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October 26, 1934 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1934-10-26

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- - E

Inflation Of Balloon Before Stratosphere Flight



C;onser'va~tive Leader

Political Re-Ali'iiient Seen As
Aftermath Of Reed's Address

The program at the Michigan for'
I the next two days is a pot-pourri of'
light entertainment, including besides
the feature picture and the stage
show a Thelma Todd-Patsy Kelly
comedy, a cartoon comedy, and Paul
Tompkins at the organ. It is all good
light entertainment ,and will offer'
two hours of satisfying chuckling to
almost anybody.
"Big Hearted Herbert" features
Guy Kibee, Aline MacMahon, and
Patricia Ellis. Taken from the New
York success of the same name, is has
been made into a fast-moving, well-
executed picture. The story is con-
cerned with a middle western busi-
ness man of the pre-American-culture
era whose success has gone very much
to his head. His daughter wants to
marry a wealthy boy. He doesn't like
it. His son wants to become an engi-
neer. He wants him to go into his
plumbing business. When the daugh-
ter brings her prospective in-laws to
dinner at his house, he makes a fool
of himself and family (much to the
enjoyment of the audience). The
next night he brings home one of his
best customers and his wife. Then
his family make a bigger fool out of
him (much more to the enjoyment of
the audience). It all ends well, of
course, and everyone is satisfied, in-
cluding the (by that time) hilarious
"Roisman's Collegians," the stage
show, is short, funny and entertain-
ing. Impersonations of Zazu Pitts
and Stan Laurel are well done, and
there is an acrobatic dancer of no
mean ability.



-Associated Press Photo
Long before daylight workmen began inflation of the stratosphere
balloon in which Dr. Jean and Mrs. Jeanette Piccard ascended to an
approximate height of ten miles before landing near Cadiz, Ohio. This
picture shows the balloon, largest in the country, as it was inflated.I


Officers Back New Frate

--r -ti-

retain their existing organization; (Continued from Page 1)
secondly, by majority vote to adopt started when you invited the secre-
the alternative county manager plan taries to your campus in 1933. From
prepared by the legislature; or final- our humble start there has grown a
ly, to set about governmental reor- new movement which is bound to
ganization by home rule charter.
He added that probably the ma" benefit all concerned.
jority of counties would accept the "I congratulate you upon the com-
first alternative, and keep their pres- pletion of the task you undertook. I
ent plan of government. But the believe it begins a new era in the rela-
others, that have longtwanted to tion of administration and chapter
change their form of government that will bear watching."
will be given a chance to do so, he Arthur R. Priest, executive secretary'
said. of Phi Delta Theta fraternity and a
Would Be Eighth State member of the National Fraternity
In concluding, he said that Mich- Secretaries Association:
igan, if it accepted the amendment, "You and your colleagues are to be
would be theeighth state to do so, bongratulated on having worked out
and asked, "will Michigan be next in this plan this early."
line or will this nation-wide move- Stewart D. Daniels, executive secre-
ment meet its first major setback in tary of Alpha Tau Omega fraternity:
Michigan? You, as the voters of "I want to assure you that Alpha
Michigan, will answer that question Tau Omega will co-operate with you
on the ballot on which you cast your in every way possible in putting into
vote at the polls Nov. 6." operation the ideas set forth in the
Mr. DeGraff spoke on "Business Fraternity Criteria."
Terminology," and told of his experi- Francis W. Sheparson, president of'
ences as instructor in business reports the Grand Lodge of Beta Theta Pi:
in the School of Business Adminis- "I am in substantial accord with
tration, and how business terminology the recommendations of the Com-
had progressed in the last few years. mittee on Student Conduct following
He concluded by saying: "How action by the Board of Regents.
much we shall be able to accomplish "I was a bit uncertain about the
and what the final results will be are Iropso bitafnai aoh
as yet quite uncertain. The field is proposition that a financial man or
large, the problems many, and the older brother be placed in the chap-
subject matter constantly changing. ter and so expressed myself to Regent
But, however difficult the task may Beal. It strikes me that the phrasing
be, I, for one, believe that business who shall reside in or near Ann Arbor'
terminology has just as much right is much better, at least from the point
to self-determination as any other of view of the undergraduate mem-
phase of our language." bers.
---- -- "I know that in some places there
NEW CARS FOR TAXI SERVICE is a little bit of resentment against the
p paternal attitude of the institution in
H A laying down rules of conduct for mem-
bers of undergraduate organizations,
E5 E but I have always felt personally that
CAMPUS CABS the police power of the University does
24-HOUR SERVICE and ought to cover the matter referred,
S to in this particular notice."

Mr. Bruce II. McIntosh, administra-
tive secretary of Lambda Chi Alpha:
"I find no fault with the principles
involved in the financial standards
and regulations applicable to frater-
nities and sororities. But there is a
little fear in my mind whether para-
graph 2, pertaining to the amount
receivable and payable may be a bit
stringent as the new standards are in-
troduced. Perhaps it might be con-
siderably easier for fraternities to
meet more liberal standards which
could be tightened up as the years
went by.
In passing I can state that Lambda.
Chi Alpha is strongly in favor of all
regulations of fraternities by local
University officials which would tend
to raise their standards and induce
them to handle their internal affairs
in a more efficient manner."
Raymond G. Lafean, alumni secre-
tary of Phi Sigma Kappa:
"We are gratified to know of thei
co-operative spirit that your admin-
istration is giving to Greek letter fra-
ternities and I assure you that our
Phi Sigma Kappa organization will
most heartily co-operate with you in
this beneficial work."
LeRoy J. Weed, speaking for thef
executive council of Psi Upsilon:
"These regulations meet with the
hearty approval of the executive coun-
cil of the Psi Upsilon Fraternity."
Lauren Foreman, Eminent Supremei
Recorder of Sigma Alpha Epsilon:
"Sigma Alpha Epsilon is heartily in
accord with the spirit of these regula-
tions and we shall be glad to co-oper-
ate in every possible way to see that
our chapter on your campus lives up
to them.
"Paragraph 2 of the financial reg-
ulations and standards if strictly en-
forced would certainly bring about
ideal conditions in the chapters pro-
vided it left any of them alive. I shall
be greatly interested to see how these
rather drastic provisions work out
on your campus. Of course, we shall
make every effort to have our chapter
handle its accounts as required."
Norman Hackett, graduate secre-
tary of Theta Delta Chi:
"We appreciate your thoughtful-
ness in sending a copy of the resolu-

rnity Plan
tions adopted by the Regents regard-
ing conduct, financial advisers, etc.,1
in fraternities and sorority housing. It
shows a nice spirit of willingness and
co-operation in helping to make the
criteria effective and worthwhile. I
know it is just what is desired gen-
erally by the fraternities, and the ac-
tion of our Regents pleases me very
much. I shall be genuinely interested
in seeing how well it works and feel
very confident that it will help a lot
in awakening a new and higher ap-
preciation for proper standards in
many respects."
Dr. Leon H. Cornwall, president of
the executive council of Nu Sigma Nu:
"The plan that has been instituted
is a very proper one and will unques-
tionably operate to the advantage of
the University and fraternities."
William Steinberg, Grand Scribe of
Phi Lambda Kappa fraternity:
"I thank you for the notice from
your Daily Official Bulletin. We are
glad to see that your school is meet-
ing this matter in this fashion."
Irving S. Cutter, Dean of the North-
western Medical School and President j
of the Grand Chapter of Phi Rho
"I congratulate you upon this splen-
did and clear-cut statement of what
the University expects of those to
whom it extends its privileges."
Literary Magazine
My Be Published
By reason of the fact that 35 stu-
dents attended a recent meeting of
tentative staff members, it appears
highly probable that the University
will have a literary and critical mag-
azine this year, according to Arthur
Carr, '35, who has been chosen head
of the editorial board.
Over twenty applications for staff
positions have already been made,
Carr stated. He said, however, that
there are still a good number of va-
cancies for interested students, par-
ticularly on the business side of the
Those wishing to apply should turn
in their names at the Hopwood Room,
fourth floor, Angell Hall.

Bliht Found.
On University
Forestry Farm
Chestnut Tree Victim Of
Disease Spreading Over-
Entire United States
Chestnut blight, which has rapid-
ly spread throughout the United
States, and is fast dooming the Amer-
ican chestnut tree commercially, has
recently been discovered on the Uni-
versity Forestry Farm by Prof. Dow
V. Baxter of the School of Forestry
and Conservation, it was disclosed to-
The disease was first introduced
into the United States from China
many years ago. It has spread rap-
idly from the original center of its
introduction at New York City until
now every chestnut tree in the United
States is endangered. Its unchecked
spread into the New England forests
and into the timber of the Blue Ridge
and Allegheny mountains has
wrought more destruction than any
other forest-tree disease known.
The blight was identified on two
trees by Professor Baxter in one of
the old plantings in the University's
Saginaw Forest. The chestnut trees
on which the blight was found were
planted in the fall of 1906. The dis-
ease has previously been found in
Michigan as early as 1916 but was
destroyed and did not crop up again
until 1927. Professor Baxter, hpw-
ever, is the first to discover its pres-
ence in this immediate vicinity.
The particular stand in which the
blight was found prevalent is prized
because of its value, and because of
its use in teaching certain courses
in the University.

(Daily Staff Correspondent)
DETROIT. Oct. 25 - The definite
trend toward a new alignment of
political parties composed of liberal
and conservative elements was ex-
pressed in political circles here today
following the bitter denunciation of
:he Administration's policies by for-
mer Senator James A. Reed (Dem.-
Mo.) in an address before a non-par-
:isian meeting Wednesday night.
The grey-haired Senator, still ac-
vive despite his 72 years, made no pre-
tense at hiding his antipathy of the
New Deal. He openly stated that he
'poke "as a Democrat and not as a
New Dealer" in his addresr entitled,
"The Constitution and the New Deal."
No Doubt of Feeling
The famous Missourian who made
himself a nationally known figure
through his opposition to America's
joining the League of Nations, spoke
under the auspices of the Marygrove
Non-Partisan Voters League, an or-
ganization virtually unheard of in
local political areas. The sponsor-
ship of Senator Reed can only be
guessed at, but from his bitter opposi-
tion to the New Deal, there is little
doubt as to its source.
Reed is not by any means the ex-
ception to the rule. Since the period
following the World War, there has
been a gradual increase in the num-
ber of party men who have forsaken
the platforms of their respective par-
ties at various times to enlist under
the so-called "independent" group.
Most notable of these are William
Borah, Idaho's political whip in the
Senate, the fiery Jim Norris of Kan-
sas, and the La Follettes of Wiscon-
Today the moye is more than just
that of a few independent men. It
is a wholesale change of certain ele-
ments of both parties toward a lib-
eral or conservative attitude. The
liberal attitude toward the powers of
Good Meat
* f



the Federal government to legislate
on the social existence of the country
is the banner now carried by the pres-
ent administration under the leader-
ship of President Franklin D. Roose-
velt. The more conservative element
has had little chance to organize any
sort of a machine following the 1932
Party An Enigma
There is considerable doubt in the
minds of political observers today as
to just what organization will carry
out the new principles. It is exceed-
ingly doubtful if the old Democratic
and Republican parties will carry on.
There are liberal Republicans who
back Roosevelt and his social legis-
lation, and there are conservative
Democrats who oppose any such a
Just what channel the new align-
ment will take is yet unknown. The
constitutional question over the pow-
ers of government regulation has
been argued since the days of Patrick
Henry and Daniel Webster. Political
observers cannot agree upon the
course, but all admit that some
change is inevitable.


Hero: You're wonderful.
Susabelle: And you're OK.
... The hidden reason-as they
say in the detecatif stories -is,
they both lavorised thoroughly
f you wish to be OK the
secret to this Social Con-
fidence is a Social Breath
and it is found in

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