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October 24, 1934 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1934-10-24

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Professor Calls
Micliaan Great
Paper Maker!
Jays Sate Is One Of The
Manufacturing Leaders
In Radio Talk
"Manufacturing Paper in Mich-.
igan" was the subject of the second
speech on the "Michigan, My Mich-
igan" ;.erics of radio programs given
yesterday by Prof. Donald W. M-
Cready over station WJR.
At present Michigan is one of the
leading paper manufacturing states,.
with 42 factories, although at the
time of the Civil War there were only
seven plants in the State.
Until 1880 rags were the principle I
raw material used in paper manufac-
ture, but with the increased demand
because of newspaper expansion it
became necessary to find a cheaper
and more abundant substitute. At
first straw was considered but the
paper made from it was weak and
discolored. Finally research on meth-
ods of producing paper pulp from
wood opened new sources of cheap I
raw material for paper making.
Has Much Wood
Michigan had an extensive supply
of wood suitable for pulp making,
and at an early date several pulp
mills were started in the State, at
points accessable to the wood supply.
Professor McCready explained that
the manufacture of paper was still
an art, and that "the variety of paper
produced depends in quality and type
on the men who operate the paper
making machinery. No blueprints or
specifications have ever been drawn
that detailed the exact method of
making any sheet of paper. No de-
vices or method1s have as yet been in-
vented to take the place of the judg-
ment of the men that prepare the
pulp and fabricate the pulp into
Classify Mills
The paper mills in Michigan may
be classified into groups that manu-
facture essentially the same types of
The largest group both in number
of mills and total weight of paper
produced is the papertboard group.
These are 17 mills of this type locat-
ed at Monroe, River Rouge, Battle
Creek, Childsdale, Constantine, Dear-
born, Grand Rapids, Kalamazoo, On-
togon, Otsego, Palmyra, and White.
The next largest. group of paper
manufacturers is the book paper
group. This industry is centered
around Kalamazoo in six companies.
Other plants making book paper are
located at Plainsville, and Water-
Other important groups are those
that manufacture newsprint, cheap I
magazine wrapping, and wallpaper.
MEXICO, Oct. 22 - (P) - United
States Ambassador Josephus Daniels
today denied published reports that
he was to be transferred to another
post Nov. 2.

Last Hideout Of Charles 'Pretty Boy' Floyd

Prize Awarded Alumni Association Rare White Snakes, Charge Monopoly In Sale
Heads Plan Reunion Unto lik e Elephants, Of Pins To Fraternities
Dr.Sn yder For CHICAGO, Oct. 23. -P)- A bill of
The board of directors of the Alum- Afre V1 eryDesirable complaint seeking an injunction in
Case Histories ni Association will hold their annual Federal court here today charged that
Ireunion meeting at 7:30 p.m. Friday Unlike the proverbial white ele- the jewelry producing industry code
at the Union. Former members of phant, white snakes are very desirableY had made a monopoly d the sale of
$500 Membership Given the board are eligible to attend. things. At least, that is so when you fraternity pins to 90 per ceni of the
To Michigan Man BY The meeting will be preceded by an have the only ones ever born in cap- 750 fraternities in the nation.
Surgical Society informal dinner. One new member will tivity. . The complaint, filed on behalf of
And that is the poiino jh the Brochon Engraving Co., seeks to
be elected at this meeting to take the position of thc restrain United States District Attor-
place of the late William J. Ottaway of zoology department. William M. Clay, ney Dwight H. Green and code offi-
partment of orthopedic surgery, was Port Huron. assistant in the department is the cials from interfering with the com
awarded first prize for the finest set Fielding H. Yost, Coach Harry G.' proud possessor of six such remark-
IFiligH able specimens. They are the results
of case histories on his admission as I Kipke, Emory Hyde, president of the of a blessed event which occurred
Fellow of the American College of Alumni Association, and T. Hawley Aug. 10, and are, as far as can be
Surgeons at its annual convocation Tapping, general secretary of the learned, the only albino reptiles ever i Seyried
last Friday at Boston, Mass., it was Alumni Association, have been in- born in captivity. Dealers in Watches,
learned last night. The prize consists vited to attend the Minnesota home- The snakes are perfectly normal e- Clocks and Jewelry
ofea$5 l ih e brip inst coming alumni celebration at the cept that their skin lacks pigment, Mr.GEPAIRING
of a $500 life membership in the Minnesota Union the night before the Clay says. He plans to keep them for HIGH GRA AIN
society. Michigan-Minnesota game, Nov. 2. research purposes.3h

-Associated Press Photo
It was in these woods near Wellsville, O., where Charles "Pretty
Boy" Floyd sought refuge after a gunfight with officers. Members of
a posse are shown beating away the brush in efforts to get clues to the
desperado, who was mortally wounded shortly afterward near East
Liverpool, O.


Approximately 5,000 s u rg e ons
throughout the country submitted
applications. Of these, 595 were ac-
cepted as satisfactory for admission
to the organization, and of the 595,
four were selected for honorable
mention and one, that of Dr. Snyder,
for first prize. This is the first time
the honor has gone to a Michigan
Dr. Snyder, a graduate of Green-;
ville College, Greenville, Ill., graduat-
ed from the University of Michigan
Medical School in 1924, and returned
as a member of the faculty in 1931.
During the intervening year's he
practiced his profession in Cincinnati,
Ohio. -
Civil Service To
Give Examinations
Announcements of civil service ex-
aminations offered by the Detroit
Civil Service Commission and the
United States Civil Service Commis-
sion have been received by the Uni-
versity Bureau of Appointments and
Occupational Information.
The United States Bureau of Agri-
cultural Economics, Department of
Agriculture, is giving examinations for
the positions of marketing specialists,
with salaries ranging from $2,000
to $2,600, and metallurgist, with an
annual salary of $3,800.
Examinations announced by the
Detroit Civil Service Commission are
open only to residents of the city of
Detroit. They include dietitian, master
of fire boat, and power plant helper.
Announcements giving detailed in-
formation are on file at the office
of the Bureau of Appointments, Room
201 Mason Hall.



Former Faculty
Member Gets'
Plane Contract
Department Of Commerce
Accepts Designs For Use
Of Inspectors
In competition with other aeronau-
tical engineers of the nation, Ralph
H. Upson, noted balloonist and former
member of the aeronautics depart-
ment here, was recently awarded a
contract by the Department of Com-
merce for 15 planes and five more on
option, to be built especially for the
use of the traveling inspectors of the
The plane designs call for an in-
expensive, yet safe plane which the
government has long been seeking.
It is a two-place cabin plane, with
low wing and pusher-type motor. The
engine is a 95-horsepower inverted
incline Menasco B-4 engine.
Mr. Upson is the designer of the
Navy's all-metal dirigible, and has
won the Gordon Bennett Balloon
race and four national championships
in ballooning.


Flier Tells Sidelights
In Apprehension Of
Pretty Boy' Floyd
An interesting story relating to the
extermination of "Pretty Boy" Floyd
was told to newspapermen Monday
night by Hugh McCormicic, member of
the ground crew for the Piccard's as-
cension, and one of the Maycock
Fliers, operating at the Detroit City
Early Monday morning, McCormick
told his listeners, Department of Jus-
tice agents in Detroit called up the
airport and left instructions to warm
up the two best planes. Shortly after-
{ward a group of agents appeared on
the field, and drawing sawed-off shot-
guns, machine-guns, and arsenals of
small arms from satchels, loaded
them on the planes. The planes then
left for Cleveland.
"They asked me if I wanted to go,"
McCormick said, '"and I asked how
long they would be gone. They said
maybe six hours, maybe two weeks. Me
with 85 cents in my pocket, I could
see myself owing Maycock $20 when
I got back home.
"Now I'm just as glad I didn't.
They're the boys that helped shoot
down Floyd. It must be terrible to say
goodbye to a wife and go off on a trip
like that."
w {i

It is therefore a significant tribute that well-dressed
Yale men prefer trousers and slacks equipped with
Kover-Zip, the invisible seamline closure.
Further evidence of Kover-Zip's correctness from
the standpoint of style is its approval by Yale's
leading college tailors.
. . . . 1. j/e.*J. . . famous Yale and 'Warvard tailor
for over 40 years, says -Our custom
tailoring establishments in New Haven, Cambridge and New
York, always scrupulously cautious in the acceptance of design
innovations, whatever their origin, are nevertheless responsive
to every style development that is in good taste.
"Although we have been witness to a growing favor for the
zipper fly, we could not accept the ordinary slide fastener as
fit for fine clothes. The new covered zipper, however, does
meet our standards in every respect and we are now pre-
pared to equip trousers and slacks with the Kover-Zip fly."
utala irng caGe e ai oxs, azbillte u a le,
e tflre Kovet --7tp as t he Yalie aaeriet
l/ot j te ctIeom cld/c.e.

Style experts and fashion authorities are
well aware that the preferences of college
men form an important and dependable in-
dication of the trend in men's apparel.
One detail of men's clothing which until
now has never been satisfactory is the fly of
the trousers. The buttoned fly, no matter
how carefully made, is bulky because of the
extra fold of material required; it bulges and
wrinkles in a way that is most unsightly.
The slide-fastened fly gives a much smooth-
er and neater effect in front than is possible
with buttons, but the ordinary slide fastener
has an uncovered strip of metal that is ob-
jectionable to men who take pride in being
The new invisible style-line closure, the
Kover-Zip fly, has every practical advantage
of the ordinary zipper, and in addition is
superior to it from the standpoint of good
taste because no metal shows-the units of the
fastener are concealed by a grosgrain ribbon
that harmonizes with the fabric of the trou-
sers and is guaranteed to outlast the garment.
The Kover-Zip fly has been acclaimed and
adopted by "best-dressed" seniors in Amer-
ica's foremost colleges, and a typical ex-
pression of opinion about it is the following
statement by Arthur Willis of Dartmouth,
class of 1934:
"The trouble with the early type of slide
fastener was the display of metal-too much
of a suggestion of
work clothes. I'm for
this new covered zip
with the invisible fas-
tener, it's a finished
product for a finished
College men every-
ARTHUR WILLIS where,fromCambridge
to Palo Alto, welcomed
the Kover-Zip fly and 'now demand it alike
on dress trousers, informal suits and slacks.
Smooth and smart, efficient and durable,
Kover-Zip is the closure for all modernclothes.

at $11 Church Street
Offer you the BIGGEST
SPECIALS in town ! ! !
We can't be beat! ! ! A
Sunday Dinner that would
make you think that every
Sunday is Christmas ! !
Special Rooms forLadies!

- ij

h . . _ _ ._ .__ __ q


Wed. Oct. 24, 8:15

Single Concerts: $1.00 - $1.50 - $2.00
Course: $5.00 - $7.00 - $8.50 - $10.00
Now On Sale

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