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October 17, 1934 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1934-10-17

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17, 1934


SpeedAnd Timing Stressed In Drill For Georgia Tech


Team Drills On
Improvement Of
Joe Ellis Is Impressive
In Returning Punts; May
Play Against Tech
Kipke Is 'Satisfied'
Sul b Ends May Get Chance
If Ward Does Not Start
In Saturday'sLineup
Speed and more speed was the key-
note of yesterday's offensive scrim-
mage as the backs rehearsed play
after play in anticipation of the in-
tersectional affair scheduled for Sat-
urday against Georgia Tech. More
expert timing on laterals was also
With Ward out of the game, some
of the second string ends may get
the chance to display their wares.
Ernie Johnson took over the right
end for the major part of the after-
noon. John Rieck and Earl Meyers
also came in for a share of the play
along with the regulars, Matt Pateh-
elli and Mike Savage.
A definite criticism leveled at the
backfield as a whole this year has
been that they were getting off on
plays without giving their interfer-
ence a chance to form. On the other
hand, blocking has been slow, so per-
haps the fault lies with both parties.
Backfield Named
The starting backfield has been
practically decided upon. Cedric
Sweet will hold down the fullback
postwith Regeczi and Aug at the
halves, and Ferris Jennings at quar-
ter. Jennings is particularly adept
at snaring short passes over the line
of scrimmage with Regeczi doing most
of the tossing. Sweet looks good on
defense and has more drive through
the line than any other man on the
Aug was the best running back in
the Chicago game, and if his team-
mates can co-operate in shaking him
loose, Tech will see some good open-
field stepping.
Ellis.Shows Promise
Joe Ellis who has warmed the
bench this season may get his big
chance Saturday. His work in the
backfield was highly gratifying to the
coaches and he seems in a fair way
of going somewhere on the squad.
Joe is known as a player who can
really return punts, a spot in which
Michigan is in need of bolstering.
Trouble with his eyes has handicap-
ped him greatly.
The Varsity lined up for defense
against a scrub eleven which went
through the various Georgia plays.

Coach Fisher
Practices With
Hurling Talent
Current W a r m Weather
Encourages Drills Of
Sophomore Prospects
Although the World Series ended
baseball officially for the year last
Tuesday, Coach Ray Fisher is taking
advantage of the current warm
weather to work with two of his
sophomore pitchers and a catcher on
Ferry Field.
The two hurlers, George Butler and
John Gee, represent 12 feet, nine
inches plus 399 pounds of pitching
talent. Butlr, a right hander, is six
feet three, and weighs 187 pounds,
while Gee, a southpaw, stands six feet
six, weighing 212 pounds. "Jabby"
Jablonski, who was ineligible last sea-
son, is the receiver.
Coach Fisher is of the opinion that
he will have a fine fielding and hitting
nine next spring, and wants to make
sure his pitching staff will hold up.
He has several veteran hurlers re-
turning, and if Gee and Butler pro-
duce, he will have a strong staff.
Both Had Freshman Experience
Butler and Gee were both on last
year's freshman nine, where they gave
evidence of developing into Varsity
moundsmen. Butler could have given
a good account of himself as a Var-
sity pitcher last year. Working out
yesterday, he had a burning fast
fall, a sharp curve, and showed signs
if developing a good change of pace.
Only one Michigan pitcher ever
learned to throw Coach Fisher's "half-
speeder," and that was Bill McAfee,
who is now a big leaguer. This change
of pace which Fisher calls a half-
speeder is really a fadeaway. When a
right hander throws it, the ball comes
up to the plate slowly, dipping away
from a right hand hitter.
Gee is not as far along, but he has
all the physical attributes of a pitcher.
He has a fair fast bll, but his curve
doesn't break consistently. However,
Coach Fisher believes that Gee will
make an excellent pitcher with time
and experience.
Fisher plans to keep both boys
working out in the Field House dur-
ing the winter.
Of Jablonski, Fisher stated that he
has the best throwing arm of any
catcher who ever played for Mich-
igan, notwithstanding Ernie Vick and
Jack Blott, both former big leaguers.
Several line bucks and passes consti-
tuted the Tech attack. Roberts, star
in the Southern Conference last year
and a bulwark for the team that has
already lost three straight, is the
focus of the passing attack. He
throws passes from deep punt forma-
tion and is reputed to be uncannily
The backfield intercepted many of
the tosses and broke up the remain-
der. Sweet several times found him-
self in possession of the ball with a
clear road for a touchdown.
The entire squad went through a
tackling and blocking drill and Kipke,
who Is not driving his men as much
as he did last week, expressed him-
self satisfied with the showing of the

Patanelli Playing Both In Line And Backfield

Courtmen Start Michigan's Grid Record Shows

Practicing For
'34-'35 Season
C o a c h Cappon Believes
Squad Is Stronger Than
Last Year's
"We were a poor ball-handling
club last year," said Coach "Cappy"
Cappon to about 20 Varsity basket-
ball candidates last night. "That's
the reason we didn't win our quota of
ball games. A good ball-handling
team gets more shots at the basket
than a poor one. And consequently
a good ball-handling team is going
to make more baskets than a poor
Thus indicating what he expects
of his squad during the still-distant
1934-35 court season Cappon sent his
All sophomores or second semes-
ter freshmen interested in trying
out for basketball managership
should report to Larry Smith,
basketball manager, at 7:30 to-
night at the Intramural Building.

Few Overwhehrming Defeats
By FRED DELANO nois team. Fourteen thousand fans
When Clark Shaughnessy's Chica- turned out at Champagne in 1919 to
go Maroons sent Michigan into the see the Illini win a homecoming
cellar of the Big Ten last Saturday game from Michigan 29-7. Vick
27-0 to turn the conference title scored Michigan's lone touchdown in
scramble into a free-for-all it was the third quarter when he picked up
the sixth time since 1892 that the a fumble and ran 40 yards for the
Wolverines had been on the receiving score.
end of such a decisive defeat. Ten years ago Yost took a team to
Twice previous to 1892 Michigan Illinois that for several weeks had
had been walloped by giant scores, been thinking how they would stop
losing to Cornell 56-0 in 1889 and "Red" Grange, ace Illinois back.
58-12 to the game Big Red team in Grange wasn't stopped and Michigan
1891. The eleven from Ithica also lost 39-14, Grange scoring five touch-
took the measure of Michigan in 1892 downs and passing to Leonard for the
44-0. sixth. He made runs of 90, 75, and 55
Pennsylvania appeared 16 years lat- yards in the first 12 minutes for
er to hand Fielding H. Yost's aggre- touchdowns and also raced 48 yards
gation a 29-0 trimming. In 1915 for his fourth counter. Steger and
Cornell and Michigan met again and Rockwell scored for Michigan, Steger
tplay throughout the four quarters in the second and Rockwell in the
was practically all in Wolverine terri- fourth quarter.
tory. Michigan lost 34-7.
More Recent Heartbreaks
The last two knockout blows that
Michigan received prior to last week's
were both given by Bob Zuppke's Illi- Lose Old Man
Dizzy Dean Chosen - Worry by Looking
os e anurBest - - -

AL WESSON, graduate manager of the U.S.C. football team comes forward
with a unique alibi for the Trojans after their two straight defeats. He
calls it "a new athletic snatch-,racket." But it is as old as the hills. Wesson
accuses the University of California and St. Mary's of invading Southern
Cal's own hinterland to gather football stars.
To me this is about the most abject alibi a losing team has offered.
In the first place the policy of athletic raiding isn't new, and in the
second place it is always hard to prove that raiding has occurred.
Anyone who accused Michigan of "employing a new athletic snatch-
racket" as Wesson defines it could find plenty of proof for the contention
The Wolverines annually have the most cosmopolitan lineup of any of the
Conference teams - even drawing some of their players from the haunts of
their Big Ten opponents. The outstanding example this year is Tom Austin,
Michigan's captain whose home town is Columbus, Ohio.
Other players from Ohio are Vince Aug, Bill Renner, Bob Amrine,
Jack Liffiton, Chet Beard, Howard Triplehorn, and Cedric Sweet. With
five or six of Michigan's starters coming from the lair of her chief
Conference rival wouldn't the Buckeyes be justified in crying wolf? True,
most of these men are from the northern part of the state and conse-
quently oriented toward Ann Arbor more than toward Columbus.
Michigan, however, isn't getting all the breaks her way, by any means.
Kipke might have called it "raiding" when Doug Nott, who lives in Ann Arbor,
went to* U. of D. It was nothing of the sort. because Nott. while wanting to
go to Michigan. chose the Detroit school. he says. because h didn't think
lie could get along with one of the athletic; officiaels here.
In the same way a number of AUI-State high school players nave recently
been going to Michigan State where, ten years ago, they would prooaoly have
come to Michigan. The list includes Reynolds, McCrary, and Sebo, to name
only a few. The explanation lies in the fact that three Michigan schools have
gained national football recognition and a consequent attraction for young
players where only Michigan enjoyed that position ten years ago.
ALL THREE OF THE COACHES, Kipke, Dorais and Bachman, have to
go on extended speaking tours through the state each year to
interest the boys in their respective schools and Michigan, of course, is
suffering from the inroads in her material made by the other two.
The situation, as I see it, is probably the same in California. Claijm
jumpers are invading U.S.C.'s territory and getting some of the good material
-and no one can blame them if they are successful.
Take the example of the College of the Pacific, for instance. They hired
an expensive coach, Amos Alonzo Stagg, a couple of years ago. But an
expensive coach can't make a winning football team without good material.
They couldn't afford to hire Stagg to coach the average run of
half-interested and untrained boys who reported for football, so they,
too, went out and started doing what every big college has been doing
for years -- advertising their school to the prep stars, telling them of the
advantages the school offered, promising to get them board jobs, etc. -
all of the groundwork necessary to build a championship football team.
And Southern California hasn't a thing to kick about.

men through the first basketball
practice of the school year last night
at the Intramural Building.
Cappon is not saying much at this
early stage about the possibility of
a successful season. He has, however,
promised that this squad will on the
whole be better than last year's, a
promise which will more than likely
be fulfilled.
Nine Veterans
Captain Al Plummer tops the list
of nine returning veterans. With two
years of Varsity experience tucked
away he will be a valuable asset at
forward, and can look ahead to one
of his best years.
Cielse Tomagno, who rates along
with Plummer as a ball-handler, will
be back at 'his old guard position,
while Dick Joslin, Jack Teitlebaum,
John Jablonski, Manny Fishman,
George Ford, Russ Oliver, and John
Regeczi fill out the remainder of the
group of veterans which should be a
material aid in building a competent
Promising sophomores who were
out for practice last night and who
will likely strengthen the team are
Harry Solomon, Herb Savitch, and
John Gee. Matt Patanelli and Earl
Meyers, also sophomores, like Oliver
and Regeczi will not participate in the
fall practice sessions inasmuch as
they are now occupied with football.
Patanelli figured strongly at forward
in spring practice last year.

CHICAGO, Oct. 16 -(P)- Jerome
Herman Dean, dizzy making $35,000
for himself this year, was named to-
night as the most valuable player in
the National League for 1934.
Pitching ace of the World's Champ-
ion St. Louis Cardinals, Dean came
within two points of a perfect score
in the selection made by a committee
of eight representing the Baseball
Writers' Association of America. In
the offical balloting, first place count-
ed 10 points, and Dean scored 78


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