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October 26, 1934 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1934-10-26

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e . - 3%ii4 I
Publiz ed every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Member of the Western Conference Editorial Association
¢nd the Big Ten News Service.
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The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
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Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
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Offices: Student Publications Building, Maynard Street,
Ann Arbor, Michigan. Phone: 2-1214.
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Telephone 4925
WOMEN'S EDITOR .....................ELEANOR BLUM
NIGHT EDITORS: Paul J. Elliott, John J. Flaherty, Thomas
E. Groehn, Thomas H. Kleene, David G. Macdonald,
John M. O'Connell, Robert S. Ruwitch, Arthur M. Taub.
SPORTS ASSISTANTS: Marjorie Western, Joel Newman,
Kenneth Parker, William Reed, Arthur Settle.
WOMEN'S ASSISTANTS: Barbara L. Bates, Dorothy Gies,
Florence Harper, Eleanor Johnson, Ruth Loebs, Jo-
sephine McLean, Margaret D. Phalan, Rosalie Resnick,
Jane Schneider, Marie Murphy.
REPORTERS: John H. Batdorff, Robert B. Brown, Richard
Clark, Clinton B. Conger, Sheldon M. Ellis, William H.
Fleming, Robert J. Freehling, Sherwin Gaines, Richard
Hersley, Ralph W. Hurd, Jack Mitchell, Fred W. Neal,
Melvin C. Oathout, Robert Pulver, Lloyd S. Reich, Mar-
shall Shulman, Donald Smik1GBernard WeissmanuJacob
C. Seidel Bernard Levick, George Andros, Fred Buesser,
Robert Cummins, Fred DeLano, Robert J. Friedman,
Raymond Goodman, Morton Mann.
Dorothy Briscoe, Maryanna Chockly, Florence Davies,
Helen Diefendorf, Marian Donaldson, Elaine Goldberg,
Betty Goldstein, Olive Griffith, Harriet Hathaway, Ma-
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grad, Jewel Wuerfel.
Telephone 2-1214
DEPARTMENT MANAGERS: Local Advertising, John Og-
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Merrell Jordan, Stanley Joffe.
WOMEN'S ASSISTANTS: Mary Bursley, Margaret Cowie,
Marjorie Turner, Betty Cavender, Betty Greve, Helen
Shapland, Betty Simonds, Grace Snyder, Margaretta
Kohlig, Ruth Clarke, Edith Hamilton, Ruth Dicke,
Paula Joerger, Mary Lou Hooker, Jane Heath, Bernar-
dine Field, Betty Bowman, July Trosper.
For Spirit.
THE OLD GRADS will be back this
T week-end to observe the annual
homecoming. Students will join them in a pep
meeting tonight. Freshmen and sophomores will
meet on the field of battle tomorrow. Fraternities
will be decorated. The big home football game
of the year comes tomorrow afternoon.
Officially, the Michigan Alumni Association
knows no fall homecoming. Few of the returning
alumni will be signed up, none will be trotted
around for any sort of program. All class reunions,.
all alumni programs sponsored by the organization
come in June, when educational events and at-
tractions other than football are the drawing cards.
The Undergraduate Council, without any sup-
port or action of the alumni, has inherited the
job of naming the date for homecoming. Around
the date several functions have grown up that are
now traditional and much more respected than
they would be if any sort of official promotion were
Official or unofficial, homecoming week-end
brings back more alumni than any other occasion
except the June meetings. They look forward to a
rallying point and the mere designation of a
homecoming game is all that is necessary to start
things moving. From the alumni standpoint, the
week-end is always a success.

The alumni, many of them veterans of the days
when college men gave freely of their blood in
combat with the forces of law and order and went
into a frenzy over football games and rallies, will
go to the pep meeting tonight to yell as hard as they
ever did in their prime. They are not ashamed of
their loyalty to Michigan, and they still believe
th;at support is something a team needs in order
to do its best.
Pep meetings were not intended for the old grads
alone. In fact, once they were so strenuous that
none but the youngest and strongest males dared
go. Years of plenty have made students apathetic
toward their team-win or lose. The value of
rallies seemed about as indirect as-that of prayer.
Someone has suggested that the gatherings of the
last year or two be called "discussions," not
Michigan's gridiron position changed so un-
expectedly this year that many persons aren't sure
yet what happened. Neither do they know just
what's coming next, but most of them have a sort

'Dat Ole
IT'S A LOT EASIER to do battle
with a personal devil than with an
abstruse social, economic, or political issue. Con-
sequently, when things go wrong, it only remains
for the aggrieved parties to set up some individual
or some definite group as the cause of it all and
batter it down by name-calling.
Secretary Wallace discusses this quaint custom
at some length in his recent book, "New Frontiers."
"Changing the rules of the economic game is
usually accompanied by the exorcising of personal
devils," he says. "Sometimes people become so fas-
cinated by their devils that they forget they set
out to change the rules."
There is no more vicious devil-chaser in exist-
ence than the Chicago Tribune, which has centered
its attack on the New Deal in the highly-amusing
but not always strictly veracious cartoons by Mr.
Orr. Thanks to Mr. Orr, a considerable portion of
the country's population now knows that the New
Deal is personified by a despicable little college
professor with Communistic beliefs and that his
sole aim is to kill every last one of the American
ideals and turn the country over to Russia.
While devil-baiting may be an effective form of
attack in a semi-literate society such as our own,
it is none the less despicable. And while, the Chi-
cago Tribune may be a brilliant example of the
practice, it is not alone in it by any means.
Devil-shouting helps, among other things, to gain
votes, tighten the hold of leaders on their follow-
ings, and increase newspaper circulation. It looks
like fine stuff on the outside. Actually, it arouses
human passions and prevents thinking. It does
nothing to clean up the mess.
That in our past which many have called prog-
ress has often been nothing more than a series
of violent swings from the camp of one attractive
banner to that of another. Those mass movements
were vivid and dramatic; they were not always so
very vital. And for exactly that reason some of us
will realize that devil-chasing will never perma-
nently solve some of the very essential problems
that are cropping out these days.
IAs Others See It
Should FERA Subsidize?
Federal Emergency Relief Administration last
week announced a ruling which makes new stu-
dents who pledge to fraternities and sororities in-
eligible for FERA part-time employment on the
Hill. The Inter-fraternity Council and the Women's
Pan-Hellenic Council immediately entered protests,
charging discrimination against the Greek-letter
Perhaps the Inter-fraternity Council and the
Women's Pan-Hellenic Council would do well to
spend a few minutes in more careful reconnais-
sance before advancing further. They might save
themselves a considerable amount of trouble and
embarrassment if they look before they leap.
It is evident from their charges of discrimination
that they do not understand the purpose of the
FERA employment program. The purpose of the
program of part-time employment for college stu-
dents, as set forth in the instructions from Wash-
ington, is to dovetail with the broader program of
relief and re-employment by bringing to college
many young people who would otherwise be on the
labor market. It does not demand a great degree
of intelligence to perceive that the use of this
relief money to pay fraternity and sorority dues is
not consistent with the purpose for which the
employment was created. A person who is finan-
cially able to join a fraternity with an FERA in-
come of $15 per month can remain in school with-
out it, for his dues and initiation fee would con-
sume most of his yearly income from FERA. Thus
the relief money used in this way would not in-
crease the enrollment of the University no de-
crease the excess of supply over demand in the
labor market by bringing men and women to the
University who could not possibly come otherwise.
The board, although the members with a single
exception, are members of fraternities, has decided
that it is more just and more desirable to have both

John Brown and John Smith in the University even
though neither can belong to a fraternity. We con-
gratulate the board on its excellent decision and
feel that had it not passed the rule in question, the
Federal Relief Administration would have sound
and sufficient reason for discontinuing its appro-
priation to the University of Tennessee.
--Orange and White (U. of Tennessee).
Students As Social Insurance
Federal relief administration, will dispense
more than 13 million dollars among needy college
men and women this fall. These funds will be al-
lotted through the state temporary relief adminis-
trations to non-profit making institutions.
Although essentially a plan to lessen unemploy-
ment this winter the consequences of the govern-
ment's program must be measured from a long-
time viewpoint rather than any viewpoint of im-
mediacy of benefit.
Over 75,000 students will be able to continue
their advanced education because of this FERA
plan. The ultimate benefit to the nation accruing
from so many technically trained citizens cannot
be estimated; but that such citizenry is an asset
to the country cannot be denied.
During their educational periods, furthermore,
the Federal students will not be solely recipients of
aid, but will virtually "earn their way" by working
part-time on socially desirable projects including
clerical, library, and research jobs. Other of these
students will teach adult extension classes, thereby
passing on their cultural and technical information

Here is the latest news concerning the rule that
there should be no "dating" during the week nights
at the University of Oklahoma. The president of
the university walked into a campus "hot spot"
where 300 "dates" were dining and enjoying a
good orchestra. He ordered the boys and girls to
go home at once, but now there is a walkout in
16 fraternities because of the attempted enforce-
ment of the ruling.
I dedicate this poem to
There is nothing that gets me, nor makes me more
Aftcr I've slaved on this column an hour or more
Than for my dear fraternity brother to pop up and
"Oh, that isn't funny -I've heard it before!"
A hundred freshmen started a revolt against the
sophomores at the University of Maryland recently,
and as a result were unceremoniously dumped into
the chill waters of a nearby creek. During the
course of the proceedings the president of the soph-
omore class was immersed three times, and sundry
other casualties were suffered by the "disciplinary
B.B.L. nominates these for extermination:
People who mourn in scornful fun,
Whenever anyone springs a pun.
(Editor's note: We'd like to sprng upon them
without mercy).
The guy whose kiss is passionless;
The gal whose kiss is a sacred mess.
Couples that walk at evening time,
And mumble platitudes sublime.




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Miami University is boasting of a student
makes the comic strip figure Wimpy look
an amateur in comparison. He recently set a
record when he ate 20 hamburgs at one sitting.


Subscribe NOW to The

When a sorority girl plays with fire it gen-
erally ends up with her sorority sisters raking
her over the coals.
About a week previous to the Colgate-Ohio State
game, played last Saturday, Ted Husing, sports an-
nouncer, in his radio talk picked Ohio State to win.
An hour later a rhymed telegram appeared from
Colgate reading this way: "My Dear Ted Husing
As to Your Choosing that Colgate will be Losing
We Have One Hundred Dollars We Are Not Using
and if You Surmise Your Prediction is Wise Fork
Up Your Hundred and We'll Take Youse Guys."
(Signed) The Beta House, Colgate University.
Husing wired back this jingle: "As To Your
Pleading That Colgate Will Be Leading I Have a
Hundred I'm Not Needing. I Fear That the Betas
Will Soon Lose Their Status as Prognosticatahs.
Please Let Me Know And I Will Forward the
Dough." (Signed) Ted Husing.
"Hundred Coming, Keep Wires Humming With
Disastrous News Ohio's Succumbing," taunted Col-
gate. Husing wiring the money advised:
"I Tell You This to Bring You Pain, the Beta's
Bet will be Husing's Gain. I'm Sorry My Football
Eudition Will Cost You Most of Next Term's
The game was played on Saturday. As we all
know Colgate lost 10 to 7. A few minutes later
Husing received this gay surrender:
"Congratulations, You Broke The Bank
As Prognosticatahs We Are Rank."
(Signed) The Betas.
A Washington
staff, United States Army, put in an uncom-
fortable time just prior to expiration of his term
in that four-star military job. He seemed to be
the victim of his own charm and capacity to im-
press laymen with an appreciation of his profes-
sional attainments and executive talent. That he
possesses both in an exceptional degree his brilliant
war record as godfather and leading spirit of the
famous Rainbow Division, sufficiently proves. That
was MacArthur's own idea.
No A.E.F. man except General Pershing cap-
tured more non-service official fancy at home than
MacArthur. He greatly impressed Secretary Baker
even before America's entry into the war, when he
was just an engineer major of general staff duty.
He was the youngest major general when he
reached that rank, is the youngest man to have
become chief of staff. He is the only man ever to
have held that job to be seriously considered for
reappointment. It always has been a one-term,
rotative post.
MAC ARTHUR became chief of staff, stepping
over older heads, on the personal urgency of
Secretary Pat Hurley which outweighed with Pres-
ident Hoover even a counter-nomination presented
by General Pershing. Now his reappointment for a
second term, in the face of service tradition, is
strongly urged by Secretary Dern a Democrat.
Whatever happens, that in itself is an added
feather for the jauntily worn MacArthur cap.
This upshot is all the more surprising to the



Announcing The 1934-3 5


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