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September 18, 1934 - Image 17

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The Michigan Daily, 1934-09-18

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New Orientation Project For



League Will Inaugurate New
Orientation Project This Year

New Directors
To Begin Work

This year the Michigan League is
inaugurating a new Orientation Proj-
ect for both freshmen and upper-
cla:swomen new on campus for the
purpose of acquainting them with the
advantages and opportunities of the
Michigan campus and of developing
in them an attitude which will enable
them to make the most of their col-
lege life and their opportunities after
This program will c o n t i n u e
throughout the year and is under
the direct control of the undergrad-
uate women of the League, an or-
ganization which as the composite of
all the women's activities on campus,
has the facilities for putting across
such a plan.
Contact will be immediately estab-
lished with the entering women
through the student advisors and1
their assistants who are assigned to
each freshman group. These advisors
will remain in charge of the groups
throughout the first semester and will
meet with them once a week in order
to advise them as well as to hold
round table discussions. At these
meetings there will, from time to'
time, be student speakers to explain
various activities in which the group
is interested.
.In addition to these group meet-
ings there will be meetings every
Wednesday from 5 to 5:45 p.m. at
the League for the entire body of
new women. At this time each week
there will be a facultyispeaker to dis-
cuss some phase of University life. At
New Materials For
Campus Wear Seen
"For campus wear" is a term ap-
plied to a large assortment of new fall
dresses. Not only does it include many
new and original styles but also new
materials, a wide collection of plaids,
checks, stripes, and novel colors.
Perhaps one of the most popular of
the latest styles is the "butcher boy
dress." This features a two-piece
model, the blouse of which is belted in
front and allowed to flair out in back.
The close-fitting skirt accompanying
this blouse is slit from the hemline to
the knee in the center back.
Another new addition is the dress
with a "monk's neck." The dress prop-
er is very simple the attention being
placed on the boat-shaped neck with
a rolling collar.
Tunicslare shown this fall, some
buttoning up the front, some down
the back with no buttons at all. 8hirt-
waist dresses are also good again.
Colors are new and stimulating this
Year although our favored black re-
mains first choice. Green ranks
second, and close after comes brown,
all the Spanish reds, bishop's purple,
and French blue. Any color is good
if it is combined with one, two or
three others. French blu$ with a
raspberry blouse is only a simple ex-

the first meeting after the regular !rI' or esI11L ltJ.'
Orientation Week, which will be held
Sept. 26, Prof. S. A. Courtis of the Miss Ann Vardon will be the new
School of Education will speak on
"Why Come to College." director at Betsy Barbour dormitory
At succeeding meetings Dean Alice this year, it was announced by the
Lloyd will discuss "College Conduct," office of the dean of women recently.
stressing the co-operation necessary She is taking the place of Mrs. Gar-
in University life; Wilfred B. ritt J. Diekema, who is now director
Shaw will speak on the history of the of Robley Hall for the freshmen wo-
University; and Prof. J. H. Muy- men at Leland Stanford University
skens and Prof. J. L. Brumm will col-
laborate in a talk on "Personality." Miss Vardon is a graduate of the
There will be other talks by other university and a member of Delta
prominent campus figures but the Delta Delta sorority. She plans to
promin nt cam us fi ures b t the contin u wi h g a at wo k h sf l .
subjects will be chosen and the pro- ue with graduate work this fall.
gram rearranged at any time to suit She was at one time counselor of stu-
the interest of the students. Other dents in Highland Park High School,
speakers may be added from off cam- before she took a posiidn as direc-
pus. tor of personnel in the J. L. Hudson
Plans for this orientation program Co.
have been made by a general com- Mrs. Chester Barnes of Ann Arbor
mittee which is composed of ten fac- will act as a new member of the board
ulty members in addition to Maxine of Betsy Barbour this year.
Maynard and Barbara Sutherland, Another director new to the dormi-
president and secretary of the League, tories this year is Miss Cile 'Miller
and Hilda Kirby, chairman of the of Milwaukee, who will act as junior
Freshman Project. director of Mosher Jordan. She is
According to Miss Maynard the taking the place of Miss Ruth 'Bird-
members of the League feel that there zell, who has moved to Washngton
is a definite place here for such a with her family.
program and that it may be made a Miss Ruth Pfohl, formerly instruc-
potent factor in the life of every tor in the harp at the School of
woman on campus, thus making for -----_ --- --_-
still better Michigan women. .


Campus Trio Receives
Radio Offer From WWJ
The trio made up of Mary Morrison,
'35SM, Maxine Maynard, '35, and
Jean Seeley, '36, which has been in
such demand at college functions, is
launching into the professional field.
This week they will complete arrange-
ments to sing one hour a week, some-
time during the week-ends, over sta-
tion WWJ in Detroit.
During the summer while they were
singing at the Michigan League the
trio had auditions at the studio iin
Detroit, where they wil lsing this win-
ter under the direction of Val Coffee,
formerly of the Detroit Symphony
Orchestra and now in charge of music
for WWJ.

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Having had the pleasure of contributing to the degree
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along. We've planned this wardrobe, from smart shoes
to gay new hats, from sport togs to the gorgeous gowns
demanded for the formals that constitute the hub of
Michigan's social life. In other words, we have practi
cally everything you'll need, all under one roof where
you'll find all the smart things to wear at school.


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