PAGE TWO T HE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1934 --------- ------ -- --- --- DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Cpy received at the office of the Assistant to the President until 3:30; 11:30 a~rn Saturday. rY cgosla.h, 1 I(P e'Il'Ch AsstISF l11elit IFIrance Screen Reflections CLASSIFIED DIRECTORYI rt THURSDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1934 VOL. XLV No. 15 Notices Convocation for Students of the Graduate School: Students of thel Graduate School are cordially invitedj to attend a convocation on Thursday evening, Oct. 11, in the Michigan League Building. Brief addresses, with words of greeting, will be made by President A,. G. Ruthven and Dean G. Carl Huber beginning promptly at 8:15 o'clock in the Lydia Mendels- sohn Theatre, followed by an inform- al reception and dancing in the ball- room. The husbands and wives of graduate students are invited to par- ticipate.j the general offices of the University S~hool of Music, on Maynard Street. At that time all unsold season tickets will be offered at public sale at $5.00,, $7.00, $8.00, and $10.00 each. In addi-3 tion to admission coupons the ten Choral Union Concerts, each season ticket contains a $3.00 coupon re- deemable when applied towards the purchase of a season May Festival ticket later in the year. Orders received by mail or left at the office, up to noon Friday, Oct. 12, will be filled in sequence in advance before the public sale. Academic Notices G. Carl Huber, Dean I'Political Science 291. Seminar in Political Science, International Law Notice To Freshmen: Those stu- and Philostphy of Law: Discussion of dents Who have not yet taken the fundamental problems and of cur- AT THE MAJESTIC CLASS ** "THE WORLD MOVES ON" Se Majestic theatre presents the Fox Picture, 'TI w World Movs On," Place adve rsemns wiih c lasifiedl pioduced by Finf'eld Sheehan. starring Acvertin' Dprnt. Phone 2114 Madeleine Carroll and iFranchot Tcne,. The lamf tc olumns oflse t five eltedo.ock previous to day of insertn a n ietc yJh od Box rnbeis may be secured at no "The World Moves On" is just a- extra elarge. Other would-be colossal, gigantic epic Cash in aance-lle per reaUn line of the century. As this it is a failure, ne bf i u of five avrage ors to because it has no significance from' re lne for three or an historical viewpoint, nor has it any n per inertln Ether sort of message, so to speak,! for lci 'a pe r"arin. .'line that might put it in this class. If it 14e per reaing itnefo"r .hree orj were not for the acting of Madeleine moreioetions. E 1~~01,t>discoruntI, t paid fwi:Ihinu ten clays Carroll and Franchot Tone and the from the date of la inmeton. iniu" "' r lin; p ri r. pekles of Stephin Fechit comedy, By contract, Pr.line-- 2 inesdaly. one there would be little reason to recom- month...........................c 4 lines E.O.D., mo ........c mend it. 2 lines daily, college yer.........7c The plot is more characteristically 4 lines E.O.D., colee year........7c threadbare than anything else, being 300 lines used an ofishot of such productions as "The 1,000 lines used as desired........7c 2,000 lines used as desired ........ Fc House of Rothschild' and "Caval- The abo;'e rates are^per reading line. cade." Commencing in the early part based on eight reading lines per inch. Ionic type, upper and lower case. Add of the nineteenth century, with the 6c per line to above rates for all capital reading of a will, the action revolves letters. Add6 e per line to above for Nbold face, upper and lower case. Add 10c about plans laid for the Girard fam- per line to above rates for bold face ily of New Orleans. Their interests capital letters. The above rates are for 71' point are in cotton manufacture, and their type. purpose to expand and prosper byI nteans of it. One of their number FOR RENT - APARTMENTS is established in Germany, another in_- France, and connections with Eng- SUITE with private bath and shower land are made through marriage. for men. Law student desires room- From then on their exploits are un- mate. 422 E. Wash. Dial 8544. folded one by one, and they are seen FURNISHED APARTMENT, three enduring trials and troubles of all rooms, kitchenette, private bath. sorts. The apex of their difficulties 313 Pauline Blvd., near stadium. comes along with the World War, and they are forced to fight each other. 'FURNISHED APARTMENT: Living But they survive it successfully, and room, bedroom, bath, sleeping continue until Oct., 1929. That is porch $5 a week. Heat, light, garage. the end of their prosperity and con- 2915 Kimberley Rd. sequently of the picture. ~~R LAUNDRY I There is a love story present, of - - -- course. It is very nearly a reproduc- STUDENT.Hand Laundry. Prices rea- F+ ,i,, sonable. Free delivery. Phone 3006 FOUND: Suede jacket Tuesday Ai- gell Hall. William Favel. Phone 2-1777. 736 ". State St. LOST: Grey polo topcoat, probably in East Physics Bldg. Wi. Boice. Ph. 2-3236. Reward. PROFESSIONAL SERVICES FRATERNITIES AND SORORITIES Call the Kempf Music St udios for artistic piano tuning. Terms rea- sonable. Phone 6328. 1x WATCH REPAIR SERVICE: Backed by our own factory facilities. Burr, Patterson & Auld Co. Manufactur- ing Fraternity Jewelers and Sta- tioners, '603 Church St. TUTORING: In Spanish. Phone 2-1918. NOTICE t x { tests required of all entering fresh- rent questions of sociological, juridi- men will be expected to make up these cal and ethical State Science, of examinations on Thursday, Oct. 11 International Law, and of Philosophy Meet for the Psychological exam- of Law. An intensive study of select- ination on Thursday, Oct. 11, at four ed general problems in state, law and o'clock in Room 205, Mason Hall. international organization. The in- Ira M. Smith, Registrar te ition is not so much to deal with dogmatic statements of the law as to Women Students Attending the deveIop in the student the ability to Chicago-Michigan Football Game: see in current questions of the state, Women students wishing to attend of the law and of the International the Chicago-Michigan football game Community of States the fundament- ate required to register in the Office al problems which are important not of the Dean of Women. only for one single country but for A letter of permission from parents the whole of mankind. Thursdays, must be received in the Dean of 3-5, 2037 A. H. Professor Laun. Two Women's Office not later than Thurs- hours credit. Faculty members and day, Oct. 11. If a student wishes to graduate students from the depart- go otherwise than by train special ments are invited to attend. permission for such mode or travel must be included in the parent's let- Make-Up Examinations in all his- t xaiaininalhs tr. Ltory courses will be given Saturday, Graduate women are invited to Oct. 20, at 9 a.m., in Room C. Haven register in the office. \ Hall. Students taking a make-up ex- Byri Fox Bacher, amination in history must see the in- Assistant Dean of Women structor in charge of the course before 4 EAT AT BODINE'S a 432 S. Division 13 meals $Oi per week..... 20 meals ...... $3.5 All home-cooked food. You will like it. -Associated Press Pioto King Alexander (above) of Yugoslavia was shot and billed by assas- sins while parading through the streetE of Marsahs, Frn ace. with Leus Barthou, French foreign minister, also slain, and g(raa Alphonse Joseph George of the French superior war council, wh as wounded seriously. King Alexander was on a goon will trip to France. . : , i- alumni art work at the Art Exchange Michigan Vanguard Club meeting on the second floor of the Women's tonight at 7:30 in the Michigan Un League Building every afternoon and ion. Mr. Tarni Sinha, prominen evening this week. The public is Hindu student on the campus wil cordially invited, talk on, "The Situation Confronting the Hindu Peoples Who Have Settle FINANCE CO. offers bargains in re- possessed and repurchased cars. Many 1934 cars with low mileage included. We will trade and extend convenient terms.. Open evenings. 311 W. Huron. Ph. 2-3267. FOR SALE FOR SALE: Full dress suit, cheap. Size 40 to 42. Call 7436. Graduate School Students: Regu- larly enrolled graduate students, who hold the rank of Instructor, or above, at another institution, are asked to leave their names at the office of the Graduate School, 1014 Angell Hall, at the earliest convenience. This ap- plies only to married students. G. Carl Huber, Dean Interclass Hockey - Women Stu- dents: There will be two more inter- class hockey practices on Thursday, Oct. 11 and Tuesday, Oct. 16 at 4:15 p.m. on Palmer Field. To be eligible for a team a player must have at- tended three practices and have had either a complete medical exam, or a heart and lung recheck. Choral Union Tickets: The "over the counter" sale of season Choral Union tickets will begin Saturday morning, Oct. 13, at 8:30 o'clock at Oct. 16. history 11 - Lecture Section III: T tiTh at 2 will meet hereafter in Room 231 A. H. instead of B Haven. Exhibitions Fall Showing of student and t .1 t' e .e na IL 15c TO 6- 25c AFTER 6 WTH;ITN EYP 'Daily 1:30 -- 11 P.M. NOW Two Features ANN SOTHERN ROBT. ARMSTRONG A gel's popularity is inverse- ly proportionate to the size of her electric light bill. and- SALLY BLANE HENRY B. WALTHALL1 CityPark" I25c after Every Dav The memorial exhibition of paint-] ings by Gari Melchers now being: shown in the West Gallery of Alumni Memorial Hall will be open Thursday] evening, Oct. 11, from 7:30 to 9:30.+ Events Today] Engineers: The first meeting of the student branch of the A.I.E.E. will be held at 7:30 p.m. in room 248 West] Engineering Bldg. All interested stu- dents and particularly electrical stu- dents are urged to attend. This meet-1 ing is of particular importance to freshman and sophomore engineers. Members for the present year will be accepted at this meeting. Refresh- ments will be served gratis.- Men Varsity Debate: Final tryouts' will be held for the men's varsity de- bating team in Room 4203 Angell Hall] from two to four p.m. All men on the campus interested in intercol- legiate debating are invited to take' part. Complete information concern- ing these tryouts may be obtained in Room 107 Haven Hall.I Cerele Francais: The first meeting of the Cercle Francais will take place at 7:30 p.m. in Room 408 Romance Language Building. Mr. Charles Koella will give a short, informal talk about his recent European travels. Transportation Club: Business meeting 7:30 p.m. in room 1213, East' Eng. Bldg. Undergraduate Fund Campaign Ccmin'tfec: There will be a meeting of the Undergraduate Fund Cam-1 paign Committee in the Undergrad- uate Office at the League at 4 o'clock. The following girls are urged to be present: Mary Margaret Barnes, Winifred Bell, Betty Chapman, Jane Haber, Hazel Hanlan. Mary Alice Kreiger, Mary Efizabeth Moore, Mary Murphy, Anita Noble, Jane Peters,' Marion Saunders, Dorothy Utley. AR BOR SPR I Has That Sparkl Found Only In PL Delivered to your home in cases of six 2 PHONE 8270 FOR Mimes, of the Michigan Union, will hold an important business meeting at 4:00 o'clock in room 302, the Union. Final discussions on this year's Opera book will be held. It is important that all members be present. Hillel Foundation: The first weekly Hillel tea and open house of the year will be held this afternoon from four to six o'clock. The tea wi i be spon- sored by the Kappa Nu fraternity and everyone is cordially invited to attend. House Committee: Meeting at the League, at 4:15. See Bulletin board for room number. Be there,5other- wise notify Sue M~ahleir at 22591. Zone 9: There will be a meeting in the League at 8 p.m. Consult the bulletin board for the room. Hockey Players: Today will be the last day for new players to try' out f l zq m Prcrti ifs ,415 in California." Mr. Sinha has jus returned from a trip in that stat and is well informed concerning th problems of Hindu immigrants i California. tion of that in S6milin Th'rough, 'but in spite of this, it is praiseworthy be- cause it is real and convincing. Made- leine Carroll, fresh from England, puts a lot into her role, and gets a lot out of it, that is, what is to be had. Franchot Tone is somewhat miscast, but the picture does not suffer as much because of this as it does from its more oustanding shortcomings. "The World Moves On" seems to have little reason for having been produced, because it is a pot-pourri of every sort of picture, rolled into one, with the result that nothing pre- dominates, nothing interests the audi- ence sufficiently, and all the elements conflict with each other rather than helping each other. Consequently, the observer must pick out the parts of it that he liked best and forget the rest. From all indications, the love story will probably receive the most consideration.' The Majestic has a comedy that' helps the program greatly. It is one of the satirical type, showing movie shots from the past along with which goes the wisecracks of a commenta- tor. It is so much better than the pie- throwing slapstick brand that it is deserving of favorable comment. Mae West is coming Saturday in "Belle of the Nineties! " There is nothing more to say. r'Vt4Fi . I t7 ~ lYlt,'. LIUI V 9x PERSONAL laundry service. We take individual interest in the laundry problems of our customers. Girls' silks, wools, and fine fabrics guar- anteed. Men's shirts our specialty. Call for and deliver. Phone 5594, 611 E. Hoover. 2x LAUNDRY 2-1044. Sox darned. Careful work at low price. 4x LI STUDENT SPECIAL: Rough dry 8c pound. Shirts, beautiful hand fin- ish, 10c extra. Home Hand Laun- dry. 520 E. Liberty, 628 Packard. Phone 8894. 5x WANTED WANTED: MEN'S OLD AND NEW suits. Will play 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 dol- lars. Phone Ann Arbor 4306. Chi- cago Buyers. Temporary office, 200 North Main. 7x LOST AND FOUN -- LOST: Michigama pin on campus. Reward. Call George Duffy. 6317. LOST: Gold M ring, Saturday. Re- ward. M Hamilton, Betsy Barbour. does his bit to tame a society deb and get one swell scoop for his paper. It has been a long time since we could definitely recommend that you tread the ways downtown, but this show is really worth it. It's the excep- tion that proves the rule. -C.A.E. STUDENT LAUNDRY. water. Will call for Telephone 4863. N Good soft and deliveI. 3x Show you something smart? . ... No sooner asked than done. Look at the smart- est shirt that's come out in a long time-Arrow's ARATAB - with a tab collar that's made as only Arrow can make a collar. ARATAB is Sanforized Shrunk. It will stay the right size forever!l $1.95 up. STATE SRE ET -C.B.C. AT THE WHITNEY .0 6 6 oar a class teaul . e It;15aA ±,i on Palmer Field. "CITY PARK" and "HELL CAT"' It is probably as much of a sur- Coining Events prise to you as it is to us to see the Michigan ame2 s: The first picnicWhitney up in the three-star class. ofithyegaDamies'er RoastilmbeThere has undoubtedly been some of the year, a Wiener Roast, xviii be -prejudice in the past on our part in held at the Island on Friday, Oct. 12. rjdc ntepato u ati held Husbandsland children are invited, reviewing the shows. But then, when Hasebandland gets all the way downtown, one Baseball and other games will beis tired, and naturally biased. One played, the activities starting at 4:00 thing is certain --no show at the p.m. Bring your own buns and wien- Whitney was ever over-rated, or at ers, or steak, and cups and spoons. least, not in our time. Hot coffee will be furnished. "City Park" is great in that it's different. The heroine doesn't marry Inter-Guild Party will be held Fri- the villain or anything like that, but day night at Lane Hall under the still the plot is new. She's picked up sponsorship of the SCA. All guilds in a city park, and by whom? Three are invited, tottering old men. The rest of the .__-:-.:-- - -story is their efforts to make the girl happy, including a rather mistaken attempt to aid Cupid in his daily la- ' hors. Sally Blaine does a good jot Ras the lost girl, and Henry B. Wal- thall, Matty Kemp, and Hale Ham- le and Tastness ilton are equally fine in the roles of{ re Spring Water the three old men. As a newspaperman (so-called) we -qt. bottles, or in large 5-gallon bottles couldn't appreciate to its fullest ex- tent, "The Hell Cat." It's the story 1UICK SERVICE IIof a hard-boiled news reporter, who Extra UNIVERSAL NEWS - Saturday "GIRL OF THE ,IMBERI,9ST 2 o 11 daily ^4 ' 14, II I DRUG SALE V S FJ S®. 1J.t % f 1'V LJ 11 ARBOR SPRINGS WATER CO. 416 W/est Huron Phone 8270 ___I Ir ' . -- - - - COMING SATURDAY N s II 75c Squibbs Mineral Oil Full Pint 59c Parke Davis or Abbott's $1.25 Ha liver Oil 50c Capsules 98c CIGARETTES Camels, Luckies, Chesterfields, GOld olds, Raleighs per Carton 2 packs for 25c $1.65 Content Value COY Bod y7owder 16o7 MILKOF MAGNESIA Full Pint 29c 50c iodent, Squibbs, Ipana, Kolynos Tooth Paste 34c a Tube 3 for $1.00 $2.15 Value Evening-in-Paris Corn binotion 0 C ;.t L h a 0 an 0 MAJESTIC ,T *eI eofthe Hnetiei " , .;9; * ,, ! ;. - NOT HFR EHUGE SHOW ON STAGE AND SCREEN ON STAGE ON SCREEN i ! 25 New PROBAK Jr. BLADES 59c Wayne Clifford SIX "111 merica's Own Novelty" SWiFT & DAL EY Alusical Vagabonds" Metro-Goldwyn's New Mystery Hit! "a-' ff;' J t t 'i S i'I * MAJESTIC 0 A Truly Great Picture rnd Great Entertainment! STATIONERY nl A Un&- a R".1 xl 11 f 3 . . 11111