Thne Weathe r Fair and cooler Friday; Sat- urday fair with moderate temperatures. L fliigt an. :4Iati Editorials Fraternity And Sorority Finances .. . They Always Come Back.. VOL. XLV. No. 17 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1934 PRICE FIVE CENTS Tuberculosis Meetings Are Hed AtUnion Freshmen Health Results Announced By Forsythe; No Conclusions Drawn Necessity To Test Elders Is Stressed S t a t e Investigating Staff Will Aid In Examination Of Athletes Care and treatment of tuberculosis1 in men and women of high school and college age was the feature of the talks and discussion by members of the Michigan Tuberculosis Associa- tion, Michigan Trudeau Society, and Michigan Sanatorium Association at a banquet last night at the Union which concluded the all-day annual meeting of the organizations. Dr. Warren E. Forsythe, director of the University Health Service, an-t nounced the results of the health knowledge test given to freshmen the] first week of school which dealt with tuberculosis. He did not attempt to draw any conclusions, stating that time for detailed study of the re- sults had not been available. "Tuberculosis Health Hazards of the Young Adult," was the topic dis- cussed by Dr. W. J. V. Deacon, State Health Statistician. Dr. Deacon stated that from the ages of five to 22 women showed a sharp rise in their suscep- tibility to the disease. Men showedua -similar rise, Dr. Deacon said, buta added that the high point for men was between the ages of 45 and 49. Death Age Advanced "Twenty-five years ago," he said, "both men and women showed their highest death rate in the twenties, butt today we have pushed the high rate for men to the late forties, thus add-c ing 25 years to the productive life of, tubercular males. There is no reason, with intensive work, why the same re- sults may not be obtained in the case of women.': Dr. Deacon said that it was essen-t tial to test children while still in school. "The schools are able to do the work in the ordinary course of] things," he stated, "but it is very hard to get men and women to take at tuberculin test after they have lefti school or college." Dr. Bruce.: H. Douglas, president oft the Michigan Tuberculosis Associa- tion, said that investigation had1 shown that a great many high school] and college athletes had been found to be suffering from tuberculosis inF various stages. "The strain of athletes reduces resistance to disease in manyt cases," Dr. Douglas stated, "and more often than not, the healthy looking athlete is infected. Consequently, highc school and college athletes should be tuberculin tested and X-rayed beforeR being permitted to engage in competi-] tion." State Will Aidt He added that where facilities are not available for such examination, the State investigating staff stood ready to aid insofar as they were able. Dr. Douglas emphasized the fact thatt the hazards of tuberculosis are ever present, and since athletics do tend to increase them, that no cost was too great to eliminate the hazards as far as possible. Seal sale directors from all over the State met at 9:45 a.m. in the Union to lay plans for the 1934 Christ-, mas Seal sale which begins on Thanksgiving Day. Means of educat- ing the public to the need of buying Christmas seals was discussed, and a plan was mapped out whereby the sale of this year may pass that of last, which was the largest since 1929. Luncheon At Union At a luncheon given in the Union. by the Michigan Tuberculosis Asso-, ciation Dr. Douglas reviewed the work of the past year, and Dr. Paul Voelker, State superintendent of public in- struction, told the audience of 125 persons the part that the school should play in tuberculosis control. All of the officers of the Michigan Tuberculosis Association were re- elected by the board of trustees, ex- cept Mr.Carl Henry of the executive committee who was replaced by Dr. Salvatore Lajocono, superintendent of Morgan Heights Sanatorium, Mar- quette. Daily Trojan Says Team Is Corrupted LOS ANGELES, Oct. 11. - (P)- The Green Pastures' To Play Ann Arbor With Original Cast "The Green Pastures," interna- tionally famous Pulitzer prize play which has been continually produced on Broadway and on the road for al- most five years, is coming Wednesday, Oct. 31, to the Michigan Theatre for a one night showing. Almost a hundred people ,comprise the huge company of the play, and three balloon top baggage cars, each 70 feet in length, are required for the transportation of scenery and equip- ment. The show, according to its agent, is the biggest traveling attrac- tion that has been on the road in recent years. The original cast that played for more than a year and a half on Broadway is with the play except for two rolesdthat have been vacated through death. There has never at any time been a secondary company of "The Green Pastures,' according to Mr. Schneider. Eminent Playwright The elderly, benevolent Richard B. Harrison, who impersonates the Deity MARC CONNELLY in the Marc Connelly classic, has been raised by the producer this season, after long and distinguished service Schneider, it is the intention of in his unique role, to the standing Rowland Stebbinstheproducerto of a full fledged star. Harrison has ' t ' the commendable record of never take the piece back to Broadway having missed a single performance next spring. It is thought that the during the almost five years that the return engagement in New York will play has been on the boards. continue through most of next year, After the current tour of "The after which a London production is Green Pastures," according to Mr. contemplated. Public Sale Of Choral Union Ticket's Begins Season Tickets Limited For Concert Series Of Famous Musicians Public sale of season tickets for the Choral Union concert series will begin at 8:30 a.m tomorrow in the general office of the School of Music, May- nard Street. Starting tomorrow and continuing until the Rosa Ponselle 'concert, Oct. 24, or so long as the supply may last, all unsold tickets will be offered to the general public at $5, $7, $8.50, and $10 each, Dr. Charles A. Sink, presi- dent of the School of Music, stated. Each season ticket will also contain a coupon which is good for three dol- lars when purchasing May Festivalj tickets next spring., Dr! Sink announced yesterday that the sale of tickets thus far was ex- ceptionally heavy, being "one of the best advance sales in several seasons." He said, however, that there are still a limited number of season tickets in all divisions of price available. Tickets for individual concerts will be placed on sale later at prices of $1, $1.50, and $2.00 each per concert. The concert season will be officially opened on Oct. 24, by Rosa Ponselle, soprano of the Metropolitan Opera Company. Miss Ponselle will be fol- lowed on Nov. 1 by Lawrence Tibbett, one of the nation's most popular sing- ers. Later in the year concerts will be given by Artur Schnabel, pianist; Josef Szigeti, violinist; Lotte Leh- mann, soprano; Jose Iturbi, pianist- conductor; the Gordon String Quar- tet; the Don Cossack Russian Male Chorus; the Cleveland Symphony Or- chestra; and the Boston Symphony Orchestra. WARRANT FOR DRUNK DRIVER Estella Middleton, RFD 1, was in St. Joseph's Hospital last night as a result of an automobile accident in the 1000 block of W. Liberty Street. The police have sworn out a war- rant for her arrest on a drunk driv- ing charge.{ Sinister Sophs See Secret Summons As Symbol Of Success A modern Paul Revere was abroad last night. He was a member of theI class of '37, and he did his work well, His means of conveyance was not a horse but a telephone, but even so he' covered a lot of ground. Yes! The sophomores are arming for the fray. No longer are the fresh- men to be allowed to strike the first' blow. A message has gone out, a plan has been formed. Woe to the men of , '37. For the first time in recent years' the sophomore class is confident of winning the fall games. No amount of bribery - no threats of coercion -nothing can make the haughty leaders of '37 reveal the' secret of their good cheer. Their lips are sealed to all but members of their own class. To them they issue a1 blanket invitation to join the modern minute-men. Sophomores claim that the freshmen will be: "Out of their beds, all of a shiver, In a wild dash for the Huron river." Eighteen Selected For Varsity Debate; Eighteen men have been selected for the Men's Varsity Debate Squad" for the current semester, James H.' McBurney announced yesterday. Ward Allen, Collins Brooks, Wil- liam Centner, Stewart Cram, Herbert Grosch, Joe Harmon, Robert Hill, Jul- ius Joseph, Edward Litchfield, John McWilliams, Jack Moekle, Robert Molloy, Karl Nelson, H. L. Schnider- man, Samuel Travis, Jack Weissman,, Eugene Wilhelm, and Abe Zwerdling were the men chosen. A meeting of this group will be held at 10 a.m. Saturday in Room 4203 Angell Hall, Mr. McBurney said. The men chosen for the squad were selected out of a group of 42. Addi- tional tryouts will be held Tuesday, Oct. 1. He added that all men on the campus interested in inter-collegiate debating are invited to take part. He urged all men who intend to report next Tuesday to get information con- cerning these tryouts in Room 107 Haven Hall. U. S. Agents Take Charge Of Stoll Case Nathan Accepts Leadership In Nationwide Search For LoneKidnaper Relatives Wait Call For Ransom Money Federal Authorities Fear For Safety Of Kentucky Society Matron LOUISVILLE, Ky., Oct. 11. - (P) - Placing Mrs. Alice Stoll's safety above all else, Kentucky and Louisville au- thorities tonight accepted the leader- ship of Federal agents in the hunt for the young brunette society matron who was slugged and taken from her home by a lone kidnaper yesterday. Harold Nathan, of Washington, as- sistant director of the Department of Justice Division of Investigation, who reached here today, accepted the leadership. He concurred with emphasis in the concern expressed by Mayor Neville Miller, of Louisville, for Mrs. Stoll's safety. "Our first wish is the safe return of the girl," Nathan said. "We must be assured she is safe before we can do anything else. We would rather have that than anything else, even if it meant we could not make a case or even an arrest." Meanwhile, relatives of Berry V. Stoll, Louisville oil executive and hus- band of the victim, awaited word from the kidnapers, but said no contact had-been made. The Stollhtelephone lines were kept cleared in hopes of a call. Mrs. Stoll was ill with a severe cold when kidnaped. William Stoll, president of the Louisville Board of Trade and brother of Berry, said: "We only want Alice back. I have been here at my phone waiting for some word but we have heard noth- ing." The announcement of Mayor Mil- ler was made at a conference of all police officials connectd with the case. Among those attending was Kentucky's Adjutant General, H. H. Denhardt, County Judge Ben Ewing, Nathan, and Dunlap Wakefield, Louis- ville director of safety. George Stoll, another brother of Berry, represented Athe family at the conference. "The family is so very anxious to expedite negotiations and the return of Mrs. Stoll that they prefer not to give out any information," he said in a written statement. He refused to discuss the ransom demanded, reported to have been $50,- 000. The kidnap's victim is a member of a family which has been promi- nent in the history of Kentucky since pioneer days and was closely connect- ed with President Abraham Lincoln. One of her ancestors, James Speed, served as attorney general in Lincoln's cabinet. False Tip Thwarts Sheriff In Heroic Search For Killer Washtenaw County deputy sheriffs almost caught the murderers of lit- tle Lillian Gallaher yesterday - al- most but not quite. A dramatic wire flashed into the sheriff's office here stating that a car containing Merton W. Goodrich and his wife, hunted throughout the na- tion as the killers of the 11-year-old Detroit girl, was speeding to Ann Ar- bor. They were on the Ann Arbor road, the wire stated, and had just passed through Plymouth. The excited deputies hustled down the stairs of the county jail, armed to the teeth. And, parked directly across the street, the hunted car met their gaze. They ran to the car, jerked open the door, and saw a mild looking couple who turned out to be, not vic-' ious kidnappers, but Mr. and Mrs.' William E. Heaton of Chicago. After questioning the Heatons, the Washtenaw deputies reluqtantly wired Oakland county officers and State police that the search was off. Johnson To Become NRA CodeExpert Former Blue Eagle Chief May Serve As Unofficial Arbitrator WASHINGTON, Oct. 11. - (AP) - Hugh S. Johnson was reported today by friends to be considering setting up his own private Blue Eagle offices as an expert extraordinary of NRA codes. As have some others who have stepped out of high New Deal posts the former NRA chief also would serve as unofficial promoter of Pres- ident Roosevelt's industrial peace plan. A number of outstanding indus- trialists and labor leaders are known to have approached Johnson seeking the dynamic general's services as a special adviser after he formally quits NRA next Monday. They report the proposal is receiv- ing Johnson's consideration. Some observers even believe the subject has been the topic of White House dis- cussion. Annual Parent Institute Will Convene Here The Fifth Annual Parent Educa-' tion Institute, sponsored by the ex- tension division in co-operation with the Michigan Congress of Parents and Teachers and the School of Education, will meet Nov. 1, 2, and 3 in Ann Arbor. Prominent speakers will be Dr. LeRoy E. Bowman of the Child Study Association of America; Dr. Caroline Hedger of the Elizabeth McCormick Memorial Fund, Chicago; and Dr. Paul F. Voelker, superintendent of public instruction. Other speakers wil be from the faculty of the University, and prominent authorities on parent education throughout the State. Meetings will also be held in the University High School Auditorium and in the Lydia Mendelssohn The- atre. A luncheon Saturday, Nov. 3, at the Michigan Union, followed by a con- ference on teacher-training institu- tions will close the sessions. Ruthven And Huber Speak. To Graduates Annual Convocation And Reception Are Held At League Nearly 600 students of the graduate school, their wives, and members of the various faculties heard addresses by Pres. Alexander G. Ruthven and Dean G. Carl Huber yesterday in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre at the i annual graduate school convocation. President Ruthven warned against "the tendency of graduate students] to specialize too much." Many things, are needed for a well-educated man,1 he said, and "there is a danger of forgetting this fact."i "We are passing into an era of con- science," he said, "and a knowledge of art, of music, and of the incentive for religious thought"-- are needed. "Education is continuous," the President added. "And the expert who knows nothing else is no better and deserves no more credit than the star athlete who knows nothing else." "However," he concluded, "the ex- pert can be educated too, and, to dos so and have a full, well-rounded life i should be the goal.'' The President praised Dean Huber i as "a great scholar, honored and re- spected throughout the world." In his address, which preceded that of President Ruthven, the graduate school dean stated that "a notable feature of the school is that there are few fixed and rigid rules for regu- lating the number of students." 1 During the depression, he claimed, "750 have come out of the graduate I school with degrees, 100 of these doc- 4 torates." Dean Huber said that he at first feared many who received degrees from the graduate school did not find positions, but stated his belief that the great majority of them did. He praised the junior college sys- tem and inferred that, in the future, all teachers in those schools will be doctors. In closing, he left this thought with his audience, "success lies with the individual, and a great factor is anj optomistic appreciation of opportun- ity:" An informal reception and dance in the League followed the convocation. Y.M.C.A. Heads To Meet In Ann Arbor The heads of the various Y.M.C.A. organizations in the Big Ten schools will convene Nov. 10 and 11 in Ann Arbor, Russell F. Anderson, president of the Student Christian Association, announced yesterday. Noted faculty men from some of the Big Ten schools and state secretaries of the Y.M.C.A. will be in attendance The student leaders that will be here are Ralph Wareham, University of Iowa; Vin Borderud, Northwestern; Robert Dierks, University of Minneso- ta; John Porter, Purdue; Jack Brick- er, Western Reserve; Frank Seaman, University of Illinois; Edwin Wilkie, University of Wisconsin; Robert Ives, Ohio State University; and Robert C. Johnson, University of Cincinnati. Anti-Italian Riots Stage*d In Paris By Jugoslavians Two Men Are Held Near P a r is As Accomplices Of Assassin French Cabinet Is Expected To Resign Murder Of King Alexander Repudiated By Italy's Official Press PARIS, Oct 11- (P) - That the 10 shots which Petrus Kalemen fired still choed through Europe was evidenced today when Jugoslavs staged anti- [talian riots and French political ob- servers confidently predicted that remier Gaston Doumergue's cabinet vould resign in mass for reorganiza- ion. . Albert Sarraut's resigriation as min- ister of the interior early today was xpected to be only the first of official eads that will roll in consequence of the tragedy. The new boy king of the southern Slavs, 11-year-old Peter, prepared to leave Paris for Belgrade with his nother, Queen Marie, as official ources here and at Rome expressed )elief that the anti-Italian demon- trations in Jugoslavia would not en- langer Europe's peace. Net Closing on Accomplices 'French police were firmly convinced that an international terrorist outfit was back of Alexander's assassination. Officials of the Surete Nationale an- iounced they were steadily drawing the net around suspected accomplices >f Kalemen. A chain of evidence already in the ands of police led them to believe that they would be able to solve the nurder of the Jugoslav king. At Annemasse, France, police grill- d two men - Wladislav Benes and ifaroslav Novack, who said they were orn on territory then Austrian but iow Italian - believing they were ac- omplices of Kalemen In the forest of Fontainebleu arm- d posses of gendarues and gardes nobiles were steadily closing in on till another suspect believed trapped n that ancient royal hunting ground. Arrest of this third man, identified s Sylvester Chalny by papers he let al when police seized him once be- ore, was confidently expected before norning. The trail picked up at Annemasse was believed by Paris police to be the nost promising. Questioning of the two, the Surete Nationale said, brought indication that the assassina- tion band was divided into two sec- tions, one at Marseilles, the other at Paris. If the Marseilles attempt failed the final act of the drama was to be staged in Paris. Italian Attacked An employee of the Italian consul- ate was severely pummeled but not seriously injured by crowds at Ljubl- jana that had just learned of Alex- ander's death. Police escorted the Italian home as the crowd hooted Italy derisively. Authorities here and at Ljubyjana denied that the Italian official actu- ally had been manhandled or that there had been public demonstrations with speeches against Italy. Jugoslavia's decision to honor her dead king for his efforts to tighten the bonds tying Serbs, Croats, Slov- enes and other races into one nation was taken at today's session of the National Parliament, and enthusiastic acclaim greeted it. Young Peter's proclamation as King to replace his father was made by both houses of Parliament sitting at a National assembly, in a scene of sadness and silence. REPUDIATE ASSASSINATION ROME, Oct. 11 - ( ) - Italy's of- ficial press tonight was clearly ready to repudiate the assassination of King Alexander of Jugoslavia, no matter who his assassin was, as Benito Mus- solini closely watched developments in Jugoslavia growing out of the trag- edy. Riots at Ljubljana and Sarajevo directed at Italy caused no great con- cern here, and the press regarded with profound repugnance and disapprov- al the deed at Marseilles. Although Italy has openly sympa- thized with Croatia, Jugoslavia's northern quarter, in its differences Arrest Labor Transportation Library Center' Of Research On Evans' Life head For Fight DuringPicket Harry Reifin, labor leader in Ann Arbor and alleged instigator of thef student picketting of various stores last semester, was arrested today for assault and battery following a fight during a picket on the Ann Arbor Brewery. A Kentucky couple were lodged in county jail for carrying concealed weapons. According to the police, Reifin hit C. S. Thomas, secretary and treasur- er of the Ann Arbor Brewery during the picketting. He was placed under 3$100 bond after he pleaded not guilty and his case will be brought up Oct. 19. The Kentucky couple found in a stolen automobile with changed li- cense plates and carrying two fully loaded revolvers were arrested and held in County jail while police are investigating their past records. Giving their names as Eugene Free- man, 25, and Frances Freeman, 20, they were referred to Justice of Peace Jay H. Payne and put under $5,000 bond. The pair waived Justice courta proceedings in favor of trial in the circuit court. Christian Announces Recitals Will Be Continued This Season By RALPH W. HURDI Greville Bathe of Philadelphia, who has been working for the last two years on a biography of Oliver Evans, considered one of the greatest engi- neers this country has ever produced, has for the last few days centered his I activities in the Transportation Li- brary of the University. Oliver Evans is credited with the invention of the high-pressure steam engine, an invention that came about, the same time as James Watt's dis- covery of the low-pressure steam en- gine, and given much greater im- portance by engineering authorities than Watt's creation. Although his- tory makes little or no recognition, Health. The machine was driven by! steam, and is considered as the first vehicle to make its appearance on the roads of this country. Bathe became sufficiently interest- ed in the machine to make a model of it. After months of research, he completed the model, and it is now' on display in the Franklin Institute of Philadelphia. His research awak- ened his inter'est in Oliver Evans' fur- ther possibilities as a great engineer. Since that time Bathe has devoted Prof. Palmer Christian, School of 1 Music organist, has announced a series of three organ recitals, the first of which will be given at 4:15 p.m., Wednesday, Oct. 17, in Hill Auditor- ium. Parvin Titus, a great artist froml Christ Church, Cincinnati, will make his first appearance in Ann Arbor in this series. He will give a recital on Wednesday, Nov. 14. Professor Christian is commencing these Wednesday afternoon organ re- citals again this season due to the large number of requests that have been sent to the School of Music for them. Among the outstanding con- certs given in last year's series was wide use of the tonal resources of the famous organ in Hill Auditorium. His first number will be "Largo in E (Concerto Grosso No. 12)" by Hand- el. Continuing, he will play, "An- dante" by Stamitz and "Toccata and Fugue in D Minor" by Bach. Profes- sor Christian has chosen "Aftonfrid (Evening Peace)" by Hagg, "Inter- mezzo (Symphony VI)" by Widor, and "Passacaglia and Finale on Bach" by George Schumann for his next selections. 'He will conclude his pro-k gram with two numbers: "Reverie" by Debussy-Christian and "Rhaps- ody" by Sinding-Christian. The second concert in these series will be given by Mr. William Doty, in- structor in organ and teacher of all of his time to investigating everyi possible source of reference concern- EDITORS CRITICIZED ing Oliver Evans with the object of CHICAGO, Oct. 11. - (W) -College writing his life, both from the stand- editors who offer petty attacks on point of the man and the engineer. college authority and rules without Bathe's attention was drawn to the weighing consequences were them-