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October 20, 1934 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1934-10-20

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AY, OCTOBER 20, 1934



Hoyt Pleased .
With Showing
In Time Trials
Birleson W i n s Quarter-
Mile And Stoller Takes
100-Yard Dash
Charley Hoyt, coach of the Mich-
igan track team, put his squad
members through their paces in a
mid-fall time-trial test yesterday af-
ternoon at Ferry Field, in which more
than forty men competed.
Outstanding among the achieve-
ments of the afternoon, according
to Coach Hoyt, was the performance
of Stan Birleson in the quarter-mile.
This wps Birleson's first cliance in
competition with members of the Var-
sity, but he took the race with an
easy :50.7. Fisher ran second in
the event.
Captain Harvey Smith led his
teammates all the way in the mile
run. Gooding was a close second all
the way, and. closed in on the last
lap, but a great sprint at the end
brought Smith in first.
Stoller Takes 100
Stoller got away fast at the start
of the 100-yard dash, and held his
lead to the finish. Stiles ran sec-
ond to Stoller. Both competed on
the freshman squad last season.
Stiles was the winner of the other
event in which he was entered. Racing
the 220 he beat out Davidson, an-
other last year's freshman.
Gorman and Randall ended sopho-
more domination when they divided
the honors in the half mile, coming
in first and secondrespectively.
In the field events Coach Hoyt al-
so has reason to be pleased. Hunn,
his pole-vaulter, shows decided im-
provement over last year's perform-
ances, according to the coach.
Good Javelin Throwers
Adams, whom Hoyt thinks should
be one of the best javelin throwers
in the Conference, has settled his
scholastic difficulties and will be eli-
gible. Kositchek, with two years'
experience, is doing consister}tly well
in the same field, throwing about 180
feet on the average.
Atchells, in the discus, threw 140
feet last week.
Hoyt professes himself as pleased
with the showing. "For the amount
of practice they've had this year,
they show up very well," he said.
"And you can say that Michigan is
going to have three good milers to
represent them in competition this
An all-campus track meet will be
run off at 4 p.m. Tuesday afternoon
at Ferry Field. It is probable that
Eddie Tolan, Olympic star, will be
out running with the team, in prac-
tice for his international races of.
the near future.
Expects Tough
CHICAGO, Oct. 19.- (P) - The Big
Ten will resume work on its own pri-
vate football affairs Saturday with
fine prospects that there will be noth-
ing abnormal about the results.
While Minnesota, Ohio State and
Michigan are bearing the Western
Conference standard into battle
against intersectional foes, Chicago
and Indiana at Chicago, and Wiscon-
sin and Purdue at Lafayette, will get
together for. a pair of league cham-
pionship games. Iowa meets Iowa
State at Ames in the other game, Illi-
nois and Northwestern being idle.
Whatever happens at Lafayette, it

will not be an .upset. Neither Purdue
nor Wisconsin rates an edge. The
Badgers have not encountered oppo-
sition thoroughly testing them. Pur-
due has not been at full strength in
either of its previous two games and
cannot be judged. Both teams finished
preparation with light drills yester-
Chicago figures to beat Indiana,
and with injuries rampant in the
Hoosier squad, Coach Bo McMillin is
inclined to agree with the dope.
"I hope we are able tp do better
than Michigan did last Saturday,"
McMillin said, "but I doubt it."
Coach Clark Shaughnessy of the
Maroons is looking for a tough battle
just the same, and hinted that he was
a little worried over excessive confi-
dence among his men. Captain Ell-
more Patterson, who suffered a head
injury last Saturday, has recovered
and will start at center against the
Purple To Play Lansing
Central In League Game

Will See Service Today

* Local Pro Grid T eam I ndependents
STA R DU ST cy ARTNOpens Season Sunday!Gin Presti e
TheBlazing Arrows, local proGes-re
O Nsional ootbal players will open Ii Intra nurals
SDOZENNEWSPAPER SCRIBES 'How do you, spell it?" their season at home tomorrow after-
almost committed hari kari yes- "M-o-r-r-i-s!" The manager noon when they oppose the Ham- Blue Raiders To Defend
terday at the Michigan Stadium yes- was visibly disgustedtramck Merchants at Wines Field.Emil Title In Non-Fraternit
Georgia Tech traveling outfit, from Coach Bill Alexander is a fine man Bethke and Francis Zebbs, former Te m Sports
Coach Alexander down to the lowliest Ann Arbor High stars, and the team
manager, talk in their particularly and has a real sense of humor. He is made up of Ann Arbor players.. Non-fraternity team spurts.here-

evident Southern drawl. was matching his Georgian drawl wit
Yost's honeyed Kentucky accents are all old Hamtramck
To hear a tiny quarterback when a scribe approached and asked Tegamtratc3
drawling signals in accents one him how was his defense against run- T
mentally reserves for moonshine ning plays.
and honeysuckles is very discon- G1arden P(
certing, to say the least. "Ah really don't know," he an-

One scribe almost had to re-fight
the Civil War to discover how one of
the players spelled his first name. He
approached a manager and asked
what Left End Katz's first name was.:

swered, "nobody has tried to use
a running game against us this
year after they have seen how
weak our pass defense is!"
"It doesn't matter who throws
the passes," he continued, "our
opponents always catch them.
Vanderbilt got three touchdowns
on passes, Duke got two, and
Clemson intercepted one of ours
for their touchdown."

Tigers To Renew WHAT WOULD HAVE been the
Rivalry With Penn snclassic dual golf meet of the sea-
Tfailedtotmaterialize when Georgia
Tech's golf team was unable to make

Coach Kipke will depend on Johnny Viergever, Michigan's giant
220-pound lineman, to bolster up the left side of the line this afternoon.
Johnny, who plays tackle on offense and guard on defense, will start
against Georgia Tech today as the Wolverines attempt to enter the
win column for the first time this year.
Football Needed Its Hdrses-
When Willie Heston Was Here

PRINCETON, N. J., Oct. 19 -UP)-
One of the oldest of all football rival-:
ries will be -renewed Oct. 17, 1936,1
when Princeton and Pennsylvania
meet on Franklin Field in Philadel-
phia. This terminiates an estrange-
ment that has lasted for 40 years.
Between 1876 and 1894 the two uni-
versities met 31 times, with Prince-
ton winning all but two of these
games. Penn, 6-4, in 1892, and 12-0
in 1894, after which relations were
severed because of the "intense feel-
ing of rivalry between the institutions
which would lead to undue roughness
and engender more bitter feeling."
The 1936 game will renew the
fourth oldest rivalry of Princeton
football. Only the Rutgers, Yale
and Columbia rivalries antedate that
of Pennsylvania with the Tigers.
Although no football game between
the two schools has been played since
1894, the universities have been keen
rivals in almost every other sport.
slippery Jim Carter and versatile
All-American Duane Purvis, Purdue's
veteran halfbacks, might easily be
termed "The Touchdown Twins." Last
fall the two Boilermaker stars ac-
counted for nine of the 16 touchdowns
scored by Purdue.

arrangements to accompany the Yel-
lowjacket grid team here and to meet
the Michigan golf team today.
The invitation to come here was
extended on the part of the Mich-
igan team by Chuck Kocsis, Wol-
verine number one player and
medalist in the National Intercol-
legiates last year, to Charlie
Yates, Tech's captain and number
one star.
The Georgia team finished third in
the team ranking in the National In-
tercollegiate meet won by Michigan,
and this year includes on its squad
all the men who played last year, as
does Michigan.
Yates, who won the individual col-
legiate title, leads the team composed
of Berrien Moore, Frank Ridley andI
Pad Harris.
Moore was defeated in the second
round of the national meet by Kocsis
while Ridley was eliminated by Yates
in the semi-final round.
The Michigan team would in-
clude Koesis, Woody Malloy, Cap-
tain-elect Cal Markham, and
Dana Seeley, all members of the
1934 Walker Cup Team and for-
mer National Amateur and Na-
tional Intercollegiate medalist.

Has Max
In Anary
-Max Baer was in a fi
today because he thi
Square Garden is on th
in its quest for a suitable
opponent for the title
York come June.
The world's champion
came here with his m
Hoffman. to work outt
his motion picture, bu
talked only of boxing.
"I don't like the way
is going about gettinga
ponent for me in June
"And furthermore, if Jir
doesn't have a suitable
me in June, well, then
someone else who gets<
New York, Philadelphia
else, with Jack Dempsey
Baer said Steve Hama
defeated Max Schmel
Lasky in the Garden
bouts, "and now they're
matching the two loser
me meet the winner o
tween them.
"Now, I ask you, wh
public think of that?
"I don't care who I fig
is to fight some fellow t
thinks has a chance t
looks to me as though
eliminated everybody bu
Feet' Carnera, and I do.
one of these two guys If
"As far as the restc
weights are concerned, r
Buddy can lick them."
"Why doesn't the Ga
and put Hamas up aga
Didn't he beat both S
Lasky?" asked Hoffman

Thirty years ago before each foot-
ball game at Ann Arbor, University
workmen hitched a team of horses
to the bleachers and pulled them
into position at Ferry Field on the
very spot where the Varsity now prac-
Now, Lorenzo Thomas, who has su-
pervised such work since the turn of
the century, often has a crew of 100
men preparing the huge stadium for
the games and the throngs each Sat-
If there is snow, 60 or 70 men are
needed to clear the seats; others are
needed to clear the aisles and run-
ways. When the weather is threaten-
ing, 15 must spread the huge tar-
Morrison, Bernard
Meet In Pro Game
DETROIT, Oct. 19.- The Brook-
lyn Dodgers pro football team, boast-
ing Maynard Morrison, Chris Cagle
and John (Shipwreck) Kelly, will ar-
rive in Detroit Saturday morning.
They will work out at the UniversityI
of Detroit Stadium a short time later
to prepare for Sunday's game with
the Detroit Lions. The game will start
at 2 o'clock.
Two former Michigan All-Amer-
ican centers, Morrison and Charles
(Chuck) Bernard, of the Lions, will
be in the starting lineups. Maynard
was Grantland Rice's selection in
1932 and so well did Bernard fill
his position last fall that he virtually
was a unanimous selection for foot-
ball's highest amateur honor.-
.According to Coach Potsy Clark,
Bernard has rapidly been absorbing
the professional angles of football.
Morrison, with more experience, has
been an outstanding player for the
But there are other pairs who will
bear watching in Sunday's game. In
his amateur days, Chris Cagle swept
aside all precedents in forward pass-
ing by sometimes running 25 and 30
yards back of his line waiting for a re-
ceiver to get in the open for one of
his passes. Earl (Dutch) Clark,nthe
Lion pilot, is adept at the same ma-
Kelly hails from the University of
Kentucky. He will do his best to cope
with Frank Christensen, the Lion
kicker. In addition Kelly has a repu-
tation as a passer and some of the
Eastern experts rate him equal in
speed with Ernie Caddel, the fleetest
runner on the Lion roster.*

paulin over the stadium turf. Four
are needed to mark out the yard
lines, and they use four 50-pound
sacks of lime on this task alone each
On Sundiay a crew of 30, all stu-
dents, clear the stadium of the debris
left the day before, and occasionally
there is quite a bit of debris, accord-
ing to Thomas.
Two weeks ago the rioting crowd
at the Michigan State game left 901
broken chairs in its wake, and one of
the few things that was left intact
was the goalposts.
Posts Imbedded In Concrete
The posts are imbedded in chunks
of concrete six feet deep and two
feet in diameter, and, according to
Thomas, it would be impossible for
any mob to pull them out. With the
aid of ropes they might be broken
off, he said.
The outbreak of two weeks ago is
the only important one of its kind
Thomas has.heard of in his 34 years
of watching Michigan football, al-
though the crowds during the days
of Willie Heston, took victories and
defeats more seriously than today's
crowds do.
What A Team!
"Those point-a-minute teams of
Heston's heydey were the greatest
Michigan has ever had," Thomas de-
clared. "There have never been any
other like them.
But although the teams were great,
the receipts were not. After the game,
the money from the sale of tickets
would be put into a galvanized iron
box and hauled down to the bank in
a buggy.
The Singer twins, Milt and Walt,
center and end respectively, have par-
ticipated as regulars in every game
played by Syracuse in the last three
years. The twins, each stand six feet,
weigh 196 pounds and are so alike in
appearance that even their team-
mates are unable to tell them apart.
e A

k Merchants tofore the weak link in the I-M sys-
:00 p.m. tem, are rapidly coming to the front
as one of the most popular of the
activities offered by the Intramural
Last year was a banner season,
Baer thirty-two teams taking part in an
eleven-sport program, with the Blue
Mood Raiders, under the management of
Woody Ward, winning the all-year
Oct. 19. - .P) The Blue Raiders are returning this
ighting mood year under the management of the
nks Madison Spangenberg brothers, Craig and
e wrong track George. Other teams are keeping to-
e heavyweight gether under the same names, with
bout in New new men filling the places of those
n heavyweight Touch football will begin the pro-
tanager, Ancil gram this fall, followed by cross coun-
t instead he try and volleyball. During the winter
months five sports will hold sway:
basketball, handball, relays, track,
y the Garden and foul shooting. Tennis, horse-
a suitable op- shoes, and baseball will be 'in order
m said Baer. in the spring.
opponent for The winner in this all-year program
I'll fight for is determined by a point system in
one, either in which a minimum number of en-
or any place trance points are given with addition-
as promoter." al points going to the victors in each
is already had .
ing and Art Although it is necessary for a team
's elimination to enter a majority of the sports offer-
talking about ed to be a potential winner, teams
s and having may and often do enter only those
)f a bout be- events in which the squad members
are interested. Fifteen victory medals
iat would the are awarded to the team winning the
all-year championship.
ght. All I want Play this season will begin on Mon-
hat the public day, Oct. 22.
o beat me. It
h Hamas has '- DANCE at
it 'Old SatchelDA CEo
n't care which
fight. GRANGER'S
of the heavy-
my kid brother TONIGHT
rden go ahead GALE HIBBARD and His
inst Carnera? l 12-PIECE BAND
chmeling and Men 40c Ladies 25c
.Y,.;; n:,:.};y.::r:$r~ ;." .:-5 ....... }-,;
1h n J:Av f y?,.y: ,+1-y5 };.


Large Shipment



An old Five-A League rivalry will be
renewed at 10:30 a.m. today when Ann
Arbor High School tangles with Lan-
sing Central at Wines Field.
Both teams are undefeated to date
this season and both were victorious
over Saginaw Eastern by identical
scores. If records mean anything, this
morning's battle should be close all
the way through.
Dick Remington will be on hand 'to
-.3 .. -a 1------------------n"in1

With FOUR Excellent
Barbers To Serve You
at the

Pleated Front,
Side Buckles & Straps
in all the new shades
and Checks
Tom Corbett

! i


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