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October 16, 1934 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1934-10-16

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C, OCTOBER 16, 1934


New Fellowship
For Students
Is. Announced
Ida May Malfroid Award
Of $500 Is Planned For
Graduating Women
An important addition to the var-
ious fellowships offered to Michigan
graduates is the Ida May Malfroid
fellowship of $500, recently an-
nounced by Mrs. L. B. Conger, secre-
tary of the Alumnae Council. The
award will be made some time during
the spring either to a woman grad-
uating from Michigan for the pur-
posq of study here or at another uni-
versity, or to a woman graduate of
another university desiring to study
at Michigan.
The fellowship is made possible
through the generosity of the Flint
Alumnae chapter, who are contribut-
ing $300 of the total sum, the remain-
der being made up by various Alum-
nae chapters in Michigan. The
award is named in honor of the act-:
ing president of the Flint chapter.
Mrs. Conger attended the meeting
in Flint Saturday, where a luncheon
was given in her honor. She address-
ed the group, discussing organization
of the League; and the maintenance
of scholarship funds. The Flint chap-
ter is a very active one, according to
Mrs. Conger, and an extensive pro-
gram has been planned for the year.
Women interested in the fellowship
are asked to apply to the Dean of
Final Petitions
Due For Soph
Cabaret Jobs
Final petitions for positions on the
central committees of the Sophomore
Cabaret must be handed in to the
Undergraduate Office in the League
by tomorrow, accoring to Maxine
Maynard, League president.
The petitions are to contain a rec-
ord of activities, scholastic record,
general interests, committee position
in which the person is interested, and
a statement of the plans she proposes
if she receives the job. The positions
open for the Cabaret are general
chairman, assistant chairman, and
entertainment, social, finance, public-
ity, decorations, costumes, and assess-
ments committees.
Miss Ethel McCormick, in discuss-
ing the incorporation of class project
elections into the new Merit System,
said, "In this , way we hope to reach
every woman definitely interested in
Sophomore Cabaret, or in any other
class project. It makes for stronger
and better organization.,,
Engagement Of°
Martha Wheeler
Is Announced
Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Wheeler, Ann
Arbor, announced the engagement of
their daughter, Martha Helen, to Ber-
tram Durfee Lewis, son of Mr. and
Mrs. E. St. Elmo Lewis of Taylor Ave.,
Detroit, at an informal tea in their
home on Martin Pl., Sunday.
Miss Wheeler 'received her guests
dressed in a smart grey tailored crepe
dress. She wore a shoulder corsage of
orchids. Both Miss Wheeler and Mr.
Lewis are graduates of the University.
Miss Wheeler was a member of Col-
legiate Sorosis and was prominent on
campus for her work in the Junior
Girls' Play. Mr. Lewis, '31, was affil-

iated with Sigma Phi Epsilon.
The guests at the tea included Miss
Wheeler's intimate friends. In the
living room of the Wheeler residence
were large vases filled with salmon
pink gladioli, and Talisman roses with
pink snapdragons decorated the din-
ing room table. Miss Ann Edmunds,
Miss Isabel Hubbard, and Miss Helen
Ladd, a cousin of the bride-elect, pre-
sided at the tea table. No date has
been set for the wedding.

SeeksCitizensh ip

Society Holds Presentation Of Tom Sawyer' Women's Clubere To Go
First M eet ing Will Stress Children's Parts Of Ann Arbor WhereTo__o

Of Year S11day


the effectiveness with which these

Shannon Lectures1
Of Transient
Government Ca
The first meeting of A
Delta, national sociolog
was held on Sunday at t
Miss Mildred Valentine, s
field work in Sociology.
The speaker for this r
Robert Shannon, '35hew
was "The Condition o
Men." Mr. Shannon h
with these men, tramps
for the past two summers
to make a survey of their
Mr. Shannon was espec
ested in the effect of t
camps which the governm

When Mark Twain wrote the orig- ! parts are portrayed.
On State inal "Adventures of Tom Sawyer" his ; In the first play it was felt that the
Men in heroes were children and it will be children's parts in the novel were not
the interpretation of the novel that
LIm p gives thec story was added to the plot. In the
children's parts the main interpretation to be used by the Thea-
lpha Kappa burden of the play which will be tre, however, the play will retain the
presented by Children's Theatre the most popular children's scenes from
ical society first week of November. . the book and the whole will be fitted.
the home of The version of the play which had together by the story of the search
upervisor of been chosen to be used by the theatre for the murderer of Robinson.
has been abandoned, and a new This change has necessitated a
meeting was scenario, written by Russell McCrack- more complex stage setting as there
hose subject en with advice from the cast, will be will be a number of scenes. The per-
substituted in its place. It was felt by formance will not be slowed up by
f Transient cast and director that the form they these changes in scenes, however, as
as traveled had planned to use did not stress the. a dimming of lights will eliminate the
and hoboes, children's parts enough in the play, lowering of the curtain while scenes
in an effort The cast met with Mr. McCracken are shifted. Orin Parker, instructor
r conditions. and selected those parts of the novel of stagecraft has designed the set-
cially inter- which it particularly liked. Those tings.
he transient scenes were then incorporated into The Children's Theatre under the
ent has pro- the play which will be used this fall. new League system has become a com-
se men from The main parts in the play will be mittee job, headed by Sue Calcutt,
e communi- handled by children and the whole '35. The committee met last night and,
ed. Though success of the play will depend on will start work next week on the mid-

Tarii Simha Will Discuss
International Relations
This Afternoon

Theatres: Whitney, "A Girl of the
Limnberlost" with Mar-ion Marsh;
Wuerth, "Circus Clown" with Joe E.
Brown; Majestic, "Belle of the Nine-
ties" with Mae West; Michigan
"Judge Priest" with Will Rogers.
Dancing: Den Cellar, Hut Cellar.


vided in order to keep the
becoming a burden on th
ties in which they stoppe

-Associated Press Photo
Fay Wray passes final eximinations
for Uniled States citizenship and will
take cth ef allegiance next January.

(I nyAtend Union
Saturday In Spitc


Oj Chica

go Game

theoretically these camps are sup-
posed to care for the men for only
a limited length of time and in re-
turn for a certain amount of work,
many ways have been found to take]
advantage of the inefficient manage-
ment and to obtain food and lodging
for an indefinite period without any
According to Mr. Shannon the
problem of the transient man could
be solved through agencies in his ownj
home town if they provided greater,
facilities for education and recreation
for young men and greater emphasis,
on thd family as a unit in relief work.
Prof. Brumm

Ann Arbor presented a rather quietI
appearance on Saturday night. With
so many students at the Chicago foot-
ball game, a smaller attendance was
noted at both the Union and Chubb's.
Among the dancers at the Union
Kay Bishop, Marjorie and Dorothy
Oostdyk and Doris Wisner were seen.
Charlotte Whitman, who had the lead
in the 1934 J.G.P., was attractively
gowned in blue velvet. The Gamma
Phi House was represented by Louise
Sprague, Dorothy Webb, Wilma
Bernhard, and Mary Potter. Mary
Louise Willoughby, Delta Gamma, se-
lected a black velvet gown, the wrist-
bands which were jeweled.
The Sorosis House was well repre-
sented at Chubbs Saturdaynight by
Betty Anne Beebe, Jane O'Ferrell,
and Harriet Kanouse. Sitting at the
Beta table Jean Hatfield, who wore
a black crepe gown trimmed with
white and gold,, Jane Fletcher,
Louise French, and Betty Cravender
were noticed. Edith Zerbe, Pi Phi,
was dancing in a tile dress trimmed
in brown taffeta. Lucy Chamber-
lain, Virginia Spray, Bunty Bingham,
Jane Servis, and Carolyn Sherman
were also in attendance.
Prof. Waldo Abbot, director of
broadcasting, spent Thursday and
Friday in Washington appearing be-
fore the communications board.
He outlined the work in educatioi
by radio, being sponsored by the Uni-
versity, in connection with.the report
made by Station WJR.
A ppoinient .Bureau
A good piCture furthers
youtr chdi'c of a good
position- 7.


To Lecture On

-- - - E Victorian costumes needed for the
play. Jean Keller, '35, is working with
F reshmen Women Mr. McCracken this year as assistant
director and, will have an active part
Prove Sensle ll ? in helping with the production of
"The Adventures of Tom Sawyer."
ChoiceOf Shoes,
Laymen refer to freshmen as friv- Solemnize Wedding
olous and to graduate students as sen- Of Former Student
sible. A survey made during the
Health Examination wherein the feet'
wcre compared to the shoes worn ?A wedding of interest t4 University
by women entering the University students was that of Miss Josephine
for the first time prove the error of Timberlake, Jackson, to Mr. Carl van
this popular conception. dem Bussche-Haddenhausen, Buenos
' The survey indicates that 64 per Aires, Argentine last Saturday. Miss
cent of the freshmen women wear Timberlake is the daughter of Mr.
correct shoes whereas only 50 per and Mrs. Timberlake, and the bride-
cent of the graduate students select groom is the son 0°f Baron and Baron-
proper footwear. These statistics sur- ess Hilmar von dem Bussche-Hadden-
prised the chiropodists who believed hausen.
up to this time that the longer a Miss Betty Aigler assisted Miss Tim-
woman was on campus the lower her berlake as maid of honor, and the
heels. bridegroom's sister, Princess Mathilde
"A correct campus shoe allows the Kinsky of Vienna, Austria, served as
f t ormretcapusoe a loiwistyematron of honor. The bridesmaids
foot to maintain a certain flexibility were Miss Helen Corwin, and Mrs.
in walking and prevents the foot from Wayne Schroeder, Herr von dem
being plunked' down like a block of Bussche attended his brother as best
wood," explained Miss Dorothy Beise, man. The ushers were T. B. Walsh,
instructor in physical education. Lee A. Bertling, John Timberlake,
The survey also shows that the Harold B. Taylor, and Wayne Schroe-
spike or French heeled era is passed. der. The couple will reside in Buenos
Although this mode survived Eugenie Aires after a short motor trip.
hats and short skirts, of late, perilous
heels have been frowned upon. Ox- I
fords with their sensible heels, straight ALPHA PHI
line along the instep, and round heels Alpha Phi announces the pledging
are once more becoming fashionable. of Mary Agnew, '36.

International relations have receiv- KAPPA TAU ALPHA MEETS
ed much attention in the program of Kappa Tau Alpha, honorary schol-
women's organizations and will be the asi' rtrnto juraimsu
subject for the meeting of the Wm-astic fraternity for ournalism stu-
an's Club of Ann Arbor at 2:30 p.m. dents, held its first meeting of the
today in the ballroom of the League. year at 4 p.m. yesterday in the offices
The speaker will be Tarini Simha of of the journalism departmernt. The
East India, a graduate student here, meeting was called by Maurice Rus-
who will talk on "India in Relation to sell, new president of the organiza-
Her Neighbors." l tion, for the purpose of taking charge
M r. Simha has taken graduate work of the student part in the program
at Michigan and at Geneva, after at- of the forthcoming University Press
tending the Hindu university of Ben- Club of Michigan convention.
ares and the University of London.
His political and international expe- *
rience includes secretarial work for
Mahatma Ghandi from 1920 to 1924.1o
Previous to this he was assistant edi- y
tor of "New India" a daily publica- -
tion of Mrs. Annie Besant.
Since leaving India he has been a ONE WEEK ONLY
secretary of the Indian National Con-
gress in England for five years and a o $750 Genuine
member of the Secretariat of the $G
League of Nations for two years. Mr.y Oil of Tulipwood
Simha came to Ann Arbor as a result
of his friendship for Dr. and Mrs. Croq uig noe orSpiral
Frederick Fisher.
Besides Mr. Simha's talk, there will Permanent Wave
be special music consisting of piano
selections by Betty Ann Chaufty, ac-
cording to Mrs. Henry Curtis, di-U
rector of the international relations R'
department of the club. Hostesses Complete
from members of the hospital com-
mittee will be Mrs. U. G. Rickert and
Mrs. Floyd Reed, and from the hostess This is a self-setting, long last-
committee, Mrs. Fred Rentschler and - ing wave, guaranteed on any
Mrs. E. D. Staebler. shade or texture hair, given by
Members will be. asked to show their expert operators.
membership cards and Ann Arbor
visitors and out of town visitors will EYEBROW & LASH TINT $1.50
be admitted upon presentation of - SHAMPOO & MARCEL . $1.00
guests tickets or on introduction by OIL MANICURE . ..... 50c
their hostesses. nd n^ EYEBROW ARCH . . . . . 50c
Preceding the meeting to be held in Shmo sFigrW v
the ballroom there will be a meeting Shampoo & Finger Wave
of the organization groups at 1:30 Monday &FTuesday 50c
p.m. to plan the continuation of theldF s i e
French classes and the American World's Fastest Hair Driers
speech class.
Due to a typographical error in a
previous issue of the Daily, 56 grad- Beauty Shop
uates of the department of landscape phone 2-2757 205 Michigan Theatre
design were listed as being employed *C Upstairs over Marilyn Shopet
in Michigan State Parks. The cor-
rect number of graduates is 6 . ..

"Personality" will be the subject of'
the fourth lecture an the Freshman
Orientation series, to be delivered at
5 p.m. tomorrow in the Lydia Mend- 1
elssohn theatre. Prof. John L.
Brumm of the journalism department
is to deliver the lecture.
Though particularly designed for!
freshman women, anyone interested
may attend. An attendance increase
of last week's lecture over the preced-i
ing one was reported by.Hilda Kirby,
chairman of the Orientation project.



Contract Bridge Lessons FOR FINE PORTRAITURE
Begin Tommorrow Night
Contract bridge lessons will be given
in the League, beginning at 7:45 p.m.
tomorrow night, according to an an-
nouncement by Miss Ethel McCor-
mick, social director. Mrs. John C.
Mathes will give the instruction, at a
charge of $1.50 for six lessons. I3TL HD19
The regular weekly tournament of 319 EAST HURON
duplicate bridge will be held tonight
as usual. Everyone who desires to play
is invited.
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