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October 27, 1934 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1934-10-27

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Y, OCTOBER 27, 1934



1- - . . ..................... ..

Thirty-One Fraternities Will Have Homecoming Celebrations



Many Houses
To Welcome
Law Club To Have Its First
Informal Party For This
Thirty-one parties have been
planned for tonight to celebrate the
Homecoming week-end.
Members of Theta Xi fraternity will
entertain guests tonight with a formal
dance. Kenn Whitman's orchestra
from Battle Creek will furnish the
music. The chaperones are Mr. and
Mrs. Jack Mathes and Mr. and Mrs.
Phi Delta Epsilon will also hold a
formal dance this evening, according
to Lester Segal, '37M, chairman.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bouchard and
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Young will
chaperon the formal dance to b, given
by menibers of the Triangle fraternity.
Bernard Kleiger is making the ar-
rangements for the formal to be given
by the Phi Lambda Kappa house.
Irving Kalb's orchestra from Detroit
will supply the music.
Give Tea Dances
Two tea dances have been planned
by fraternity houses to be given after
the football game. Beta Theta Pi will
entertain at a closed tea dance this
afternoon. Russ Harper's orchestra
will play for the dance. Mr. and Mrs.
George McCallum and Mrs. R. B.
Howell will be at the tea table. Bob
Yates, '36, is in 'charge of the party.
The members of Chi Psi will also
hold an informal tea dance at their
house. Capt. and Mrs. W. B. Fariss
and Dr. and Mrs. M. R. McGarvey
will chaperon the dance which is open.
Ned Diefendorf, '36, is planning the
Hold Informal
A greater number of informal,
closed dances are also scheduled for
tonight. The Chi Phi house, under the


Oren Parker's Twenty-Two Foot 1Velveteen Is Smart
Set Is Used In 'Street Scene' For Sport, Dress
_ And Evening Wear

Even without the presence of lux- By ELEANOR JOHNSON ! retained to give a shiny appearance
urious divans, we can give our room The largest set ever to be used on when lights are thrown on them.
that casually comfortable appearance the stage of the Lydia Mendelssohn The lighting in itself is no simple
by the use of innumerable pillows - Theatre, designed by Oren Parker, in- matter, for every room back of the
on the bed - on the morris chair - structor in stagecraft, was employed set has its individual lighting fix-
on the window-seat-everywhere that by members of Play Production at the tures. The first act proves to be
they can be of service, either for opening of "Street Scene" last night. most effective, for the time is at night
comfort or for purely decorative pur- When Robert Henderson and his and the only light on the set comes
poses. troupe presented "She Loves Me Not" from the rooms and the single lamp-
The choice of pillows must, like all last spring, he used a two-story set, post near the corner of the stage.
kinds of knick-knacks, be governed by but the front of the tenement house The brownstone effect was anotherI
the type of room in which they are used in "Street Scene" is two stories one of the more difficult tasks in the
to be placed, They should never be above street level and a half story building of the set. The set is not
selected before curtains, drapes and below. The whole set reaches a height painted one solid color, but a com-
bed-spreads have already been chosen. I of 22 feet, topping the Henderson bination of four different shades of
Most co-eds prefer pillows that are set by well over two feet. paint are used. Purple, brown, tan
made of a durable material, the kind The front windows of the five and red are combined in such a way
that can withstand the strain of a family flats are visible and to a cer- that when lights are thrown on them,
pillow fight with no dilapidated look tain extent the inside of the rooms a true brownstone front is seen.
as a result. Checked crash, heavy can be seen by the audience. This It has taken the persistent work of
linen, and flannel, are the most prac- possibility of seeing the interiors of Mr. Parker, aided by members of
tical and attractive materials used the homes of the five families neces- Play Production, over three weeks to
for this kind of pillow. sitates furnishing back of the set in get the whole set in shape for the
Crash Used For Pillows some detail. Individual wall paper, four presentations of the play.
In the crash material, most of the pictures and furniture are used back _
pillows are of the same material as the of the windows which are covered
spread. Some are made to cover the with curtains characteristic of the Alumnae rou
sleeping pillow, thus giving the bed families living in the tenement.
the appearance of a studio couch. The There are ten windows in the set, T"R Fo
heavy linen pillows are attractive in each with a heavy cornice, and a cor- ! etf rn-For
the natural-colored linen with bright nice divides the first and second story. .
embroidery and appliqued designs. Over three weeks were spent by FERA Annual M eetmnc
They are clever with the monogram in workers in building just this one part
one corner or with the first name em- of the set. The windows open, in
broidered across the front. order to permit members of the fam- The annual luncheon of the Alum-
Michigan pillows are sporty, made ilies to yell into the street below, and nae Association of the department of
up in flannel in the Michigan colors. all appear to have glass in them. The Physical Education for women will be
They have the fraternity insigna glass, however, is cheese cloth washed held at 12 noon today in the Women's
the blue side and the name and painted black. Enough gloss is Athletic Building. Miss Irene Field,

Nothing is more popular with the
feminine football fan than velveteen.
Be patriotic and match your velveteen
blouses to colors of college pennants.
The stylish co-ed wears very "inter-
esting" blouses checked one or two-
piece velveteen outfits with accents
in the form of a white Peter Pan col-
lariand cuffs.

Two A.A.U.W. Paris Professor
Groups To Hold Delivers Lecture
. . An explanation of the essential dif-
o in t eetino ferences between the Christianity of
! the Middle Ages and that of today,
and a discussion of the theoretical
The Ypsilanti and Ann Arbor basis for predicting the future trends
groups of the American Association ofaChristiandom was given by Prof.
of University Women held a joint Jacques Maritain of the Institut Cath-

meeting at 3 p.m. yesterday in the
ballroom of the League. Prof. Ar-
thur W. Bromage of the political
science department spoke on the

Velveteen even holds its own in the much-discussed fourth amendment
field of berets, scarfs, and bags. Alto the state constitution which will
very smart effect is produced when be voted upon in the elections on
one dons a chocolate brown velveteen Nov4
beret with a canary yellow feather - 4.
placed at just the right angle. And Frances Florer, an Ann Arbor at-
don't' forget the initialed velveteen torney, gave a talk at this discus-
bag to match the beret and set off j sion meeting to which the Ann Arbor
the spectator tweed suit. However vel- League of Women Voters has been
veteen does not confine itself solely invited.mShe will discuss the other
to sportswear. This material is also amendments which will be voted on
used for afternoon garb. The plain at the same time as the fourth and
velveteen tunic with corded girdle is she will review the Federal Housing
stunningly simple. act. Miss Florer is conducting a
The formal, full-length evening class in practical politics for the
wrap has appeared in velveteen, and A.A.U.W.
has been received with great acclaim. At 4:30 p.m. tea was served.

oliqueGeParis in a University lec-
ture yesterday on "The Historical
Ideals of a New Christiandom" at the
Natural Science Auditorium.
Handicapped by a lack of experi-
ence with the English language, Pro-
fessor Maritain spoke with a distinct
French accent to his audience. He
reviewed the ancient philosophical
thought concerning Christianity, and
the concepts of modern thinkers as
to the present and future prominence
of that religion.
Where TO Go
Motion Pictures: Majestic, "Serv-
ants' Entrance" with Janet Gaynor
and Lou Ayres; Michigan, "Big
Hearted Herbert" with Guy Kibbee
and stage show; Whitney, "Young
and Beautiful" with William Haines
and Ted Fio Rito; Wuerth, "Shoot the
Works" with Jack Oakie and "Thun-
dering Herd" with Randolph Scott.
Dancing: Union ballroom, League
grillroom, Preketes, Chubbs.

owner on the other.t ne border is
looped with ribbons of maize andeblueF
braided through the loops. Another
interesting pillow is in brown flannel,
on which is sewn the silhouettes of a
romantic pair dressed in powder blue,
against the background of a rising

chairmanphip of Wayne Andreae,
'37, is arranging for an informal party.
.Delta Sigma Pi and Phi Sigma Delta
are both entertaining with informal
closed dances tonight.
James H. Curtis is in charge of the
informal closed dance at the Phi Chi
fraternity. Chaperones include Dr. H.
Ransom and Dr. and Mrs. RaymondI
Waggoner. Bill Marshall and his or-
* chestra will furnish the music.
The traditional Homecoming dance
at the Acacia house is being planned
by James Lientz, '36E and Willis
Player, '37. This party will also be
informal and closed.

Fancy Materials Are Popular
Quilted satin, organdy, and velve-
teen, are of course less durable than
the other pillows, but are very pretty
for the dainty room. Velveteen pillows
are especially decorative in small
squares, on which Scotty dogs and ter-
riers are sewn in bright mosaic work.
A pleasing feature about pillows this
year is that the majority of them are
not in thie conventional square, round,
or rectangular shapes, but in most
cases are in the form of elephants,
horses, dogs, and innumerable kinds
of dolls.
For the studio or den, some very
appropriate pillows are those of Chi-
nese print. They are made of genuine
imported Chinese silk and are em-
broidered with gold thread. The de-
signs consist of Chinese pagodas,


Lewrue Open '1
House To Be
Held Tuesday
Dancing, games, bridge and tours of
the building will be included in the
program features for OpenHouse,toe
be observed Tuesday night in the
League. Sue Mahler, '35, Ann Osborne,<
'35, and Marie Metzger, '35, will be
co-chairmen in charge of the affair.3
The other committee appointments:
include Julie Kane, '36, assistant
chairman for decoration, Jane Flet-
cher, '36, assistant for games room,
Nan Diebel, '35, assistant. for ball-t
room entertainment.
Decorations will carry out the Hal-
lowe'en theme. There will be bridge
games on the third floor, in charge of
the social committee, and hostesses in
the ballroom. Al Cowan's orchestra
will play for dancing. In the Grill
Rocm members of the reception com-
mittee are to act as hostesses, and
conduct parties through the building.
All the offices on the first floor will I
be open for inspection.r
Elective Tap Class Is
Branch Of Dance Club,
The elective tap dancing class meet-;

president of the association, will pre-
side at the meeting immediately fol-
lowing the luncheon. Dr. Margaret
Bell, director of physical education for
women, and Miss Lloyd Campbell,
professor of physical education, will
Two hockey games are scheduled
for 10:30 a.m. today on Palmer Field.
Teams representing the University,
the Ann Arbor Hockey Club, alumnae,
and the faculty will play.
Alumnae returning for, the affair
are: Etruria Stalker, '27, Northville;
Norma Hick, '33, Grand Rapids; Helen
Beaumont, '28, Mildred Dumm, '28,
Dorothy Van Sleet, '30, Helen Ham-
mond, '31, Wilma Clizabe, '33, Ruth
Kurtz, '34, and Gertrude Tillitson, '30,
all of Detroit; Corrine Fries, '34, and
Catherine Rentschler, '30, Ann Arbor.
Season's Fashions
To Be On Display
Newest fashions in fall and winter
clothes will be displayed At the style
show of the season, to be held Wed-
nesday, October 31 in the League ball-
room. The shov is being sponsored
by the Himelhoch.Company of De-
Ann Osborne, '35, social chairman
of the League, is in charge. Half of the
models will be campus women, while
the others will be professional models.
Tables will be set up in the ballroom,
and tea will be served during the

Story Of Play To
Be Told In Schools
A sorority woman and a member
from the League Assembly will act as
representatives of the Children's
Theatre in the public schools of Ann
Arbor. A few days before the opening
of the children's play, the women will
go to the eight elementary and two
junior high schools to tell the students
the story of the play.
Miss Ethel McCormick is instructing
the women this week in the telling of
the story of "The Adventures of Tom
Sawyer" which will be presented by
the Children's Theatre the week end
of Nov. 16.
Helping Miss McCormick with the
project are Sue Calcutt, '35, chair-
man of Children's Theatre, Betty Ann
Beebe, '37, Jeanne Gibbs, '37, and
Genevieve Wilkowski, '35Ed.
To Begin 1934 Red
Cross Drive Here
The beginning of the 1934 campaign
for membership by the Ann Arbor
chapter of the American Red Cross
was announced yesterday.
The campaign comes early this
year so as to avoid conflict with the
Community Fund Drive, officials said.
Annual membership costs $1, and
other forms of membership run from
$5 upward. Fifty cents of each pay-
ment goes to the national Red Cross
Mosher Hall will hold an open house
this afternoon after the Illinois game.
The committee in charge of the affair
are: Ann Warner, '37, Mary Lou
Schaake, '35, Bernice Reed,' '36, Betty
McClure, '36, Jean Lee, '38. Marjorie
Bode, '38, Marjorie Winch, '38 and
Betty Gipe, '36. Tea will be poured
by Constance Blakely, '35, Melinda
Crosby, '35, Jeanette Putman, '35,



Mrs. Edward M. Bragg, Mrs. Edward
Adams, and Mrs. Waldo F. Hunt were
assisted at the tea table by the
members who are graduates of state
colleges and universities exclusive
of theMichigan institution.
A short business meeting was held
at the beginning of the discussion and
lectures, and the new year books were

WOLF, Lapin, Marten, Caracul
.. no, it's not a Zoo Directory,
it's the furs on the new coats at
the Marilyn Shop. The material
is called "Tree-Box," just an out-
of-doors touch, you know. They're
all pure silk lined and very warm-
ly interlined (A very important
feature for this North-pole-equa-
tor weather). They come, of
course, in the best fall shades:
blue, brown, and black and, the
sum total of this- enumeration, the
price is only $25.
** *
of those "hard-to-buy" gifts
the other day and found just that
at Calkins-Fletcher's. It's an in-
nocent red leather case with a
bottle of oily remover and, polish
and when the bottles are removed,
presto, it's a cigaret case . . . al
by Peggy Sage and all for $1.50.
Then there are two larger kits one
in black satin and the other in
pin-seal leather which are just as
complete as they come.
* * *
Rj NGINEERS, hold on to your T
squares and slide-rules - the
new "kerchiefs" are very precise
as to angles. We saw the newest
at the University Fashion Shop . .
triangles and squares, silks, wools,
and even gold cloth. They're

striped and checked and no two
alike . . . and that's a rather big
order. A new note in formal wear
is a heavy white crepe triangle
that certainly adds that 1934
touch. And there are lots of twin
sweaters too, nice and wooly.
HAVE THE Ann Arbor drizzles
and tornados done things to
your curly locks? The barber at
Amelia's has gone naturalistic on
us . . . when he's emptied his lit-
the bag of tricks your coiffeur
seems suited to you and to you
alone . . . it's an art: And have
you noticed how high the curls
are going this season? At Amel-
ia's the sky seems to be the limit
and all in the wink of an eye, too.
W HY HIDE your light under a
bushel? Give the others a
break . .. send them a picture from
Dey's Studio. They're specializing
in Vignettes . . . very special, too,
with white backgrounds and that
"etching" effect . . . particularly
good for that Barrymore profile
Another good bit is a colored min-
iature . . . they're just a shade
more "something or other" than
a photograph and always occupy
the position of honor. And to send
to . . . well, just back home .
there's nothing smarter than a


Alumnae Honored tles, go
Alpha Gamma Delta sorority has The colors
made arrangements for an informal rylbu
:.dance for alumnae who have returned royal blue
for Homecoming. Mary Ellen Hall, ALP]
'34, is in charge of the party. The pled
Dr. and Mrs. Park .S. Bradshaw, sorority en
and Dr. John W. Bean will be gueststerday. Ie
of the Alpha Kappa Kappa fraternity tcrda.
tonight at their informal dance. themums a.
Other fraternities that have ar- as decorati
ranged for closed informal parties to- Tennantpc
night are Alpha Omega, Psi Omega,
Phi Beta Delta, and Alpha Kappa Psi.
Robert Cowden, '35L, has made the at the open
arrangements for the informal dance tonight by
to be given at the Lawyers' Club to- which Geo
night. Bobbie Brooks' orchestra from gians will p
Detroit will furnish the music. Dr. is social
and Mrs. Nelson Smith and Miss Inez lowe'en pa
Bozorth will act as chaperones for the Alpha Epsi
dance. and open.:
Numerous open informal parties are play, and P
to be given by fraternity houses this ler and Mr
evening. Lambda Chi Alpha will en- chaperone.
tertain with that type of party to- Tau will a
night. Mr. and Mrs. Ward Priest will informal or
chaperon the affair,- which is under Kappa Si
the direction of Robert Heusel, '36,1 tonight at
social chairman. {L. E. Yeah
and Mr. an
Alpha Rho Chi will hold an infor- M'. and
mal dance tonight which is being chaperone.
planned by Nick Vincent, '37. Chaper-
ons will be Mr. and Mrs. Raymond
Mathews, and Mr. and Mrs. Frederic NEW CA
Aldrich. An open radio party is being H
held tonight by Sigma Nu, which will O
be chaperoned by Mr. and Mrs. Jack E
Dunn and Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Fri- CA
singer. 24
Hallowe'en motif will be carried out

ds, goddesses and dragons.
in which they come are
and carioca red.
ges of Alpha Gamma Delta
.tertained with a tea yes-
len Doris Young, '35, was
Yellow and brown chrysan-
nd yellow tapers were used
ions. Mrs. Sarah Bernard
informal dance to be held
Alpha Kappa Lambda, at
rge Wheeler's Blue Colle-
lay. David Winkworth, '36,
chairman. Another Hal-
rty will be held by Delta
lon, which will be informal
Bill Seegar's orchestra will
'rof. and Mrs. Robert Kess-
. and Mrs. J. C. Hills will
Xi Psi Phi and Phi Kappa
lso entertain tonight with
ten parties.
igma will honor its pledges
1a closed pledge formal.
man's orchestra will play,
d Mrs. Robert Horner, and
Mrs. Richard Helms will
155 N

ing at 8 p.m. every Tuesday in Bar- showing of the models.
bour Gymnasium is a branch of Dance A charge of 25 cents per person
Club. Miss Virginia Peasely, instructor will be made, and the proceeds taken

in physical education, will teach the in will go to the Undergraduate Fund Margaret Martin, '35, and Katherine
fundamentals of this art. of the League. England, '35.
Members of the class do not in-
tend to give a demonstration. The - - - - ---
class is primarily designed to prepare
students for participation in activ-
ities such as J.G.P. and cabarets. Fif- HOM ECOM I NG
teen men and women attended the;
first meeting and more are expected * H EA DQ ART ERS
as the class gets underway.e dER
L T H CAmPIt * oLrMA


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Tickets $1.-- $1.50 - $2.
Season Tickets (Nine Concerts)
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COSSACKS ...........November 19
SZIGET I...............December 3
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ITURBI ...............February 12
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SCHNABEL ........ ......March 4


Constructive Effort
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way ahead for fruitful endeavor.
"The Deposits in this bank are insured by the Federal

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