I'li Weather
Fair and cool today; tomor-
row cloudy and continued cool.
fri a
Occasion For Spirit .. .
'Dat Ole Debbul' .. .
Students Meet
Tonight At 1st
Meeting On Eve Of Second1
Big Ten Game To Cheer
Rejuvenated Team
Fight rFlk Will Be
I)elivered_ By Yost
Lower Classes Asked To
Delay Battle Until After
On the eve of Michigan's second
Big Ten battle of the year students of
the University are going to meet 'to-
night in the first pep-meeting of the
year to hearten a rejuvenated team
for the contest.
The student body will demonstrate
its support of the 1934 football team
before the game with the University
of Illinois to be played tomorrow when
the team, its coaches, the band, and
cheerleaders take the platform at 7:30
p.m. in Hill Auditorium.
Present plans for the meeting in-
clude an imposing list of speakers,
chief among whom are Robert J.
Thompson, '92L, justice of the Su-
preme Court of the state of New York,
who, according to reports, can render
a college yell as well as a judicial
decision, and Coach Harry A. Kipke,
who will deliver a short talk before
presenting members of the team.
Yost To Speak
In addition, Fielding H. Yost, direc-
tor of athletics of the University, will
deliver one of his famous fight talks.
Other speeches of the meeting will be
delivered by campus undergraduate
leaders, following the custom insti-
tuted last year. Joseph Horak '35,
head cheerleader, and junior cheer-
leaders will be present to lead the
The Michigan "Fighting Hundred,"
who are this year celebrating the
seventy-fifth anniversary of their
founding, will leave Morris Hall at
7:25 p.m. and march to the audito-
rium where several marches will be
played before the usual "Victors"
entrance. The band, during the ab-
sence of Prof. Nicholas D. Falcone
this term, is under the direction of
Bernard B. Hirsch of the School of
As well as presenting one of the
best drilled outfits in the Conference
during the past years, the Michigan
band has acted as a symbol of victory
for the team, which has never lost
an out-of-town game at which the
band performed. The only trip which
the band will make this season will
be to the Michigan-Minnesota game.
Freshmen To Attend
The present leader, .Donald A.
Strouse, '35, also has rabbit foot-like
qualities. Three plays after he dropped
his baton in the Michigan-Georgia
Tech game last week, Michigan scored
a touchdown. Strouse's record is only
two failures to date during last sea-
son as well as this.
Because the plan of former years
of holding the pep meeting in connec-
tion with Homecoming week is being
followed again this year, the meeting
is assured the attendance of numerous
freshmen and sophomores interested
in the class games to be held on the
following day.
Under present plans freshmen will
be seated in the left section of the
main floor with the sophomores on
the opposite side of. the same floor.
Carl Hilty, '35, president of the Underi=
graduate Council, has asked that all
hostilities be delayed until after the
Vengeance Wrought
On Sophomores By
The Mighty Frosh
The freshman class was out for
blood last night to avenge its
thwarted raid on the Sigma Chi house
Wednesday night when the now fa-
mous potato barrage failed to make
any effective impression upon the
doughty men of '37 who guarded the
Blood they did not get, except for
a bloody proboscis or two, and
these were found on both sides. They I
did get a pair of pants, however, from
none other than George Cosper, '37,
president of last year's freshman
Firmly intrenched, so he thought,
in the Sigma Chi house, Cosper
was surprised by "about 400 fresh-
men" who hustled him discourteously
away, removed his appendigial cov-
erings, and allowed him to visit with
wirirn- ernrrnssd females en-
National Fraternity Officers Express 915 Students
Accord With New Financial Laws Get Aid From
National executive officers -of 12 of the so-called "University med- other rules were passed concernig ER A M oney
fraternities on the campus, in letters dling." general conduct of students.
Mrs. Owen Lands
Place Of Foreign
to Dean Joseph A. Bursley, have ex-I
pressed themselves as being heartily
in accord with the recent legislation
passed by the University with regards
to fraternity and sorority finance, and
have stated generally that their na-
tional organizations would stand be-
hind the University in the enforcing
of the rules in their local chapters.
Two other letters were received by
Dean Bursley. Two replies were re-,
ceived from officers of Psi Upsilon fra-
ternity, while another was received
from Alvin E. Duerr, chairman of the
Committee on Scholarship of the Na-
tional Interfraternity Council.
The statements were written in
reply to letters sent out by Dean Bur-
sley with a copy of the legislation
passed enclosed in each. The letters
for the most part, were answered by
the executive secretaries of the na-
tional organizations of the houses.
The striking point imbedded in each
letter, in lieu of the current rumblings
of "more University meddling" by
undergraduate fraternity men is that
every statement expresses approval
The 12 fraternities, whose national
executives wrote statements are: Phi
Gamma Delta, Psi Upsilon, Phi Delta
Theta, Alpha Tau Omega, Beta Theta
Pi, Theta Delta Chi, Lambda Chi
Alpha, Phi Sigma jKappa, Sigma
Alpha Epsilon, Nu Sigma Nu, Phi
Lambda Kappa, and Phi Rho Sigma.
Although letters were sent to all
alumni executive officers of fraterni-
ties which have chapters here, only
the 15 replies have been recieved to
date. It is expected, however, that all
the fraternities will reply eventually.
The statements to be quoted were not
hand-picked because they were in fa-
vor of the University legislation, but
include all of the letters received to
date. .
The legislation to which all the let-
ters refer consists of several parts.
First, fraternities and sororities must
have selected, by Nov. 1, an alumni,
financial adviser. Second, no frater-
nity or sorority can open their doors
in the fall if by the July 1 preceding
they have unpaid accounts receivable
amounting to $200 or unpaid accountsI
payable amounting to $500. Several'
Following are excerpts of letters
written by the alumni executive offi-
Cecil J. Wilkinson, chairman of the
National Interfraternity Conference,
and executive secretary of Phi Gamma
Delta fraternity:
"Thank you for sending me the
splendid evidence that the University
of Michigan is co-operating with the
fraternities in maintaining the Fra-
ternity Criteria on your campus,"
Alvin E. Duerr, chairman of the
committee on scholarship of the Na-
tional Interfraternity Conference:
"I think thatethe solution oftthe
fraternity problem is to hold local
chapters up to higher grades of per-
formance. Of course this means a lot
of educating with a great deal of re-
sistance in the beginning, but once
they are used to it they will like it.
I have never seen the logic of letting
them do as they please:"
Maurice Jacobs, executive secretary
of Psi Upsilon fraternity and a mem-
ber of the National Fraternity Seere-
taries Association:
"I don't believe you realize what you
(Continued on l1age s)
Course Plans
Ilolanthe' Will Be Given
At Lydia Mendelssohn
A Gilbert and Sullivan operetta will
be given again this year when the
music-drama course will present "Iol-
anthe" as its second annual offer-
ing. The operetta will be given during
the week of Dec. 5 in the Lydia Men-
delssohn Theatre.
Last year an effort was made to
more closely unify the various depart-
ments in the University and the Com-
mittee on Theatre Policy and Prac-
tice chose an operetta which would
use students from Play Production,
School of Music and dance work.
"The Gondoliers" was given as the
laboratory work in the course and was
pronounced such a success that an-
other Gilbert and Sullivan vehicle was
chosen this year.
Five In Charge
Miss Emily White will be in charge
of all the dance work done in the pro-
duction. A committee from the School
of Music, consisting of Dr. Earl V.
Moore, Prof. Arthur Hackett and Prof.
David Mattern will have charge of]
training of choruses, soloists and or-
chestra while Mr. Valentine Windt
will handle direction of the acting.
The production of such an operetta
demands a large cast, the parts of
which will be filled mainly by the
members of the course. There will beI
need for a number of people in the
choruses and a call is made for all
interested singers, both townspeople
and students, to see Mr. Windt about
working in the operetta.
Also A Laboratory
This music-drama course was or-
ganized originally to present School of
Music students- with the opportunity
of working in and with an operetta
and to afford those Play Production
students interested in music to com-
bine the two fields. Besides the oper-
etta, those enrolled in the course have
regular instruction periods and use,
the operetta as a laboratory project.
Pawlowski Presented
Fellowship Appointment
Announcement was made yesterday
of the appointment of Felix W. Paw-
lowski, Guggenheim professor of aero-
nautical engineering, to a fellowship
in the Institute of Aeronautical Sci-
ences, national research organization.
Seen A St. Benard?
Delta U Lost Theirs
Hill Street was aroused last night
by more than sophomore-freshman
howling. Weird cries of "Liebchen,
Liebchen" rent the air.
No, 'twas no lost soul prematurely
celebrating Hallowe'en, but pledges of
the Delta Upsilon lodge calling the.
lost, strayed, or stolen St. Bernard
who eats them out of house and home
and answers to that name.
Mighty seniors shed an occasional
tear as they called the absent mem-1
ber to mind. Juniors spoke in subduedI
tones. Sophomores urged on the
search, while freshmen hung back in
the hunt, recalling the many acres of
dog hide to be washed.
Land Group To
Open Meeting
Here Saturday
Will Convene At Union;
Senator Moore To Talk
On Effects Of Taxation
The Annual Land Utilization Con-
ference of Timberland Owners and
others interested in the wild land
problems of the State will open here
tomorrow. The conference, sponsored
by President Ruthven and the School
of Forestry and Conservation will be
held at the Union today and tomor-
Over 75 representatives of land
ownership in Michigan, coming from
as far as Pittsburgh, Pa., and northern
Minnesota have signified that they
will attend the meeting .
Today's meeting will be given over
to a discussion of the government
code of fair competition for timber
and lumber industries, particularly
article 10, which commits industry to
leave lands in productive condition
after logging, provided the public
gives adequate co-operation.
In addition, E. W. Tinker, United
States regional forester from Mil-
waukee, will discuss the possibilities of
sustained yield on lake states timber
lands. At today's luncheon, Dr. James
D. Bruceyvice-president, in charge of
University relations, will speak repre-
senting President Ruthven, who was
forced to leave town and will be un-
able to attend the conference.
At Saturday's meeting State Sen-
ator C. W. Moore will address the con-
ference on: "Taxation in Michigan
and Its Effect on Timberland Man-
'Street Scene'
Opens Tonight
At Mendelssohn,
Group Of 50 Players Cast
In Elmer Rice's Portrayal
Of Life In New York
"Street Scene," Elmer Rice's Pulit-
zer prize-winning play of life in New
York, opens tonight at 8:30 in the
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre as pre-
sented by the Play Production group.;
Further productions will be given
tomorrow and Nov. 3.
Names of students playing the dra-
matic central roles were announced
last night by Valentine B. Windt, di-
rector of the productdn. -
The central plot revolves about the
tragic interrelation of the characters
of Mr. and Mrs. Maurrant, portrayed
by Harlan Bloomer and Virginia
Frink, '35, respectively. Rose Maur-
rant, their daughter, is presented by
Mary Pray, Grad., and her Jewish
boy-friend, Sam Kaplan, will be done
by Frank Funk, '35. A newcomer to ,
Play Production circles, Max Fuller,
Grad., will portray the character of
the milk collector, Sankey, who be-
comes the lover of Mrs. Maurrant, and
thus introduces tragedy, love, and
typical New York tenement compli-
cations into the situation.
Cast of More Than 50
"Every effort will be made to pre-
sent the realism that has made this'
play famous, and that caused it to
play for months on Broadway," de-
clared Mr. Windt. "Its unusual set-
ting, which is only the front of a
single New York tenement house, sets,
the keynote of dramatic undercur-
rents. The large cast of more than
50 players will enable all of the stu-
dents enrolled in Play Production
to participate."
Old timers who are reappearing in
this Play Production offering are Har-I
riet Kesselman ,'35, as the German
wife of the Italian musician, played by
John Silberman, '35. Truman Smith,
'35, will do the part of the Swedish
husband, Carl Nelson will dramatize'
the part of the Irish father and David
Zimmerman, '35, will do the part of
Vincent, his son, the "pride of the
Irish family."
Several Newcomers
Hattie Bell Ross, Grad., will portray
the part of the Jewish school teacher,
Goddard Light, '35, will be the young
expectant father, and Sarah Pierce,
'35, will do the part of the social
Newcomers who are making their
debut with this production, are Felicia
Sphritzer, Grad., Eleanor Heck, Grad.,
Jean Allen, Grad., Charles Maxwell,
'37, Alvin Schleifer, '35, and Dorothy
Ohrt, '37.
The production of "Street Scene"
will be followed by a presentation of
"The Royal Family," portrayal of the
Barrymore family written by George
Kauffman and Edna Ferber, to be of-
fered during the week of November 18.
Thirty-two former members of
Dean Joseph A. Bursley's Freshman
Luncheon Club met yesterday in the
Union to.discuss plans for a club for
this year.
Instructions Issued I
List Released By Grain
Shows Positions Held In
325 Different Projects
Ord i iaVry Jobs Not
.D)one Under ( rant1
Campus' Only Criticism
Is That Neediest Did Not
Always Get Jobs-Gram
The complete list of FERA projects
and jobs was issued yesterday by Prof.
Lewis Gram, chairman of the com-
mittee at the University, showing an
aggregate of 915 students holding po-
sitions on 325 different projects.
He announced that everyone on the
active list of students has now been
placed, and except for a few minor
changes, the present set-up will re-
main fixed for the rest of the year.
There are about 700 students who ap-
plied for jobs but who could not be
placed because the limitation of funds
from the government did not permit
it, Professor Gram declared.
Only One Criticism
The only criticism of the FERA on
the campus, stated Professor Gram, is
that "there are some on the FERA
payrolls who are not as needy as those
who haven't jobs." Presumably, he
said, every person on the FERA needs'
the ,job, but the degree of need in
many cases is less than that of many
students who could not be placed.
Jobs that are ordinarily done by the
University do not come under the
scope of the FERA grant, but there is
no evidence of the University shifting
the burden by using FERA funds, he
declared. Professor Gram continued,
saying that all faculty men sending in
applications for students workers were
instructed carefully on this point.
Will Investigate'
In any cases of infractions of this
rule arise, Professor Gram said, they
will be investigated by the committee,
and action will be taken.
Appropriations for the University
were made by the Legislature before
the FERA was put into effect on the
campus, he said, and this removes the
possibility of using the funds for work
formerly paid for by the University.
In many cases, he explained, FERA
funds are being used for assistantships!
and positions of like nature which
were abolished because of the cut in
appropriations. This work can validly
be included in the FERA, for it did not
exist when the Federal grant was
inaugurated on the campus, he said.
Felker Named
As Manager Of
Annual Opera
Henry P. Felker, '35E, has been
appointed to the position of manager
of production for the 26th annual
Michigan Union Opera, which is to
be presented from Dec. 10 to 16 in
the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre, ac-
cording to an announcement made
yesterday by William Brownson,
president of Mimes.
The appointment was approved by
the finance committee of the Union
and Stanley G. Waltz, manager.
Felker was publicity chairman for
last year's opera, "With Banners Fly-
ing," -and, in addition, was a member
of the publicity committee of the
Union executive council. He is asso-
ciated with Mimes, Alpha Delta Phi
fraternity, and Triangles, honorary
junior engineering society.
Blame Crime Stories
Press Fo r Foreign,
Poor Impressions
-associuue 1cress Photo
Find Missing1
Co-ed On Bus
In St. Louis
Placed In Police Custody,
Miss Waier Says I Was
Kidnaped By Mistake'
ST. LOUIS, Oct. 25 -(P)-Elsie
Waier, co-ed of Wayne University,
Detroit, who has been missing since
Monday was taken off a bus by St
Louis police tonight and told them a
story of having been kidnaped.
Police informed by bus company
authorities at Champaign, Ill., thatt
an automobile had been following the
bus from Chicago, met the vehicle as
it pulled into a terminal here and
took the girl into custody.
They said she told them she had
been kidnaped as she left her last
class at 5:30 p.m. Monday, express-
ing a belief she was finally released
because her abductors had "made a
mistake." The girl toldlocal officers
that after her abduction she was held
for a time in a house in the Detroit
suburbs. Later she was moved to
Gary, Ind., then to Chicago. Some-
time today, she said, she was placedi
on a bus at Chicago, and her fare
paid as far as St. Louis.
Jewish Group Will Meet
For First Time Sunday
The first meeting of the newly or-
ganized student B'nai B'rith will be
held Sunday in the B'nai B'rith Hillel
Foundation home, it was announced
yesterday by Leo Bevzansky, '36.
The movement on the campus was
formed last Sunday when 50 Jewish
students met in the Hillel home. Its
purpose is to provide an independent
social organization for Jewish stu-
dents, "without regard to religious
preference," officials state.
The meeting Sunday, which con-
venes at 8 p.m., will be followed by
dancing and refreshments.
Found Safe
In rade
S a y s Public Underrates
Value Of Diplomats In
Prevention Of War
Official Greenland
Tour Is Described
The necessity of a good diplomatic
service in order to keep foreign mar-
kets open to the United States, was
explained by Ruth Bryan Owen, min-
ister to Denmark, who spoke last
night on "This Business of Diplo-
"The public in general loses sight
of the value of the foreign service,"
Mrs. Owen stated, "when in reality it
is the bul\wark against war and mis-
understanding between countries."
Mrs. Owen scored the present type
of American news stories and Amer-
ican-made motion pictures, stating
that they were giving the Danish peo-
ple an entirely one-sided view of the
United States.
Wants Better News
"There are many spaces left in the
true picture of American life by the
type of news item emanating from the
United States and it is my hope our
Danish friends will, in the future, see
a little more of the sunny side of
Main Street rather than the shady
side of Broadway," she said.
In speaking of motion pictures Mrs.
Owen said that she had no objec-
tion to movie producers waking up
America with their problem plays
but would rather they would not at-
tempt the same thing in Europe.
After one film was shown in Copen-
hagen depicting the life of prisoners
in a camp in a small section of this
country, prayers were said in several
Copenhagen churches for the abused
prisoners, according to Mrs. Owen.
Film Misinterpreted
"It was an arraignment against
the way we deal with our prisoners,"
she said. "They do not realize what
a minute part of the country that
prison camp represents but rather
took the film as an example of a com-
mon occurrence in this country."
She proposed that all pictures of
this type, which are sent to foreign
countries, be prefaced in some man-
ner so as to explain the significance
of the film in American life.
A detailed description of'her offi-
cial tour through Greenland, a colony
of Denmark, was told by the speaker.
Her concluding plea was that Den-
mark and the United States should
know each other better in order that
both can more quickly climb to those
heights which are the goal of every
Committee Of 5
Appointed For
Interfraternity C o u n c i l
Selects Group To Look
Into Self-Government
A definite move towards an im-
provement of student government was
made last night when at a meeting
of the Interfraternity Council a com-
mittee of five was appointed to con-
duct an investigation of self-govern-
The group will work in co-operation
with Allen D. McCombs, '35,.president
of the Union and chairman of the
student-faculty relations committee,
and Carl Hilty, '35, president of the
Undergraduate Council.
The membership of the committee
includes Joseph Bailey, Sigma Chi, as
chairman; George Donkers, Delta
Alpha Epsilon; Fred Jones, Phi Kappa
Sigma; and Martin Alexander, Sigma
Alpha Mu.
The Council approved all the social
requirements laid down by the Com-
mittee on Student Conduct with the
exception of the provision pertaining
to house parties, which stipulates that
members shall move "out of the house,
if the young women guests are to re-
main overnight."
Mrs. Owen Finds No Difficulty
In Being First Woman Minister'
University Asks Freshmen To i
Stop MarkingUp Buildings
"There hasn't been the slightest
difficulty in my being the first wom-
an minister to Denmark," asserted
Mrs. Ruth Bryan Owen. Her grac-
iousness and poise proved that Uncle
Sam selected an admirable represen-
"Perhaps this is because Denmark
is. so progressive," she offered as an
explanation for her reception. "Den-
mark was the first country to have
woman suffrage and the first to per-
mit women to enter the cabinet. Now
the service and get married. Since
the legation is transferred every four'
years, this objection is not as serious
as it might be."
Mrs. Owen said that unlike the
cadets of West Point and the mid-
shipman of Annapolis, diplomats had
to pay for their education. She said
it would be 'undiplomatic' to com-
ment on the small pay received by
members of the legation, but inferred
she held strong opinions on the sub-
Mrs. Owen will tour America for
txxr r-n +fhe ad ha rflr+, n an
"We're with you, boys!" says the.
University, draping a friendly arm
over the shoulders of the newcomers
to the campus. "Enjoy yourselves,
have all the fun you. like - but for
goodness sakes don't tear up the lawn
and uproot the trees while you have
Thus does G. Watkins, assistant
secretary of the University, charac-
terize the attitude of the authoritiesj
toward the spirit evidenced betweenI
the incoming class and the class of
"It's a healthy thing to have aI
snirit of friendly riva1rv hetween the
the campus buildings."
There was a time, recalls Mr. Wat-
kins, when a freshman dared not go
out of his house of an evening up until
the fall games, unless he was pre-
pared to be ducked in a horse trough
up State Street.
"From then on, it seemed that in-
ter-class spirit was doomed. Now,
however, a revival of the class spirit
appears to evidence itself on the
campus. This in itself would be an
encouraging sight, for it might mean
a return of the hearty support that
we gave our football teams, but it is
regrettaeh that in their exuberance