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October 09, 1934 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1934-10-09

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AY, OCTOBER 9i1934


585 Men Pledge Fraternities; Tweray Years Ago
Formal Rushing Season Ends From The Daily Files of
October 9, 1914

Needle Work


Twin swetter Sets Delta Sigma Delta 1
To Be Worn This Initiates Fifteen

Guild Collekts
New Garments
'Th An A..t',-. Wpor,41,. rXT, - 11i ' lr

Sorority Entertains
At Rushing Aff airs
Alpha Gamma Sigma., sorority for

Fraternity Pledging Lists
Present Slight Increase
From Last Year's Record
(Continued From Page 1)
McKay, John McLean, Donald Meyer
Fletcher Plott, Thomas Searle, Fred-
erick Smart, Thomas Starr, Rober
Utter, John Warren, Conrad Wronski.
Delta Alpha Epsilon
Robert Rogo.
Delta Kappa Epsion
James F. Colombo, Roscoe C. Craw-
ford, John W. Cummiskey, Joh
Hammond, Arthur F. Harwood, Frank
C. McPherson, Leon H. Moore, How-
ard A. Nusbaum, John Savage, John
Townsend, Harold C. Wills, Seth R.
Delta Phi
Justin Cushing, Robert McFadyen.
Delta Tau Delta
Roger Bowman, Murray Campbell,
Robert C. Crawford, Warren E. Emley,
Norman Halleck, James Menefee, Jack
Nichols, Jack Andrews Prout, Robert
Rutherford, William S. Sargent, Peter
Ward, William L. Warren, Allen
Welch, Roger Welch.
Delta Upsilon
Frederick A. Blass, William Carpen-
ter, Fred Collins, John Cornelius,
Peter Elstob, Edwin Hague, Reeve
Hastings, John Haviland, Hugh Hay-
ward, Price Martin, William Mathews,
Richard May, Richard Meek, James
Ritchie, Harvey Sykes, William Wil-
Frank Aldrich, Charles Egler, Lane
Emery, Clinton Ford, Lester Ingram,
Roy Jainnatt, Earnest Johnson, Er-
nest Jones, Richard Meacham, Jose
Moscoso, Donald Parker, Gilbert
Kappa Delta Ro
Robert DeMund, Conrad Holben,
Fritz Radford, David Staub, Malcolm
Kappa Ni
Arnold Friedman, David B. Fried-
man, Robert V. Harrison, Morton Ja-
cobs, David Klein, Robert Sax, Nor-
man Soodik, Stephen A. Stone.
Kappa sigma
Fred W. Bevilaqua, Bennett M.
Coons, James W. Driver, Frank J.
Woigdka, David Walker, Manuel Frau,
Murdock Earle, Joseph Callouette,
Warren Kahbaum.
Lambda Chi Alpha
Edward Bruna, Harold Burnett,
Willis Crumrine, Edward Foote, Ed-
ward James, Burdett Johnson, Robert
McKenirn, John McLeod, Vidian Roe,
Howard Taft, Walter True, Everett
Vallin, Ned Wagner.
Phi Beta Delta
Wilbur Alderman, Howard Ark, Jul-
ian Barish, Arthur Cohen, Jack Co-
ihen., ~e~mn Fihman, Allan Mittle-.
man, William Miller, Norman Rosen,
Bernard Schwartz, David Selin, Dan-
iel Siegal, Roy Wolff, Morton Wolff,
Seymour Weitzman.
Phi Delta Theta
Edward Biggar, Frederick Charlton,
Robert Douglas, Charles Foster, Louis
Hoffman, Roy Hogan, Dan Jones,
John Kingdon, Earl Moses, Thomas
Peterson, James Schaus, Ned Steen-
berg, William Valentine, William
Phi Epsilon Pi
Robert Cohen, Robert Frank,
Thomas Friedman, Stanley Jotte,
Marvin Kay, Richard Kronenberger,
Buryl Lazar, John May, Lawrence
Mayerfield, Martin Oppenheim, Stew-
art Orton, Paul Schoenberger, Rich-
ard Stone, David Straus.
Phi Gamma Delta
Ripley Bowman, Bob Bradley, Well-
ington Grimes, Richard Harman,
Jack Henderson, Bill Knecht, George
McAlery, John McFate, John Mad-
docks, John Mooney, Glen Morse, Bob
Mueller, Arnold Southard, Jack Thom
Larry Sorensen.
Phi Kappa
Joseph Andriola, Daniel Cremin
John Draper, John Earley, James
Gilbride, Aurel Monet, William Sulli-
van, Frank Vithelic.
Phi Kappa Psi

James Adams, George Burke, Rodke
Craighead, Paul Forster, Charles
Gray, Walter Jensen, Arthur Lun-
dahl, JohnMcKee, William Martin,
Stevens Mason, Richard Moriarty,
David Rank, James Ritter, Robert
the 45th Year

Rowland, John Russell, Robert San-
key, Fred Schwarze, Catlin White-
head, Richard Wunsch, George Zapp.-
Phi Kappa Sigma
Walton Barry, Charles Brooks, Tom
Darnton, Richard Dennis, James Hol-
lowell, Raymond Leever, William
' Mahn. Robert Mansfield, Parker
t Lynn, Thomas Guernsey.
Phi Kappa Tau
Melvin Baumhoffer. Hillary Ever-
son, William Hardleben, Carl Post.
Arthur Roberts, Alan Turnbull, Wil-
liam Applegate, Robert Osgood and
Robert Wickle.
Phi Mu Alpha
Rollin Silflies, Raymond P. Kond-
ratowicz, David W. Mather.
Phi Sigma Delta
Charles Aronson, Sam Charin, Ed-
ward Ginsburg, Richard Klein, Her-
man Lohman, Al Marion, Paul Mil-
ner, Marvin Ruttenberg, Emanuel
Slavin, Elmer Winegaxden.
Phi Sigma Kappa
Robert Brindle, Craig Browne,
Bruce Clark, James Feguson, John
Freese, Cecil Geldbaugh, Vergil Glo-;
cheski, Robert Goebel, Paul Henning,
William Kelly, Ned: Kilmer, Fred
Magnuson, John Marley, Lee Moore,
Edward Preston, Jerome Watts.
Pi Kappa Alpha
Robert Allred, Robert Campton,
George Hansen, Don Woodworth.
Pi Lambda Phi
Jay Bressler, Cyrus Elkes, Richard
Fischer, Elmer Frankel, Robert Gold-
stine, Frederick Houseman, Irving
Mathews, James Reefer, Allan Ripp-
ner, Richard Samuels, Allen Schul-
man, Robert Smolian, Edwin Weiner,]
Dan Wiener.
Psi Upsilon
John Dalton, William Guthrie, Ar-
cher King, Herbert Little, William
Lord, William O'Neill, John Sanders,
Philip Savage, Richard Schaus, James
VanKeuren, Joseph Walsh, Thomas
Watkins, Sanford White, Lawrence
Sigma Alpha Epsilon
Richard Chaddock, Stanley Cox,
Rodney Eshelman, Frazier Giller,
John B. Graham, William S. Kar-
stens, Henry Klose, Harmond Rem-
mel, Henry C. Riegel, Wayne Stew-
art, Hudson, Tourtellot, Charles Van
Sigma Alpha Mu
Bryce Alpern, Ralph Barr, Charles
Brandman, Howard Cramer, Blair
Fisher, David Grant, Stuart Hirsch-
berg, Bernard Kaplan, Leonard
Kasle, Edwin Kessler, Samuel Krug-l
liac, Harry Nederlander, Burriel Sam-1
uels, Leonard Shavlan, Richard Sid-]
der, Donald Stein, Howard Stein, Nor-t
man Steipberg, Lionel Tachna, Sidney
Sigma Chi
William Anderson, Raymond Dief-
enderfer; Benjamin Fowler, Robert1
Fremont, Herbert Gibbs, G. Warren
Gladders, John Harris, John Kincley,
John K. Landis, Donald McCracken,
David Miller, Gilbert Phares, Hugh
Rader, Robert Simpson, Goff Smith,
Russell Strickland.
Sigma Nu
Rowland Bolton, George Carlson,
Rickard Donaldson, James Duffy,
Robert Gustavson, Thomas Hindson,
Julius Johnson, Robert Johnson,
Charles Killins, Wilfred Richardson,
Richard Sinn, Jack Wooster.
Sigma Phi
Thomas Abbott, William Aigler,
Richard Babcock, William Bourke,
Bruce Cheever, Sanford Farrell, Rich-
ard Kendrick, Walter Lillie, Frank
Lusk, Joseph Mattes, Robert Seaman,
Willis Tomlinson, Leonard Verdier,
Edward Watson.
Sigma Phi Epsilon
Roger Price, Francis Ready, Mar-
shall Smith, James Webster.
Tau Delta Phi
Seymour Casriel, Alvin Gladstone,
Alvin Hershey, Milton Karel, Harold
Tau Kappa Epsilon
Robert Boebel, Leswing Dews, Del-
mar Fiel, William Keech, James Kir-
by, David Scott.

Permanent Wave
Shampoo & Finger Wave
Monday & Tuesday 50c I

Courses in the engineering depart-
ment have at last won favor of a con-
siderable number of the University
women. This year there are 14 women
registered in the department.
** *
Of the 68 tryouts who reported to
the three judges of the Comedy club
trials held yesterday, nine were elect-
ed to membership.
Petty thievery has appeared in
the University, a student having brok-
en into several lockers in the intra-
mural clubhouse, according to Intra-
mural Director Rowe.
Owing to lack of interest, the Aero
Club is not making any plans for the
year, and unless some interest is
speedily revived, the club will in all
probability soon cease to exist.
Soccer players had their first prac-
tice of the year yesterday afternoon,
and at a meeting held on Ferry Field
it was decided to stage three practices
a week in preparation for the games
scheduled for this fall.
A meeting of all heads of League
houses was held last night at the
League. The meeting, which is an
annual affair, is held especially to
acquaint new chaperones with the
University rules and regulations.
Theta Chi
Will Bowerman, Robert Boyer,
Frank Furry, Watson Gilpin, Walker
Graham, Lewis Greiner, Thomas Kep-
pleman, John Pickering, Warren
Rother, John Seicher.
Theta Delta Chi
Frederick D. Allen, Boyd Carr, Jr.,
Marshall Case, Carl Clement, John
Finley, Roy Frazier, Robert Geyman,
Ed Higgins, J. Howell McFee, William
McHenry, George Peck, Jack Porter,-
John Robertson, Edward Thompson,
Robert Ward, Robert Weeks, James
Wilde, Donald Wilsher, John Winder.
Theta Xi
Donald Alexander, Frances Bell,
Robert Cook, Warren Frees, Neil Lev-
enson, Whitney Prall, John Staple.
Charles S. Cook, John McQuaid,
Frank Taylor, James Wicks.
Frederick Smith, John Luecht.
Zeta Beta Tau
Henry Bachrach, G. F. Baer, Rich-
ard Cohen, Robert J. Cooper, James
Eckhouse, Robert Eckhouse, Heber-
bert Falender, Henry B. Grier, Lee
Lyon, Arthur Miller, Seymour Mor-
risson, William Seaman, Harry Trau-
gott, Robert Watel.
Zeta Psi
Arthur Beebe, Charles Block, Rob-
ert Heap, George Hoff, Lewis O'Con-
nor, Charles Stone, Sidney Tremble,
James Wilsey.

Thne ann arpor Neem ew orx Gund,
started its annual week's drive for
garments for needy children yester-
day. Mrs. Alfred H. Lovell, presi-
dent of the organization, solicits the
co-operation of University students
as this winter promises to be one of
All the garments must be given in
identical pairs and must be new. Any-
thing from "booties" to Dr. Denton's,
pajamas will be acceptable.
Assisting the senior members of the
organization will be Virginia Ladd, '33,'
succeSsor to Lycee Ladd, Harriet Hunt
'33, and Catherine Sellew. These
junior helpers will contact the stu-
The collected garments will be on
display Nov. 6 at the League. They,
will then be distributed to the needy
Non-Affiliated Women
T,, H ld A nnir Td,~v

P5EJMt~ At the formal pledging banquet colege students who are Campxire
Monday evening the following men i Girls or Girl Reserves, is entertaining
During these fall days which are were initiated into Alpha Chapter of I at several rushing affairs this week,
for the most part too warm for a Delta Sigma Delta: Lewis Pinney, beginning with a tea which was given
heavy coat and too cool for no coat '37D; Thomas Gilson, '37D; John Sunday at the home of Mrs.Albert
at all, there arises the problem as to Muzzall, '37D; Delos Kervin, '37Dh;
what is most suitable for campus Young Morris, '37D; Leonard Grah- Login, a patroness of the organiza-
wear. The perfect solution is the am, '37D; Edward Bigelow, '37D; Paul tion.
twin sweater suit, which is proving Ridinger, '37D; Chalmers Johnson, Last night a "Cootie Party" was
very popular this season and is being '371: Lawrence Bowler. 37D; Gard- held at the League, with a Scavenger
shown in a variety of materials such ncr Kittell, Jr., '37D: Edward Benja- party on Wednesday The week of
as Saxony yarns and brushed wools. min, 37D: Stanley Miller, '37D; Ivan
These suits are on display in both Wilcox, '37D; and Charles Curdy. rushing will be closed with a large
plain and combination colorings. Following the dinner there were dinner to be given Friday night.
Brown and bright green, the leading addresses by Dr. Russell Bunting, Dr.
shades, give a very smart effect when U. G. Rickert, and Dr. Kenneth Eas- $OC IAL
combined. Brown, green, and white lick.
also look stunning together. - ---T.aara_
Toe, tap, acrobatics.
Necklines can twin sets and single RE D T HE T ta.rae
sweaters are designed to suit the in- Theatre Bldg. P}. 9695
dividual taste. zippers and wooden C LAS S IF I E Dj ADS 1 opn evenns
buttons lending a particularly jaunty

effect. Single sweaters are especially
original in design. Those knitted by
hand on large needles are rather open
in texture and are the newest thing
this season. They are smartest when
trimmed in white angora.

l o ot meetingioa oay
The first meeting of the As-
sembly Board, composed of non-
ffiliated women, will be held at 4
?.m. today in the League. The
chairmen and assistant chairmen
of every zone, as well as represen-
tatives from the dormitories, are
to attend.
Presidents Of Club
To Be Entertained
Past presidents of the Ann Arbor
Woman's Club will be honored at 2:30
p.m. today at a tea in the ballroom
of the Woman's League. The drama
group of the club which Mrs. D. G.
Meikle is in charge will present a pro-
gram of readings aid special music
according to Mrs. Walter Drury,
chairman of the social committee and
her assistant, Mrs. Oscar Eberbach.
Decorations for the tea will consist
of white flowers and candles with
boutonnieres .for the guest of honor.
The chairmen of the different de-
partments and members of the execu-
tive committee will pour.
Dial 6373
A Smart Shoppe for the
Smart Set, Specializing
in All Lines of Beauty

Sorority Announcements
Includ(e rTwo Iledginlgs
Alpha Phi and Gamma Phi Beta
announce the pledging of two sopho-
Alpha Phi sorority announces the
pledging of Jane Reed, '36, Dayton,
Gamma Phi Beta announces the!
pledging of Catherine McInerney, '36,
I Grand Rapids.
TRAVERSE CITY, Oct. 8. - (iP) -
Fire of undetermined origin Sunday
destroyed the old Central school, a
landmark in Traverse City for 50
by a Gossard
Showing a
Complete Lihe
Nickels Arcade

SWELL with the New
Flat Garters!.
* -
V... .:.
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* Our Belle-Sharmeer Stockings meet your new flat garters on their
own grounds.. never too long or too short! You see, they're made-to-
measure for every type leg... in width and length as well as
foot size. Four individual proportions for small, average,
tall or plump women. Exclusive here. Kingless, of course!

Ask for your foot size by number
and your LEG SIZE by NAME
Brev..... for shorties
Modite . .,for medivms
Duchess .... for tols
Classic . . . . for stouts

Bel Ie-Sharmeer
designsd far the ind ius.



The cl anCenterLeaves-
these a 6-hSmil est leaves

it's the taste that counts-that's

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