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Published every morning except Monday during the
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I934 f c+uj 1935 -
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CITY EDITOR..........................JOHN HEALEY
WOMEN'S EDITOR .....................ELEANOR BLUM
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Libraries Of
The Week...
PRINCETON PLANS a new library.
p The initial unit of the magnificent
Gothic pile will have a capacity of some two mil-
lion books, with eventual expansion making pos-
sible a total of five million volumes.
While detailed plans for this cathedral of learn-
ing have not been officially announced, reports
are that two richly-furnished lounges will be pro-
vided, each equipped with kitchenette for tea and
refreshments. Four-fifths of all the students in the
sccial sciences and humanities will have individual
desks and lockers.
Also under consideration are movable parti-
tions, designed to provide private alcoves for
small groups of students and take away from
the institutional atmosphere customary to such
No philanthropist has come forward to supply
the money with which to erect this sumptuous pal-
ace. On the contrary, a committee has been ap-
pointed to pass the hat among Princeton alumni.
Of course, there is no assurance that Princeton
alumni will subscribe with alacrity to such a
cause, but Princeton is going ahead with plans
to ask them.
Northwestern has a new library of which it is
proud. Expense was not considered in furnishing it
in the most modern Gothic manner; costly pictures
hang on its walls; 250,000 valuable books are on
its shelves. But Northwestern has a grievance. Stu-
dents want to know why their library, equipped
with beautiful paintings, priceless first editions,
and the best library fixtures, cannot be kept
open seven days of the week so that the present
generation of undergraduates may have an oppor-
tunity to benefit by the facilities at hand. They
have been told that nothing can be done about
the situation before April.
Michigan's library is probably much less preten-
tious than that of either of the other two schools.
Its lines are severe and there is nothing fussy about
its interior decorations. Michigan students would
never complain about that -provided its services
were adequate. But many of them, too, are wonder-
ing why their library can't be kept open on Sun-
A number of the 600 freshmen at Princeton
started right out letting the world know they were
freshmen on registration day.
One of the men asked in a questionnaire to
give the number of his roommates, said there
were 211. An official asked him about it and
he said he was certain because he had counted
every one in the registration room.
One refused to let his nickname be published
in the Freshman Herald, because he didn't want
his mother to know what he was. It turned out
Another when asked whether he was going
to work for a bachelor of arts or a bachelor of
science degree asked the registrar which was
the easier to get.
At the end of the day the registration force
wiped its brows and put the Princeton Class of
'38 down as the greenest on record.
There is an art in everything, says a junior at
the University of Wisconsin. Some girls say "no" as
if they were ladies while others say it as if you
were a gentleman.
Here's a sign on a store window on the University
of Indiana campus:
"The World
Is coming to an end
So we won't have to
Chase all over hell !"
At the University of Maryland the fraternities
have organized a Better Relations Club. It seems
as though for the last few years there has been
much back-slitting and throat-cutting between the
Greek houses.
Coming Or Goin
Philosophy Of
A University .
IT WOULD SEEM, from observation
of current undergraduates, that
there are two distinct motives instrumental in at-
tracting them to seek a university training.
Most are apparently here in order to expand
their economic potentialities; they seek prepara-
tion for professional or other specialized busi-
ness activities.
Others, and they are few, want the University
to help them to learn to live the "Good Life"; they
want to widen, to broaden their appreciation of
life, to expand their capacity for a more intense,
rounded existence.
The classification is not as distinct as it would
appear on paper; students are generally and
admittedly here to enable themselves to earn
money more easily, apd, incidentally, to absorb
some of this "culture."'
Dogmatic though it may seem, we cannot help
decrying the wasted opportunities that exist here
at Michigan among those who close their eyes
to an existence of infinitely more possibilities than
a mere preparation for a means to earn a living.
If perhaps we seem to exalt this approach, it is
because within the years of our experience, we have
witnessed too many high-school students coming
to learn a trade. They learn it, graduate and
settle into a rutted, narrow-visioned existence
that has never seen the beauty and grandeur that
is within their power to enjoy. They are, in a
word, moles that have sweated and died, and never
seen the light. University has done nothing, really,
for them.
Money cannot of coqrse be ignored. The pursuit
of it, however, seems to have absorbed us beyond its
due proportions, and the general philosophy that
pervades the country is thus evidenced in our
universities. Is it not time, perhaps, that we as
a growing country, settled down to the science of
living the life that we have been so busy earning
for the last 158 years?
We cannot help mourning the passing of the
traditional universities of the type of Heidel-
burg and Leipzig. They held a secret that we have
never known. Can we but dream of a university
where we would go to studies in the morning, to
sit with inspiring men who inflame us with a pas-
sion for knowledge; to set out in the afternoons
through the fields, or sit by the side of a stream
experiencing a profound response within ourselves
to the grandeur of our universe; to argue passion-
New Course Of The NRA
(St. Louis Post-Dispatch)
THE EXPECTATION that reorganization of the
NRA and the retirement of General Johnson
would result in sharp alteration of NRA policies
has already been justified. Both as to price-fixing
and labor, NRA under Donald Richberg, its new
chief, is showing it is responsive to widespread
criticism. Last week Mr. Richberg intimated that,
to achieve the objectives of NRA, the government
will henceforth rely on such provisions of the codes
as minimum wages and maximum hours to prevent
sweatshops and cut-throat competition. The pur-
pose is to get away from price-fixing and other
monopolistic practices and to place business on a
sound competitive basis.
The storm against price-fixing has been brewing
for a long time, particularly since the publication
of the Darrow report last spring. Though intem-
perately phrased, the report made an impregnable
case against the NRA on the ground that it
favored monopoly at the expense of small business
and the consumer. Last July, in an editorial en-
titled "The Future of the NRA," we called atten-
tion to Section 3A of the National Industrial Re-
covery Act, which seemed to have been overlooked
in the mad rush of codification which took place
last fall. Section 3A says that "such code or codesa
shall not permit monopolies or monopolistic prac-
Over 100 codes have a monopolistic tinge. In
fairness to General Johnson, it must be said that
he was not blind to the dangers of price-fixing
in the monopolistic provisions. Several months
ago, price provisions of national codes governing
eight local service industries were nullified and
the attempt to codify 53 others was abandoned.
Permitting firms bidding on government contracts
to quote prices 15 per cent below the code figures,
the government itself engaged in evasion of the
NRA. In various other respects, the NRA has
recognized the undesirability and unworkability of
monopolistic code provisions. Now, the work of
rewriting the codes in this regard is apparently
to go on until they have been thoroughly purged.
As to the NRA policy toward labor, Mr. Richberg
sought to clarify the National Labor Relations
Board's recent ruling on collective bargaining. The
construction generally placed upon this ruling is
that the majority of the workers in a plant are en-
titled to speak, through their representatives,
for all the workers. Mr. Richberg gave the inter-
pretation that if an individual does not care to
participate in an election held by a group of work-
ers, he is not bound by its result..
Declaring that individual bargaining is a mock-
ery in large industrial establishments where the
mere matter of convenience dictates the selection
of delegates to present grievances, Mr. Richberg -
pointed out that there are thousands of businesses
employing five, ten, or fifteen men in which indi-
vidual bargaining may be a very real right. This
construction is wholly within the language of Sec-
tion 7A.
In discussing future NRA policy on Sept. 27. we
expressed the view that certain things are funda-
mental, namely:
1. Price-fixing devices must be abandoned.
2. In the field of normally competitive in-
dustry, the anti-trust laws should be restored.
3. Labor and capital should be left free to
settle their differences without governmegital
NRA - Confusion Worse
(Chicago Daily Tribune)
TRA WITH JOHNSON out is supposed to be
something that it wasn't with him in, but
what that new thing is to be is not clearly revealed.
People affected by it may find it now wholly am-
biguous and uncertain. Under General Johnson it
was monopolistic, price-fixing, and a labor dis-
Section 7A, the proposed Magna Charta of labor,
seemed in its simplest essence to provide that no
one should be subject to prejudice or penalties in
promoting the organization of workers for collec-
tive bargaining, and that employers should receive
representatives of such organizations and reach
agreements with them.
A.F. of L. officials supposed that this was the
road to the closed shop in all industries, assuming
that their organizers with the law behind them
could win the support of a majority of the workers,
if not all, in all the great industries. This result
has not followed. Organized labor accuses many
employers of defeating the purpose of the act by
counterfeiting true labor organizations in their
company unions and punishing the men who try
to affiliate with the A. F. of L.
The present administration of the NRA no doubt
would be relieved if it could find clear cut cases
showing that in all disputes there was a majority
anxious to be represented in collective bargaining
by A. F. of L. unions. It could then rest upon
the decision in the Houde case that the minority
in a shop was bound by the agreements made by
a majority of the employes.
Mr. Richberg, taking General Johnson's place
as the mouthpiece of the NRA, has thus far only
added to the confusion in which administrative
purpose and programs are involved. He has mad,
some speeches and statements which have been
construed three and four days. He seemed to yield
to the consumer's protests voiced in Congress and
in public speeches by Senator Borah attacking the
monopoly purposes of the recovery act, and he was
quoted in an intelligent decision against price. fix-
ing which he appears now to discount without
clearing it up.
If any employer or any labor representative
knows what 7A means from any statement Mr.
Richberg has made he is either a genius at pene-
trating a fog or he has hit upon one of the three
or four conflicting interpretations which could be
construed as containing the true meaning. One
guess is that majority organizations may reach
agreements, but that minorities are to be protected
as individuals. That says something but doesn't
mean anything. Neither employers nor workmen
would stand for discriminatory agreements, -and at
present they're not to be blamed if they do not
know what agreements they can make. If Mr.
Richberg knows what he means it might be worth
his while to set it carefully down in a considered
The NRA has provoked and irritated labor; it
has worked shocking injustice in numerous cases
of small men in business; it has caused spreading
industrial unrest; it has given American laws some
amazing victims whose treatment will forever
stand as strange and outrageous incidents in Amer-
ican annals, and it has pleased only some indus-
trialists who thought that it would bring down
anti-trust laws in its own eollanse .Rut it has