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October 17, 1934 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1934-10-17

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The Weather
Mostly cloudy today and to-
morrow; Scattered showers and
colder tomorrow.


Mf4r itgazi


Insidious Investors ...
Stadia For Scholars ...

__________________________________________________________________________ Na


Exclusion Of
Willis Ward
Is Protested
Demand Cancellation Of
Georgia Tech Game If
Ward Is Benched
Petitions Signed
By 1,000 Students
Indiana Attorney Brands
Racial Discrimination As
Bad Sportsmanship
Latest developments in the Willis
Ward controversy last night were:
1. The claim by the united front
committee on Ward that more than
1,000 students have signed a petition
which urges, in part, "Either Ward
plays or the game must be cancelled."
2. The addition of eight more fac-
ulty members to the list.
3. Denial by the committee that any
"march in the Stadium" was planned
for Saturday.
4. Receipt of a letter from Herbert
E. Wilson, secretary of the University
of Michigan Club of Indianapolis and
prosecuting attorney of Marion
County, Ind., stating that "it is poor
sportsmanship (on the part of Georgia
Tech) to ask the Michigan coaches to
not play Ward."
To Approach Friedman
5. Announcement by campus mem-
bers of the National Student League
that the "New York chapter was ap-
proaching "Benny" Friedman, Mich-
igan football immortal and now head
coach at the College of the City of
New York, for a statement upon the
Ward question.
The committee will continue its
drive for signatures, it was stated
last night. Plans are being made to
present the signed petitions to Ath-
letic Director Fielding H. Yost and
Coach Harry Kipke. The petitionsj
read: "We, the undersigned, declare
ourselves unalterably opposed to the,
racial discrimination evidenced in
the proposed exclusion of Willis Ward
from the Georgia Tech game. We sup-
port the slogan: Either Ward plays
-or the game must be cancelled.
Faculty Members Sign j
Faculty members who have signed,
the petition include many prominent
campus figures. Among the signers
are Professors Norman Nelson, Roy
H. Holmes, John F. Shepard, John H.
Muyskens, Preston W. Slosson, Carl
D. LaRue, DeWitt Parker, Arthur E.-
Wood, and Philip L. Schenk.
Instructors on the list are Charles
A. Orr, Paul Wiers, Hirsch Hootkins,'
and Hide Shohara.
The committee denied that anyt
plans had been made for a demon-1
stration in the Stadium in the event
that Ward did not start the Georgia
Tech game, but individual members of
organizations represented on the com-
mittee have implied that some "ac-
tion" might be taken if Ward werer
injured during the course of the game.
Cites Views
Mr. Wilson's letter further said that
"Ward is a splendid athlete, a good
student, -and a good sportsman int
every sense of the word. These char-4
acteristics ... and not his color should
be the basis for Georgia Tech's deter-
mining whether or not they shouldt
play against him."2
He added that in his opinion thet
committee was taking Georgia Tech'st
intentions too seriously, and that
"they will not request Ward to remain
on the sidelines during that important
Represented on the united front
committee on Ward are the National
Student League, the Vanguard Club,

the Michigan League Against War
and Militarism. The Ann Arbor Min-
isterial Association, in support of the
committee's actions, has also stated
in a formal resolution "that such
racial discrimination (Ward's exclu-
sion from the game) would be con-1
trary to the finer principles of both
religion and democracy."
Adelphi Approves t
All Kipke's Actionst
Approval of every action to dateI
of Coach Harry G. Kipke with respect
to the controversy as to whether
Willis Ward will play in the Georgia
Tech game this week-end was voiced
by members of Adelphi in a resolu-
tion 'passed at their meeting last
At the same time the organization
went on record as being of the opinionc
that The Board in Control of Physi-
cal Education erred in scheduling the
game at all.]
At the business meeting four menI
~roa n--%sd fn rnanm~chnin rrhpv

Conference Will Be Presented
Trophy Honoring Steve Farrell

A trophy to perpetuate the name of
the late Steve Farrell in track history
will be presented to the Western Con-
ference Sept. 27 between the halves
of the Illinois-Michigan Homecoming
The $500 necessary for the trophy,
and other details were worked out by
a club committee headed by Howard
A. Donnelly, 22L, former Varsity
track captain.
Last year at the Homecoming Ohio
State game 100,000 persons watched
the Varsity band form the name
STEVE and solemnly march down
the field.
This year another Homecoming
crowd will see a more permanent sign
of recognition for one of the Univer-
sity's greatest track coaches, Steve

The University of Illinois will re-
ceive the trophy this year because its
William Hunter Russell was winner,
last spring, of the 100-yard dash at
the Western Conference meet.
Each year the Conference univer-
sity producing the winning sprinter
will receive the award. On the plates
at the base of the trophy are spaces
for the name of the university, the
year, the name of the sprinter and
his time. Provision has been made
for the keeping of this record for 50
The figure is a little over 15 inches
high and is Steve Farrell in a char-
acteristic pose. It was designed by
Carleton Angell, artist for the Uni-
versity Museums, working from draw-
ings and photographs, as well as char-
acterizations by those who knew the
coach best.

Hungarian Coal
Miners Explain
Suicide Attempt
Spokesmen Claim Madness
Forced Them To Accept
Compromise Terms
PECS, Hungary, Oct. 16. - () - A
"nightmare we shall never forget"
over 1,200 haggard, exhausted Hun-
garian miners tonight were still bit-
terly indignant at conditions that had
driven them to their five-day effort at
mass suicide in the inky underground
Spokesmen for the miners said they
had accepted compromise terms of-
fered by the company "because we
were demented, because we didn't
know what we were doing."
Officials Plead
Continuous official and private en-
treaty early today led the coal miners
to abandon their long hunger strike
for higher wages, but so horrible had
been their experience that 110 of the
"rescued" had to be rushed to hos-
They came blinking into the bright
sunlight, their clothes in tatters, many
of them bare-footed, their faces gaunt
and bewhiskered, to tear ravenously at
the food and gulp desperately the
water offered by frantic relatives
waiting above.
Some, too weak to walk, were
brought out on stretchers. Others
could not be moved and were left
lying on the coal that had been their
bed for more than five days.-
Tell Story of Horror
A dramatic story of subterranean
horror was told today by the last man
to leave the black pit, Lajos Molnar,
72-year-old miner who said he had
been digging coal for 58 years.
"The pangs of hunger maddened
us to such an extent," he said, "that
we ate our leather belts and gnawed
at our shoes.
"We couldn't even have the small
mercy of sleep because the corridors
of the pits are so narrow that we
were forced to stand up on each side
of the corridor."
He told how "men were placed on
their knees (braced) against men in
similar position on the opposite side
so they wouldn't topple over."
"Even so," the veteran miner con-
tinued, "scores collapsed from weak-
ness. Helpless to rise, they were
trampled on in the pitch blackness by
their comrades."
Application For
Writ Is Denied
To Hauptmann
NEW YORK, Oct. 16. - () Su-
preme Court Justice Ernest L. Ham-
mer tonight denied the application of
Bruno Richard Hauptmann for a writ
of habeas corpus against his extra-
dition to New Jersey to face a charge
of murdering the baby son of Charles
A. Lindbergh.,
The Justice granted a stay of execu-
tion until 4 p.m., Oct. 19. James M.
Fawcett, chief defense counsel, had
requested a delay until Oct. 22 but the
court ruled this would be unreason-
David T. Wilentz, attorney-general
for New Jersey, earlier had said the
prisoner would not be removed to
Flemington, N.J., until the defense
counsel had an opportunity to appeal
an adverse decision by the Bronx
Wilentz announced that he was
preparing for immediate trial of
Hauptmann on the murder charge at
Flemington, N.J., and probably would
he ready to begin it within two weeks.

New Directory Delayed;
To Be Sold Next Week
ato of the 1934-35 Stu-
dent Directory has been delayed
because a complete compilation of
the faculty section is not yet ob-
tainable, Robert J. Henoch, '35,
'Ensian business manager, an-
nounced last night.
Henoch stated, however, that the
Directory would be offered for
campus sale at the earliest pos-
sible date, which will not be later
than next week, he said.
Orders for the book are now be-
ing taken at the 'Ensian business
office, Student Publications Build-
ing, Maynard Street.
Rules Of FERA
Are Explained
B y Anderson
Students Required To Put,
In Minimum Number Of
Hours Each Month
Students working under the FERA
must put in the required number of
hourseach month or be dropped from
the payroll, Harold S. Anderson, cost
accountant of the buildings and
grounds department, emphasized yes-
This is necessitated by a federal
rule, number two, on the list issued
by the University committee on FERA.
Those students who are not allowed
to work more than 25 hours per
month, must work just that amount of
time, Mr. Anderson explained.
Those students who are allowed
to work a maximum of 37 and a half
hours, are allowed a minimum of 25
hours, or $10 per month. Thig is also
true for the three or four persons who
have been granted permission to work
50 hours per month.
Mr. Anderson, who is in charge of
FERA payments, issued the warning
when it became apparent that many
are falling behind in their hours.
The government is of the opinion
that "a student who does not at least
put in $10 worth of time each month
does not need it, and will therefore be
replaced by someone who does," he
WASHINGTON, Oct. 16 -VP)- Ed-
ward P. Warner, former assistant
secretary of Navy for aernonautics,
was appointed today head of a com-
mittee to request Orville Wright to
bring his pioneer airplane back to
America from a British Museum.

Last Baldwin
Lecture Given
By Dr. Bell
Rhode Island Canon Talks
On Growth Of Christian
Explains Relations
To Present Beliefs
Says Modern Skepticism
Is Caused By Lack Of
Explaining the Christian religion
in its relation to man's present re-
ligious beliefs, Dr. Bernard Iddings
Bell, canon of Providence, R. I., gave
the third and last Baldwin lecture
yesterday afternoon in the Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre.
"Christianity has never been a re-
ligion built on any book," said Dr. Bell,
"but rather a religion centering
around a person, the person of Jesus,
whom Christians regard not as merely
another teacher or prophet, not even1
as a most perfect teacher and prophet,1
but as One, Who, in Himself reveals
God, incarnate in our flesh."
Do Not Read Deeply
He showed that the skepticism dis-
played towards the belief that Christ
was not such a person was due to
the fact that some people did not go
beyond the writings, beyond the con-
cepts, to that which is symbolized-
by Christ and his teachings.1
To disbelieve the resurrection of1
Christ, Canon 'Bell stated, was any-1
one's privilege, but "the Christian
answers that he is not maintaining
that a man rose from the dead, but
that incarnate God rose from the
dead. Whatever one thinks of the
matter, it is important to him who
would understand Christianity thatI
he recognize that Christianity has al-
ways been based, and still is, upon the7
authenticity of Jesus' entire life and1
message by His triumph over death."'
Carries Through Philosophies
He carried the histry of Chris-
tianity from its beginning in Judaismc
through the Greek philosophy and
Roman influence, to its present sig-
nificance with its creed, its cult, andr
its code. "The Christian Creed,"
averred Canon Bell, "proclaims that I
in Him are three Modes of Being;
father, son, spirit; that one of these
modes came into the time-space or-
der; that we might see God in the
terms of our own life and be redeemed
from futility and death by His loving
compassion; that He lived a com-
pletely human life and died for us;
that He rose from the dead and went
again from the time-space order.c
"Christianity believes that when
man had searched for Him in vain,
God. came and still comes, seeking
Discusses Cult
Dr. Bell discussed the cult as the
initiation ceremonies into Christianity
and the sacrificial communion, and
the code as being the following prin-
ciples: "That right conduct is posi-
tive, dynamic, and creative; that spir-
itual power is to be gained only at the
cost of a healthy moral asceticism;
that man is always to be regarded
as an end and not as an instrument;
that every individual .is infinitely
precious in God's sight; and that love1
is a stronger thing than force or hate."t
He concluded that, "such is Chris-t
tianity, the religion of the Western'
World, the religion of 680,000,000 liv-1
ing men and women today -by far,
the largest of the world's religions."

Federal Court
May Pass On
NR AValidity
Merchant. Denies Charge
Of Violation In Recovery
Act; Held For Contempt
GRAND RAPIDS, Oct. 16. - () -
Reserving the right to challenge the
constitutionality of the Recovery Act,
R. S. French, Middleville, retail coal
merchant, Tuesday denied before Fed-
eral Judge Fred M. Raymond that he
f had violated the wage and hours pro-
vision of the NRA for his industry.
Judge Raymond set Thursday after-
noon for a hearing, and remarked
that "I think at that time- we should
be prepared, to go ahead and dispose of
that case." French is at liberty under
$3,000 bond furnished by his friends.
French, a brother-in-law of Sen.
Arthur H. Vandenberg (Rep., Mich.),
entered a plea of not guilty Tuesday
to the specific charge of contempt of
the United States District Court which
had enjoined him from violating the
code provisions.
At the same time, he revealed
through his attorney, Morton Keeney,
that he reserved the right to withdraw
his plea and file a demurrer in the
case, which would permit him to
admit the facts recited in the in-
formation but contend that they con-
stituted no violation of the law on
constitutional grounds.
The government charges that
French paid employees less than the
minimum wage and worked them
more than the 40 hours a week allowed
by the code. The temporary injunction
was not opposed by the defendant.
District Attorney Joseph M. Donnelly
accused French of violating "every
provision" of the code and "boasting"
of his contempt for the NRA.
According to Irving Geiger, who
came from the NRA litigation depart-
ment in Washington to aid Donnelly
in the case, the action is the first of
its kind ever attempted by NRA.
Broadcasting Class
Makes Debut Today
The class in broadcasting technique
will have their first laboratory broad-
cast at 9:15 a.m. today over Station
WJR according to Prof. Waldo Abbot,
director of broadcasting.
There will be commercial programs
advertising the choral union concerts
and the oratorical lecture series
and a resume of campus news events.
Professor Abbot said he believed
members of the faculty were not
sufficiently aware of the fact that
radio advertising for campus art ex-
hibits, plays, debates and other ac-
tivities may be had by communicating
with him.
The Wesley Players held a meeting
last night at Stalker Hall at which
try-outs were held for the organiza-
tion's first play of the year. "Tea
Toper Tavern" by Lindsey Barbee has
been selected as the first play, the di-
rection of which will be done by Miss
Marguerite Cornell.

Communists Flaunt
Authority of City
And Hold Meeting1

Taken From Car On Road
Near Scottsburg, Ind., At
Arrest Abductor's
Wife In Indana

As they had threatened, the Com-
munists again held their meeting last
night on the "forbidden" steps of the
county courthouse.
The city officials, who had said that
they couldn't and wouldn't meet, were
not there to witness the rally in which
Ira Welch, leader of the Conmunists,
addressed a crowd of about 100 .
An inebriated gentleman caused
laughter among the audience by per-
sisting in telling Welch during his
entire talk, "not so much noise and
give me a cigarette."
After some minutes of uninterrupt-
ed rallying, and after they had got-
ten some of their enthusiasm out of
their systems, the Communists dis-
Lacy Calls For
State Support
Of Roosevelt
Candidate For Governor
Criticizes Opponent For
Useless Expenditure 7
"The most important issue in the
coming election is that Michigan
should wholeheartedly back Presidentj
Roosevelt in his permanent recovery
program, contribute our full share1
to its success, and fully share its1
benefits," declared Judge Arthur J.
Lacy, Democratic nominee for gov-
ernor as he opened fire on the Re-
publican party last night in the Ma-
sonic Hall before more than 200
"The reason for the great increase
of expense during my opponent's
(Frank D. Fitzgerald, Republican gub-
ernatorial nominee) administration
of the office of Secretary of State was
that money was needed to increase,
build-up, and expand, at the expense1
of the people, the so-called Fitzgerald-
McKay political machine," Lacy ex-
Judge Lacy implied his antagonism
to the proposed gas and weight taxr
Calling education "one of the, most
vital necessities of government," the
Democratic candidate advocated that
a constitutional amendment give thea
State power to assist directly local
school units in case of an emergency.
In connection with this, he defined
the New Deal as a system "where for
the first time, the government gives
aid directly to the public."
"We should always remember that
labor and capital are inter-dependent
upon each other, and that a wrong to
either is a damage to both," he said.1
"We are entering into a new era
of social justice and civic virtue,",
Judge Lacy proclaimed, "an era which;
should and will dominate the admin-
istration of public policies of this,
Blame Morro
Castle Captain
F e d e r al Inquiry Board
Charges Ship's Officers
With Negligence
NEW YORK, Oct. 16. -- (P) -Neg-
ligence that caused an increased death
toll in the Morro Castle holocaust was
charged today against Acting Capt.
William F. Warms and four ranking
officers of the vessel by a Federal in-
quiry board.

Chief Engineer Eben S. Abbott, Sec-
ond Officer Clarence Hackney, Third
Officer Harold Hansen and First As-
sistant Engineer Antonio R. Buijia
were ordered with Warms to appear
Oct. 29 to defend their licenses against
revocation or suspension.
Acting Chief Officer Ivan Freeman
alone among the deck officers was not
oha~rs urwit hn1icrnno0 in t mh ..

Members Of Stoll Family
P r o f ess Ignorance Of
WASHINGTON, Oct. 16-(/P)-
The United States Department
of Justice announced tonight that
Mrs. Berry Stoll had been found
by federal agents at 9 p.m. near
Scottsburg, Ind., "in fairly good
At the same time the Justice
Department said the kidnaper
was Thomas H. Robinson, Jr.,
22-year-old former inmate of
the State insane asylum at Nash-
vile, Tenn.
Robinson has not been located,
but his wife, Mrs. Frances A. Rob-
inson, has been detained by De-
partment of Justice agents.
LOUISVILLE, Ky., Oct. 16- (A) -
Mrs. Alice B. Stoll was reported safe
and on her way home tonight.
The Courier Journal says that less
than an hour after Mrs. Stoll was re-
leased, three persons were placed un-
der arrest by investigators of the
The party was accompanied by a
federal agent and was expected to
reach Louisville within a short time.
The information received here was
that Mrs. Stoll was accompanied by
the Rev. Mr. E. Arnold Clegg, pastor
of the Capitol Methodist Episcopal
Church, Indianapolis, and his wife,
and Mrs. Thomas H. Robinson of
Nashville, Tenn.
Profession of ignorance as to the
return of Mrs. Stoll came from mem-
bers of the family who were canvassed
by telephone as soon as the report
was received.
"This has been a big day, please
get off the wire," was the remark of
Berry V. Stoll, husband of the victim.
Other members of the family said
they had heard nothing of the report.
The Courier Journal said the break
in the case came when Mrs. Robin-
son, who had been under surveillance
at Nashville, picked up the ransom
package in Nashville.
Federal agents trailed Mrs. Robin-
son from Nashville to Terre Haute,
Ind. At TerreHaute an attempt was
made to get Mrs. Robinson to get in-
to a taxicab driven by a federal
agent. This move failed when she
decided to take another cab.
From Terre Haute, Mrs. Robinson
was trailed to Indianapolis and to the
home of the Cleggs.
During the afternoon, Mrs. Stoll
was allowed to call her home near
here. The telephone call was traced
to the Clegg home in Indianapolis.
Federal agents, watching the In-
dianapolis hideout, saw a Studebaker
automobile containing Mrs. Stoll,
leave the Clegg residence early Tues-
day night. An automobile contain-
ing federal agents followed the car
as it took the road to Louisville. An-
other squad of agents was dispatched
from Louisville to intercept it.
The automobile was halted on the
road and Mrs. Stoll was rescued.
Wood Gives Lecture
On Italian Fascism
The story of the rise and present
status of Italian Fascism was told
last night by Kendall Wood, '34, at
a meeting of the Michigan Vanguard
Club in the Union.
Tracing the birth of Fascism out
of the potentially revolutionary situa-
tion in Italy following the World War,
and the merging of Italo Balbo's re-
actionary labor unions with Benito
Mussolini's fascist bands, Wood went
on to describe what he considers the
present deplorable conditions in the
Fascist state.
He charged that Fascism in Italy

was pursuing a policy of imperialism,
suppression of civil rights, and con-
stant degradation of the level of the
working class for the benefit of the
propertied class.


Mrs. Stoll Found Safe By

Federal Agents; Kidnaper
Is Former Asylum Inmate

Foster Will Give Lecture Today


The first of this year's series of
University Lectures will be delivered
by William Trufant Foster at 4:15
p.m. today in Natural Science Audi-
torium. He will talk on "The Con-
sumers' Problem." I
Mr. Foster, a member of the Con-
sumer's Division of the National
Emergency Council, was brought here
by members of the faculties of the
School of Business Administration
and the economics department.
After receiving his A.B. and M.A.
degrees at Harvard, Mr. Foster chose
English as his field, serving as instruc-
tor at Bates college from 1901 to
1903. In 1904 he became professor of
English and argumentation at Bow-
doin, where he stayed until 1910, when
he became president of Reed college
in Portland, Ore. From 1909 on he

Pollock Foundation he has propound-
ed many of the most recent theories
of economics. "The Problem of Pros-
perity," an address delivered in 1926,
, -

Other books and articles he has
written include "Can Consumers
Stand the Truth," "Progress and
Plenty," "Easy Payments: A Fable
for Oonsumers," and "The Basic
Meaning of the Growth of Install-
ment Selling." He has offered the
installment selling system as one rea-
son for the economic holocaust of
1929, and, according to Prof. Z. Clark
Dickinson of the economics depart-
ment, who is in charge of Mr. Fos-
ter's lecture, "emphasizes misdirect-
ed savings and-inadequate consump-
tion by wage-earners as contributing
factors ofthe depression." Another
of his works on this topic was "Tile
Dilemma of Thrift."
When the National Recovery Ad-
ministration was formed in 1933, he
was called to Washington to help
form the Consumer's Advisory Board.
Even before the advent of the pres-
ent administration, he was a strong

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