The Weather
increasing cloudiness and
rather cool Friday, probably
shower at night or Saturday.
C, . 4r
Elementary, Watson,
Elementary ...
Education Is All Right...
- __ _________
VOL. XLV. No. 23
Robinson, Sr., Involved In
Stoll Kidnaping Case, Is
Taken In Nashville
Son Flees, Leaving
Car AtSpringfield
Pays Portion Of Ransom
To Springfield Rooming
House Proprietor
NASHVILLE, Oct. 18 -U(A)-
Thomas H. Robinson, Sr., was ar-
rested late today on charges of
kidn aping Mrs. Alice Speed Stoll,
of Louisville, and was 'taken be-
fore United States Commissioner
Julian Campbell for an imme-
diate hearing.
The arrest was made by Dep-
uty United States Marshal O. D.I
Johnson, and W. A. Rorer, head
of the Nashville Federal agents,
who took Robinson, the father
of Thomas H. Robinson, Jr.,
charged with the actual kidnap-
ing, to the Federal Building.
The prisoner pleaded not guilty
and was held under $25,000 bond.
LOUISVILLE, Oct. 18-(P)- One
definite trace of the trail left by the
discharged lunatic sought as the kid-
naper of Alice Speed Stoll, was found
today in Springfield, O., and countless
clues continued to pour in from other
parts of an aroused nation.
The car in which Thomas H. Rob-
inson, Jr., the man sought, fled from
an Indianapolis apartment where
Mrs. Stoll was held a prisoner six
days, was found abandoned in Spring-
A Springfield rooming house pro-
prietor identified a police picture of
Robinson as the man who left the
car in her garage. A $5 bill paid to
her was found to be part of the
$50,000 ransom paid for Mrs. Stoll's
release. Three other persons report-
ed that they had seen Robinson in
Springfield this morning.
The man registered at the rooming
house as "Ben Doken, of South Bend,
Ind." He put his car in the garage
and went up to his room and shaved.
When he came, he said he was going
downtown. He wore a derby and
glasses and was about six feet tall. In
his suitcase police found an overcoat
and a Chicago newspaper containing
a story of the hunt for Mrs. Stoll and
her kidnaper.
The remarkable luck that attend-
ed the abductor from the start con-
tinued today as he eluded searchers.
Three or four times before Mrs. Stoll
was released Federal agents missed
catching him by minutes.f
In Nashville, Tenn., notes to Rob-
inson's father were made public in
which he was warned that failure to
carry out details as requested by his
son would mean that Mrs. Stoll will
never be seen alive. The note said
the writer was "the kidnaper of Alice
As the hunt by Federal, State and
City forces methodically went on a
special Grand Jury was ordered to
meet Saturday to indict Robinson.
Revivings OfsDead
7Soul Is Question
Raised By Clergy
DENVER, Colo., Oct. 18.-(P)-The
question of whether a dead man
brought back to life would be a per-
son without a soul was raised by Den-
ver ministers today in a discussion of
the experiment of Dr. Robert E. Cor-
nish of Berkeley, Calif.
The Berkeley scientist, who has re-
vived dogs with at least partial suc-
cess, has proposed to try to restore
life to a convict executed in Colorado's
lethal gas chamber.
The Rev. Thomas Murray of the
South Broadvway Presbyterian Church,
cited instances in the Bible where
Jesus raised Lazarus and the son of a
widow, St. Peter resurrected a young
girl and Elisha a child, as proof that
a person brought back to life would
have a soul.
The Rev. Hobert Meyer, pastor of
Emmaus Lutheran Church, said these
instances should be expected, with the
explanation they were miracles per-
formed by divine.power and that no
ordinary mortal would be able to bring
back the soul.
Dr. F.A. Coller Cites Dangers
Of Infection In Upper Lip Area
Backed By Labor
BOSTON, Mass., Oct. 18.-VP)-
An upper lip health risk that may
justify the "eyebrow" mustache as a
real protector was explained to the
American College of Surgeons here
Any infection of the upper lip, such
as might arise from even a trivial
razor scratch or whatever risk there
may be in kissing is much more po-
tentially dangerous than similar in-
fections of the lower lip.
The facial mechanism involved in
this situation and the not infrequently
fatal results were explained to a
symposium on infections by Dr. Fred-
erick A. Coller, of Ann Arbor, Mich. A
person with anything larger than an
ordinary pimple on the upper lip,
he said, really ought to be in bed
in a hospital because of what might
Broadly speaking, this "upper lip"
area includes not only the site of the
mustaches but much of the face and
nose. Infection in these areas if they
get beyond mild stages are' apt to
spread until they reach the facial
These veins pass down close to each
side of the nose and then flare across
the cheeks somewhat above the mus-
tache lip area. Ordinarily the blood
in them flows downward, but upper
lip infections may block these veins,
forcing the blood in them upward.
It then flows up toward the eye,
passes the region of the inner angle
of the eye and empties into the "cav-
ernous sinus" located on the floor of
the skull.
Once there the infection can kill
quickly. It may produce clots that
may carry infection through the blood
stream all over the body or result
in meningitis, or both.
Dr. Coller warned that in treating
an upper lip infection a pimple there
should never be squeezed. Once the in-
fection becomes serious, he said, talk-
ing should be prohibited in order to
rest the lip. X-rays should be used.
-Associated Press Photo
Interf raternity
uncil To Act
On Ineligibility
Unpledged Students Who
Lacked Honor Points
May Petition
The Executive Committee of the
Interfraternity Council will hold itsI
first meeting of the year at 7:30 p.m.
next Wednesday in Room 306 of the
Union, according to Philip A. Single-I
ton, '35E, president of the Inter-
fraternity Council.
The purpose of the meeting is to
act on petitions filed by students who
because of insufficient honor points
were ineligible to be pledged or initiat-
ed into fraternities. Any other student,
who for some other reason was in-
eligible to pledge or be initiated into
a fraternity and who believes he has
a good case, may petition the Execu-
tive Committee at that time.
The petitions must be handed to a
member of the committee before the
meeting Wednesday.,
Members of the committee, which
was formulated last year, are Dean of
Students Joseph A. Bursley, Prof.
Leigh J. Young of. the forestry school,
representing the faculty, and Charles
W. Graham and William Brown of
Ann Arbor, representing the alumni.
The student members of the com-
mittee, all seniors, are Franklin Bris-
tol, Theta Delta Chi, Joseph Bailey,
Sigma Chi, Lee C. Shaw, Phi Delta
Theta, and Joseph Whitmer, Theta
Singleton, Phi Kappa Psi, and Alvin
H. Schleifer, Pi Lambda Phi, as pres-
ident and secretary, respectively, of
the Council, serve as ex-officio mem-
bers of the Executive Committee.
W. A. Maton, a member of the cast
of "As Thousands Cheer," will show
a program of "Documentary Newreels
of America Today," at 4:15 p.m. to-
day in the Natural Science Auditor-
ium. Following the movies, he will
give a talk discussing the need for
a film and photo League on this
Freshman Banner
Torn From Heights
By Outraged Band
The Union with its many floors and
impenetrable doors proved a boon to
the freshman class in its present
feud with the sophomore contingent
when the aforementioned youngsters
strung a militant '38 banner from the
tip-most-top of the top-most-tip of
the tower of Mr. Allen McComb's of-
ficial hangout.
For two days the challenge flut-
tered in the breeze. Passersby imag-
ined that it might be fluttering in
fear at its approaching fate. Sopho-
mores were sure that it was, but when
they valiantly stormed the citadel
they were baffled by a sturdy two
inches of planking, an unrelenting
No key could be found which could
permit entrance. Sophomores racked
their brains, already matured with
one year of University training, but
in vain. It looked indeed as if the
Class of '38 had waved the flag under
the bull's nose with impunity.
Lacking in ingenuity as they might
be, however, the sophs proved them-
selves fully equipped in the matter of
brawn. Consistent battering finally
budged the door enough to permit a
long arm to remove the two-by-two
trigger arrangement and then remove
the offending banner.
Now the question arises, "Will
sophomore brawn prevail against
freshman brains in the forthcoming
fall games?"
Architecture Is
Topic Of Talk
GivenBy Hall
"Architectural Registration Laws in
the United States" was the subject of
a talk given under the auspices of the
Architectural Society by Emory Stan-
ford Hall, secretary of the National
Council of Architectural Registration
Boards, yesterday in the College of
Architecture auditorium.
Four years of study in a technical
school and three years of apprentice-
ship under the guidance of a practic-
ing architect were cited by Mr. Hall
as being the requirements necessary
to apply for a license as a qualified
Warning the students of the evils
of regarding the profession of archi-
tecture as merely one in which draft-
ing is all-important, Mr. Hall gave
several examples of would-be archi-
tects who concentrated merely on
this one phase and never advanced
any further than assistants to fully-
qualified architects.
T10_ __ l _ _7
A. F. L Figlts
Six Candidates
ForU., .Senate
Announce Plan To Back
Wisconsin Senator In
WASHINGTON, Oct. 18 --P)- The
American Federation of Labor has
turned thumbs down on six Republi-
can senatorial aspirants as a result
of its scrutiny of records and cam-
paign pledges of congressional candi-
dates on their attitude toward or-
ganized labor.
Contrariwise, however, the Federa-
tion made known today it would sup-
port Sen. Robert M. LaFollette (Pro.,1
Wis.), former Republican, who is run-
ning for re-election against the Demo-
It pledged support also to a for-
mer senator, John M. Robinson, Rep.,
candidate for the House in the ninth
Kentucky district.
Terming them "enemies of labor,"
the Federation called its members 'to
seek the defeat of Senators Hebert
of Rhode Island, Fess of Ohio, Reed
of Pennsylvania, Hatfield of West
Virginia, and Walcott of Connecti-
cut, along with George M. Bourquin,
Montana Republican senatorial nom-
Calls were sent to organized labor
to seek the election of Vic. Donahey,
Ohio Democratic opponent of Fess;
Rush D. Holt, young Democratic lib-
eral, contesting Hatfield in West Vir-
ginia; Peter G. Gerry, Democratic
opponent of Hebert; Rep. Francis T.
Maloney, (Dem.) adversary of Wal-
cott in Connecticut; and Senator
Wheeler (Dem., Mont.) opposing for-
mer Federal Judge Bourquin. In-}
ferentially, it threw its support to
Joseph W. Duffey (Dem.) contesting
Reed in Pennsylvania.
The position of the Federation was
made known in circular letters sentI
to labor groups in the various states
under the signature of William Green,
Willis Ward
Rally Tonight
S t a r -Makes Declaration
Of Gratitude To Those
Who Supported Him
Send Night Letter
To Southern Teanm
Marley, McFarlan, Hobbs,
And Morton To Speak
At Gathering
uns facut mebes aor
A declaration of gratitude to those
ganizations that have aided in the
I campaign for his participation in the
Georgia Tech game Saturday w~
Imade last night by Willis Ward.
Meanwhile, plans were completed
for the student rally to be held at
8 p.m. tonight in the Natural Science
Auditorium for the purpose of crystal-
lizing sentiment on the Ward affair.
In response to an invitation. to
present their views on the matter,
Athletic Director Fielding H. Yost
declined, but Head Coach Harry
Kipke could not be reached at a late
hour last night for a statement as to
whether he will appear at the meet-
C. B. Fisk Bangs, secretary of the1
Charlotte chapter of the Michigan
Alumni Association, yesterday wrote
in answer to a letter from Ward1
United Front Committee that "It has
long been the policy of the State of
Michigan and the University that
there will be no racial discrimination,
and I feel that Mr. Ward should be
permitted to play if he is otherwise
qualified, regardless of his color.
"If Georgia Tech refuses to play
with him on the team, I see no reason
why they should not forfeit the game
to Michigan."
A night letter was sent by the com-
mittee last night to the Georgia Tech
team in Ypsilanti, where they will ar-
rive at 8 a.m. today. It read, "We
believe you should know a greathnumr-
ber of Michigan students object to
Willis Ward's exclusion from the
game Saturday.
"We hope that you as sportsmen
will play the game with Ward, ac-
cording to Michigan traditions, just
as Michigan would play according tot
Georgian standards if the game were
held in Georgia."s
Speakers scheduled for the meetingc
tonight include Rev. Harold P. Mar-
ley, minister of the Unitarian Church3
and president of the local chapter ofc
the American Civil Liberties Union,
Prof. Harold J. McFarlan of the engi-I
neering college, Socialist congression-
I al candidate from this district, Davis
Hobbs, '35L, and Abner Morton, Grad.
--Auclasect d'ress Phaoto
Pierre Laval, former premier of
France, has been named successor to
the slain Louis Barthou as French
minister of foreign affairs. Laval, a
disciple of Aristide Briand, has op-
posed in the chamber of deputies the
payment of war debts.
Sociologcy-t rip
Plans Revealed
By S.C.A. Head
Dr. Frank Beck To Direct
Students' Study Of Slum
Districts OfChicago
Final plans are being formulated
for the annual sociology trip to Chi-
cago which is sponsored by the Stu-
dent Christian Association on Nov.
2, 3, and 4, Russell F. Anderson, pres-
ident of the S.C.A. announced yester-
Dr. Frank Beck, eminent practical
sociologist, will direct the trip in Chi-
cago. Anderson announced that in
view of the success of the trip last
year, most of the places visited then
will also be included in the itinerary
of this year's trip. Prof. Arthur E.5
Wood of the sociology department will
also go along with the group.
Chinatown, Little Russia, the Mex-
ican Colony, Chicago's Latin quarter,
and Hull House, will be some of the
places included in the itinerary. The
group will also see and converse with
a "sincere hobo," a dope fiend, a "jail
bird," and several others of the so-
called maladjusted type, according to
The exact price of the trip will be
determined when it is known how
many are going. But the cost will be
between $6.50 and $8, Anderson said.
Those who plan to go on the trip
are asked to call Lane Hall before
Oct. 27. A $2 deposit will be required
for registration.
Manslaughter May
BeChar Brought
In Woman's
Succeeds Barthou
Raymond Gimmey Admits
Striking Blow That May
Have Caused Death
Says Wife Called
Him 'A Vile Name'
Had Just Returned From
Dance When Argument
Led To Violence
In a voluntary confession to County
Prosecutor Albert J. Rapp, Raymond
Gimmey, 26 years old, 1110 Hutchins
Ave., yesterday admitted that he had
struck the blow which, physicians say,
caused the death of his wife, Mrs. Ida
Gimmey, at 12:40 p.m. yesterday in
St. Joseph's Mercy hospital.
No charge has yet been placed
against Gimmey, Prosecutor Rapp
said last night, pending final report
of the autopsy on the body. He indi-
cated, however, that if the blow is
officially confirmed as the cause of
death, Gimmey will face a charge of
Dr. S. C. Howard of Ann Arbor,
who performed the autopsy, told The
Daily last night that death was caused
by hemmorhage of the throat, and
that this condition was the result
of a ruptured blood vessel, presum-
ably caused by the blow which Gim-
mey admitted striking.
'Returned Late'
Gimmey, in his confession, said that
his wife had returned from a dance
late Wednesday night. She was driv-
ing his car, he said, and he remon-
strated with her for driving without a
"Well, she just kept on arguing and
finally she didn't quit talking to me
and I told her I was going to get up
and go out in the car and sleep be-
cause I couldn't stand arguing all
night like that," Gimmey said in de-
scribing the events leading to the fata
He said that his'wife then "slapped
me a few times and kicked me once
in the stomach." He was not violently
angered then, he said, but he admitted
"losing my head" when she called
him a particularly vile name.
"Then you struck her?" interjected
Prosecutor Rapp.
"Yes, I just lost my head when she
said that," Gimmey replied. "I .just
struck and that's all there was to
that. I struck her on the neck."
Called Physician
Gimmey then said that almost im-
mediately he noticed his wife's neck
beginning to swell. He became alarmed
at that, he said, and called a physi-
cian, who ordered the injured woman
to be taken to a hospital. She was
admitted to St. Joseph's Hospital at
3 a.m.
According to his confession, Gim-
mey waited at the hospital until 6 am.
At that time, he said, a nurse "came
out and said she was all right, so I
went home and they called me and
said that she was dead."
Mrs. Gimmey died at 12:40 p.m., It
was stated at the hospital.
Under Prosecutor Rapp's question-
ing, Gimmey admitted that a bad
feeling had existed between him and
his wife for several months. He said
that three months ago he had con-
sidered getting a divorce, but that
he had never taken any legal steps
toward such action.
Older Than Wife
Gimmey charged that his wife had
continually nagged him, often becom-
ing angry because, he said, she "want-
ed me to make more money." Gimmey
said he had been out of work for
more than two years.
Gimmey's age is 26. His wife
was 24. The couple would have
been married four years in January.
Discussing the case, Prosecutor
Rapp said that he would probably
bring a charge of manslaughter
against Gimmey. Under Michigan law,
he would, if found guilty, receive a
penalty of six months' to fifteen
years' imprisonment.
If Gimmey pleads guilty he will be
sentenced in less than 48 hours, Prose-
cutor Rapp said. Thus far the ac-
cused man has not indicated whether
he will plead guilty or not, and has
not asked for a lawyer.
Phil Harris Dedicates
Broadcast To Game
Alibi For
Are Urged To
Varsity Cheers
An appeal to all presidents of
fraternity and sorority houses to
have their freshmen learn the
Michigan cheers as a pledge duty
was made yesterday by Joseph
Horak, '35, head cheerleader. Hor-
ak stated that if the freshmen
knew and used the cheers the vol-
ume of cheering at Michigan foot-
ball games would be greatly im-
T T__ __1_
upper reninsuia necord tbook
Discovered After Fifty Ye ar s
By FRED WARNER NEAL he bought the place, had left it.
When Indian Agent Mark Stevens The old record applies specifically
relinquished the Flint Indian Office to land granted to Indians under
to a political opponent in 1884, he three treaties: Chippewas of Lake
should have given him the land record Superior in 1854; Ottawas and Chip-
book, key to the entire surrounding pewas in 1885; and the Chippewas of
territory and much of the Upper Saginaw, Swan Creek, and Black
Peninsula. River, also in 1855.
He should have, but he didn't. In- While much of this deals with land
stead, he took it with him, and it in and around Saginaw, the majority
turned up last week, 50 years later, of the territory affected by it is in
in the Great Lakes division of the I the Upper Peninsula. In many cases,
Anthropology Museum. And, in the the discovery of the record may com-
opinion of Dr. W. B. Hinsdale, asso- pletely change previously surveyed
ciate in charge and professor-emeri- boundaries, it is expected.
Hauptniann In
New Evidences
Seeks Habeas Corpus On1
Strength Of Statements
Given By Two Men.
NEW YORK, Oct. 18 -()- The
possibility of a new habeas corpus
hearing was indicated today in Bruno,
Richard Hauptmann's fight to avoid'
extradition to New Jersey to stand'
trial for the murder of the Lindbergh
James M. Fawcett, defense attor-
ney conferred with Supreme Court;
Justice Ernest Hammer of the Bronx,
who terminated a previous writ of i
habeas corpus after deciding that
Hauptmann's alibi was insufficient to,
show he was not in New Jersey the:
night the baby was stolen.
Presumably, they discussed the
newest disclosures in Hauptmann's
efforts to establish his alibi - the
statements of two men that Haupt-
mann had worked at the Majestic
Apartments in New York on the day
of the crime.
Joseph M. Furcht, construction
boss, said Hauptmann worked at the
apartments from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., and'
E. V. C. Prescia, head of an employ-
ment agency said he had sent the
Michigan Yells
Students are urged to learn the
following cheers before the football
game Saturday.
(Same tempo as "Yeah Team")
Eee Yah
Eee Yah
Eee Yah
Fight Fight Fight -Michigan
Rah - Michigan
Lieut. Coursey Finds Himself
On The Horns Of A Dilemma
LONDON, Oct. 18. -(P) - Acting
Premier Baldwin's recent statement
about Britain's defensive front being
on the Rhine drew a sharp reply
Wednesday from Herr Wilhelm Goer-,
ing, German air minister. He told a
Daily Mail correspondent at Belgrade
that England need have no anxiety
about German intentions, but reiter-
ated Germany's demands for adequate
air 'defense.
"I look fo' Michigan to take 'em
That is the enheartening prediction
-delivered in a good Georgia drawl,
-of a man whose loyalty in tomor-
row's game probably will be divide d
about as evenly as that of any of the
thousands in the stands. He is Lieut.
Richard R. Coursey, assistant profes-
sor of military science and tactics,
himself a former member of the
Georgia Tech faculty.
Two years ago Lieutenant Coursey
became so enthused about Army's
nrnmPn nvyro Nr+,tD name that 'he
he is a native of Georgia and has also
formed a deep attachment for the
Michigan campus. Consequently, he
says, there will be no question of
standing on his hands. There will be
delight and regret, whatever the score
-unless it's a tie.
Born in Lyons, Ga., Lieutenant
Coursey now claims Mt. Vernon, Ga.,
as his home. After his graduation
from the United States Military Acad-
emy in 1919, and after being stationed
with troops following the World War,
he was assistant professor of military
science and tactics at Georgia Tech
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