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October 14, 1934 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1934-10-14

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The Weather


Fair today and tomorrow;
slowly rising temperatures.

Mt igart


Sacxcioth And Ashes .
Educational Pitfalls .. «

_________________________________________________________________________ * . a


Boards Are
Named By
Appointed Faculty Men To
Serve On Advisory And
Administrative Groups
Sadler Appointed
To Honors Group
Ruthven Heads Program
And Policy Committee
Of University Council
Announcement of'the appointment
of faculty members to the various
committees of the University Council
was made v esterday from the office

Ruth Bryan Owen's Diverse
Abilities RelatedBy Belknap
Mrs. Ruth Bryan Owen is inher- Professor Belknap said that Mrs.
ently charming, a wonderful host, an . Owen has thoroughly acquainted her-
excellent speaker, and a very efficient self with all of the customs and prac-
organizer. This is the manner in tices of the Danish people and has so
which the minister to Denmark completely won over the natives that
is described by Prof. Ralph L. Belk- she herself is treated as one of them.
nap of the geology department who Although Professor Belknap has
met Mrs. Owen in Copenhagen, Den- never heard Mrs. Owen deliver a
mark, when he and the rest of the prepared address, he did hear her give
University of Michigan Greenland ex- an impromptu talk at a dinner in
pedition were feted at a dinner there. Copenhagen. "She has a pleasing
Mrs. Owen will open the Oratorical delivery and inherits her famous fath-
Association Lecture series Thursday, er's ability in presenting her speech-
Oct. 25, in Hill Auditorium, speaking es," he said.
on "This Business of Diplomacy." In her home in Copenhagen, Mrs.
The outstanding feature of Mrs. Owen has a room which she calls her
Owen's success in Denmark, accord- Hans Christian Anderson room, Pro-
ing to Professor Belknap, is the way fessor Belknap said. In this room
in which she has built around her she has collected many of Anderson's
an efficient organization. "She has works as well as many Danish curios.
two men assisting her, Capt. James Over-the-counter sale of tickets for
T. Scott, who handles all of the com- the first lecture has been opened and
mercial details, and North Winschip, tickets may be obtained at Wahr's
who is in charge of political matters. bookstore. Single admission seats are
Mrs. Owen can rely upon these men priced at 75 cents for the central sec-
implicitely and on the whole it is a tions of the main floor and all other
very happy organization." seats are 50 cents.

of President Alexander G. Ruthven.
Expiration of the terms of certain 1
members necessitatedethe filling ofEurope Still In
vacancies on the committees on hon..
ors convocations and honorary de- Turm oilFronm
grees. These groups serve in the
capacity, of administrative or advisory Assassin to
bodies, according to Dr. Frank E.Assassination
Robbins, assistant to the President.
Dean Herbert Sadler of the engi-
neering college was appointed to the Police Of Eight Countries
committee on honors convocations to Search For Members Of
replace Prof. A. H. White of the engi- U ash oup
neering college. Ustashi Group
New appointees to the committee
on honorary degrees are Prof. C. P. (By Associated Press)
Wagner of the Spanish department Turmoil in the French cabinet,
and Prof. E. M. Bragg of the engi- threatened action of the Little En-
neering college. Prof. Vernor Crane t
of the history department will also Itente against a Balkan terror gang
act on this committee during the first with possible serious repercussions in
semester for Prof. J. S. Reeves, who is I Hungary and Italy, the burial of a

on leave of absence.
Lovell Chairmans Group
To the advisory committee for the'
military department, of which Prof.
A. H. Lovell, assistant dean of the
engineering college, is chairman,
three faculty men were appointed to
serve three-year terms. Prof. Pres-
ton E. James of the geography de-
partment, Prof. Carlton B. Peirce of
the medical school, and Prof. Rene
Talamonv'ef the French department
are the appointees.
The make-up of the several stand-
ing committees for 1934-35 was also
announced. Dr. Robbins stated that
these groups will serve as deliberative
Prof. H. A. Saunders of the speech
department is chairman of the com-
mnittee' on educational policies. Other
members are Prof. O. J. Campbell of
the English department, Prof. H. B.
Lewis of the chemistry department,
Prof. L. I. Bredvold of the English
department, Prof. Campbell Bonner
of the Greek department, and Prof.
Clifford Woody of the School of Edu-
Select Relations Committee
The student relations committee
will be headed by Prof. C. O. Davis
of the School of Education. Prof. A.
L. Cross of the history department,
Prof. A. S. Courtis of the School of
Education, Prof. E. L. Eriksen of the
engineering college, Prof. F. B. Ved-
der of the dental college, Prof. G. R.
LaRue of the zoology department and
Charles A. Sink, president of the
School of Music are also members.
Professor White of the engineering
college will chairman the group on
plant and equipment with Dr. Harley
A. Haynes, director of the University
Hospital, Prof. Emil Lorch of the
architecture school, Prof Ralph W.
Aigler of the law school, Prof G. M.
Bleekman of the engineering college,
Prof. Leigh J. Young of the forestry
school, and Shirley W. Smith, vice-
president of the University, also on
the committee.
Griffin Heads Group
Dean Clare E. Griffin of the business
administration school will head the
public relations committee.hOthers
who will serve with him are Dr. James
D. Bruce, vice-president of the Uni-
versity, Prof. Wells L Bennett of the
architecture college, Dr. Robbins,
Dean Samuel Dana of the forestry
school, Prof. Burke Shartel of the law
school, and William D Henderson, di-
rector of the extension division.
The program and policy committee,
which serves to plan the meetings of
the University Council, is tnade up of
the three officers of the Council and
the four standing committee chair-
men. .This includes President Ruth-
ven, Dean G. Carl Huber of the grad-
uate school, who is vice-chairman of
the Council, and Dr. Louis A. Hopkins,
director of the Summer Session, who
is secretary, in addition to Professor
Sanders, Professor Davis, Professor
White, and Dean Griffin.

martyred foreign minister in Aris
and the seating of an 11-year-old
monarch in Jugoslavia were yester-
day's momentous developments in the
assassination of King Alexander Tues-
day at Marseilles.
PARIS - Police of eight countries
sought additional members of the
mysterious Ustashi, Balkan organiza-
tion of gunmen, including a beautiful
young Slavic woman and a mysterious
"doctor," all implicated in the assas-
While the late Foreign Minister
Barthou was accgrded a martyr's bu-
rial the government was engrossed in
a' cabinet shake-up complicated by
the sudden resignation of Minister of
Justice Cheros. Pierre Laval was
named to succeed Barthou and Paul
Marchandeau to replace the resigna-
tion of Minister of the Interior Alfred
Persons close to Foreign Minister
Eduard Bemes of Czechoslovakia, now
in Paris, revealed a meeting of Little
Entente foreign ministers scheduled
next week to consider steps against
the Balkan terrorists, whose activities
were said to have been carried on with
full knowledge of officials in Hungary
and Italy. A meeting of the League
of Nations to consider charges may
be called.
BELGRADE - King Peter II, son of
Alexander, arrived with his mother
and grandmother and became king,
receiving the joyful acclamations of
the populace.
ROME - Determined to prevent an
outbreak with Jugoslavia, Italy con-
fiscated newspapers publishing alarm-
ing news from the Balkan nation.
Japan Intends
To Denounce
Nav alTreaty
LONDON, Oct. 13. - (/P) - Japan
will serve advance notice that it in-
tends to denounce the Washington
treaty later this year and will reveal
its proposals for a new agreement,
to replace that treaty, when the tri-
power naval conversations between
American, British and Japanese rep-
resentatives open here next Thurs-
Ambassador T. Suneo Matsudaira
and Rear Admiral Isoroku Yama-
moto are expected to announce that
Japan wishes the Washington pact
to end Dec. 31, 1936, and will propose
a new scheme for naval regulation
drawn on the following basis.
Parity in principle among the three
main powers:
A global tonnage arrangement to
replace the 5-5-3 ratio now in force,
and abolition of the principle of ratio;
Reduction, looking toward eventual
abolition, of "offensive" ships, mean-
ing big battleships and aircraft car-
riers; with Great Britain and the;
United States making the chief sac-

Please report at Morris Hall at
2:55 p.m., in full uniform with
marching folios, to assist in the
rally program meeting the foot-
ball team on its return to Ann
Arbor. This notice is specially in-
serted at the request of Bernard
F. Hirsch and student leaders
planning a reception for the team.
New Clues Are
Discovered In
toll Abduction
Sudden Move To Search
Woods Is Interpreted As
Death Indication
LOUISVILLE, Ky., Oct. 13 -(P)-
What appeared to be blood stains on
a nearby boathouse pier and a mys-
teriously torn telephone book were
found late today shortly after Barry
V. Stoll had broadcast another frantic
plea to his wife's kidnaper.
The spots on the pier were noted
by three youths while police and fed-
eral agents combed the brush and
woods near the handsome 16-acre
Stoll estate. The sudden move which
began this morning has been inter-
preted by at least one police partici-
pant as indicating the family feared
Mrs. Stoll had met death from the
kidnaper. The husband's latest ap-
peal indicated the same feeling.
"In her present weakened condi-;
tion, even a day may be too long," he
declared. The 26-year-old society
woman was ill with a cold when slug-
ged and forced from her home last
Efforts were made immediately by
investigators to determine whether
the stains of the pier and those found
on a blanket inside the open boat-
house might be blood. They also
worked to determine whether there
was any connection with the adbduc-
tion in the latest clues to enter into
the baffling case.
The telephone directory had 65
pages torn out. The last page missingf
was opposite the one containing the
names of the Stoll family. The Har-
rod Creek section of the book showed
some score of names marked by a line
drawn across them. Black finger-
prints were on the directory.;
Stoll's appeal late today followed
his announcement of yesterday that,
he had complied with all the require-,
ments of the kidnaper who snatched
Mrs. Stoll from their home last Wed-
nesday and demanded 50,000 ransom.
Faculty Members
Sign Ward Petition
A petition seeking endorsement of
its stand on the Willis Ward affair
by prominent persons and organiza-
tions on campus was being circulated
yesterday by the "United Front on
the Ward Issue."
Leaders of the movement last night
claimed the signatures of more than
ten prominent professors and the
backing of three negro fraternities
and one negro sorority.
The petition states that its signers
believe if Ward is barred from the
Georgia Tech game it is clearly a case
of unjiust racial discrimination, and
that they therefore demand his par-
Michigan State 13, Carnegie
Tech 0.

Canon Bell To
'Open Baldwin
Talks Tonight
Whether Religion Is Valid
Racial Experience Will
Be Discussed
Prof. David Mattern
To Lead Glee Club
Churchman Gives Speech
Before Faculty Meeting
At Union Luncheon
Whether religion is an outgrown
superstition or a valid racial expe-
rience will be discussed at 8 p.m. to-
night at Hill Auditorium in the first
Religious Assembly of the year by
Canon Bernard Iddings Bell, this
year's Baldwin lecturer.
The University Glee Club will sing
under the direction of Professor Dav-
id Mattern. The speaker will be in-
troduced by Roderick Howell, '35,
chairman of the student committee
for the Baldwin lectures.
Speaks At Luncheon
At a luncheon yesterday at the
Michigan Union, before the faculty
committee, Canon Bell spoke upon
the factual basis for religious educa-
tion and referred to his class-room
experience running through 14 years
as lecturer at Columbia. Professors
DeWitt Parker, Leroy Waterman, Wil-
liam A. McLaughlin, Eric A. Walter,
and Charles T. Olmstead, with Dean
Joseph Bursley, Dr. Edward W. Blake-
man, and the Rev. Henry H. Lewis of
St. Andrew's Episcopal Church, made
up the luncheon company.
Dr. Bell is convinced, he said, "that
the chief difficulty of undergraduates
in relating religion to modern thought
comes from their not only not having
any religion to relate, but also not
having any idea about what religion
Religion, he said, "is not mere senti-
ment or prejudice or feeling, but a
thing perfectly definite in fact and
perfectly logical in theory."
S. C. A. Is Sponsor
The lecture tonight is not about
any particular religion but about
religion as such. Many religious
groups are co-operating with the Stu-
dent Christian Association, which is
sponsoring the lecture.
There will be two other lectures.
One will be at 4:15 tomorrow, and the
other Tuesday at the same time, with
both lectures scheduled for Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre.
Dr. Bell will be available for inter-
views by individuals or groups, it was
announced. Appointments for per-
sonal interviews may be made through
Mrs. C. D. Hume, secretary of Harris
Hall, at the door following the lec-
ture, or by telephoning 7735.
Stratosphere Flight
To Face More Delay
Postponement of the Piccard's pro-
jected stratosphere flight yesterday
at the Ford Airport in Dearborn
means a delay of at least three or
four days before preparations can
again be made, according to Ralph
H. Upson, 1913 winner of the Gordon
Bennett Balloon Race Cup, four-time
National Elimination winner, and
former member of the aeronautics de-
partment here.
"Steadily increasing wind velocity
and an approaching low in atmos-
pheric pressure will make the flight
out of the question for the next few
days," Mr. Upson said yesterday when
he returned from the airport. He

pointed out that the 150-foot high
gas-bag cannot be inflated during a
wind velocity greater than five miles
an hour without great risk of losing
the bag or spilling the gas becauseI
of any small gust.

Revamped Michigan Team
Trounced By Chicago, 27-0;
Will Meet Squad At Station

Union Officials Plan Pep
Rally For Returning Of
Varsity; Urge Support
'Fighting Hundred'
Will Lead Parade
Alumni Group Telegraphs,
Asking Student Backing
For Team In Defeat
Led by Michigan's "Fighting Hun-
dred" and a group of cheerleaders,
the student body and townspeople
will rally at 3:30 p.m. today at the
Michigan Central Railroad Station*
to greet the Varsity football squad
on its return from Chicago.
At the suggestion of the president
of the University of Michigan Club
of Cleveland, who contacted Douglas
R. Welch, '35, secretary of the Union,,
by telephone late last night, student
officials of the Union, with the aid
of members of various campus. hon-
orary societies are formulating plans
for the team's reception.
The band will march to the station
accompanied by cheerleaders. It was
necessary for assistant managers of
the band to call each of the members
of the unit, ordering them to meet at
Morris Hall at 2:55 p.m., from which
point they will proceed to the sta-
Both Donald A. Strouse, '35, drum-
major, and George N. Hall, '36BAd.,
student manager, were out of town at
the time the call for the band was
issued, but student officers of the or-1
ganization telegraphed them orders
from Bernard F. Hirsch, acting con-
ductor, to return to Ann Arbor for
the occasion.
It was learned last night that Jo-
seph E. Horak, '35, head cheerleader,
is on the train carrying the team
and will be on hand to lead his as-
sistants in cheers. for the returning
Both John C. Healey, '35, president
of Michigamua, and Dexter M. Good-
ier, '35, president of Druids, an-
nounced last night that members of
these societies would be on hand to
assist in welcoming the team and
urged students to take this opportu-
nity to show members of the team
that their support is not only of thet
"fair weather" variety.
Congregational Symphony
To Give Concert Tonight
A program of "Characteristic Forms
of the March" will be given following
a supper at 6 p.m. tonight at the
Congregational Students' Club. A
group of five marches will be played
by the Congregational Symphony Or-
chest.ra, directed by Thor M. Johnson1
of the School of Music faculty.
Mr. Johnson was formerly con-
ductor of the Carolina Salon En-
semble at Chapel Hill, N.C. The
marches to be played are Marche
Militaire Francaise, by Saint-Saens,
Marche Funebre, by Beethoven, Fer-
sian March by Strauss, Pomp and Cir-
cumstance, by Elgar, and Cortege du
Sardar, by Ippolitiw-Iwanov.
Dr. Curtis To Conduct
How To Study Group
By special request of the fresh-
man women attending the "How
to Study" group Thursday night,I
Dr. Francis D. Curtis will conduct1
another meeting on "How to
Read," at 7:30 Tuesday night in
the League library. All students
interested are invited to attend.4

If You Want A Fan
Dancer, Just Call
Up FairManager
CHICAGO, Oct. 13. - ") - Some
14,000 Fair employees - from fan
dancers to patrolmen - today have
but a single thought --"What's going
to bring in the bacon when the Fair
closes for keeps, Oct. 31?"
About 10,000 others now at work in
the exposition grounds don't have to
They're going right back into posi-
tions in factories or offices of exhibi-
tor firms in whose employ they have
been throughout the Fair's showing.-
The Fair management has under-
taken, along with its big problem of
disposing of the physical structures of
the Century of Progress, the task of
trying to find places for nearly 4,000
- its own payroll list.
But not much has been done yet,
Lenox R. Lohr, said. He expects, how-
ever, to see many of his "family"
placed in other jobs during the next
three weeks.
Only 82 have left for jobs elsewhere
in the last three weeks. Another score
quit to go to college.
As for the thousands unplaced?
"Chicago is helping," Lohr said. "In
the last few days, I've had a number
of calls from firms asking us to nom-
inate four or five from our personnel
for positions after the Fair closes."
The new positions range from de-
partment store jobs to places in the
packing firms, he said.
Two Churches
Will Present
Guest Speakers
Rev. Bell Of Providence'
R. I., And Rev. Meyer Of
Grand Haven To Appear
Two local churches will present
guest speakers today, and all others
will continue with their regular serv-
The sermon .at St. Andrew's Epis-
copal Church will be delivered by the
Rev. Bernard Iddings Bell of Provi-
dence, R. I., at 11 a.m. Dr. Bell, who
is coming to Ann Arbor to give the
Baldwin Lectures, was formerly pres-
ident of St. Stephen's College in New
York. He will speak on "The Problem
of Man."
St. Paul's Lutheran Church will
have its regular service at 10:45 a.m.,
at which time the Rev. Alfred .
Meyer of Grand Haven will speak on
"Our Missionary Prayer." The vesper
service sermon will be given by the
Rev. Herbert Mueller of St. Claire
Shores. At 7:30 p.m. Mr. Meyer, who
was formerly a missionary, will give
an illustrated mission lecture on
"South America."
Student Forum To Meet
At 10:45 a.m. the Rev. Charles W.
Brashare of the First Methodist Epis-
copal Church will speak on "Bread
and Cake" in the series of sermons
on "What We Want." At 3 p.m. there
will be an International Student Fo-
rum to discuss similarities found in
the different peoples. The Wesleyan
Guild Service to be held at 6 p.m.
will consist of a series of discussions
on "The Place of Religion in Mod-
ern Society," led by various speakers..
Ralph Segalman, student speaker, willf
talk on "Why I Do Not Believe in Or-
ganized Religion."
The Rev. Allison Ray Heaps will
give the second sermon in a series on
"The Old Testament in New Times"
at 10:30 a.m. at the Congregational
Church. Prof. Preston W. Slosson
of the history department will give

the second lecture of the course on
"The Evolution of Religion," taking
for his topic "Gods Before Jehovah."
At 11:15 a.m. Rabbi Bernard Heller
of the Hillel Foundation will speak at
the League Chapel on "Facing Life
As a Jew."
"Flooding the Earth With Saving
Truth" will be the subject of a sermon
to be given at 1:30 p.m. by the Rev.
E. C. Stellhorn, pastor of the Zion
Lutheran Church. The same church
will hold Holy Communion services
in German at 7:30 p.m.
Dean Dana To Speak

Wolverines Lose Second
Shut-Out Game Of 1934
Grid Season
Jay Berwanger Is
Star For Maroons
Regeczi Only Redeeming
Feature In Playing Of
CHICAGO, Oct. 13.- Michigan was
shutout for the second straight time
in the 1934 season here today when
Jay Berwanger led a good Chicago
team to its first victory over Mich-
igan in 15 years. The Maroons scored
four touchdowns and made two con-
versions to whip the impotent Wol-
verines, 27 to 0.
Michigan's championship spell is
apparently broken for the time being
and it was just another football game
for the Maroon players who swept
Michigan's ends time after time for
long gains. Berwanger and his soph-
omore understudy, Ned Bartlett, were
consistently outrunning and out-
smarting the Michigan ends and sec-
ondary to pile up first downs.
The center of the Michigan line was
stronger than it was a week ago when
Michigan State pounded it for long
gains. Chicago's aerial attack was
weak, but their skill in boxing the
Michigan ends and tackles to shake
Berwanger loose was deserving of
Fans Go Wild
Twenty-five thousand Chicago fans
went mad when Berwanger dove over
for the first touchdown on the open-
ing play of the second quarter after
his pass to Baker had placed the
ball on Michigan's one-yard- line as
the first period ended.
It was the perfect culmination for
a week of snake dances and pep meet-
ings for the Maroon students and
fans. Their delirium increased pro-
portionately as the other three scores
were quickly run up during the second
half and they were yelling "make it 50
to 10" in the last quarter.
John Regeczi was the spearhead of
the Michigan attack. Starting at full-
back in a backfield composed of Jen-
nings at quarter, Ward at the other
half and Sweet at full, Regeczi's fine
punting and running from punt for-
mation kept the Wolverines going in
the first half.
The Wolverines started strong,
gaining the first first-down of the
;ame after six minutes of play on
line bucks by Regeczi and Sweet and
a sneak through tackle by Jennings.
Whitey Aug entered the Michigan
backfield in the first quarter, with
Mike Savage leaving the game and
Ward shifting to a flank. Aug pro-
vided an intermittent spark to the
Wolverine running attack, but failed
to impress the Chicago defense.
Michigan Tacklers Sloppy
Michigan again looked weak in fun-
damentals, with sloppy tackling fea-
turing their play throughout the
game. The Wolverine line was out-
charged and outplayed except for
intervals at which times the cham-
pionship spark returned.
Michigan's ends took the biggest
punishment of the day, with the Chi-
cago attack pointed at them from
their wide formation. Patanelli and
Savage were frequently boxed out of
the play and Ward failed to stop the
sweeps of Berwanger and Bartlett,.
Chicago, with Berwanger kicking,
gained frequently on their punting as
quick-kicks were sent over the Mich-
igan safety man. Neither Jennings nor
Regeczi, who went to safety when
Oliver replaced Jennings, appeared at
an advantage in taking Berwanger's
low kicks, frequently misjudging them

and allowing many to get past.
Passing Attack Failed
The Michigan passing attack func-
tioned on but one occasion, as Oliver's
passes failed to click. Late in the
second period Oliver faded back to
pass from midfield and completed a
long throw to Ward on Chicago's 24-
yard line.
The play, however, was galled back
for interference before the pass was
made and the penalty seemed to take
the spark from the Wolverine at-
Chicago counted again midway in

Announce Winners Of Earhart
Scholarships And Fellowships

The complete list of winners of the
scholarships and fellowships granted
by the Earhart Foundation for Com-
munity Leaders was given out yester-
day by the sociology department.
The fellows, all graduate students
are: Louis Block, Gust Carlson, Harold
Gibbard, Wilbert Hindman, Collerohe
Krassovsky, Stuart Lottier, Anthony
Luchek, Edward Troxell, Leonard Wil-
son, Frank Hartung, Henry Meyer,
Hart Schaaf, and Thomas Solomon.
The Earhart Foundation Scholars
are: Gilbert Anderson, '36, Winifred
Bell, '36, Ray Brundige, Grad., Henry
Bullock, David Clinger-Smith, '35,

Detroit Metropolitan Area. They are
required to spend two days a week in
their fields of investigation, and to
make reports occassionally on their
projects at seminars held on Thursday
nights. These are for the most part,
joint conferences between the profes-
sors and the fellows.
The scholars are, usually, senior
students, also selected from the social
science departments. They work under
the fellows, and concentrate on cer-
tain of the others' problems. The fel-
lows assist in the selection of the
scholars and are largely responsible
for their work.

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