THE MICHIGAN DAILY E MICHIGAN DAILY _...r: __ _., Pulisued every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session by the Board in Control of Student publications., Member of the Western Conference Editorial Association and the Big Ten News Service. ME~MBER oci#ed olt> att rss 1Y4 19354 E MADWSO ""WCOt4 "1EEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press is enclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in .this paper and the local news published herein. Allrights of republication of special dispatches are reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant Postmaster-General. Subscription during summer by carrier, $1.00; by mail, $1.50. During regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50. Offices: Student Publications Building, Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan. Phone: i-1214.. Representatives: NationalAdvertising Service, Inc. 11 West 42nd Street, New York, N.Y. - 400 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, Ill. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 4925 MANAGING EDITOR............WILLIAM G. FERRIS CITY EDITOR .. . ....... JOHN HEALEY EDITORIAL DIRECTOR .. . ....,... . RALPH G. COULTER SPORTS EDITOR .... . . . . . ......... .ARTHUR CARSTENS WOMEN'S EDITOR .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....ELEANOR BLUM NIGHT EDITORS: Paul J. Elliott, John J. Flaherty, Thomas E. Groehn, Thomas H. Kleene, David G. Macdonald, John M. O'Connell, Robert S. Ruwitch, Arthur M. Taub. SPORES ASSISTANTS: Marjorie Western, Joel Newman, Kenneth Parker, William Reed, Arthur Settle. WOMEN'S ASSISTANTS: Barbara L..Bates, Dorothy Gies, Florence Harper, 'Eleanor Johnson, Ruth Loebs, Jo- sephine McLean, Margaret D. Phalan, Rosalie Resnick, Jane Schneider, Marie Murphy. REPORTERS: John H. Batdorff, Robert B. Brown, -Ric hard Clark, Clinton B. Conger,.Sheldon M. Ellis, William H. Fleming, Robert J. Freehling, Sherwin Gaines, Richard Hershey, Ralph W. Hurd,. Jack Mitchell, Fred W. Neal, Melvin.C. Oathout, Robert Pulver, Lloyd S. Reich, Mar- shall Shulman, Donald Smith, Bernard Weissman, Jacob C. Seidel, Brnard Levick, George Andros, Fred Buesser, Robert CumminsFres DeLano, Robert J. Friedman, Raymond Goodman, Moton lMann. Dorothy Briscoe, Maryapna Chockly, Florence .Davies, Helen Diefendorf, Marian Donaldson, Elaine Goldberg, Betty Goldstein, Olive Griffith, Harriet Hathaway, Ma- rion Holden, Lois King, Selma Levin, Elizabeth Miller, Melba Morrison, Elsie Pierce, Charlotte Reuger, Dorothy- Shappell, Molly. Solomon, Dorothy Vale, Laura Wino- grad, Jewel Wuerfel.. BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 2-1214 BUSINESS MANAGER...........RUSSELL B. READ CREDIT MANAGER........ROBERTS. S.WARtb- WOMEN'S BUSINESS MANAGER.........JANE BASSETT DEPARTMENT MANAGERS: Local Advertising, Joln Og- den; Service Department, Bernard Rosenthal; Contracts,, Joseph Rothbard; Accounts, Cameron Hall; Circulation, and National Advertising, David Winkworth; Classified Advertising and Publications, George Atherton. BUSINESS ASSISTANTS: William Jackson, William Barndt, Ted Wohlgemuith, Lyman Bittman, Richard Hardenbrook, John Park, F, Allen Upson, Willis Tom- linson, Homer Lathrop, Tom Clarke, Gordon Cohn,. Merrell Jordan, Stanley Joffe. WOMEN'S ASSISTANTS: Mary .Bursley, Margaret Cowie, Marjorie Turner, Betty Cavender, Betty Greve, Helen Shaplid, Betty Simonds Grace Snyder. Mrgretta Kohlig, Ruth Clarke, Edith H~amilton', Ruth' Dick~e, Paula Joerger, Mare Lou Htooker, Jane Heathi, Bernar- dine Field, Betty Bowman, July Trosper. NIGHT EDITOR: ARTHUR M. TAUB an and will work ourselves out of it." There is without doubt a need that some of he more constructive of the social. legislation in- luded in the New Deal should be retained. It is purely a matter, however, of separating the grain from the chaff, and not of keeping it all for the good that is in it. No matter what course the Federal Administra- tion takes, they will find that it takes time and action, and not words to get out of a depression. 1. . Science Publicity Gets A Break .. . N EWSPAPER REPORTING of scien- tific and other technical matters has not always been entirely above reproach. The untrained reporter has frequently made serious mistakes in fact. The reporter writing for a lay audience with fourteen-year-old intelligence has felt compelled to jazz up his accounts in a way that scarcely appeals to the man of science. The man of science, accordingly, feeling the lack of understanding on the part of the press, has often decided that publicity did him much more harm than good. He refused entirely or par- tially to talk to reporters, saving his genius for technical publications that did him justice. So some experts in technical fields decided to keep their reputations and their self-respect and let the newspapers struggle along without their enlightenment. The newspapers, however, in their own bungling way had been doing their best to serve two masters and have constantly been striving to im- prove that service from the point of view of both sides. The job is no easy one, and it has been greatly misunderstood. The scientist whose work is supported by public funds owes something of an accounting to his con- stituency. Further than that, the broad diffusion of ideas is inportaht to their rapid multiplication. But in this day of increasing specialization, few persons are equipped to appreciate any field but their own unless it is translated into generally understood terms. The newspapers and certain general periodicals are the only institutions set up' to serve as inter- preters between the technical gentry and the un- happy public. Newspaper men are not always too well trained for their difficult job, for it takes an exceptional man to to undestond both points of view - that of his source and that of his readers. In the meantime, while men. are being better fitted for such work, the newspapers still remain in a strategic position that cannot be denied. Men of science must realize that the press has not wil- fully harmed them, that its point of view must necessarily be different from their own, and* that co-operation will' certainly avail them more in the' end than hostility. C _mLetters published in this col umn n should n t be construed as expressing theieditorial opinion of The Daily. Anonymous contributions will be disregarded. The names of communicants will, however, be regd ed as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked to be brief, the editor reserving the 'right to condense all letters of over 300 Words. COLLEGIATE' OBSERVER By BUD BERNARD A class in French at the University of Mary- land was orally translating a story about a cow from French into English. One of the co-eds persisted in calling the cow "he" until the professor stopped her short and said: "He is she, miss. We milk her in the next sentence." * * *' * Following the issuance of a faculty ultimatum prohibiting men from visiting women's dormi- tories for "dates" except on week-ends and Wed- nesdays, the men at Yankton College, a small school in South Dakota, went on a "date" strike. They have established pickets outside the dormi- tory and threaten to use the paddle on any one who even looks like a strike breaker. i a* Co-eds, says a senior at the University of Wiseonsin are divided into two species: Those who shut their eyes when kissed and those who look to see if you do. ' ' A * Two hundred students at Monticello A. & M. College have signed a petition asking the removal of their president because he has termed dancing as "nothing lesslthan a 'sex orgy' and that all dancers 'wil go to hell.'" He has been president at that institution for 24 years. "If all the co-eds on this campus who didn't neck were placed in this office," pipes up a Daily sophomore leaning over my shoulder, ''what would we do with her?'' Henceforth you needn't fear term papers, thesis or special speeches. The Columbian Information Bureau, Washington, D. C., offers collegians papers on any subject and in any form. All of this work is done, by' university graduates, and, we sup- pose, guaranteed to pass the purchaser. Here's a bit of nonsense coming from H.H.: She passed I saw An smiled In answer To my smile. I awonder If sh too Could know Her underwear 1Hung down A mile Some professors kick about the coaches getting more money than they do - true - but the pro- fessor doesn't lose his job when the protege fails to produce. I re s a poem seniiiby IwVI. He wishes it to be entitled A Kappa Speaking To Herself Ilove its placid murmur I love its gentle flow Ilove to wind mymouth up And listen to it go. AWashington BYSTANDER 1 By KIRKE SIMPSON D;SPITE The number of prohibitionist nominees appeaing in scattered fashion on Congres- sional ballots, the liquor question for the first time in years is having small visible effect on the make- up of the new House. Certainly not a half-hun- dred nominees are to be classified that way. There is some confusion, however, due to. dual nomina- tions. It might be argued that this situation indicated repeal of constitutional\prohibition had removed the liquiQr proble, temporarily at any rate, from -poliiaturml-. ThawLk be. a 1 ad guess by 'ill accounts. It is very mchstill-here for the admin- istration. The turning of the first anniversary of repeal in early December is going to- make that plain'to everyone. Editors aremaking ready for that anniversary. Their trained scouts are boring from every angle into national, state, and municipal statistics on the first year of the return of John Barleycorn. There are indications that men on both sides of the fight for repeal who were the most prominent figures in the contest are making similar studies. HE RESULTS probably will be heard with loud and repeated bangs just after election, on or, about Dec. 1. And, that there will be a decided flare-up then over administration post-repeal pol- idy in handling the question, is a foregone conclu- sion. There has been no hint yet as to what recom- mendations regarding liquor taxes the treasury and White House are preparing to submit to Congress. In some quarters there is a feeling that President Roosevelt is certain to find it expedient to include the subject in his earliest communications to the new Congress. It has a budgetary aspect, quite out- side its sociological or economic significances, cer- tain to be very much in the mind of the President and his advisers just now. THERE are whispers that this question may prove to be a special interest to some of the new organizations nominally set up to defend the Con- stitution against real or implied "New Deal" trends. The original group behind the American Liberty League has repeal advocacy backgrounds which are of interest in that regard. With such names as Al Rmith pnroesntative Wadsworth. and Jouett DAILY I Subscribe NOW to The MICH IGAN. II Relgius Atvities The Fellowship of Hillel Foundation Zion Lutheran Liberal Religion Corner East University and Oakland Church (UNITARIAN) Dr. Bernard Heller, DirectorhF Washington at Fifth Avenue State and Huron Streets E. C. Stellhorn, Pastor October 21; 1934 5 O'clock Can dle-light Service- Otbr2,13 11:15 A.M. - Sermon at the Women's October 21, 1934 Mr. Marley will speak on League Chapel. Dr. Edward W. 9:00 A.M.-Bible School; lesson topic: Blakenian, University Counselor of "The Meaning of Prayer." "COMPONENT PARTS OF Religion 9:00_ A.M,-Service in the German RELIGION" "Our Religious Heritage language. 10:30.AM.-Service with sermoi on- And Some Common "WHAT COUNT WITH Objedtives" THE KING" 7:30 - Liberal Students Union. 5:30 - Student fellowship and Prof.John F. Shepard 61supper. Prof.615 P.M.-Meeting of all Jewish fa- 6:45 P.M.--Student forum with ad- "Value Of Experience" ternity presicnts at Dr. Bernard dress by Rolfe Haatvedt. Heller's apartment, First Methodist StPau lsL O e n Episcopal Church State and Washington (Missouri Synod) Charles W. Brashares, Minister West Liberty and Third Sts. 10:45 Morning worship. Dr. Brashares Rev. C. A. Brauer, Pastor has chosen as a subject, ".GOD" October 21, 1934 in a series entitled "What We :3EGLECTOctober 21,193 Want." 9:30 A.M.--Sunday School 3:00 - The International Student YOUR 9:30 A.M.-The Service in German. Forum group will meet for an informal discussion of youth 10:45 A.M.-The Morning Worship- movements in different countries. DEI 1 f Sermon by the pastor: Dr. C. W. Brashares will be present to lead the discussion. Interested "THE .FAITH G foreign-and American students are invited to attend and become bet- ACTIVITIES ETHE NOLMA '9"N ter acquainted as individuals. 6:00 -Wesleyan Guild devotional 6:30 P.M.-7:30 PM-Student Wal- service. Mr. Roy J. Burroughs, a member of the University faculty, ther League Bible Class conducted will speak, on "The Necessity for by the pastor. Institutionalized Religion." This is the second in a series of dis- cussions on "The Place of Religion Welcome, in Modern Society." Is Tli N , ToGo.. W ITH THE APPROACHING general election now little more than two weeks away, we find ourselves still in a whirl of un-' certainty as to the whole status of the New Deal, and in particular, its belated bramchild. the NRA. When a thoroughly helpless ,Congress passed unheard of powers into the President's hands, we were given to understand that the measures were warranted only by the impending crisis, and were to be strictly temporary. We- have just witnessed a shakeup in the ranks of the NRA, which de- posed General Johnson from his colorful office a4nmade former counsel Donald Richberg the new chief., From the pen of the new recovery head, writing; in the current issue of Fortune, we find the fol- lowing; "It is not. less lay but more and better law that is needed to establish an adequate in- dustrial law and order and to promiote our .eco- nomic welfare." To be more specific, Mr. Rich- berg says, "The new Congress will face the definite hecessity of writing legislation to'extend the opera- tion of various emergency measures and particu- larly the National:Industrial Recovery Act." There can be little doubt from these statements ythat, in Mr. Richberg's mind at least, the necessity of controlling legislation has extended beyond the limits of the critical period. To him, the need is far more than saving the country from a financial panic. He sees a definite need for a continuous effort to control industry and prevent the un- scrupulous dealings that have gone on in the past. - It would indeed be unfortunate if the administra- tion as a whole were to take this viewpoint, and as yet, we have had no indication as to just what the status of the question will be. We have had. periods of business uncertainty and financial crisis in the past, and the country has always returned to prosperity. We have passed the turning point in this depression. Even the most pessimistic observer would grant that we are definitely on the way up. In the critical days of February and March 193x, there was a need for a strong, dictatorial power to step in and stem the impending disaster. That much, the constructive legislation of the Roose- veltian New Deal could do. That was all that it was intended that it should do. But now, when as important a personage as Mr. Richberg claims that this regulation of industry You Tell 'Em George! To th'e Editor: yOUR EDITORIAL titled "Design for Stag- na.tion," along with the editorial reprinted from the Columbla Spectator on' the subject of fraternities, is, in my opinion, unfair to frater- nities here in that it fails to point out certain good features of the fraternity system as it worlks on this campus. .The truth of the statemenhts detrimental to the' ystem are not admitted, 'ior do I intend to discussfhem. When a freshman comes to Ann Arbor, in many cases he- has come out of an enviionment which allowed 'him very little freedom in'the matter of when he studies arid: what he did with his spare time - preparatory schools and' p ental supervi- sion having planned his life for him to a consider- able extent. When he gets to the University, one of the most constructive influences to the good in his college career is the fraternity that he pledges. In a great many fraternities, -pradti l all of them, the study habits of the freshmen are closely supervised, in some by means of compulsory study tables just as strict as those of the best prepara- tory schools, and in others by the mere insistence that the freshmen stay in their rooms in the eve- ning. The fraternity starts' ir where the prepai'a- tory school leaves off in this respect. The inference that fraternities encourage the freshmen to forsake their studies in order that they may drink, gamble, and indulge in other pas- times must have been made by one who is ignor- ant of the habits of a majority of houses, where, studies, especially for the freshmen, are considered of the highest importance. In saying that the rushing chairman meets the freshman at the station, the inferelce is that from then on he does nothing that is seriously founded on a desire to get ahead in his work or in any other worthwhile activity. As a matter of fact, while the practice of meeting freshmen at the station is- dying out with the advent of the new rushing rules, the freshmen who are so met will, I am sure, ex- press themselves that the assistance of an upper- classman in the important work of finding a suit- able rooming-house is most' valuale. The whole tone of the editorial is so removed from anything like an examination of the facts of the case, that I was surprised' to find it in The Daily. No attempt is made to understand the prob- lem of the man who comes to Ann Arbor where there is no provision for housing except rooming- houses and fraternity houses, no provision for boarding except eating clubs, restaurants, and fraternity houses, and where the social relation- ships are carried to a more intimate degree in a fra- ternity house than anywhere else. tax-ha- I) a f IPP vic ni----fPi to t? fo 'a m U A nother reason why you should buy a / MAGIC CHEF GAS RANG E