The _Weather
Cloudy today and slightly
warmer; fresh winds.
'Ll r e
it ga
So What, Oh Flyers?
Holiday Hysterics .
VL. XLV. No. 27
1 i
m Z
To Open
British Winner Of London-Melbourne Air Derby
Many Famous Musicians
And Organizations To Be
Heard Here This Fall
Soprano Will Sing
Operatic Numbers
Accompanist Stuart Ross
To Present Two Pieces
In Evening's Concert
Music-lovers of Ann Arbor will have
their first opportunity this season to
hear a local concert, when Rosa Pon-
selle, a distinguished soprano of the
Metropolitan Opera Company, opens
the 1934-35 Choral Union concert
series at 8:15 p.m. today in Hill Au-
Miss Ponselle, in opening the series
of ten concerts, precedes a number of
great individual musicians and out-
standing musical organizations who
will be heard here this fall and winter
in the fifty-sixth annual Choral Union
Many Stars
Among the stars who will follow
Miss Ponselle to Hill Auditorium this
season are included Lawrence Tibbett,
Josef Szigeti, Lette Lehmann, Jose
Iturbi, Artur Schnabel, the Don Cos-
sack Russian Chorus, the Gordon
String Quartet, and the Cleveland
and Boston symphony orchestra.
Miss Ponselle's recital this evening
will consist of favorite operatic arias
and songs. She will inaugurate the
new season with the aria, "Divinities
du Styx," from Cristoph Gluck's
opera, "Alceste." The other aria
which appears on her program is
titled "Merce Dilleto Amiche," from
Guiseppe Verdi's "I Vespri Siciliani."
Three groups of songs, including
nine numbers in all, will be offered by
the popular prima donna. Among
these are songs of Wagner, Brahms,
Strauss, Schubert, Schumann, Mous-
sorgsky, and Frank La Forge.
Arrived Yesterday
Miss Ponselle arrived inAnn Arbor
yesterday afternoon with Stuart Ross,
her accompanist. She went to the
Michigan League, where she will re-
main during her stay here.
Mr. Ross, in addition to accom-
panying Miss Ponselle, will himself
have two spots on the program. He
will be heard playing "Themes and
Variations," of Corelli-Tartini-Ross
and Lecuona's "Malaguena."
Individual tickets for the concert
will be on sale at the box office in
Hill Auditorium tonight. They are
priced at $2 for main floor seats, $1.50
for first balcony seats, and $1 for seats
in the second balcony.
Council Makes
Plans For Fall
New York State Supreme
Court Justice To Give
Pep TalkFriday
Further plans for the Homecoming
Pep Meeting and for the fraternity!
house decoration contest, which will
be held at 7:30 p.m. Friday in Hill
Auditorium, were announced last
night by Carl Hilty, '35, president of
the Undergraduate Council, the or-
ganization sponsoring the events.
In addition to local speakers, whose
names will be announced in a later
issue of The Daily, Robert J. Thomp-
son, '92L, justice of the Supreme
Court of the State of New York, will
make a trip from his home to address
the meeting and attend the game.
Present plans also include the use
of lantern slides which will display
the words of Michigan songs, and the
attendance of Joseph Horak, '35,
head cheerleader and the junior
cheerleaders. The Varsity Band, with
full membership, will furnish music,
and as usual will play en route fromE
Morris Hall to the auditorium.
Sections are being reserved for the.
freshman and sophomore classes andI
plans are being made whereby cap-
tains of the two groups will address=
the audience.
It was definitely announced last,
night that a silver loving cup, thie:
same prize that was awarded last
year, will again be given in the frat-
ernity decoration contest. The cup,3
which was won by Delta Kappa Epsi-
lon last year, was donated by a local
cleaning establishment and must be
MeKinven To
Lead R.O.T.C.
For 1934-35
Cole, Healey, And )uLyn,
Appointed Majors Of The
Three Battalions
Delbert Hesler Is
Lie Ltenant-Colonel
Assignments Made To All
Positions In University
In the complete list of appoint-
ments and promotions in the Univer-
sity Reserve Officers Training Corps
regiment, announced yesterday, Rob-
ert J. McKinven, '36E, was named
colonel of the unit and Delbert P.
Hesler, '35E, lieutenant-colonel. '
John S. Cole, '35, John C. Healey,
'35, and Francis W. DuLyn, '35E, were
appointed majors in command of the
first, second, and third battalions re-
Resolution. Urges Students
To Establish New System Of
Effective Self-Government
a l
To Hold Open,
House, Nov. 6
Complete Facilities To Be
Thrown Open To Men
A -- 1 TT -- -- -
Sophomores Elect
Cane CO-Capta ins
At Union Meeting
Meeting last night in the Union
for their first official get-together for
the year, members of the sophomore
class elected co-captains for the
games and indulged in 4 bit of mu-
And Women tual courage boosting -and even a
bit of boasting, in fact.
Preliminary plans for the annual A larger number than was expected
fall Union Open House to be held turned out, and general enthusiasmi
Tuesday, Nov. 6, at the Union, were was the keynote of the meeting. The
announced yesterday by student com- wisdom of announcing the names of
mitteemen in charge of the program. the co-captains was discussed in view
James W. Cook, '36, chairman of the of the fact that they would obviously
house committee, stated that the com- be laid open to depredations by the
plete facilities of the building will be freshman. The students chosen'
thrown open to both men and women chosen are Don Hilliard and Tex
students from 7:30 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. Wilkins. Hilliard is a member of
All restrictions on the use of the tap- Delta Kappa Epsilon fraternity and
room and the front door of the build- Wilkins is an inde end nt
-Associated Press Photos
ApontCptispAuS 1U 4e .
The plane piloted by two Britons, C. W. A. Scott, (above), and Camp- ppoin aptains ing by women will be removed for the It was decided to hold another
bell Black won the air derby between London and Melbourne, Australia. The following men were promoted occasion, meeting at 7:30 'today at the "Deke"
pairlbure Astala.atterkedcatan:Siny he- IWith many state congressional and
The daring pair shattered all speed records for the trip in their flight, to e rank of captain: Sidney Shel-gubernatoyistelectiogressednaedafd house at which time further plans
- ley, 35E, Robert B. Brown, '37, Rob- gubernatorial elections scheduled for will be laid.
ert N. Sawyer, '35E, Carl R. Levine, Nov. 6, arrangements are being com-
35E, Rufus D. Keiser, '35E, Raymond pleted for the posting and announcing
D u t c h Flier s Traditional Tap Given . J.Koykka, '35, Carleton J. Eggstaff, of returns throughout the evening. TUniOn Form al
-'35E, Alton E. Farr, '35E, Delwin J. Committeemen also plan to open thev
Take e o n Six Juniors By Wyvern Reisinger, '35E, W. J. Judson, John main ballroom for free dancing at 8 esei
P. Sager, '35E, Gordon H. Stow, '35A, p.m. It is expected that the regular!Ticket Sellin
Six junior women were tapped by Trueman C.Smith, '35, Don A. Pom Union dance orchestra under the di- N
ceIerby Wyvern last night, as officials ofd that eroy, Jr., '35E, John C. Wagner, '37, rection of Bob Steinle will be on hand
organization made the rounds of the John F. Schmidt, '35, Carl A. Cup- to furnish music. ow Lo byI
campus. , haver, '35E, and Chase R. Teabolt, Various exhibitions will also be
American Team Forced They are: Jane Arnold, Grace Bar- '35E. given. Arrangements are being made
DO La L T tling, Jane Fletcher, Dorothy Gies, The list of lieutenants include the to have members of the Varsity swim- Ferde Grofe's Orchestra
ownOrn astap Florence Harper, and Jean Seeley. following: Donald P. Norton, ' ming team on hand to demonstrate Featured; Late Hours
Melbourne Following the tapping ceremony they Blaine E. Tuttle, '35E, Sam M. Rood, swimming and diving. It is also prob-
repaired to the home of Mrs. Byrl F. '35, Newton G. McFaden, '37E, Wil- able that a representative of the Na- For Women Granted
MELBOURNE, Australia, Oct. 24 Bacher, assistant dean of women, for liam F. Watson, '36E, Frederick W. tional Billiard Association will be
(Wednesday) -(IP)- An American a social evening. Chapman, '34E, William E. Jennings, present for a billiard and pool exhibi- A limited number of tickets for the
The Wyvern initiation will take '35E V. McComb Stillson, '35, W. H. tion fifth annual Union Formal Dance to
(Douglas) air liner flying the Dutch place at 4:30 p.m. Sunday in the Haughey, '35, John W. Holden,'35E Student committeemen will conduct be held Friday, Nov. 2 in the Union
flag flashed past the pylons at Flem-3 League. Donald M. Bachelor, '35E, Frederic open house guests on tours through ballroom has already been placed on
ington race course at 10:52 a.m. to- F. Jones, '35, R. H. Benton, '36, Ward the building, showing them the base- sale.
day (752 p.m. Tuesday (E.S.T.), to D. Houtz, '35A, John W. Belamy, '35E, ments, tower, guest rooms, and various Predictions' that the supply of tick-
capture second place. in the England Technic o Be Alexander M. McPherson. '35, other facilities of the building ets for the dance will undoubtedly ae
to Australia air derby. neth O. Beach, '35, Herbert W. Hoer- - - * completely exhausted within a few
C. W. A. Scott and Campbell Black auf, '35, Maurice R. Demars, '35Estd ent oicalstn h yU
of England finished first in the rec- On Sa eToday Duane D. Freese, '35, L. Patronsky, P o lt Ics aongent or gen oftar-
ord-smashing time of 70 hours, 59 '35, Clarence L. Raynor and Alfred Ferde Grofe and his dance orches-
minutes and 50 seconds, giving them' n IhursdaV L. Kreese, '35E. These men are all Undert raduate tra, who have been selected to play
a top prize of $50,000, assigned to the first battalion, for the dance, are now completing a
In front of wildly cheering crowds, r Pick Lieutenants Interest A rain long engagement at a Detroit hotel, at
K. D. Parmentier, and J. J. Moll set Leading Article To Tell Lieutenants of the second battalion the conclusion of which they will come
down their big plane at the airport inthoAncun ro.wLater they will play
n an exciting fish to the world's Of Wind Tunnel Tests are: First lieutenants - Robert En- to Ann Arbor. Later they will play
aeti f h rd sgel, '35, Samuel H. Hazelton, '35E, C Elect Will B at the Hotel Netherlands-Plaza in
greatest air race a few hundred miles On Lockheed Model Julius F. Bartus, '35E, Francis J. Far- Cincinnati.
ahead of Col. Roscoe Turner and rell, '35E, James C. Loughman, '35E, 'Held At Same Time In The music will start at 9 p.m. and
Clyde Pangborn, who were forced The first issue of the Michigan F. W. Shutko, '35, Donald S. Patter- continue until 2 a.m. Special late per-
lap to Melbourne. I 'Technic, o sale today and Thursday son, '37, Thomas A. Dooling, '35E,s h mission for women students has been
in the WestEnginee. and Don A. Pomeroy, '35E Second obtained from the office of the dean
Carrying three passengers, the I.n tenWstengieerngBuidin, icanmDouAsPoero, i5E ecode
lieutenants include Harley M. New- Once again the campus is in the of women. A complete list'of patrons
Dutch flyers had completed the 11,300 featuring a new modernistic cover de- comb, '35E, T. D. Smith, '35, H. B. throes of political strife. With each and patronesses has already been an-
mile journey from Mildenhall air- sign, involving more color than those Wright, Melvin G. Hellert, '35E, Paul class in each school and college of the nounced.
port in three days, 16 hours and 43 used in the issues last year. The cover D. Robinson '35E John C. Moore, University at work trying to pick the The tickets are priced at $2.50 per
minutes. includes a drawing of two beavers, '35E, Allen E Cleveland, '35E , W men and women it will run for its couple. They may be obtained at the
Just as the Americans seemed to "The Original Engineers." EVos, '35, Charles S. Schwartz, '37E officers, there is an unmistakable feel- main desk in the Union lobby or from
have every chance of getting second The leading article of the October and Robert E. Wolfe, '35E. ing that "something is in the air." members of the Union student execu-
prize money of $7,500, the Dutchman, Technic deals with the University T B i cFor years there have been two main tive council.
with the assistance of almost the en- wind tunnel tests on a model of the Third Battalion Officers parties on the campus, State Street
tire town, got their plane out of the Lockheed "Electra" the latest twin- The first lieutenants of the third and Washtenaw. And for as many'
mud at Albury, 160 miles from here, engine transport plane now being used battalion are: Paul E. Halberstadt, years as these two have been domi- Local Shooting
where they had been forced down by the Lockheed Aircraft Corporation. '37E, Llewellyn S. Howe, '35E, M. R. nant, new parties have sprung up
during the night. They flew to Mel- The story is written by Clarence L. Thomson, '35, Cameron Walker, '35, over night in the two or three weeks i
bourne in three minutes less than Johnson, '32E, research engineer for Robert W. Thorne, '35E, Robert L. before each class election. There have erm ed M ishap
an hour. the Lockheed concern, and portrays Kimball, '35, Artemus W. Wood, '35E, been parties of independents and
From the interior came a flash to what an extent the designing of the Edward P. Hall, '35E, Louis Schwartz, coalition parties. Fraternities and InV
that Turner and Pangborn were new airplane was a direct result of the '35, and Leland E. Coulter, '35E. sororities, always the prime factors
force don andourk with e e wind tunnel experiments. Second lieutenants are: Constan- in literary and engineering college'
trouble, not more than a third the An article interesting to students at tine S. Stravropoulous, '35BAd, Val- elections at least, have swung from tyypographer
distance, from Charleville to Mel- this time of the year is one revealing entine R. Saph, '35, Charles B. Brown- one party to the other. Anything can Local Killed
bourne. the unique and intricate processes son, '35, Donald J. Russel, '36, Ward happen in class elections and it us- By Rifle While Hunting
They left Bourke at 10:201 a.m. (7:20 that go on backstage at the stadium J L. Paine, '35E, and John E. Soenke, ually does. Ril hl
duringa football game, and showing >35E The present school year is no ex- Monday Afternoon
p.m. Tuesday, E.S.T.) just before Par-'drn
mentier reached Melbourne. They how the scoreboard and public ad- ception. Rumors are heard daily about
wenerportedaheMerbr flygdress system are manipulated. Nearly sudden changes in the political out- A verdict of accidental shooting
were reported later over Cobar, flying 100 press reporters, Arthur Will, '36E, order of Lieut-Col. Rogers, and were looks of the parties and the interest was returned last night by the cor-
slowly. author of the article, reports, are pro- approved by President Alexander G. is especially keen this year following oner's jury in the death of Anton
vided with telegraph lines for direct Ruthven the upsets of last year. The election Dinkel, 41, president of the Ann Arbor
Stratosphere Fliiht connection with their news headquar- ' days will tell the tale. Typographical Union, who was found
ters: and there are facilities for four . .-r Following the precedent set last shot through the head shortly after
Ends In Treeto s radio announcers to broadcast the IlinOS and 1f On t year, elections for any one class will be 8 a.m., yesterday in a woods one mile
games. held simultaneously in all schools and north of the city.
Other articles in the October Tech- IerfOrn lior FanS colleges. A week from today the The jury found that Dinkel was
CADIZ, O., Oct. 23. -(UP)-( The nic include a paper by Prof. John seniors will lead off with the jun- the victim of an accidental charge of
stratosphere flight of the Jean Pic- Chipman, winner of the Howe Medal Here On Saturday iors, sophomores, and freshmen fol- his rifle while hunting Monday after-
cards came to an end in a treetop of the American Society of Metals, lowing on succeeding Wednesdays. noon, death taking place at approxi-
late today. The bag of their balloon discussing the manner in which oxy- Later than usual, the elections this mately 3 p.m.
was badly torn but the gondola and gen and nitrogen affect properties Unless - and it's a pretty big un- year have been delayed because of the Sheriff Jacob B. Andres expressed
valuable instruments were undam-. of steel; and a eulogy in remem- less" - there's a guardian angel with non-appearanbe of the Student Direc- the opinion that the gun, a .22 caliber
aged and the Piccards themselves brance of Prof. Charles H. Fessenden, about $1,300 down in Urbana, Ill., the tory which is used as a voters list. bolt action rifle, had discharged when.
were unhurt. late of the mechanical engineering huge University of Illinois band will With the Directory coming out to- the butt struck the ground after Din-
The Piccards, saying they believed department, who died last summer. remain right where it is instead of morrow, the Undergraduate Council kel had jumped the fence where the
the purpose of their flight had been coming to Ann Arbor Saturday. will announce the hours of voting and body was found.
accomplished, brought the huge bag The nationally famous organization, the location of the ballot boxes after Members of the jury selected by
down after a flight that started from Sale Of Directory which really consists of three bands its special meeting today. Coroner E. C. Ganzhorn were: C. H.
Detroit and carried them an estimated Sswith a total membership of 310, an- The elections are being conducted Beukema, foreman, 1927 Dexter Ave.,
ten miles into the air. They covered Starts Tomorrow nounced several weeks ago that the by the Council and the Union, with Henry Lenneberg, 610 Gott St.; Ed-
about 180 miles, in a direct line. _Ifootball band of 160 players would the councilmen supervising the ballot- ward Deitz, 515 North Seventh St.;
"The flight was a success," said imake the Ann Arbor trip this year ing and the Union student commit- Max Goff, 723 Moore St.; Floyd Nay-
Mrs. Piccard soon after she climbed beThe 1934-35 Student Diiectory will for the first time since 1928. Pro- tees handling the counting of votes. lor, 610 Brooks St.; and Robert Hew-
from the gondola which settled amid offered for campus sale either to- hibitive transportation costs have pre- ett, 1618 South Blvd.
trees near an old logging road on the morrow or Friday, according to an vented many trips out of Urbana in u, uDinkel had been employed at the
John Fulton farm, four and a half announ cemensmade by Robert Hen- recentyearsThree Faculty Men Ann Arbor Daily News as a linotype
miles southwest of here sian Having received no answer to their operator since the World War, when
The unceremonious landing came The Directory this year will be sold invitation for Saturday, officers of the AM the served with the .American forces
Student-Faculty Relations
Committee Of Michigan
Union Issues Statement
TermedC Challenge
To Undergraduates
Committee Shows -Trust
In Firm Government
And Referendum
A challenige to the entire student
I body to establish "an authoritative
government of their own" was issued
last night in the form of a resolution
signed and drawn up by the members
of the Student-Faculty Relations
Committee of the Michigan Union.
Prompted by the belief that student
government on the campus is almost
powerless, the standing committee,
whose membership includes four fac-
ulty men and four students, pointed
out that the student body now has
an opportunity to secure self-govern-
Calls On Undergraduates
The resolution calls upon under-
graduates "to proceed in an orderly,
progressive, and constructive way to-
wards the attainment of effective stu-
dent government."
The entire statement as signed by
the members of the committtee is as
'BE IT RESOLVED, That in the
light of recently published statements
in the Daily Official Bulletin of The
Michigan Daily, as well as in The
Daily itself, and the admirable declar-
ation of the President with regard to
the policy of the administration, rela-
tive to student conduct and the regu-
lation thereof in this University, it is
the sense of the Committee on Stu-
dent-Faculty Relations of the Mich-
igan Union that there is now present-
ed to the student body an opportunity
to proceed in an orderly, progressive,
and constructive way towards the at-
tainment of effective student govern-
ment. It is the opinion of the com-
mittee that students should have an
authoritative government of their
own, and that this government should
always be consulted when the Univer-
sity believes some action should be
taken regarding student conduct.
Therefore, this committee stands
ready to help in any manner feasible
towards the formation of such a stu-
dent government."
Committee on Student-Faculty
Relations of the Michigan
Members Of Committee
The members of the committee who
all signed the resolution are Chairman
Allen D. McCombs, '35, president of
the Union, Prof. James K. Pollock of
the political science department, Prof.
John S. Worley of the transportation
engineering department, Prof. Charles
F. Remer of the economics depart-
ment, Prof. William A. McLaughlin of
the French department, William G.
Ferris, '35, managing editor of The
Daily, Douglas R. Welch '35, record-
ing secretary of the Union, and Wil-
liam R. Dixon, '36, student executive
- It was felt by the members of the
committee that student government
should have real power, and further
that the student body should always
be consulted either individually or as
a group when any matters affecting
them are considered.
The consulting of students, commit-
tee members pointed out, would elim-
inate to a large degree the passing of
"unfortunate" legislation.
Debating Team.To
Broadcast Nov. 2
The third annual radio debate by
members of the Varsity Debating team
will be broadcast over Station WJR
at 2 p.m., Nov. 2, James H. McBurney,
coach, announced yesterday.
Abe Zwerdling, '35, and Jack
Moekle, '35, will make up the nega-
tive team, and Ward Allen, '36, and
Robert Hill, '37, will be on the affirm-
ative. The subject of the debate is
Federal aid to education, and will be
used throughout the year in the Var-
sity debates, and also by the mem-
bers of the Michigan High School
Forensic Association.
onil Will Meet In 1