Sanitary Inspector visit these places. I am aware of the fact that the quality of the eating estab- lishments are better here than in many parts of the state. Major vio- lations of sanitation are relatively few. It is my personal opinion that the employee's health and behavior are far more important than the main- tenance of high standards of cleanli- ness and sanitation of premises, equipment, utensils and food. In- stances have been called to by atten- tion where the individual with res- piratory disturbances has failed to wash his hands before serving the food. A collaboration has been shown to exist between dirt, filth and presence of diseases. But modern inspection has brought out the fact that 90 per cent of our sickness, as for example, colds and respiratory disturbances are spread by means of contact in- fection. Contact infection is an infection transmitted directly from one person to another by means of respiratory discharges. The major way of block- towels, common drinking cups and ing this route, then, is to encourage the use of the handkerchief while coughing and to always properly wash hands before touching food. About 10 per cent of the respiratory disturbances are spread by means of indirect contact. Indirect con- tact means spreading of diseases by towels, common dlrinking cups, and objects which are placed in the mouth, etc. There are two observations which I should like to call to the attention. of students. The first is to refrain from the use of raw oyster cocktails, or raw oysters in other prepartions. It must be born in mind that the home of the oyster is at the mouth of rivers which are heavily polluted with sewage. The oyster feeds upon. this sewage which in many instances contain harmful bacteria. It has been demonstrated in the past that many epidemics of typhoid fever have been traced to this source. The second caution I would make, is to refrain from eating improperly cooked pork and beef. Statistics show that approximately 5 per cent of the pork and beef in the country (Continued on Page 6) The possibility of hotly-contested Taken Ill Sunday senior class elections in both the engi- neering and literary colleges loomed Results of an examination of food last night as leaders of all campus served Sunday night at the University political factions announced their Hospital are expected to determine slates of candidates and publicly pre- the cause for the poisoning of 150 dicted victory for their own partiesf members of the hospital staff, Dr. Al- tomorrow. Both men and women students in the senior classes of all schools and colleges of the University will go to the polls Wednesday afternoon to elect officers for the current year. The literary college students will vote for a president, vice-president, secretary, and treasurer. Two parties have announced slates for this election. The State Street-Campus CoalitionI party has nominated Alfred Plummer as their candidate for the presidency of the class. They have also named Fred Jones, Phi Sigma Kappa, to run for the position of class treasurer. Women To Get Jobs Party officials have not yet an- nounced the names of the candidates for the other two offices, but they have stated that women students will fill these positions on the''slate. Rob- ert Ward and Frederick Hertrich are the campaign leaders of this faction. The Washtenaw Coalition party slate is headed by George Lawton, Trigon, as the presidential candidate. Margaret Mustard, Pi Beta Phi, is the nominee for the vice-presidency, Marion Bertsch, Martha Cook inde- pendent, for the secretaryship, and Lee C. Shaw, Phi Delta Theta, for the treasurer's position. Charles G. Barndt, caucus mana- ger for the Washtenaw Coalition group, has already issued his cam- paign "plugger" announcing the names of seven fraternities, sororities, and dormitories which will be repre- sented on the Senior Ball committee in the event that his slate wins the election. The latter faction won last year's junior class election, but was defeated by the State Street party in the fresh- man and sophomore ballots of the class. Two Engineers' Parties In the engineering college, there are also two parties competing for the class offices. Engineering stu- dents will elect, in addition to the four traditional positions, delegates to both the Honor Council and the Engineering Council. The Representative party, under the chairmanship of Henry P. Felk- er, has nominated Charles Weinfeld, Phi Epsilon Pi, for president, Henry Merker, Delta Phi, for vice-president, Graham Batting, .independent, for secretary, John Schmidt, independent, for treasurer, Alvin Mortenson, Delta Upsilon, for the Honor Council posi- tion, and Robert Zapp, Phi Kappa Psi, for membership on the Engi- neering Council. The opposing faction, known as! the New Deal Party, has named Sal-I vatore Tramontana, Phi Kappa, to head its slate. Other candidates are Julius F. Bartus, independent, vice- president; Frank DuLyn, independ- ent, secretary; Robert J. Pfohmann, independent, treasurer; and Joseph C. Wagner, Phi Kappa, Honor Coun- cil delegate. No candidate was an- nounced for the Engineering Council position. bert C. Kerlikowske, chief resident physician, said yesterday. Dr. Kerlikowske explained that no one is very seriously ill from the ef- fects of poisoning but that several members of the staff have been put to bed to recover from the weakness resulting from the nausea. The pois- oning could be attributed to any one of several germs, he said. Bacteriologists at the hospital thought yesterday that the trouble was caused by a germ known as sta- phylococcus. The food in question, ac- cording to Dr. Kerlikowske, was chick-, en salad. "The majority of those suffering were nurses; more than 100 of those attacked were either student or grad- uate nurses," he said. At one time, the doctor stated, the possibility of em- ploying outside help during the emer- gency was discussed, but the quick recovery of many of the victims made such action unnecessary, and the regular staff was able to handle the situation. No patients at the hospital were affected in any way, Dr. Harley A. Haynes, director of the hospital stated, because their food is prepared in a different kitchen. Dr. Kerlikowske was unable to ac- count for the trouble. "Every precau- tion possible is taken to prevent such occurrences," he said, "but it is just one of those things that happen.' Everyone has had the experience of being made ill by something he ate in his own home, and here we are like a family which through some acci- dent, at present undefinable, has hadf its collective stomach upset." Pre-Election Mass Meeting To Be Held Parent - teacher associations v f Washtenaw county are sponsoring la pre-election mass meeting of the citi- zens of the county Saturday in the Masonic Temple at 8 p.m. 'the meet-' ing is being called for the purpose of acquainting voters with the amend- ments which will appear upon the ballot at the Nov. 6 election. Prof. J. Milton Hover, head of the science department of Michigan State Normal College at Ypsilanti will ex- plain amendments 1, 4, 5, and 6. Pro- fessor W. D. Henderson of the Uni- versity extension division will discuss amendments 2 and 3. Mr. Louis Burke, an Ann Arbor lawyer, will preside at the meeting. The committee in charge of ar- rangements wishes all parts of Wash- tenaw county to be represented. Various organizations of the county are being asked to co-operate in se- curing a large attendance. Lecture On Note-Taking To Be Delivered Tuesday Dr. Curtis will discuss "Note- Taking," one of the lectures in the "How to Study" series at 7:30 Tuesday in the library at the League-. Poisoning Off Hospital Staff Investigated Examination Expected To Disclose Why 150 Were Kiwanis Club Will Either Vote Or It Will AidCripples The Ann Arbor Kiwanis Club is going to aid crippled children and at the same time go public-minded. As a part of their campaign to get out the vote Nov. 6, Justice Jay Payne decided to check up on the voting of club members in past elections. He found that some of his colleagues had I been very lax indeed. So, when he made his report to the club today, he supplemented it with a motion that every member who does not vote in the coming election be fined $5, the proceeds to go to the crippled children's fund. Then he asked those who had not registered to vote to stand up. Twenty- five dollars worth of members'arose. And Nov. 6, most of the members of the Ann Arbor Kiwanis Club will vote - but those who don't will be helping a cause too. White Tells Of 1 Synthesis In Lecture Here N e w Synthetic Products Is Topic Of University Lecture Yesterday Speaking yesterday on "New Syn- thetic Products For Clothes and Houses" in the first faculty lecture on the University Lecture series, Prof. Alfred H. White, head of the chemi- cal engineering department, told an audience of about 150 students and townspeople of the progress recently made in imitation and substitute materials. A hundred years ago, the speaker said, we were using basically the same materials we used 2,000 years ago - wood, stone, brick, cotton fab- ric, leather, etc. It is only in the last 20 or 30 years, possibly even more recently, that the greater part of the change has come. To illustrate his point, Professor White showed a section of a wooden water main which was in use in Ann Arbor less than a century ago. Recently, building materials have given way to the onslaught of syn- thetic products, according to the speaker. Plate glass may be given the appearance of such materials as marble or mahogany, bakelite may be given a wall-paper like surface, and apparent shingles may be com- pounds of Portland cement enmeshed in fiber backing. He then illustrated his lecture with countless samples of synthetic prod- ucts on the long table before him. Non-inflammable cellulose acetate products replacing the old celluloid, cellophane wrapping, ribbons, bows, and fabric, imitation leather, synthet- ic camphor, and non-fat soap com- pounds, calculated to appeal espe- cially to hard-water Ann Arborites. The introduction of synthetic prod- ucts into the building of houses has been the slowest process of all, Pro- fessor White maintained. He at- tributed this to the fact that houses are handmade. Until houses con- form to a standard of uniformity, and can be machine-made as is a car and other structures now profiting from the use of synthetic products, it will be impossible for the house- holder to reap the benefits of the last 30 years of work in that field of science. Professor Vibbert Will Arrive Today Prof. Charles Vibbert. of the phil- osophy department, who was seriously injured in a fall down an elevator shaft in September in New York City, is expected to arrive in Ann Arbor this morning. Professor Vibbert is still wearing a cast, but his condition has improved to such an extent in the last few weeks that doctors of the Hospital for Joint iseases'~ in New York. where rfso Calls For Abandonment Of Undergraduate Council As Not Representative Welch, Hilty, Ferris Draft Constitution Details Of Proposal To Be Presented At Meeting Of Group Monday A plan calling for the abandon- ment of the present Undergraduate Council and the formation of a new student council along entirely differ- ent lines is now in the process of formation following a meeting of the Student Faculty Relations Committee of the Union held yesterday at the Union. Basing the proposed action upon the many complaints that the present form of student government is not representative of the student body, the idea for the new organization in- cludes features to do away with this and other unsatisfactory conditions. Men To Rule The new plan calls for an organiza- tion composed of men only and will represent all of the major schools gn the campus, according to its sponsors. It will .provide representation for fraternity members and independent students. Through the manner of selection of representatives for the council, a continuity of service will be effected, doing away with the evil of having a new body each year, committee members stated. The manner of selection, as yet to be completed in its final form, will put student government more in con- tact with the student body but, at the same time, will prevent the coun- cil from becoming embroiled in campus politics, it is claimed. Proposed By Welch The plan, originally proposed by Douglas Welch, '35, recording secre- tary of the Union, is now in the hands of a committee composed of Welch, Carl Hilty, '35, president of the pres- ent Undergraduate Council, and Wil- liam G. Ferris, '35, managing editor of The Daily, which will draft a con- stitution for the revised organization. The proposal, with its details work- sd out, will be presented before the Student Faculty Relations Committee of the Union next Monday. Members of the committee are Prof. Henry C. Anderson, of the Engineering 'School and director of student Alumni Rela- tions, Prof. William A. McLaughlin of the Romance Language depart- ment, Prof. John S. Worley of the Engineering College, and Prof. James K. Pollock of the Political Science de- partment. Student members are Hil- ty, Ferris, Welch, William Dixon, '36 Allen McCombs, '35, Joseph Baily, '35, and Phillip Singleton, '35. If the plan receives the favorable vote of the committee, it will be sent to one of the University committees dealing with student activities. University To Present Varied Talks On WJR Dana To Be First Speaker On Program For This Week "What the Forests Have Done for Michigan" will be .the subject of a radio talk at 2 p.m. today over Station WJR by Dean Samuel T. Dana of the forestry school. At 9:15 a.m. tomorrow the labora- tory program of the University speech class will go on the air with announce- ments and campus news events. At 2 p.m. John M. Trytten of the education school will speak on "The High School Instructor in Commercial Education," as part of the Vocational Guidance series of programs. Stanley Boynton of WJR will speak to the class in radio technique at 9:15 a.m. Thursday. At 2 p.m. Prof. Michael S. Pargment of the French depart- ment will speak on "Why Study French." At 10 p.m. Thursday Prof. Wells I. Bennett of the architectural college will speak on "An Architect Looks at from the offices of the journalism' department, a play by Prof. John L. Youth Council To Brumm has been chosen for presen- Begin Its Program tation to the sixteenth annual con- vention of the University Press Club of The Ann Arbor Youth Council Michigan, meeting here Nov. 8, 9, and launched an extensive campaign yes- 10. terday in an endeavor to interest local This will be the fourth year during youth in a program of education, which a play has been produced for sport, and recreation, which will start the journalists' meeting here. It will immediately. be given by the Comedy Club under Nearly 1,000 youths between the the auspices of the journalism de- ages of 16 and 25 will be interviewed partment, which sponsors the Press by the staff of the Council as to the Club conventions. types of activity in which they are As was the case last year, the play interested. The program includes Uni- will be presented twice, once for the versity students as well as those out- convention and once for the general side. The temporary headquarters public. Admission to the Friday night of the Council is in the local Y.M.C.A. performance will be entirely by invi- The Youth Council was formed last tation, but a ticket sale will be made August at the instigation of Dr. James to students and townspeople for Sat- B. Edmonson, dean of the School of urday night's show. Education, Prof. Lowell J. Carr of the This year's play, the fourth one sociology department, and G. R. written by Professor Brumm, will be Koopman, principal of the Tappan presented by Comedy Club at the Junior High School. The head of Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre the last the Council is R. G. Wilsie, a Uni- two nights of the convention. Al- versity graduate. though both the title and casting for The tentative list of groups in the play have been completed they will which those interested may partici- not be released until the beginning pate is as follows: Actors In 'The Green Pastures' 'Travel' Many Mile s On Stage One of the extraordinary features of "The Green Pastures," 1930 Pulit- zer Prize play by Marc Connelly which comes to the Michigan Wednesday, is the "travelling" done by the charac- ters. It has been estimated that many of the actors in this drama have walked considerably more than 100 miles within the confines of theatres of the United States. This odd fact is so because of the moving treadmills which comprise the noted false stage the giant treadmills made too much noise. After days of futile experimen- tation, electricians, carpenters, and machinists achieved a result that en-1 ables 50 people to march the tread- mills in noiseless unity. The play itself has a romantic history. Two leading firms and a host of independent producers refused to publish it, telling Mr. Connelly that it was "worthless." Finally Jed Harris, noted New York producer, "saw the light," and put it -' ,'... - .. 1