TIlLFM4IIJL-AN- DAILY Pa Hellenitc Association E lects Hedds For Major Social Functi I >--- ~# Servis Arnold dHead Pan-Hel Ball,_Banquet Board Of Representatives Ts Made Up Of Rushing Chairmen, Delegates At a special meeting of the Pan- Hellenic Association held yesterday at the League, chairmen for the Pan- Hellenic Banquet and the Pan-Hel- lenic Ball were elected. Jane Arnold. '36, was unanimously chosen chair- man of the banquet which will be held October 29 at the League, and Jane Servis, '36, Collegiate Sorosis, will lead the Ball, which takes place according to tradition on the Friday after Thanksgiving, These two affairs are the principle Pan-Hellenic functions of the year. The banquet is attended by sorority women en masse and it is at this time that the annual awafd is presented to the house which shows the greatest increase in its scholastic average. The Ball is also a yearly affair and is the only traditional woman's date night on the campus. At this same meeting the new pol- icy of the League was explained whereby members of the Pan-Hellenic automatically become members of the League Board of Representatives. The two delegates from each house to the Pan-Hellenic Association will take the place on the Board of the house pres- idents who formerly were sorority rep- resentatives on that body. Another new League policy which was discussed was presented by Marie Murphy, '35. This project has to do with the arrangements for sorority- facqulty dinners, which have hereto- fore been managed exclusively by the separate houses. The proposal now under consideration is to insure co- operation between houses and fac- ulty and greater convenience to both by having the League in charge of these faculty dinners. The object is to promote more in- formal contact between sorority women and he faculty and to bring a larger variety of faculty members into the sorority houses. It has not as yet been decided definitely by the Pan-Hellenic to adopt the plan. Dormitories Begin Exchaige Diariers The first of the ~exchange dinners of the dormitories was held last night at Betsy Barbour House, Jordan Hall, and Martha Cook Dormitory. Each dormitory had fifty guests, twenty- five representatives from each of the other houses. Marion Bertsch, '35, so ial ch4air- man; Eleanor Butzel, '36; and Betty Todd, '36, planned the arrangements for the dinner ataMartha Cook; and Olive Webb, '35, and Bettina Right- mire, '36, handled the party at Betsy Barbour. . The project of exchange dinners between dormitories such as the sor- orities have is sponsored by Senior Society. English Dept. Holds First Tea Of Year A tea for members of the English faculty and their families, and grad- uate students in the English depart- ment was the opening function of the new Avery Hopwood Room yester- day. The tea, according to Prof. Roy W. Cowden, director of the room, is the first of a series to be given in the future. At each succeeding tea Professor Cowden plans to invite a, different class in the department. The plan is to have the instructor of the class invited and his wife act as host and hostess at their particular tea. The room is now open to the public, and as considerable interest has al- ready been evoked in the interesting plan of the room, it shotsd prove to be the success that members of the English department predict.' Tomorrow at the MAJESTIC W 'fie New "Go West" 4 Songs! MAE WEST in "BELLE OF THE NINETIES" SMARTEST HOSIERY SHOPPE 300A South State Street First Quality CHIFFON AND SERVICE HOSIFRYWf Margaret Hiscock Wyvern To Aid 'BetaKappaRho League Plans Will Give Open Margaret Hiscock, '36, president of I Wyvern, junior women's honorary so- 1 ciety, who has announced plans for 1 freshmen projects which are carried on by Wyvern throughout the school year. Prof. Curtis Gives Orientation Lecture A practical exercise in note taking was conducted last night by Prof. Francis Curtis of the education !de- partment before the How-To-Study group which is being held at the League as a feature of the Orientation. series of lectures. Seventy-five fresh- men women attended. Professor Curtis first outlined an effective method of taking lecture notes, and then to give the students practice, he gave a lecture on which they took notes. He then presented an outline of his lecture, and compared and criticized the lecture notes taken by the freshmen. He also discussed reviewing, and concentration. Pi Lambda Theta Holds Tea For New Members Pi Lambda Theta, honorary educa- tional sorority, entertained at tea Wednesday to honor those girls who will be invited to membership in the organization. The guests of. honor were Dorothy Beise, Tryphena How- ;,rd, Margaret Kirkpatrick, Helen fBrown,,Bessie Cuitis, Mary Elizabeth Smith, Barbara Sutherland, and Lu- cille Wyman. The tea was held in the library of tvhe University ElementarySchool with, officers of the organization p our- ing. The offcers are Marguerite Hall, president; Lavinda Creighton, vice- president; Florence Bunton, secre- tary-treasurer; and Olga Wright, corresponding secretary. Summer Session Deans To Hear Prof. Hopkins Prof. Louis Hopkins, director of the Summer Session, left yesterday morn- ing to attend a conference of summer session deans from the principal uni- versities of the country to be held this week at Ames, Iowa. This convention, which, has twice been held in Ann Arbor, was organ- ized- 18 years ago by Dean Edward'H. Kraus, of the literary college, and for- mer dean of the summer session. Prof. Hopkins will present the conference with a special message from Dean Kraus. For Orientation Select Junior Women To Head Various Freshmen Activity Groups The program by means of which Wyvern, junior women's honorary so- ciety, plan to continue its traditional work with freshman women and to augment the League orientation pro- gram was announced today by Mar- garet Hiscock, president. Wyvern has formerly sponsored a project to introduce new women to campus activities and Miss Hiscock emphasized the fact that this purpose in no way conflicts with or attempts to supplant the League Orientation work. The League aims to assist with a general adjustment to college life, while the Wyvern project deals spe- cifically and solely with activities. Freshmen women have already made out cards on which they ex- pressed their particular interests in the field of activities, and by Nov. 14 the class will be divided into various groups on the basis of this survey. These groups will meet under the di- rection of a member of Wyvern for general instruction and explanation and they will embark upon some spe- cific project during the second se- mester. In addition there will be one group meeting devoted to a study of the League system. There will .be four of these groups. The Freshman Girls Glee Club will be directed by Ruth Kaser, '35, president' of the Stanley Chorus and the Wyvern representative in charge of this group will be Betty Rich. The drama group under ther direc- tion of Winifred Bell and Julie Kane will present a skit for the League Open House second semester and those interested in publications work will meet with Josephine McLean until second semester when they will automatically try out for The Daily, Qargoyle, or Michiganensian. The group which has athletics, as its pri- mary interest will be under the lead- ership of Elizabeth Chapman and the remaining members of Wyvern, Mar- jorie Morrison, Jane Peters, and Bar- bara Bates will .assist in various phases of the project. Chinese Students Hold Banquet On Anniversary The Chinese Student Club held a banquet Wednesday night at the League to celebrate its 25th national anniversary. Dean Alice Lloyd, Dean Joseph A. Bursley, and Professor J. Raleigh Nelson, advisor to foreign students were guests of honor. The principal speaker of the eve- ning was Mr. G. H. Wang, Chinese Vice-Consul in Chicago. Both the American and the Chinese national anthems were sung. Hillel Foundation Holds First Of Series Of Teas The first of the regular Thursday afternoon teas at the Hillel Founda- tion was held yesterday, October 11, from 3 to 6 p.m. The tea was an Open House at the Foundation with the members of the Kappa Nu fraternity acting as hosts. Howard Levine, '36, and Edgar Davidson, '36, who compose the social committee of Kappa Nu, were in charge of the arrangements. Tea In Lea rue Beta Kappa Rho, social society for and pledgings, but not too busy to women students living in private be entertained themselves at dinners, homes, is giving an open tea from 4 or to plan for the first dances of the p.m. to 5:30 Sunday in the League. year. All such women are invited to attend Gamma Phi Beta the function. Mrs. Nathan S. Potter entertained The tea will give those attending the active chapter, the pledges and an opportunity to meet the newly- the Ann Arbor alumnae of Gamma elected officers of the organization, Phi Beta at dinner at her home in the patronesses, and the members of Marton Hills Wednesday night. the League Council. Officers include Among the Ann Arbor alumnae Mildred Butler, '35, president, Floy present were Mrs. \Edward Adams, Brigstock, '37. secretary-treasurer, Mrs. Rudolph Winnaker, Miss Rose Eleanor Peterson, '35, refreshment Anderson, Miss Grace Anderson, Mrs. may put into the pea soup. She has a choice between pig's ears and pickled pork sausage. The money saved on these dishes will be col- lected for winter relief. -he Gf4D-AIBOUT s a 0 I chairman, and Dorothy Mittelstaedt, '36, social chairman. The purpose of the society is to give social contacts to those women who are partially or entirely self-support- ing, and whose time is very limited, according to Mrs. Byrl Fox Bacher, assistant dean of women, in charge of students living outside approved houses. Patronesses for Beta Kappa Rho are Miss Fredericka Gillette, Mrs. Mich-I ael Pargment, Mrs. Franklin Shull, Mrs.s Rene Talamon, and Miss Dor- othy Ogburn. Iand-Made Articles Shown At League An exhibition of hand-made arti- cles made by women in the national handiwork course offered by the Fire- side Industries of Adrian is being ex- hibited this week at the League by the An. Arbor Art and Crafts Guild. The exhibit consists of hand-made repousse firescreens and lamp shades, luminant fire screens, hooked rugs, French block prints and etchings, and is an attempt to display the type of work which the members of the Ann Arbor guild will do throughout the course. All the articles will be placed on sale in the guild studio after the exhibit. The quota of membership of the Ann Arbor 'Guild is 100 members, and there are still vacancies left in the organization for 30 members. Mrs. Herbert Mallory is president of the guild, and Mrs. Anna Edsill is in charge of the membership committee. Mabel Douglas, Mrs. James Breakey,- Miss Lynda Ederbaugh, Mrs. Wil- fred B. Shaw, Mrs. Waldo Abbott, and Mrs. Earl S. Wolaver. Mrs. Thom- as Handy, new chaperon of the Gam- ma Phi house was also among the 65 guests present. Zeta Psi Zeta Psi announces the pledging of Archie Martin, '37. Theta Xi Theta Xi fraternity will entertain with a closed informal dance tonight. Robert Reed-Hill, '36, is in charge of the arrangements. Al Cowan's orchestra will provide the music and Dr. and Mrs. M. R. McGarvey, Lieut. and Mrs. Richard R. Coursey, and Lieut. and Mrs. Wellington, will be the guests of the fraternity. Kappa Delta Rho Harley Newcomb, '35, is making the arrangements for the radio-bridge party to be held at the Kappa Delta Rho House tonight. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kraus and Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Everett will attend as chap- erons. The party is informal and closed. Delta Delta Delta The members of Delta Delta Delta sorority entertained at a rushing din- ner for fifteen guests on Thursday night. Mary Montgomery, '37, as- sisted by Janet Willoughby, '37, plan- ned the party. Decorations were carried out in the colors of the season. A rather unus- ual note was added by the place- cards on which Miss Fall was por- trayed as a button-faced young lady with a small autumn leaf for a body. Pi Beta Phi Pi Beta Phi announces the pledging of Betty Bertoli, '38, Grosse Pointe, and Louise Taylor, '38, Lakewood, .Ohio. Phi Kappa Tau Phi Kappa Tau announces the pledging of Earl Myers, '37, and John Riek, '37, Detroit. THREE TRAPPED MOBERLY, Mo., Oct. 11 (A') - Scores of men worked frantically to- day, attempting to rescue three miners trapped in the cave-in of a coal mine near Prairie Hill. New Cars for Taxi Service pP NN E45' CAMPUS CABS 24-HOUR SERVICE e. Names of hosiery colors become intricate every year. At the Univer- sity Fashion Shop we found that the best fall shades are: Fawn- taupe, Taupe-bark and Jungle. (Sounds terribly tropical or Quar- tier Latin, doesn't it?) There's also a new off-black for evening. The new twin sweaters and blouses are very tempting and to be in the social swim this season you must set one of those popular necker- chiefs at just the correct desperado angle. * * * * * While gadding about one after- noon we drifted into the Parrot... with the rising tide of afternoon tea-ers. There we found young America or perhaps the junior edi- tion of the Brain Trust discussing weighty matters over that good old Michigan tradition .,.. a cres- cent and coffee. On an "away" =day there's so little to-do except to go to the Parrot and listen to the B. M. 0. C. comment on current campus chatter. * * * * * Listen ladies of the sadly deflat- ed bank account ... Jacobson's has a complete new stock of Hollywood Frocks and that is certainly an all- encompassing statement... sports dresses in abundance to suit the most particular tastes, afternoon GERMANS MUST DIET 1 CHAPTER HOUSE BERLIN, Oct. 11--By order of the State the German hausfrau may cook ACTIVITY NOTES ~ only pea soup, noodle soup with beef pieces in it or vegetable stew with Both fraternities and sororities meat pieces in it the coniing Sunday. still seem busy with rushing dinners The State further decrees what she things that are flattering even to the hardiest of us and a dress for practically every occasion . .. . even semi-formals and in-betweens. The price of one and all (this should warm the cockles of any heart) is $7.50, Beat it if you can . . . we dare you! * * * * * Something to do while listening to the game: try one 'of the new Glazo kits from Calkins-Fletcher's. They're in all sizes and colors and each one has a clever cotton ar- rangement that solves many diffi- culties in the home-made mani- cure. One by Cutex was a stunning leather travel kit that comes in tan, red or black. (If you'll take our advice, let the clever "lady be- hind the counter" choose just the right shade of polish for you, too. * * * * * Even your best friend won't know you after a session at Amelia's. Short is still the only really smart way to wear your hair but if you value that slightly "ultra" touch Amelia has a barber whose slight- est snip is a masterpiece. If you live on the south side of the cam- pus it's also an ideal place to check up on that well-groomed feeling with a facial, shampoo or finger- wave. You'll be sure to meet prac- tically everybody you know over there, too. Where To G o MAJ ESTIC Tf e oow,~P,~r,.~ PICNIC TO BE HELD The Michigan Dames will hold a Wiener Roast at 4 p.m. today at the Island. Husbands and children are invited to this first informal meet- ing of the year. Baseball and other games are planned for entertainment according to Mrs. Paul Cranton, who is in charge of the event. Members of the organization are requested to bring their own buns, wieners, and utensils and hot coffee will be furn- ished. , Theatres: Wuerth, "Private Scan-, dal" and "Heat Lightning"; Majestic, "The World Moves On" with Made- leine Carroll and Franchot Tone; Michigan, "Death on the Diamond" with Robert Young and a stage show; Whitney, "Hell Cat" with Ann Soth- ern and "City Park" with Sally Blane. Dancing: Union ballroom, Chubbs, Hut Cellar, Preketes. Ehibitions: Memorial exhibition of paintings of Gari :Melehers, open from 1:30 p.m. to 5 p.m., West Gallery,' Alumni Memorial Hall. Fall showing of student and alumni art work, open every afternoon and evening, Art Ex-7 change, League. h- '; Good Meat AND Gicekies For * I C'ROGER PRYOR ,. .. JOHN MACK BROWN 00KE E~t1N5ION'S DRCHIS1RA Col III I, ii, CAMPUS MARKET 1114 South 13 Phone 2-2331 Free Delivery A. ROE, Proprietor READ THE WANT ADS dj6H v,,1 t~f FYI,,. tying sandals C' K'I CHORAL UNION CONCERTS "OVER-TMHE-COU NTER" TICKET SALE Begins SATURDAY, OCT.13 8:30 A*M. 10 Concerts $5.00 $7.00 $8.50 $10. At The Office Of SCHOOL OF MUSIC 11 Colleg iate Shoe Sec tion III Sk nning and Star ingi Beautifu enuine - - ( -,~-- WHITE SLI PPERS $'-I 0 f ^ia~rnl Prs IITf I I ?"cteathoui / I, Like "silver shells" ... they're so graceful and lovely . .. the heels are very high and slender.. the narrow straps across the toes are flattering .. . it's one of, $5 / / "B /:l iX1 I I f I I I1 II