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October 28, 1934 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1934-10-28

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The Weather

Cold and partly cloudy Sun-
day, with strong northwest


3k igau


FERA In Operation . .
Court Action On Drill .. .




Churches To
Offer Sermon
Series Toda
Prof. Cowden To Speak On
'Religion As A Personalr
Matter' Tonight
Dr. Brashares Will

Football Scores
Purdue 20; Carnegie Tech 0.
Washington 13; California 7.
S.M.U. 26; Fordham 14.
Colgate 20; Holy Cross 7.
Centenary 13; T.C.U. 0.
Army 20; Yale 12.
Dartmouth 10; Harvard 0.
Minnesota 48; Iowa 12.
Notre Dame 19; Wisconsin 0.
Ohio State 28; Northwestern 6.
Chicago 19; Missouri 6.
Navy 17; Penn. 0.
Stanford 16; U.S.C. 0.
Princeton 45; Cornell 0.
Tenn. 14; Duke 6.
Columbia 14; Penn. State 7.
N.Y.U. 0; Georgetown 0.
Syracuse 33; Brown 0.
Wash. State 31; Oregon State 0.
Tulane 20; Ga. Tech 12.
Alabama 13; Georgia 0.


ryouts For Illini Triumph Over Michigan
Opera Posts
Will Be Held ]By Margin Of Extra Point, 7.


*1 / -i


Discuss 'Success'
Evening Student Sessions
Mark Sabbath Program
Of ReligiousGroups
Continuation of sermon series that
have attracted widespread campus at-
tention will feature religious services
to be held this moning in Ann Arbor
"Success" will be the fourth in the
series on "What We Want," being dis-
cussed by the Rev. Charles W. Bra-
shares, successor to Bishop Fisher at
the First Methodist Episcopal Church.
Prof. Roy W. Cowden of the English
lepartment, will open the discussion
on "Religion As a Personal Matter" at
7 p.m. in the Wesleyan Guild. This will
be the third in the series of student
discussions on the general topic, "The
Place of Religion in Modern Society."
Rev. Heaps Will Speak
A unified service of worship and
Christian, Education will feature the
program at the Congregational
Church. The Rev. Allison Ray Heaps,
speaking in his series of "The Old
Testament in the New Times," will de-
liver a sermon on "The Tower of
Babel." Rabbi Bernard Heller will fol-
low the Reverend Heaps with a lec-
ture on "The Evolution of Religion,"
discussing Jehovah and the Jews.
Jewish fraternity presidents are to
meet with Rabbi Heller early in the
evening, after which Dr. Heller will
conduct Kadish services at the Hillel
"What Shall I Do With Jesus?" will
be propounded by the Rev. George
Daschner in the morning service at
the Zion Lutheran Church. Prof. How-
'Clus k of tl edcation hsc ol
will speak In the parish hall in the
evening on "If I Were a Freshman."
Bible Class To Meet
The Rev. C. A. Brauer will feature
the morning service in the Missouri
Synod -of St. Paul's Lutheran with a
sermon on "Why Hold a Grudge?"
The student Walther League Bible
class will meet from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m.
The Unitarian Fellowship of Liberal
Religion will feature its afternoon
Hallowe'en Service with "Witches
Walk Today," a talk by the Rev. H. P.
Marley. The Liberal Student's Union
will discuss "Values," under the guid-
ance of Prof. George B. Brigham, at
its evening session.
Noted Author
To Lecture At
Hill Auditorium
'The Flight To Freedom'
Is Topic Of Talk To Be
Given Nov. 6
Dr. Lloyd C. Douglas, pastor of the
f First Congregational Church here for
seven years, and author of "The
1MPP nificpnt Obsession " will speak


White To Open,
Faculty Speech
Series Tuesday
'New Synthetic Products
For Clothes And Houses'
Subject Of Lecture
The first of the University Lectures
to be given this year by a member *
the University faculty will take place
at 4:15 p.m. Tuesday in Natural Sci-
ence Auditorium, when Prof. Alfred
H. White, head of the chemical engi-
neering department, will speak on
"New Synthetic Products for Clothes
and Houses." The lecture will be illus-
Professor White is a Michigan prod-
uct, receiving his college education
here, with an A.B. in 1893 and a B.S.
in Chem. Eng. in 1904. He has been on
the faculty since 1897.
After his graduation in 1893 he went
to the University of Illinois, where he
was an assistant in chemistry until
1897. During his last year there he
was on leave of absence, and from
1896 to 1897 was a "Federal Politech-
nicum" at the University of Zurich in
Switzerland, specializing in chemical
technology. He came to Michigan as
an instructor in chemical technology
in 1879, and by successive steps in
1904, 1907, and 1914 became professor'
and head of his department.
He served as consulting engineer for
the U. S. Bureau of Mines from 1907
to 1920, and has an excellent service
record in the World War. At the time
the United States entered the war in
1917 he became a captain in the Ord-
nance Department of the U.S.A., and
from Jan. 21, 1918 until his honorable
discharge in July 1919 was a Lieut.-'
Colonel. He was also chief of the re-
search section and assistant chief of
the nitrate division of the Ordnance
After the war Professor White be-
came a lieutenant-colonel in the
Ordnance Reserve Corps, and in 1925
received his step to full colonel, which
gave him the highest army rank of
any man now on the campus. He has
been the moving spirit in the organi-
zation of the Ordnance Training
Camp of the U.S. Army held for the
last three summers in Ann Arbor
under the College of Engineering.,
From 1919 to 1922 Professor White'
was the consulting chemical engineer
for the Ordnance department of the
Army. His close connection with the
Army is due mostly to his interest in
and intense study of the problem of
nitrogen fixation, one of the special-
ties of his own research. Other sub-
jects to which he has devoted par-
ticular attention in his research are
the manufacture and testing of illu-,
minating gas, and the manufacture
and properties of Portland cement.

Positions For The Various
Committees Open To All
Interested Students
McCracken Issues
Call For Tuesday
Selections For Cast And
Chorus Also Scheduled
For Near Future
Tryoutsfor the seven student com-
mittees. which will work in connec-
tin with 'the 26th annual Michigan
Union opera, will be held at 4 p.m.
Tuesday in Room 302 of the Union,
Russell McCracken, director of the
production, announced last night.
Committees of students will be
formed on music, publicity, personnel,
scenery and property, dance, costumes,
and makeup, according to DeWitt
Snyder, '36, who is in charge of com-
mittee tryouts.
As soon as the various comnittees
are organized, a call will be sent out
for all students desiring parts in the
cast and choruses of the show.
Snyder explained that all students,
except first semester freshmen, are
eligible to participate in the next
show. He added that the committee-
men who are successful in their jobs
this year will be made chairman of
the important committees of next
year's production.
Will Meet Tomorrow
Stewart Cram, '35, music chairman,
has issued a call to all students in-
terested in writing either music or
lyrics to meet at 7:30 p.m. tomorrow
at the Union. The newly-formed su-
pervising committee will also meet to-
morrow with Kyril B. Conger, '36M,
author of the book, and McCracken to
discuss the manuscript.
Snyder outlined the duties of the
various committees as follows:
The music committee, he said, will
have charge of all manuscripts sub-
mitted. It will also handle music for

Fall Games

Green-Coated Frosh Beat
Out Sophs -i Closely
Contested Match
Event Closes Week
Of Nocturnal Raids

Scores Wolverine Tally In Illinois Game

Won By Freshnien

Wild Enthusiasm
At FerryField


Culminating four days of nocturnal
activities, the two underciasses of the
University met for the annual class
fall games at 10 a.m. yesterday on
South Ferry Field with the result that
the freshmen have again vindicated
themselves as the strongest of the
two groups.
A closely contested rivalry with vic-
tories scored by both classes during
the unsupervised night raids of last
week, the battle displayed more en-
thusiasm than has been seen on the
campus for many years, according to
Evenly numbered groups fought out
the first two of the three events on
nearly even terms, the sophomores
winning the tilting, four to one, and
the freshmen capturing the cane
spree, six to five.
The last event, the flag rush, proved
to be the stumbling block for the
"red men." Green coated frosh stoutly
defended their three poles against the
vicious onslautits of the sophomores.
At the end of the time limit, the fresh-
men were declared the winners of this
event and consequently of the games.
Both of the first two events were
marked with close competitions. Al-
thoijah sonhomnres nuickly won four

Hunt's Off ! Delta U's
Pup Returns For Meal

Chi Psi Wins Cup
For Fraternity


rehearsals and everything pertaining of the tilting contests, a long struggle Liebchen is back! The gigantic
to the business end of the music in the W'ds waged betweenR oberc Crawford, Miber of the Delta Upsilon'scan-'H ouI
show. '38, captain of the freshmen and Don- ine chapter has returned to his old
The publicity committee will handle ald Hilliard, '37, captain of the soph- haunts on the campus.
all advertising newspaper stories, omores. Crawford was finally able to Liebchen was found yesterday Lambda Chi, Delta]Kappa
magazine articles, sponsor poster con- unhorse his opponent. morning in Pontiac by members of Epsilon, And Sigma Chi
tests, and all other phases of advertis-
,ing or publicity. In the cane spree, the result, after Chi Omega sorority who recognized
g Outlines Committee's Duties each side had won five of the con- the familiar figure and compassion- Awarded Honors
The personnel committee will have tests, became dependent upon the out- ately returned him to his home where,
hre frysnne fommte ast, hae come of the Robert Demoine, '38- he consumes outrageous portions of ( The winner of the fraternity house
charge of tryouts for the cast, handle Clinton Conger, '37, duel. This fight food daily. decoration contest held in conjunc-
rehearsals, and check the eligibilitytdeorawtonallcontest oeldingcwnsunc-
ofhstudenspandichaik the show.yalso took several minutes, but, al- The treasurer of the Delta Upsilon ,tin with Fall Homecoming was an-
of students participating in the show, though outweighed by his opponent, is reported as displeased; a special nounced last night by Carl Hilty, '35,
The scenery and property commit- DeMoine finally jerked the staff from assessment to cover the pabulum president of the Undergraduate
tee will be responsible for property his competitor, consumption of Liebchen is being con- Council, as the Chi Psi Lodge.
shifting during rehearsals and the ac-
tual performances. It will also handle In the flag rush the sophomores sidered. Honorable mentions in the contest
the lighting and the sets. all converged upon one pole, later --. were awarded the Lambda Chi
The dance committee will handle all shifting their attack to the others House, the Delta Kappa Epsilon
instruction, drilling, rehearsals, and when they found the resistance to be M oore Closes House, and the Sigma Chi House.
routines in connection with the danc- too strong for them. As the freshmen The second of these was the win-
ing in the production. also shifted from position to position, Fore tr ner of last year's contest.
The costume committee will be re- the sophomores were unable to make The decoration which won the
sponsible for wardrobes during re- any headway in this event .prize, a silver cup, consisted of the
hearsals and the actual presentation iM eeting H ereletter "I" superimposed upon the
of the show. Ta . letter "M". Upon each side of this
The make-up committee will handle Xirirm Not ,ole design were the two names "Kip"
make-up during the actual perform- Date- vtte Is Claim Senator Stresses Need For and "Zup" each followed by a figure
ances and dress rehearsals, Snyder e L rs ad nXof a key. The prize must be won
stated. GrauatedIncome Tax three years in succession to be re-
Denying that the College Cab Com- In State tained in permanent possession.
DOTY TO GIVE RECITAL pany had been the first to cut prices, The Lambda Chi fraternity decora-
The second in the weekly series of Everett Bailey, manager of the firm, State Sen. A. L. Moore was the tion carried the idea of a revival
afternoon organ recitals will be pre- stated last night that he was not pre- speaker at the final session of the meeting. The "Dekes" idea was based
sented at 4:15 this Wednesday by Wil- pared to announce present cab rates. upon the background of a large
liam Doty, assistant to Dr. Moore, di- Bailey emphatically claimed he had Timberland Owners Conference yes- horse. The honorable mention prize
rector of the Choral Union. "definite information" that "at least terday at the Union. Senator Moore, of the Sigma Chi house was awarded
According to Prof. Palmer Chris- two other companies are cutting I speaking on "Taxation in Michigan for a pin - a large camera with
tian, University organist, Dr. Doty is prices. My firm," he said, "is only dT the letters, "picture their surprise."
an organist of unusually fine qualities, attempting to meet competition and and Its Effect on Timberland the es r the s e
playing a wide range of literature with I do not wish to be regarded as the one 'Management", declared that Mr. Ross Bittinger of the architect-
vitality and taste. who started the whole business." state is facing a demand for gradu- ural college, Dr. Howard B. Calder-
A graduate of the University, Mr. Investigation by The Daily has ated income tax and other taxes on wood of the political science depart-
Doty has done further work in Paris shown that none of Ann Arbor's cab intangibles. This was necessary ment, and Carl Hilty, '35, president
with Joseph Bonnet and Leipzig with companies is publicly advertising I Senator Moore declared in order to of the Undergraduate Council.
Karl Straube, with the result that his lower rates, although several firms
interpretations are musicianly and au- have offered special low rates to fra- make ownership of real property

Wolverines Throw Scare
Into Powerful Illinois
Team ByDesperate Play
Ward Makes Lone
Score For Eleven
Theodore And Lindberg
Tally; Beynon Also Stars
For Victorious Indians
(Sports Editor)
"I know you've been disappointed
in the team so far this year, but, no
matter what the score is tomorrow,
you won't be disappointed!"
Thus did Captain Tom Austin fore-
tell the results of yesterday's game
at the Friday night pep meeting. No
Michigan fan was disappointed when
the Wolverines lost to Illinois, 7 to 6.
The Michigan team fought cour-
ageously from the opening whistle but
lost to a team that was mechanically
better. The play of the big Michigan
line in two desperate goal-line stands
overshadowed even Willis Ward's bril-
liant 30-yard run for Michigan's
Illinois Scores
The Illini scored first, when, after
being penalized 15 yards for holding,
they marched from their own 32-yard
line across Michigan's goal in ten
plays. Jack Beynon passed to Bart
Cummings who was downed on Mich-
igan's 43. Two plays later Crain Port-
man wormed through the center of the
Michigan line and sprinted down the
left sidelines to Michigan's 14 before
Ward brought him down from behind.
Portman and Beynon carried the ball
to Michigan's three-yard line in two
plays but here the Wolverine line
braced and held for three downs be-
fore Theodore barely managed to
carry the ball across the goal line.
Les Lindberg must have been re-
membering Michigan's one-point vic-
tory over Illinois last year when he
sent the ball soaring squarely between
the uprights to make the score 7 to 0.
Michigan got the only break on
which it was able to capitalize early in
the second half when Hildebrand re-
covered Portman's fumble on the Il-
lini 35-yard line. On second down
Regeczi threw a short pass over the
left side of the line to. Mike Savage,
who, when about to be tackled, tossed
a wide lateral to Ward. The Negro
sprinter took the ball at full speed
and raced down the left sidelines for
a touchdown, outdistancing three
would-be tacklers. Ward depended on
sheer speed to elude his pursuers. His
attempt to place-kick the water-
soaked ball was very wide, the ball
slicing crazily off to the right.
Ends Play Well
The Illini's tricky attack was un-
doubtedly hampered by the wet
ground and the intermittent showers
of rain and sleet, but also by the fast-
charging Michigan forwards and the
ends who were waiting for plays to
develop before crashing heedlessly
into the balj carrier's interference.
Patanelli, Savage, and later Ward, all
showed excellent. ability to diagnose
complicated Illini plays and spoiled
the Indian's lateral passing attempts.
Statistics show that the Illini had
a definite edge overMichigan in most
departments of play, gaining 172
yards from scrimmage to 62 for the
Wolverines. Michigan failed to make
a first down while the Suckers got
six, three by rushing and three by
Les Lindberg was outkicking Re-
geczi most of the afternoon but Re-
geczi was more consistent and was
placing his kicks better.
The Michigan line, while looking
weak during Illinois' 68-yard touch-
down march, showed much improve-
ment, especially in the shadow of their
own goal. After their long march in
the second quarter the Illini were not
to be denied and finally inched the

ball over on fourth down.
Fail To Score
Again in the third quarter the Suck-
ers appeared to be sure ,of a touch-
down after a pass, Lindberg to Nelson,
had put the ball on Michigan's four-
yard line, with four downs in which
to put it over.
Theodore got a yard, Portman ran
off right end for no gain. Beynon
could get nothing at center. On fourth
down Beynon took the ball just behind
center on what was to be a wide lateral

Tuesday, Nov. 6, in Hill Auditorium
on "The Flight to Freedom." Nazi Paoanism
Dr. Douglas' book, "The Magnificent t
Obsession," is still a best seller after T C1ecke
three years. It was written, as he Is nBy
says, "after he had become bogged
down in a series of essays he was Protestantism
writing that he could not understand
himself." This book was followed by,
"Forgive Us Our Trespasses" which BERLIN. Oct. 27. - (P) - Protes-
he has called the story of the purga- tant churches tonight prepared to fly
tion of a young cynic. I
Before starting out on the lecture ..their white flag ith itpule rss

thoritative. ternities. again profitable in the State, since R ound a ble Will
past taxes on real property have RoundtaL e W l
proved too great a burden.
Sincl -air Camp Predicts Victory That taxation on intangibles must Hold Forum At
furnish adequate support for the
state fntons, but that thscn
For aliorna E 1c'Cha pio serve onlycwhen the remainingseight Lane Hall Today
For California 'Epic' Champion ___"ri ~t aeHllTdy
mill levy of real property is abolished, I
nAwas the belief of Senator Moore. 1 ,n1w

1 i

i-i.m r.<+rn< : tnr" thn t7T"Ct. tImp In T.UM i

platform, Dr. Douglas was pastor of tomorrow tor the Iit Limetin 1I1
the St. James United church in Mon- and one-half months as Naziism ap-
treal, and was well-known to college parently yielded all along the line on
students throughout the land, having their heretofore iron-handed church
held pastorates in college towns in program.
Ohio, Indiana, Michigan, and Cali- Theationyesterday of Dr.
fornia. For five years he was Director Ah resignai yesterday of
of Religious Education at the Univer- August Jaeger, Nazi commissioner of
of ofliois.u nn -Prussian Protestant churches, was fol-
sity of Illinois. lowed today by discontinuance of p0-
At the present time, Dr. Douglas lice surveillance he ordered for Bishop
is working on his latest novel, tenta- Hans Meiser of Bavaria aid instruc-
tively entitled, "The Green Light." tions for Karl Koch, head of the oppo-
It will be ready for publication this sition synod, that the church flag be
winter. After its conclusion, he has flown.
returned to the lecture platform. His Reichsbishop Ludwig Mueler,
talk .here will be the first time that whose church dictatorship drew crit-
he has returned to Ann Arbor to cism second in bitterness only to that
snar since giving wn his local' nag- ism sI-,nd in tterneTs on4y1tth

two to one victory for Upton Sin-
clair despite the national administra-
tion's indicated disapproval of his
candidacy was predicted today by his
supporters in the fast moving guber-
natorial campaign.
Mr. Siiclair's opponents remained
confident he would be routed at the
"Mr. Sinclair will win by two to
one," said Culbert L. Olson, the
"EPIC" and candidate chairman of
the Democratic state central commit-

The Sinclair camp held to the' Senator Moore stated that taxation
belief Southern California's millions Seatoruporre statedwtha xan
would, in the main, follow the 'EPIC" must support the schools, which can
wouldmin egmainrdll owthePICnonly look to intangibles now taxed
champion regardless of President such as sales. He predicted in the
Roosevelt's silence and the with- future a manufacturers' tax, in ad-
drawal of support by George Creel dition to manef crra taxd
and other leaders of Democracy. and possibly a graduated income tax.
Mr. Creel is the Democratic 'leader Taxation to support local govern-
of San Francisco. ment should be furnished by real
Mr. Merriam's manager announced property taxes, the Senator believed.
that in view of "statewide revelations In order to get real property back
of illegal registration in Los Angeles on the roll and ina condition to
and practically every county in the pay taxes, delinquent property must
state" a "state-wide organization of not be sold by the State. Instead the{
veterans" would "scan the polling delinquencies should be cancelled or

I lie ouuI moun Wa le Wl mee
at 4 p.m. today in Lane Hall. The dis-
cussion, on the subject -of "Youth
Movements," will be led by Frank Ald-
rich, '37, who has served as chairman
during the preceding discussions of
the problem of wandering youth.
Various youth organizations spread
throughout the world such as the
League Against War and Fascism, New
America, and the Oxford Movement
will be discussed.
Raymond E. Carroll, '37, will tell of
his experiences as a member of the
Oxford group. Mr. Carroll was active
in such an organization in Syracuse,

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