THE MICHIGAN IDAILY Nov. 2 Announced As Date For Fifth Annual Union Formal Dance z* -- -- F er de Grofe's Orchestra Will PlAY At "Union Late Permission Is Given For Initial All-Campus Dance Of Year Ferde Grofe and his Columbia Broadcasting System dance orchestra t _: CHAPTER HOUSE sACTIVITY NOTES Several houses have entertained i have been contracted to play for the fifth annual Union Formal Dance to be held Friday, Nov. 2, in the ball- room of the Union. Union Executive Councilmen George P. Wanty, '36, Harold A. Strick- land, '36E, and Robert W. Atkins, '36, head the general committee in charge of arrangements for the danc epecial permission has been ob- tained from the dean of women to ex- tend women's hours until 2:30 a.m. for the occasion. The music will start at 9 p.m. and continue until 2 a.m. Grofe and his orchestra will come here from the Book-Cadillac Hotel in Detroit, where;they ,are,now playing daily in both the Venetian and May- fair Rooms. Following their appear- ance in.An.Arbor, the band will begin an engagement at the Netherlands- Plaza Hotel in Cincinnati.. Grofe first gained prominence in musical circles as an arranger for Paul Whiteman's dance orchestra. He is also recognized as a prominent composer. Student committeemen announced that a list of patrons and patronesses for the dance would be released at an early date. Plans are now being formulated for the decorations to be used in the ballroom. A limited number of tickets will be placed on sale Monday morning priced at $2.50 per couple. They may be obtained from members of the Union executive council and sophomre com- mitteemen. An early sell-out is ex- pected by Union officials. Dormitories Begin Fall Social Season Jordan Hall The residents of Jordan Hall ini- tiated a regular series of teas yester- day afternoon with a closed tea dance to which all members of the law club were invited in addition to the guests of individual girls. The tea wasunder the general sup- ervision of Helen Sprague, '35. Those serving as hostesses were Helen Stet- son, '35, Marian Brooke, '35, Shirl Crosman, '38, and Georgina Karlson, '5. Miss Kathleen Hamm, director of Mosher-Jordan, Miss Inez Bozorth, director of the law club, and Mrs. Martha Rae, director of Mosher Hall poured. Music was provided by Max Crosman at the piano. Mosher Hall Mosher Hall entertained those of its residents having birthdays in Septemberand October at a birthday dinner Wednesday night. Fall flow- ers and green and yellow candles were used as decorations. Last night Mosher Hall held an exchange dinner with Helen Newberry dormitory, 32 of its members being guests of the latter dormitory. Adelia Cheever Martha White, '35, was chosen president of Adelia Cheever dormitory in elections which took place Wednes- day. Other officers are Kathleen Dell, '36, vice-president and social chair- man, and Helen Yanosky, '37, secre- tary-treasurer. Installation of offi- cers and initiation of new girls will be conducted Sunday afternoon. TO INTERVIEW WOMEN All sophomore women who have filed petitions for Sophomore Cab- aret positions are to come between 10 a.m. and 12 noon tomorrow to the Undergraduate Office in the League for a short personal inter- view with the Judiciary Council. just In Touchdown! Wool Frocks They're newjfootball colors: tile, creme de menthe, royal, Caroline, brown, red, gold and peacock. Michigan can't help win- ning with these winners on the sidelines. Sizes from 11 Prices $8.95 to $12.75 NEW SWEATERS New styles -- new weaves -- ,'. T 1 ! 2 r 1 1 pledges of other sororities at their an- nual exchange teas recently. Fall flowers of yellow and bronze provedJ to be the popular decoration. Other chapters will hold pledge teas this coming week. Sororities continue to announce the pledging of new mem- bers.t Alpha Chi Omega The pledges of the Alpha Chi Omega sorority entertained the1 pledges of other sororities at a tea' yesterday afternoon. Decorationst were fall leaves and baby mums with deep yellow candles. Helen Rowe,t '37, and Lucile Betts, '35, were in charge.1 Chi Omega , Chi Omega sorority announces the pledging of Harriet Douglas, '38, Philadelphia. Delta Gamma Delta Gamma sorority entertainedt yesterday afternoon from 4:00 to 6:00 with the annual Pledge Tea. The decorations consisted of yellowt chrysanthemums and bronze snap-' dragons. Betty Gillard, '35, made, the arrangements for the tea.X Kappa Nuz .The alumnae of Kappa Nu frater-1 nity will attend a dinner and meeting1 sMeetin Parker Plans Interesting Sets Educational Group Signal Corps Fraternity First eDisctssesr, or PlansHoldsrInformaleMeetiig Of SemestersIs For Tom Sawyer Productions s Pi Tau PssSigmanational honorary H__dBB___The educational group of the local signal corps fraternity, held an in- el V - oar By ELEANOR JOHNSON Tom is armed with the bucket and branch of the American Association formal meeting last night in order to It will be through the fence which brush used in the painting of the of University Women is sponsoring a meet the R.O.T.C. officers who are A .i.I A PTom so adroitly got others to white- fence. The whole will look like a division to study "Practical Politics" new on campus this semester. These I-isSemrny Aiid Panhlle nAc wash that the audience will see mem- huge fence with a hole cut in it having which met at 7:30 p.m. Thursday at officers are Capt. J. B. Ferris, Capt. Send Delegates To New bers of the Children's Theatre play Tom and Huck 'looking on. the League. The meeting was leadR. E. Hardy, and Lieut. M. G. Welling- RepresineBr e Advhe e o s es Sgedthe Lighs i be lowered t t fin by Frances Florer and was open to In addition to these officers, Col. Rsreenatves. fornhpar wohas desgned th e o ahscn hchwl liiaenon-members. F. C. Rogers, and Lieut. R. R. Coursey Panhellenic and the Assembly held etfo p l as plann to e the necessity of lowering the cur-nwereipdenen. . a false proscenium back of which Ttam anviwiin speedhupdtheetime their first joint meeting of the year tai and wil speed up the time need- ythenm o sets will be placed. A mini- ed for scene shiftingbdThewfirst set- twice a month at which information yesterday as the new League Board mum of props wil be used which will n will be outsid f Aunt Poll's will be given on current legislation, LEAGUE TO RECEIVE of Representatives. Betty Aigicr, as tend to give an illustrative quality to house with the famous fence as the on its relationship to practical pol- The Reception Committee of the president of Panhellenic, presided, all of the scenes. background Total darkness on the tics, and on the principals underlying League, under Marie Metzger, '35, and Eleanor Peterson, president of It has always been the policy of stage will be used for the second scene ,laws governing women of the state chairman, will be on duty in the lobby the Assembly, composed of non-affil- the theatre to use settings of a little which shows Huck and Tom on the in business and personal matters. before and after the game tomorrow. iated women, acted as secretary of more extreme nature than those em-w thg e d f -s the meeting. Next semester Miss ployed wit realistic plays, for it is will be used on the two boys. Mid- Peterson will act as chairman of the generally felt that those stories se- night in the graveyard will be the Board, and the president of Pan- lected can very well use a more bizarre third scene of the act hellenic as secretary atmosphere which tends to let the The entire second act will be in the er Maxine Maynard, gave a brief talk, imagination run riot. This holiday schoolroom. The only props will be m discussing various new phases of the spirit will be evident in the settings a small desk for the teacher and stools collegiate shoe League's program and organization. for Tom Sawyer for all the pupils. A large window atsection Marie Murphy, newly appointed The false proscenium will have 12- the back of the room will permit the chairman of student-faculty rela- foot figures of Huck and Tom on view of the crowd passing. tions, explained the plan of faculty each side of the stage and the title' The opening scene of the last act dinners. of the play across the top of the o i n A number of pointscomingunder mHuck pearswth poeis in Aunt Polly's sitting room. Three the League judiciary system were and a dead cat under his arm and rocking elucidated by Kathleen Carpenter, , be the props. Jackson's island will chairman of Judiciary Council. The be the second scene and the last will . 6 plan submitted to the Board for late- H enry Suyda m Fshow the outside of the church. ness penalties included a penalty ofFor all the settings, Mr. Parker has five times the number of minutes used combinations of the primary col- ,, late in the case of the first three = peari t ors which give a genuine story-book '. /I latenesses, additional penalties for the background for the play. Mr. Parkeriel-ae et C next three, and appearance before Press Ba e is known on campus as the designer- Judiciary Council for the seventh. for all the Children's Theatre Play The plan aims to make minimum sets last year and was connected with penalties uniform for sororities and A recent addition to the list of the Michigan Repertory Players this dormitories, speakers for the University Press summer. He is at present connected All senior women are to take their Club of Michigan is Henry West Suy- with play production as instructor of hour-late permission on Saturday dam, well-known journalist, who will stagecraft. nights, it was decided, be the speaker at the banquet Fri-- day, Nov. 9, during their convention '' S*1here. - at the Ann Arbor house Saturday. Erwin Glasser, '36, is in charge of ar- rangements. Many Dances Scheduled For This Week-End A gay week-end seems to be in prospect since many fraternities have planned parties for Friday and Sat- urday nights. S.A.E. Sigma Alpha Epsilon is holding an informal dance tonight. The decora- tions are in the color scheme of or- ange and black, suggestive of Hal- lowe'en. Prof. and Mrs. David Reed, and Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Donke w ill attend as chaperones Bill Davis and his orchestra will supply the music. The dance will be open. A. T.Od. James Eberly, '35, is making the arrangements for the Alpha Tau Omega party tonight. The dance will be open and informal. Dr. and Mrs. C. B. Cunningham and Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Gingrich will be guests of the fraternity. Martha Cook Martha Cook dormitory will open its social season with an informal dance. Marion Bertsch, '35, is the social chairman in charge of the party! Whitney Lowe's orchestra has been engaged to furnish the music. The chaperones will be Mrs. George Codd and Miss Sarah Rowe.l Sigma Nu The Sigma Nu fraternity is enter- taining with a formal dinner dance tonight. Herbert Leggett, -'35, is making the arrangements for this party, which is to be closed. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Dunn, Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam Walz, Miss Thelma Lewis, and Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Frisinger will at- tend as chaperones. Pi Lambda Phi Marshall D. Silverman, '36, is in charge of the closed formal to be giv- en at the Pi Lambda Phi house to- night. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Kositchek of Lansing, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Magidsohn of Detroit, and Dr. Philip Jay will be guests of the fraternity. The decorations will be done in the theme of the tropical isles. Reed Pierce's orchestra has been selected to play. Delta Tau Delta Wencel Neuman, '36, and Dudley King, '37, are co-chairmen for the closed, informal party to be given at the Delta. Tau fraternity. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Irvin of Wayne, and Dr. William M. Brace will be chap- erones. Beta Theta Pi The Beta Theta Pi house will hold a closed formal dance at which Bill Marshall's band will furnish music. 1 Robert Yates, '36E, is in charge of the arrangements. The chaperones will) be Mr .and Mrs. Schurtz of Grandl Rapids, and Mr. and Mrs. Richard < Maxwell. l !1 t r i 3 I I: i 'eague ~ri To Use Murals AsDecorations Murals depicting marine scenes of unusual artistry and originality will be used for decoration of the League Grill when it is opened tonight, for the initial dance of the winter series. Designs for the mural screens were submitted by members of the Arts Committee of the League, under Sue Calcutt, '35. The work of Betty Ann Barthell, '36, and Marie Mette, '37, was chosen from the group. The posters on display were made by volunteers from several dormitor- ies. The women included Audrey Tal-! snia, Kathryn Ransom, DorothyE White, Jean Lillie, Margaret Ferries, Gertrude Veneklasen, T.,Karen, Sol- osth, Mary Lou Hooker, Natalie Baum, Jane Evans and Jean Schmidt. { Over 70 women have been engaged' in the project of planning and re- decorating the Grill. The house! committee under Sue Mahler, '35, is in general charge. Under the new plan, the GrillI will be open for dancing on Friday and Saturday nights. A cover charge of $1.00 is made, each ticket entitling the holder to 50 cents in food. All Cowan's orchestra will play. Where Tio Go Theatres: Lydia Mendelssohn, "The Human Adventure" at 4:15 p.m. andk 7:30 p.m. and 9 p.m.; Michigan, "Onet More River" with Diana Wynyard;c Whitney, "Girl in Danger" with. Ralph Bellamy and "Fugitive Road"C with Eric Von Stroheim; Wuerth, "Stamboul Quest" with Myrna Loyr and "Hollywood Party"; Majestic, "Belle of the Nineties" with Maet West. Dancing: Union Ballroom, League Grillroom, Chubbs, Preketes, Hut Cel- lar. Music Group.Of A.A.W.C. Holds Opening Meetingl Mr. Suydam's topic was announced yesterday by Prof. John L. Brumm, permanent secretary of the Press Club, and head of the journalism de- partment, as "Crime and the News- papers." Journalist by profession, Mr. Suydam has long been interested in crime control, and is at present connected with the Department of Justice in Washington, in an attempt to build up co-operation between the newspapers and government agents in law-enforcement work. Educated in Princetbn, he was sent abroad shortly after his graduation, and several years later the outbreak of war in 1914 found him attached to the German and Austro-Hungarian forces as war correspondent. Apo Mt Chairman O New Committee Marie Murphy, '35, has been ap- pointed chairman of Student-Fac- ulty relationships, according to an announcement of the League Council yesterday. Miss Murphy has submitted a plan to the League, consisting of a series of dinners at which each sorority, dor- mitory, and zone of non-affiliated women, will entertain a designated group of faculty members. The plan has already been accepted by the As- sembly, and will be voted on by Pan- hellenic today. r7. Raphael Meets Orientation Heads Dr. Theophile Raphael and mem- bers of the Mental Hygiene staff from the Health Service were guests yester- day at a luncheon and Round-Table meeting of the student advisers on the Orientation project. Dr. Raphael explained the general purpose of the Mental Hygiene de- partment, and gave a brief descrip- tion of the work done in the past. After his talk the group discussed questions of a nature designed to aid the freshmen in adapting themselves to new situations. Club Honors Teachers At Reception And Dinner The Ann Arbor' Teacrhers Club heldr1 11 Id SMARTEST HOSIERY SHOPPE 300A South State Street CHIFFON - SERVICE HOSIFRY y i V V /^ V M' V The music appreciation division of a dinner and a reception last night at the A.A.T 1.C. held its first meeting of the Michigan League to honor the the season last night at the home of new teachers in the Ann Arbor Mrs. Louise Estelle Brown on Mack j schools. These teachers and their! Road. Mrs. A. S. Van Sickle, chair- $ principals made up the receiving line man of this group, stated that all of # together with Mr. O. W. Haisley, Su- those interested in music were in- perintendent of Schools, Mr. and Mrs. vited to the meeting even though they Lee Thurston, and Miss Edith Bader. had no talents in that line. A tea is The program for the evening con- being planned for later in the month sisted of a speech by Professor Ar- and a course in listening is also plan- I thur Bromage. community singing ned. and other music. T MUMS can be had by merely callin 9055, or jropping in at our shop (crOSS fro n the Michi- I 11