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October 11, 1934 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1934-10-11

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The Weather
Fair and slightly warmer to-
day; tomorrow fair and some-
what colder.


iv iAu

ii moew I t

Philosophy Of Ay University,.
Libraries Of The Week



Regents Move


Better Financial
Set-Up Of Houses

Financial Stringency For
Insolvent Houses Will
Be Effective Next Fall
Use Of Intoxicating
Liquor Discouraged
Regulations For Dances,
House Parties Require
Written Permission
A definite move to establish fra-
ternities and sororities on a sounder
financial basis by a series of regula-
tions has been made by the Board
of Regents, literally putting the fate
of fraternities and sororities in the
hands of the University.
Effective next fal, no fraternity or
sorority may open if on July 1 of any
year it has unpaid accounts receivable
from its members exceeding a total
of $200, or its unpaid accounts pay-
able for the immediately preceding
year total $500, according to an an-
nouncement made yesterday.
Must Have Adviser
Before 4tov. 1, 1934, each fraternity
and sorority is required, by the new
rules,,to appoint an alumni financial
adviser who must reside in or near
Ann Arbor. This adviser is required to
submit to the dean of students an
operating budget for his fraternity at
the beginning of each semester, based
on the number of students then in
residenceat the house, a monthly fi-
nancial statement, a monthly balance
sheet, and an acceptable audit of the
chapter accounts at the close of each
school year, each of these reports to
be countersigned by the fraternity ad-
Esxceptions to the rule that houses'
will be closed if they have excessive
accounts payable and receivable may
be nade only byaconmittee qi three.
This committee will consist, for fra-
ternities, of a representative of the
University Alumni Conference, ap-
pointed by the president of the con-
ference; the faculty member of the{
executive committee of the Interfra-]
ternity Council, and a member of the
University faculty or administration,
appointed by the dean of students.
Committee Of Three Created
The committee of three for soror-
ities will consist of two members ofz
the Panhellenic Association and al
member of the University faculty or
administration appointed by the dean
of students.
Alvin H. Schleifer, '35, secretary1
of the Interfraternity Council, saidl
yesterday that he believed the rules
adopted can result only in a healthy1
condition for fraternities. "It will
eliminate the weaker houses which
have been living on credit for these
past years," he stated.
Schleifer believes that fraternity
men would be more conscientious1
about paying their debts if they knew
they were jeopardizing the existence
of- their fraternities.l
The University Committee on Stu-
dent Conduct also adopted a state-l
ment of the attitude of the University
on certain specific matters.I
First among these is that the Uni-z
versity is of the opinion that the1
use of hard liquors in a fraternity1
house "has a tendency to impair the
morale of the organization and is con-]
trary to the best interests of both thel
fraternity itself and of the Univer-
Dances Regulated
Permission for a dance sponsored
by any student organization will be]
given only after the organization has
presented to the dean of studentsl
the written acceptance of at least
two married couples to chaperon the
party, these chaperons to be either a.
member of the University Senate and
his wife, the parents of one of the
active members of the organization, or
persons selected from a list submitted

to the dean of students by the or-
ganization at the beginning of the
The written approval of the alumni
financial adviser will be necessary,
before a fraternity or sorority may
give a dance.
Before permissi- for a house party
will be given, arrangements must be
made for the members to move out, if
women guests are to remain in the
house overnight.
Curtis Completes Work
On Newest Dictionary,

Pitcher Rowe, Edna
Will Say The Word
And 'ie The Knot
DETROIT, Oct. 10. - The School-
boy Rowe-Edna Mary Skinner ro-
mance approaches a happy climax.
Lynwood the Schoolboy and Edna
Mary expect to be wed Thursday and
shortly after will settle down in El
Dorado. There remain only the ac-
tual tying of the knot, a few barn-
storming appearances by the Tiger's
ace pitcher and the duty of being the
guest of honor at a banquet to be giv-
en soon at El Dorado by the Governor
of Arkansas and all the great men
of that State.
While Schoolboy took care of some
business in Flint his fiancee appear-
ed Wednesday at the Probate Court
to see what could be. done about
avoiding the five-day interval be-
tween applying for the marriage li-
cense and obtaining it.
She was accompanied on her visit
by the wife of Gerald Walker, Tiger
outfielder. A hitch in the arrange-
ments made it necessary for a hear-
ing on the petition to be delayed and'
Edna Mary, observing that "this looks
so silly," left to return Thursday
New Deal Will
Bring Dictator,
Dorr Predicts

Opens Series
Of, Lectures
Ruth Bryan Owen Speaks
Here Next Thursday On
Business OfDiplomacy
Was One Of First
Women In Politics
Is Regarded As America's
Most Popular Envoy In
Foreign Lands
Ruth Bryan Owen, ambassador to
Denmark, will open the first of a
series of eight lectures sponsored by
the University Oratorical Association,
Thursday, Oct. 25, in Hill Auditorium,
when she speaks on "This Business
of Diplomacy."
In a little more than a year she
has come to be regarded as America's
most popular envoy in foreign lands
and the Danish people have come to
hold "Fru" Ruth Bryan Owen in high
affection and esteem.
Hailed as an orator of world-wide
fame, Mrs. Owen is a speaker of gen-
uine charm. It is said that she began
her speaking career making political
speeches for her famous father, Wil-
liam Jennings Bryan, when he was
making political speeches for the
presidency of the United States. Since
then she has had many unique and
varied experiences that have given
her interesting material for her pub-
lic addresses. .
Entered Politics Early
Mrs. Owen was born in Jacksonville,
Ill., and was the first woman ever to
represent that far-southern section
below Jacksonville, Fla., in political
It is said that her own romance
took her into far places. As wife of
Maj. Reginald Owen, M. C., son of
Sir Theodore Owen, she lived in Lon-
don, Egypt, and the West Indies In
war-time London, she was a member
of the executive committee of the
American Women's War Relief Fund.
Later in. , Egypt, she served as war
nurse in the voluntary aid detach-
ment in the Egypt-Palestine cam-
Legislation sponsored by Mrs. Owen;
in Congress made rapid progress. Her
ideas of Congressional responsibility
were said to be original. Each re-
cess saw her "reporting back" to her
people, no mere statement-issuing
process but a personal appearance;
in every town of her district. ,
Honored Young Citizens
Each Easter-time she brought to
Washington one boy, and one girl!
from each of her 18 counties both |
"best young citizens," elected by their
high school colleagues.
As a member of the Foreign Af-
fairs Committee, she was the first 1
woman sent to the Inter-Parliamen-
tary Union, meeting at London, Eng.,
the summer of 1930.
Season tickets for the series may
be obtained through the speech de-
partment or at Wahr's Bookstore.
The special season ticket prices for
the lectures are as follows: the three
central sections of the main floor, $3;
the extreme right and left sections
of the main floor, $2.75; the three
central sections of the first balcony,
$2.75; and the extreme right and left
sections of the first balcony, $2.50.
Single admission seats for individ-
ual lectures are priced at 75 cents for
the three central sections of the main
floor and the remainder of the audi-
torium 50 cents.
Persons ordering tickets through

the mail are asked to include postage
for the mailing of tickets.
The University of Michigan Club
of Southwestern Connecticut will'
hold a dinner and get-together at
7 p.m., Oct. 17, at the Hof-Brau in
New Haven.

Press Group
Will Convene
Here Nov. 8
Over -200 Executives To
Attend Sixteenth Annual
Assembly, Says Brumm
Rut hven Scheduled
As Dinner Speaker
Political, Economic, And
Social Trends Will Be
Basis Of Colloquium
Plans for the sixteenth annual con-
vention of the University Press Club
of Michigan were announced yester-
day by Prof. John L. Brumm, head of
the journalism department.
More than 200 editors and pub-
lishers of the State will convene
Thursday, Nov. 8, at the Union, for a
three-day colloquium on modern so-
cial, political, and economic trends
of the nation. The convention is spon-
sored each year by the journalism
department and the program is also
formed through the same department.
Opening Thursday morning with
registration at the Union, the con-
vention will continue Thursday after-
noon with a symposium on economic
trends. At this time delegates will
hear speeches by Prof. Max Handman
and Prof. Margaret Elliot, both of the
economics department here, and by
Jacob L. Crane of Chicago, a member,
of the Illinois State Planning Com-
mission. "The Economist's Dilemma"'
will be Professor Handman's topic.
Professor Elliot will speak on "Or-.
ganized Labor and the NRA," and,
Mr. Crane will speak on "State Plan-s
President Alexander G. Ruthven
and Marlen E. Pew of New York,
editor of "Editor and Publisher,"
will be the speakers at the banquet
Thursday night at the Union.-
Friday morning the symposium wll
deal with social and political trends.I
Four speakers have been secured in-
cluding De i Henry M. Bates of the
law school, who will speak o "Con-t
stitutional Interpretations in Times of
Emergency," Prof. Preston W. Slos-
son of the history department, who
will speak on "Definitions of Social-
Political Philosophies," Prof. Arthur
E. Wood of the sociology department,
who will speak on "The National
Program of Social Security," and Dr.
Nathan Sinai of the department of
public health, who will speak on "Med-
ical Insurance and the Michigan
Group luncheons for such organi-
zations as the Associated Press writ-
ers or the weekly newspaper editors
will be held Friday noon, followed
by a symposium on world problems.
At this time the Press Club will hear
Prof. James K. Pollock of the political
science department speak on "Fascist
Germany." He will be followed by Mr.
Pew, who will speak on "The News-
paper and the New Order," and by<
former Gov. William E. Sweet of Col-
orado, now connected with the Na-
tional Recovery Administration, dis-
cussing "The New Deal Outlook."''
9 Faculty Men
Will Speak,- At
Detroit Meeting

Continental Revolutionists;
War Improbable Slosson


I Possibilty Of Insurgency
By Croatians Seen In
Immediate Future
Will Sarejevo, 14
Be Repeated Now?
Assassination L a t e s t In
Gory History Of Serbian
Royal Dynasty
Will the bloody murder of King
Alexander repeat the tragic happen-
ings of Sarajevo in 1914?
Will this hail of bullets from the
gun of an assassin be the match to
light the tinder box of an already
turbulent Europe?
Probably not, thinks Prof. Preston
W. Slosson of the history department.
"It is possible," he said yesterday,
"that we may see within a short time
signs of Croatian insurrection, but
war between nations seems unlikely,
since responsibility for this disaster
cannot be atttributed to the French,
for though it was committed on
French soil, it was by the gun of a
Croatian subject."
"Trouble Rises In Jugoslavia"
"This trouble rises entirely from
conditions within Jugoslavia. King
Alexander in 1929 set himself up as
dictator in order to still the rebellion
that had been growing because of
Croatian dissatisfaction with the Ser-
bian ascendency in Jugoslavia. Ever
since the World War, when the Serbs
and the Croats were combined,
trouble has been boiling continuous-
ly, until,following thehassassina-
tion of Stephen Radich, Croatian
leader in the parliament, Alexander
abrogated the onstit'ttiDu ad set
up a temporary absolutism, becoming
the Mussolini of his country.
"A man who becomes dictator also
becomes a target for bullets," said
Professor Slosson.
"Thus it was that this Croatian
assassin, Petrus Kalemen, was vent-
ing the savage feeling of his race
against the Serbian domination over
their once cultured nation; he was
protesting in a rather violent way the
suppression of the Croats that may
now release itself in a bloody Jugo-
slavian rebellion."
"Assassin Not Italian"
"It is fortunate," pointed out Prof.
Howard M. Ehrmann of the history
department "that the assassin was
not found to be an Italian. War
would certainly have followed if such
had been the case, for the long hostil-
ity between Mussolini and King Alex-
ander was the cause of the present
conference with Louis Barthou,
French foreign minister who was also
slain. It was the intention of Barthou
to bring together the hostile powers
of Italy and Jugoslavia, in order to
establish more friendly relations be-
tween them.
"Furthermore, because Barthou,
General Georges, and eight other citi-
zens were also killed, it can hardly be
suspected that France could be held
responsible for the slaying, or that
she was in any way connected," add-
ed Professor Ehrmann.
Barthou was recognized as one of
(Continued on Page 6)

Succeeds To


State Socialism
Way Out By
Science AMan


Gang Of

Is Called

That the Roosevelt Administration
is "tilling the ground, not for the
'forgotten man' but for an upper
class dictatorship," is the opinion of
Dr. Harold M. Dorr of the political
science department, expressed last
night at the second Alpha Nu smoker.
Describing vividly how the middle
class, "the bulwark of our govern-
ment," was being submerged in a
rising class consciousness between the
upper and lower stratas. Dr. Dorr con-
fessed his belief that the solution lies
in state socialism.
Dr. Dorr challenged the statement
that the "ultimate source of authority
lies with the people." Up to now, he
inferred, it has always been in the
hands of the strong middle class,
"that group which prevented the in-
terests of the upper and lower classes
from clashing."
"Maybe our system of capitalism
and profits is not the only one," Dr.
Dorr suggested. "Perhaps there is
some way out, by which we can still
retain our middle class. I don't
know," he said.
"But if not, I see nothing ahead
but either an upper class such as
that in Italy or Germany or, which
may be better in the long run but
more severe, a dictatorship of the
lower classes. The first will only
be a temporary solution."
In the course of his address, Dr.
Dorr stated his conviction that the
Democratic party will return a major-
ity of congressmen to Washington
in the election Nov. 6.
Dr. Dorr was followed by Lyle Eis-
erman, '27, national president of
Kappa Phi Sigma, of which Alpha.
Nu is a member. Mr. Eiserman out-
lined the organization of the nation-
al society, stressing the advantages
of belonging to a forensic group.

Peter II To Be
Crowned Ruler
Of Jutoslavia
Parliament Hails Son Of
Assassinated Monarch To
Balkan Throne
BELGRADE, Jugoslavia, Oct. 10 -
(P) - Sitting in solemn, extraordin-I
ary session tomorrow, both houses of
the Jugoslav parliament will proclaim
11-year-old Crown Prince Peter king
over Jugoslavia's 16,000,000 Serbs,
Croats, Slovenes, and Dalmatians.
Until the new king arrives, the new-
ly appointed regency council will be
without powers.
After Peter comes home from Eng-
land and France the members of 'the
regency -Prince Paul of Juogslavia,
cousin of the dead king; former
minister of education Stankovitch,
and Governor Banterovitch of Vagres
- will take individual oaths of alleg-
iance to him.
The cabinet then will resign.
So uncertain was the political sit-
uation here tonight that careful ob-
servers refused to predict whether
the old members of the cabinet would
be reinstated or whether the regents
would replace some members in the
new government.
Several sources expressed misgiv-
ings as to the members of the regency,
who were reported as being in King
Alexander's political world, inasmuch
as they are regarded as men little
known outside their own districts.

Believe That Kalemen Was
Picked From Group To
Assassinate King
Crime Blamed On
Political Terrorists
French Interior Minister
Claims He Gave Royalty
Good Protection
PARIS, Oct. 10. - (P)-- The police
of Europe today sought the trail of
an international revolutionary ring
suspected of picking Petrus Kalemen
by lot to assassinate King Alexander
of Jugoslavia.
From the moment the mysterious
Balkan slayer crossed the French
frontier from Vallorbe, Switzerland,
until he leaped out to the king's auto-
mobile at Marseilles, his gun spitting
bullets, his movements are being
A gang of political terrorists un-
doubtedly armed Kalemen and sent
him to Marseilles, secret police said.
Meeting in some remote Balkan hide-
away, the conspirators are believed to
have plotted the assassination, then
chosen by lot one of their members,
whose own death was inevitable.
Police Stage Roundup
Kalemen drew the fatal assignment.
The band then provided him with a
false passport, giving his nationality
as Czechoslovakian to avert close
scrutiny by French authorities, who
have been checking Jugoslavians for
weeks preliminary to the king's visit.
The police of Paris were busy
throughout the day checking up on
all members of the Jugoslavian sep-
aratist movement. Leaders and refu-
gees were rounded up in a widespread
search of the city and suburbs.
M>iste 6f the Ititeiior Albert Sar-
raut defended his department against
criticism for not adequately protect-
ing the royal visitor. He said that
more expulsions had been ordered al-
ready this year than during the en-
tire previous year.
The double assassination of King
Alexander and Louis Barthou, French
foreign minister, left France shaken
politically and Europe nervous over
possible consequences of this deed.
Question Of Nationality
Although fear that the murders
might wreck the continent's peace as
did the killing of Archduke Franz
Ferdinand at Sarajevo, 20 years ago
lessened over night, conviction was
expressed in many quarters that Kal-
emen may have changed the course of
events in Europe.
The question of the assassin's na-
tionality, highly important because of
its political implications, preoccupied
police over the continent tonight, and
everywhere authorities sought clews
to his identity.
For the moment, police were as-
suming that Kalemen was of Croat
birth because the tatooing on his
body - the skull and crossbones and
the initials "INROM" or "YROM"
beneath - was Balkan.
Whether he was Jugoslav, Czech,
Bulgarian or some other nationality
to which the destinies of the scattered
Croats have been welded, they could
not determine.
WWJ To Broadcast
All Football Games
All University football games, both
at home and abroad, are to be broad-
cast by Radio Station WWJ with Ty
Tyson at the microphone, it was an-
nounced yesterday.
In addition, all home games will
be carried by WJR through the voice
df Tyson, and will also be heard
through WXYZ with Fred Longstreet
doing the announcing.
Broadcasts of home games will be

sponsored by the Chevrolet lotor Co.,
over the Detroit stations. This, how-
ever, will not eliminate other broad-
casters because no radio rights have
been sd. Both national networks
will carry the feature games on the
Michigan schedule.



6th District

Of Michigan Education


Avery Hopwood Committee To
Open New Room In Angell Hall

Association Institute
Nine members of the University
faculty will address the annual meet-
ing of the Sixth District of the Michi-
gan Education Association Institute
Friday and Saturday, Oct. 12 and 13,
in Detroit.
Dean J. B. Edmonson of the School
of Education Will speak on "New De-
mands on the Secondary School"; J.
M. Trytten of the School of Education
on "Progress Made on the Proposed
Council of Business Education for
Michigan"; Prof. W. D. Henderson,
director of the University extension
division, on "Revamping Our School
System"; Prof. M. L. Byrn of the
School of Education, on "A Teaching
Device or Project I Have Found Es-
pecially Satsifactory"; Prof. M. S.
Pargment, of the French department
on "The Advisibility of State Stand-
ardized Minimum Requirements for
Modern Language Work."

Wood And Tinker Finish Work
On Census Of Ann Arbor Birds
By FRED WARNER NEAL delayed longest in 1913 when he was

Today will mark the long-awaited
opening of the Avery Hopwood Room
in Angell Hall. The room will serve
principally as a library and meeting
place for Hopwood Award contest-
ants and will remain in charge of
Prof. Roy W. Cowden, chairman of
the committee on Hopwood Awards.
It was the Hopwood Committee
that was responsible for the organiza-
tion of the room.
All students in the English and
journalism denartments. who. by tak-I

Each month a few recently publish-
ed books will be added to the library,
the collections for each month hav-
ing a separate place on the shelves.
A number of current literary journals
and reviews will be on the large cen-
ter table of the room.
Eventually all manuscripts that
have won a Hopwood prize will be
bound and placed in a special case
so that those who use the room may
see the type of contemporary work
that has won prizes in the past. It

A census, covering a period of near-!
ly 50 years, of the thousands of beau-
tiful songsters which make Ann Ar-
bor noted for its bird-life has been
made by Norman A. Wood, for many
years curator of the bird division of
the Zoology Museum, with the assis-
tance of A. D. Tinker, bird authority.
Believing that the many birds who
make their permanent or transient
homes here should be counted near
the top, among the cultural advan-
tages of Ann Arbor which are avail-
able to University students, Mr. Wood
began his classification in an effort
to further this appreciation.
Those who enjoy listening to the
cardinal's whistle on a wintry morn-
ing, and catching the flash of the
hrils inx, f nri a thr1, *lthectimr

i not seen u til . I4.

Embracing as many as 212 species
and sub-species, the birds are classed
as migrants, stragglers, summer resi-
dents, winter residents, and winter
Those classed by Messrs. Wood and
Tinker as permanent Ann Arbor hab-
itants are the following 26 species:
eastern ruffed grouse, greater prairie
chicken, eastern bobwhite, barn owl,
eastern screech owl, great horned
owl, northern barred owl, long-eared
owl, northern flicker, red-bellied
woodpecker,, eastern hairy wood-
pecker, northern downy woodpecker,
prairie horned lark, northern blue
jay, eastern crow, black-capped chick-
adee, tufted titmouse, white-breasted


Campus Gargoyle Sales
To Be Closed At Noon
With the heaviest first day sale
in many years recorded, the cam-
pus sale of the October issue of

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