TUE MICHIGAN DAILY To Inaugurate American Hour " .ri Pr a n P i Turkish Student Finds U. of M. Superior To European Schools Sets New Record THE STAGE lU..F 1 "IIBy RALPH W. HURD is unknown, and one's affairs are not About 7,000 miles from Ann Arbor the common property of a multitude Irominent Italians To Be there is a small village called Trab- of friends and pseudo-friends. zon, situated on the shores of the Education in Turkey is broader and H e a r d On Broadcasts Black Sea in Turkey. The possibility more thorough in its high school and From Rome of any direct link between Ann Arbor, grade school equivalents than in Michigan and Trabzon, Turkey, would America, according to Servet. Near- Of interest to short-wave radio seem so remote that a gambler might ly 90 per cent of Turkish children enthusiasts who also have an call it a "1,000 to 1 shot." attend school, and 95 per cent of interest in things Italian, will be the Yet the opening of the fall term Turkish people can read and write. first in a series of "American Hours" of the University has seen this con- Such subjects as advanced algebra from Rome to the United States be- nection become an actuality, and the and biology are taken years before the ginning 6.30 p.m. E.S.T. this Sunday. uniting factor is represented in the American school child finds them in According to an announcement person of William A. Servet, '35E, the curricula, and there is a corres- from C. P. Merlino, director of who is now studying in the trans- ponding advanced status for Turkish Italian studies in the University, portation engineering department of students in most of the other educa- among the first to be heard on these the University. tional fields. programs will be Marconi, D'Annun- Lives in Trabzon Turkey is just now beginning to zio, Balbo, and other prominent ' Trabzon is Servet's home town. modernize its industrial system, Ser- speakers, along with some distin- It is about-500 miles from Constantin- vet stated. It is a progressive na- guished musical productions from ople, and its principal industry is the tion, desiring to keep peace amongst1 the pens of Verdi and Puccini. The production of cod-liver oil. Perhaps its neighbors, and eager for more un-I former Metropolitan Opera House its chief distinction from fishing vil- derstanding and sympathetic rela- conductor, Bernadino Molinari will lages along the coast of North Amer- tions with the United States.1 conduct. ica is the fact that its history can -- --- University students' broadcasts, be traced back into the dim antiquity symphonic concerts, chamber music, of 3,000 years ago, instead of a few sketches, fashion news, interviews centuries to which such a town as with prominent Americans, sports Boston can lay claim. and other front-page activities will Servet left Trabzon to attend the feature the broadcasts. Robert College in Stamboul, and it By BILL CUNNINGHAMI Four wave-lengths are being used was here that his desire for an Amer- (Reprinted from the Boston Post) in the broadcasts, which will be ican college diploma originated. ANN ARBOR, Mich., Oct. 17. - De- transmitted by a powerful antennaI Servet thinks that the University feat is sometimes -well, beautiful. specially built for transmission to the of Michigan offers finer educational And the psychology of it is fascinat- Unted States-52.40, 42.98, 30.67, and opportunities than do most of the ing. Take Michigan, now. Her flag was 25.40 meters. European, schools. He thinks that at the mast head for four terrific "It is expected," says Dr. Merlino, Ann Arbor and particularly the years. In something akin to arrogance, "that the 'American Hour' will serve campus surroundings are very beau- her corn-fed sons and hand-spanked as one of the leading ties that will tiful, almost as beautiful as the city daughters preened and pomped andY consolidate the always growing of Stamboul, which he stoutly de- paraded. At least it was easy to be--r interest of the United States and clares is unexcelled in his experiences. lieve it was in arrogance. Gridironr Italy in each other's thought and triumphs beget a peculiar afflatus,t in Regards Americans Highly and when your band, as big as Sousa'se doings. The Turkish people hold Americans and thrice as garishly attired, parades i high regard, that is, all except our and counter-marches for four solid! AppointIents missionaries. American missionar- years banging out a bragging hymn les, Servet maintains, tell the Turks about you being "the champyuns of what a miserable condition they are the West," and when there isn't at Are Ia d e In in, and what an advantageous posi football team on your slam-bang a tion the Christian people of America schedule that can make it change itsi Fisheries Staff enjoy. This attitude, Servet says, tune, you naturally run a little to theI hurts the national pride of the Turk- extra head size unless you're power-k ish people; and also strains their fully well balanced. Trautman Saler Andcredulity, after reading so many ac It's taken the last two weeks to counts of American unemployment prove that Michigan's powerfully wellt Leonard Are Named To figures and labor disputes. balanced. All at once, and with less Servet is a Mohammedan. The than any warning/ mighty Michiganv Institute Posts Mohammedans do not drop every- fell out of the autumnal skies like ar thing and'kneel down in the streets shot duck. Her smaller sharer of Statef Recent changes in appointment in or on the sidewalks when the high monies, Michigan State, smacked her the staff of the Institute of Fisher- priest calls on all believers to wor- down hard in her opening engage-d es Research include -the assignment ship Allah, as the popular notion of ment, and last Saturday lowly Chicagog of Milton Trautman to assistant di- Americans would. have it. Instead, which hadn't topped Michigan sincea rectorship of the Institute, and the those who feel so inclined go to the 1919, and hadn't even won a Confer-a appointments of J. Clark Salyer and mosque, or temple, when the call for ence game since 1932, took her com-r J. W. Leonard. prayer is given, and they hold a wor- pletely apart, four touchdowns to no. n Mr. Trautman, who came here ship service not unlike our own re-' And what was the reaction when [rom the Division of Fish and Game ligious meetings,h emgtbckhmMn' h oof the Ohio Conservation Depart-igusmems the team got back home? Many's the i of th h also been appointed Depart- Harem Is Overrated time through its years of ascend-j ment sCurator of aFisheries. He is The harem has been greatly over- ency that it had rolled into the graya rated by Americans, Servet claims. little Ann Arbor depot with a thun-f R.Greleyg who hs joinetyes.tJffnThe only harems that ever existed dering win to its credit to be greetede R. Greeley who has joined the staff were those kept by the emperor. He only by the taxicab drivers and a of -the New York Conservation De- did have a number of wives and mis- couple of freight pushers. It was good. partment. tresses, and the house in which he Its student body knew it. Why make On leave this year from duties as kept them is called a harem. The any particular fuss about it? A re- a member of the local staff, Mr. Sal- nin turn home was just a return home in yer is heading a-new division of the occupants of these harems lived in United States Biological Survey, the separate apartments, and never saw those days. ity WtaterBfowgl Divion He each other, a system which was de- Something Else Again MVigratory Water-fowl Division. He acquisition of signed to prevent excess jealousies But this return from Chicago was s in water-fowlgrefuges and the eon of between the competitors for the royal something else again. When those cars ten of marshes which serve as breed- favor. rolled in bearing the battered Wol- in go marhehicservds bOutside of the Emperor's domainI verines, for once there was a mighty ing grounds for these birds. the harem never existed. It is true crowd at the depot. The student body Mr. Leonard, newly appointed to that formerly the rich who could af- massed the tracks, mobbed the plat- the staff, will undertake a line of ford it were allowed two wives, but form and overflowed into the clear- activity largely initiated by the In- this custom was abolished in 1923. ing behind the station house proper. teaimprtaofmen.t evaluatiofSince then neither the ruling power Cheer leaders, with their mammoth cosistm impartinmhnisgthekcalnor his subjects have been permitted megaphones, were mounted here and donsist in part m changing the con- to divide their marital affe.tions. there upon improvised towers. That :itions of streams to make them more Turkish young people differ only great Michigan band was banging suitable to fish life, which will in- slightly from Americans, Servet that "Champ-yuns" tune with even i volve the digging of pools and shelter stated. They go out on dates, attend more swing and swank than it had Construction. dances and movies, and have practic- shown many times in great victories. This work was extended through- ally the same privileges and restric- It was a regular revival meeting - out the country this summer through tions imposed by American custom. a re-affirmation of faith - a great the efforts of three fisheries students One point of difference, however, lies outpouring of spirit and loyalty. AN- who were in charge of parties engaged in the Turkish regard for a date. An parently Michigan had been waiting n lake and stream surveys and im- engagement for the evening with a to prove that she could do just this,. provement work. The students were young lady is strictly a private affair Next day, the leading editorial in Eugene R. Kuhne, I. A. Rodeheffer between the parties concerned. Gossip the student newspaper said, i effect: and ClarenceW._Trzwel___Mr._Tarz-Strange as it may seem, we welcome well visited numerous states and in- fdefeat. We're glad of the chance to structed various fields in Michigan wonderfully clear and logical ar- dfet W'e gld oe cance t nethods of stream improvement work. rangement If Idie not know who prove to the world we can take it Hle is back this year completing his wrote it, I would guess that C. A , - -_____ail_______ ;raduate work along this line. Yct Dr, Harold Babcock from the same DS observatory says: "it is a great satis- the Gamc to gt a FINE Describe Meyer's faction to have at hand a full text on this important topic that is hot 'I G-7 11' "STREET SCENE," A REVIEW acters are many in "Street Scene." .. By JACK CARL SEIDEL Notable for their efforts are John Life streamed out of the stolid, Silberman as the musical Italian; typical, brownstone tenement house good-natured Harriet Kesselman for on the stage of the Lydia Mendel- her good-natured picture of his wife; ssohn Theatre last night in an array Carl Nelson of the unruly hair for of shades and tints. In front of the his Irish drunk; Felicia Shpritzer for one massive set of Play Production's her consistent gossip that kept the presentation of Elmer Rice's "Street play moving; the brown mongrel Scene," the audience beheld humor, for his careful avoidance of the con- love, tragedy, and a touch of melo- spicuous lamppost; Goddard Light for V. drama. his jitters as the expectant father, Provided with a script that has Bully Dave Zimmerman for his torn stood the test of time, directed cap- trousers; and Truman Smith for his ably by Valentine Windt, favored by silent Swede. Hattie Bell Ross' per- excellent set designing under Oren formance as the Jewish school teach- -Associated Press Photo I Parker's guidance, sped on by the er was especially well done. Lieut. Francesco Agelio, "crazy natural enthusiasm of a cast eager The one disappointing element of bcy" ef Italian aviation, beat his own I to start their season off with a bang, the play was Frank Funk's melodra- record fcr speed when he piloted a the total effect, as viewed by one matic interpretation of Sam Kaplan, seaplane 440 miles an hour as Desen- pressed for time to meet his paper's the unhappy lover of Rose. His voice zahe, Italy. deadline, was quite entertaining. and gestures were too often strained I suppose the greater consideration or overdone. With some control, a o e of the play must be directed toward little patience, and the willingness to an evaluation of the characters and better by past errors, Funk could do S S pirit4 their interpretation by the students, a great deal better in performances Outstanding among these was Mary to follow. Maybe we need defeat. We don't want Pray's poignant portrayal of Rose, it, but we aren't crying over it." the unhappy and understanding The coacnes were just as human daughter of the pathetic American about it. The players, many of them couple. Save for a few awkward and green and inexperienced, may have stagey gestures, her performance is Why You Should gone to practice Monday fearing the finished and smooth, the culmination wrath that was sure to descend. None of hard work in our training school Own a did. Harry Kipke took them in clin- and the object of many, but sincere ical retrospect over the game, just as criticisms in the hands of my prede- he does after every game. He made cessors. She's a neat little actress no mention of the loss. He bawled and deserves encouragement. PO RTA B LE nobody out. He spoke of mistakes, but Virginia Frink and Harlan Bloom- then, he always speaks of mistakes, er as the Maurrants, parents to Rose, even when games are won. All coaches are next in line for bouquets. Govern- do. ed by a restraint characteristic of . l. C a J . t; i" S 0 I i; U i , a s s c d s v c a t: v ii a v s f Speaks of Game To Come The scribes expected to see Old Man Yost blow off some sparks. He's never been exactly famous for his grace as a loser. They found him instead roll- ing a well-chewed cigar around in his lips and praising Chicago. "You know," he said, "that Chicago team played some pretty good football. Yes, sir, they looked like a pretty good team." The scribes, more and more amazed, went into Kipke's office. They ex- pected to find letters and telegrams from rabid alumni demanding Kipke's blood and a complete new coaching deal. They found the letters and tele- grams all right. There must have been at least 1,000 of them, with more arriving all the time, but they were messages of loyalty and encourag-' ment. "I thought I knew what the Mich- igan spirit was," said the square- jawed young coach, who was visibly affected, "I knew it was loyal and fine, but I'm afraid I really under- estimated it. In one way these lickings have been the greatest things in my experience." professionals rather than amateurs, these two make their portrayals live and breathe the air of disillusioned incompatibility, so common to couples engulfed in the quicksand struggle for existence and happiness among the slums of a metropolis. The number of comic relief char- WANTED REGISTERED PHARMACIST to buy half interest in well established store in mer- chandise. Fair proposition for right man. Apply: MICHIGAN CUT RATE STORE 601 East Liberty Tel. 9192 IN 'i PICTURES that pass in the NIGHT are gone forever! Easy O" Record them! Home, Children, Parties . . . The most "remembera- ble" things in life with Eastman's New S. film. S. Get your indoor ture information pic- free J on request. F R AmCISCO & BOYCE The Magic Chef that protects Burners and Pipes ' from spattering fats and boil-overs It's no trick at all to keep the Magic Chef clean. Glass - smooth surfaces ' * of porcelain enamel, rounded corners and concealed bolts make cleaning simple. Sanitary High Burner Tray is easyto clean as a table top. Lift off top grates-wipe tray with cloth-the job is done. Tray can be easily lifted out and washed like a dish, if desired. Fits snugly around brightly burnished * burner heads. Conceals and protects _._. all other mechan- Chef Top L Lighter combined with burner tray lights any top burner automatically as gas is turned on. Let us demonstrate these features for you. f Book As %pochal "The Diffraction of Light, X-Rays, and Material Particles," recently written by Prof. Charles F. Meyer of the physics department has been described by some of the world's lead-1 ing authorities in science as being "epochal." The book, which just came off the University of Chicago Press, was commented on by Dr. J. A. Ander- son, who is in charge of the making of the world's largest telescope for Mt. Wilson Observatory in California, in this manner: "I am simply delighted with your A BETTER MEAL I UNCH - - - 35c overlioaded with heavy mathematics.- DISCIPLES TO MEET The Disciples Guild of the ChurchE of Christ will meet at six o'clock tomorrow evening at 438 Maynard Street. After tea and the social hour, those attending will be able to par- ticipate in a valuable discussion of "Life at Michigan." to give you that well-filled feeling.- Ivory's Confectionery Corner of 11i1 and State 723 N. University 4 SERIES 1500 $92%00 LOOK FOR THE RED WHEEL WHEN YOU BUY A MAGIC CHEF FOR YOUR OLD STOVE AMERICAN STOVE COMPANyiY I