4 The Weather Generally fair today and to- morrow, with slowly rising temperatures. pr it igau ai Editorials Little Men, What Now? .. . A House Divided .,. How To Get,~Your Man .. . VOL. XLV. No. 15 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1934 PRICE FIVE CENTS Cardinals Win Series Final Behind Brilliant Pitching Of Dizzy Dean;. Fans Riot Bleacher Fans Drive Joe' Medwick From Post With Barrage Of Missiles Cards Score Seven Runs In Big Third Six Tigers Avail As Base Hits Used, Collins To No Gets 4 By ARTHUR W. CARSTENS DETROIT, Oct. 9. - (M )-The St. Louis Cardinals tonight are baseball champions of the world. They rode into the title yesterday on a barrage of 17 base hits of six Tiger pitchers while Jerome Herman (Dizzy) Dean was shutting out the Tigers with six hits. The championship was not finally decided, however, until Detroit bleacher fans, their wrath aroused over seeing the .title slipping out of their grasp and over the way Joe Medwick was throwing his spikes into Tiger infielders, drove the Cardinal batting star from his position in left field at the beginning of the sixth inning with a barrage of fruit and pop bottles. Medwick Starts Fracas Medwick started the fracas when he slid into third base in the sixth. He was easily safe and half arose to his feet then shot his cleated foot viciously toward the bag - or Owen's foot.. The two players started to quarrel but the umpires quieted them and left Medwick in the game. Going into left field when the Tig- ers took their turn at bat Medwick was greeted with a booming chorus of "boos" from the bleacher crowd. The shouting was followed by a barrage of apples, oranges, pop and beer bottles. Four times the umpires sent employees into the field to gather up the rubbish and four times the bombardment recommenced. Finally, with the umpires threatening to call the game and forfeit it to St. Louis, Commissioner Landis called Medwick and Owen over to his box. A moment later Medwick went to the Cardinal dugout and Fullis took his place in left field. Pitches Great Ball Medwick left the park in the next inning accompanied by an escort of five uniformed policemen. Dizzy Dean proved himself the greatest pitcher of the year when he pitched six-hit ball to defeat the Tigers in the deciding game of the series. His performance climaxed per- haps the greatest brother act baseball has ever seen. Dizzy and Daffy ac- tually won the series for the Cards. Between them they pitched five games'and each one was twice vic- torious. Dizzy pitched St. Louis to victory in the opening game while Paul bested Tommy Bridges in the third game, 4- 1. Then, with the Tigers needing only one more game to clinch the cham- pionship after the great Dizzy had lost his second start, Paul pitched probably the greatest game of his career as he beat Schoolboy Rowe in a great game, 4 to 3. Rowe Hit Hard The result of today's game was never in doubt after the third inning, when the Cards pounded four Tiger pitchers for seven hits and the same number of runs. Elden Auker, with one series victory to his credit, started on the mound for Detroit, but was knocked out in the third after yielding five hits and a walk. Schoolboy Rowe pitched to three (Continued .on Page 3) Labor Asked To Stand Oppaosed To All Dietators SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 9. - (') - An appeal for the assistance of Amer- ican labor in building up a mass of hostile opinion" against such dicta- torships as those of Italy and Ger- many was made to the American Federation of Labor today by Walter M. Citrine, secretary of the British Trades Union Congress. Sell New Gargoyle In Camp~us Drive Today The 1934-35 Gargoyle will make its initial campus appearance when the October issue goes on sale throughout the campus to- day. The magazine numbers 41 pages and includes a large number of' features on happenings of Univer- sity interest as well as fiction. jokes, cartoons, and photography. Music, drama, and fall styles inE clothes for men and women come in for discussion as does campus politics and politicians. Several ar- ticles appear in the first issue, one of which was written by Gur- ney Williams, '31, now on the staff of Life. The first of the prize-win- ning short stories, "Only of Lead," by Powers Moulton and C. Hart Schaaf. Spec., is also published in the Gargoyle. Change Method In Selecting Of Cabaret Heads; All Positions On Various Committees Announced As Appointive A drastic change from previous methods has been effected in the choosing of this year's Sophomore Cabaret leaders, the League Council anounced last night. Henceforth, as a project coming under the League, the nomination of officials will be incorporated into the new Merit System, according to Max- ine Maynard, '35, League president and chairman of the Council. All po- sitions, including chairmen as well as committee members, will be appoin- tive. Must Submit Petitions Women wishing positions on the central committeefor the Cabaret are asked to submit petitions to the Judi- ciary Council before Wednesday, Oct. 17. Those desiring to assist on sub- committees may hand in their names too. These petitions are to contain the record of freshman activities in which the person has engaged, her scholastic record, general interests, the commit- tee position in which she is particul- larly interested, and a statement of the plans she proposes if she receives the job. The positions open are general chairman, assistant chairman, and entertainment, social, finance, pub- licity, decorations, costumes, tickets, and assessments committees. To Investigate Petition The Judiciary Council under Kath- leen Carpenter, '35, chairman will classify the petitions, investigate each one completely, and make a report to the League Council. The final nom- inations will be announced by the League Council as soon as possible. The League urges all sophomore women who are at all interested to submit petitions. Since the choice will be based on ability and qualifications, every woman has an equal chance in securing the work she desires. The freshman activity record will not re- ceive undue emphasis, since it is real- ized that sophomore women have had but one semester to work on activ- ities. Miss Maynard, in explaining the new system, added that all class proj- ects, as planned in the Merit System now in effect, will substitute this method of choice for general elec- tions. I'inSian Will Start Short Sales Drive A campus sale of the Michiganen- sian will take place today and to- morrow, Robert Henoch, '35, business manager, announced last night. The 'Ensian will be offered during these two days at the minimum price of $3.50, Henoch said, and will afford students an opportunity to obtain the yearbook at a substantial saving over the regular price of $5 at the time of publication. A down payment of $1 may be made at the time of making the subscrip- tion, after which two subsequent pay- mpntS of the ahinnp miist hp man Mayor Loses Controversy T o Radicals Communists Victorious In Upholding Right To Public Meetings An apparently complete victory for the opponents of Mayor Robert A. Campbell's order forbidding public speaking in the streets or on the courthouse steps was won last night at what was officially a political rally for the Communist party. Kendall Wood, Grad., was the chairman of the meeting, which was actually called to test the validity of the order. Wood and four speakers, assembled with almost 100 others on the east steps of the courthouse, were march- ed to the police station by officers when they first attempted to open the meeting. However, they were in- formed that they were not officially under arrest, and immediately re- turned to the meeting place. Arrested and Released Again they were arrested, and again they were released. The third time, however, they were not molest- ed, and the meeting was held as scheduled. Mayor Campbell, who issued the order almost a year ago, asserted be- fore the meeting was held that the police would enforce the prohibition. He denied last night that the order had been rescinded, stating that ap- parently the police had decided that it had no legal standing. He restated his position as still backing his order, but admitted that it was chiefly a personal plea, since he hasn't the executive power to en- force it. Neither the police who handled the meeting nor Chief Fohey would make any comment whatsoever on the matter. Must Maintain Rights David R. Hobbs, '35L, member of the "defense committee," declared that the fight to defeat Mayor Camp- bell's order was undertaken at this time because of the vital necessity during these turbulent times of maintaining Constitutional rights of free speech and assemblage. This stand was corroborated by Rev. H. P. Marley of the Unitarian Church, who is also president of the local Amer- ican Civil Liberties Union. Hobbs and Maurice Wilsie, mem- ber of the Ann Arbor chapter of the Union, declared that they had been told yesterday by City Attorney Wil- liam M. Laird that the Mayor's or- der was not supported by any ordin- ances. Laird could not be reached last night for affirmation of the statement. The order has been invoked only once before, when another commun- ist candidate attempted to speak. Police did not permit him to talk on that occasion. Another rally was called for 7:15 p.m. next Tuesday at the same place. Adelphi Takes Ten Memlers From Tryouts Open Forum On Ward In Tech Game Will Follow Next Week's Talks Ten of the tryouts for membership in Adelphi House of Representatives were accepted by the organization last night. The tryouts gave three minute speeches, which were considered by the members during the course of a three man debate on munition manu- facturing control. Those approved were William S. Wilson, '38, Peter L. Local Clergy Comment On Ward Rumor, Strongly Oppose Request, To Keep Michigan Star From Playing Formal Resolution Censures The Act Call Racial Discrimination Contrary To Principles Of Democracy Based on a prevalent rumor that Georgia Tech University has re- quested the University, for racial reasons, to omit Willis Ward from its lineup in the game between the twoi schools Oct. 20, the Ann Arbor Ministerial Association drew up a formal resolution yesterday, stating that "such racial discrimination would be contrary to the finer prin- ciples of both i eligion and democ- racy." I Jugoslav Assassin Murders King Alexander And Louis Barthou, French Minister Ass(assins Again Menace Peace In Balkan 'Powder Magazine' Shot At While Motoring Through The Streets Of Marseilles S fth r F -t-llc Prepare Resolution The resolution is as follows: "As members of the Ann Arbor Minister- ial Association, believing that God made of one blood all the nations of men and that especially in a tax supported university the same priv- ileges should be offered to all races on the same terms; and hearing that outside forces are seeking to deprive a Negro member of the Michigan team from playing in the game Oct. 20, we reassert our belief that racial discrimination would be con- trary to the finer principles of both religion and democracy." The resolution was signed by the Rev. John H. Shilling, pastor of the West Side Methodist Church, secre- tary and treasurer of the ministers' organization. Individual ministers last night said that they believed Kipke and Yost would "do the right thing" as the circumstances warranted. Rumors of Riot It is rumored around the Univer- sity that members of certain liberal organizations on the campus con- template going out nearly 200 strong on the football field on the after- noon of the Georgia Tech game and simply prevent the game by passively standing there. Both Coach Harry Kipke and Ath- letic Director Fielding H. Yost re- fused to make statements for pub- lication on the "Ward matter," giv- ing no indication whether or not the star end will play. Newly elected officers of the Min- isterial Association, who affirm the organization's resolution, are: The Rev. R. Edward Sales of the First Baptist Church, president; the Rev. A. A. Weinert of the Calvary Evan-, gelical Church, vice-president; and the Rev. Shilling, secretary and treasurer. Alpha N Head Is To Address PARIS, Oct. 9- (A) - The bullets of assassirs have again aroused fears for peace in the Balkan "powder house" 20 years after the Sarajevo slaying plunged the world into the great war, but this time, diplomats see no immediate cause for war such as brought 27 nations into the world conflict. However, fear now is expressed that the consequences of the double assassination of King Alexander of Jugo Slavia and French Foreign Minister Louis Barthou may disturb the balance and create a new reason for hatred to flame into war. Barthou's dream of assuring Eu- rope peace by reconciling the king with Premier Mussolini may have perished with France's 72-year-old martyred foreign minister. The Balkans in 1914 exploded un- der the pressure of Germanic ambi- tion. The treaty of Versailles, carving new nations out of the old empire of Sophomores Wince As Freshman Class Man ifrstsIts Spirit The figure, 38, symbol for the pres- ent freshman class, has taken on a new meaning for the many sopho- mores who paraded up the steps of Angell Hall yesterday morning on their way to morning classes. Black as the "black hand" and as far reaching as its effect, the numer- als which were smeared on the front walk gave no indication of the fear and trepidation which, by all rights, should be pervading freshmen con- sciousnesses at the start of the school year. The militant class of '37, which offered and gave no quarter in last year's freshmen-sophomore engage- ments, is no longer fearing that it is the last class to have class spirit. Its fear is now retroactive, for the class of '38 has clearly indicated that its might will be felt. In fact they so thoroughly indicated it a crew of men from the Building and Grounds department spent some time in a vain effort to remove the substance. The tar had been left in Angell Hall after having been used to repair the roof. Lloyd George Says World Is Savage Jungle Sees Nations As Snarling Austria Hungary, sought peace "es a - itall y through independent peoples and the Woun d - 11 Sh destruction of the Empire, but at the same time harassed statesmen with new worries in an imniensely more General Georges, French complicated situation. Roughly, France and her Entente Superior War Councilor, Cordiale and Germany, with her triple Believed Near Death Alliance, were two great factors on the Continent, while Great Britain MARSEILLESOc 9 - ()-K held the traditional balance of power.:A rEILLEsacta9and) Loin Today, 20 years after, France and ALoui Germany again seek to hold or ex- Barthou, foreign minister of France, tend their power, while Mussolini were assassinated by a Jugoslav gun- has risen to a commanding position man this afternoon as they motored and the Balkans are more volcanic than ever. through the beflagged streets of Mar- The three Little Entente powers, seilles a few minutes after the Jugo- Jugoslavia, Roumania and Czecho- slav monarch had stepped on French Slovakia. have formed a close working soil for a state visit. union, to preserve their frontiers based on the Treaty of Versailles, The assassin was a 35-year-old na- while a newer and smaller Austria tive of Zagreb, Petrus Kalemen, who and Hungary, are in a constant state wa sarmed with two pistols of Gei- of ferment because of poverty or a man make and a small bomb. desire to regain their old territory. Kalemen fatally wounded three men and shot 11 others, including seven women, before he was himself Adm inistration mortally wounded by police. He nev- er had a chance to use the bomb. .~ . Riding Together critics neorect As Partisans Richberg Says Balancing Budget Is Wished But Inipossible At Present CHICAGO, Oct. 9. - (I') --Donald R. Richberg, director of the industrial emergency committee, today charged that the "political partisans" who ad- vocated both adequate unemployment relief and a balanced budget were "trying to make a fool out of his government." It is desirable and necessary to bal- ance the federal budget at the earliest possible moment," Richberg told a Rotary club meeting. He said, how- ever, that sweeping demands for dras- tic slashing of expenditures and im- mediate balancing of the budget, in the face of relief needs, were the prod- uct either of gross ignorance or po- litical demagoguism. The only honest way to criticize administration policies, he said, was not by a blanket complaint, but by specific proposals whereby the critic would himself assume the responsi- bility "for advocating either not meet- ing emergency relief demands, or in- creasing taxation or government loans." Declaring the most vital problem of acknowledged recovery were the in- crease in private employment of in- dustrial wage earners and in the volume of goods produced and dis- tributed by private enterprise, Rich- berg asserted that the machinery for solving the problem already existed in the NRA. Richberg assured his listeners that no hasty, blanket changes were planned in the recovery act. Authors Urged To Send Songs In For Opera The King and Barthou were riding together in an automobile with the populace of Marseilles cheering when Kalemen jumped to the running board of the car at 4:10 p.m. and fired. The King was shot three times - in the liver, his left shoulder and his left lung. He died within an hour. Barthou was shot in the left fore- arm and a leg. The 72-year-old diplomat died of loss of blood within two hours. General Alphonse Joseph Georges, of the French Superior War Council, was shot in the abdomen and it was believed that he could not survive. A policeman named Galli, shot by Kalemen, died three hours later. The chauffeur of the King's car was wounded by a saber cut when a colonel struck down the assassin. The tragedy stirred up great emo- tion in France, which had looked to the visit of the 46-year-old Jugoslav monarch as a great political gesture destined eventually to cement the peace of the Balkans. Queen Escapes Danger Queen Marie, Alexander's consort, who with him had completed a suc- cessful goodwill mission to Bulgaria, escaped the catastrophe only because her poor health had forced her to travel to France by train instead of aboard the warship which carried the King to Marseilles. The Queen was informed at Stras- bourg of her husband's death. A special train was placed at her dis- posal to take her to the dead mon- arch's side. In death, however, the King was not without a woman's care, for his eyes were closed by Mme. Jouhan- naud, the wife of a city official. The dead King lay on a couch in the of- fice of the Prefect of the City. The assassinations threw this pic- turesque seaport into the wildest con- fusion. They came with such brutal suddenness that the King was wound- ed within five minutes of the time his foot first trod French soil. Escorted by French Flotilla ;node' , neetln t Bleasts; Disarmament Is Deader Than Lazarus Prominent Faculty M a n LONDON, Oct. 9.-(A)-The world Named As Co-Speaker is a jungle, declared David Lloyd At Smoker Today George last night, and the nations are' prowling through it, snarling and bar- ing their teeth at each other. Lyle Eiserman, '27, national presi- Lloyd George, wartime Premier of dent of Kappa Sigma, national hon- Great Britain, continued: orary speech fraternity of which the "Any moment a mistaken gesture local chapter of Alpha Nu is a mem- or misunderstood arrangement may ber, will speak today at the Alpha Nu make them spring again at each smoker. other's throats. Eiserman, who headed the local "They are licking their wounds now forensic society for two years while and refilling their veins, but you have here, was outstanding in campus lit- an uneasy feeling that the moment erary affairs. they recover their power they may "A prominent Detroit contractor, renew the struggle in order to avenge his administration has done much past hurts, recapture past prestige, to make the national organization and repair past blunders." one of the best," Karl Nelson, '37, Amid cries of "Shame!" from his Alpha Nu president, said.I audience at the City Temple, Lloyd Freshmen and all others interested George denounced the plan of Prem- are urged by Nelson to come. At the ier Mussolini to train Italian children initial freshman smoker, held last gin the arts of var, saying: "He is Wednesday, nearly 20 freshmen sig- going to attune the minds of the chil- nified their intentions to join Alpha dren to prospects of slaughter." Nu. Speaking tests for these aspir- The Disarmament Conference he ants will be held in the near future. called "dead as Lazarus." Manuscripts Will Selected From Before Nov. 1 Not Bel EntriesI ,i I Students interested in writing either music or lyrics for the forth- coming 26th annual Michigan Union Opera are urged to contact Union officials, Allen D. McCombs, '35, presi- dent, stated yesterday. McCombs explained that, although the manuscript will not be selected until about Nov. 1, it is necessary for the song-writers to be so organized that they will be able to begin work as soon as the book is selected. Earl V. Moore, director of the Uni- versity Musical Society, will aid in the selection of music for the produc- tion. i Students who are intending to sub- mit books in the $25 prize contest sponsored by Mimes, campus dra- He had arrived in the harbor aboard the Jugoslav cruiser Dabrovn, escort- ed into French territorial waters by a whole fleet of the French Navy. Minister of the Navy Pietri greeted him aboard his ship. With French officials, and with all the majesty and pomp of his high station, he took a motor launch to a special landing float, escorted by two French submarines. IA few minutes after 4 p.m., amid the deafening cheers of a huge crowd shouting "Vive le Roi!" he went on land. Barthou greeted him and bade him welcome on behalf of the French nation. Neuman Is Elected Triangle President Wencel A" Neumann Jr., '36E, was elected president of Triangles, junior honorary engineering society, for this year at a meeting of the club held recently. Speaking of Alpha Nu yesterday, Charles Rogers, '36L, senior critic, More Than 2,000 Elstab, '38, Howard L. Meyers, '37 LUU0 ui~Ut' uum ±ml Eugene A. Gressman, '38, Urshal R. of the society, the oldest on the camp- Register At Union. Miller, '38, Elbert G. Ricker, '38, us, and finding it rich in interesting _ George S. Quick,'3,BradL facts. '38, Bernard L. Among other things related by More than 2,000 men students have' Garber, '38, Harry Schneidermann, Rogers was the record of an argument registered for their undergraduate '38, and George Supprell, '36. on the qualifications of Zachary Tay- memberships in the Union, accord- Plans were laid at the meeting, af- or for the nreiaov in hich Tais ing to figures released yesterday by 1gmfn h i hp, I ito iue eesdysedyb