Ia THE MICHIGAN DAILY DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President until 3:30; 112:30 a.m. Saturday. ) SUNDAY, OCTOBER 7, 19-04 VOL. XLV No. 12 Notices t Notice: The Regents, at their meet- ing Sept. 25, 1931, established a stand- ing committee on office personnel consisting of two- vice-presidents, Messrs. Smith and Yoakum, and Mr. H. G. Watkins, Assistant Secretary, as "standing" members with the addi- tion, in each individual case to be considered, of the Dean or other divisional head concerned. This com- mittee functions in all the customary respects of a personnel office. Its advice will be had before the Regents make any appointments, promotions, or salary changes within any of the various clerical, stenographic, secre- tarial, and secretarial-administrative positions through the entire Univer- sity, in any capacity. The Chairman of the Personnel Committee is Dr. C. S. Yoakurn, and the secretary is Miss Alice Twamley, whose office is Room 202, University Hall, Phone Campus Exchange 81. Senate Reception: The members of the faculties and their wives are cor- dially invited to be present at a re- ception by the President and the Senate of the University in honor of the new members of the faculties to be held on Tuesday evening, Oct. 30, from 8:30 o'clock until 12 o'clock in the ballrooms of the Michigan Un- ion. The reception will take place between 8:30 and 10:00, after which there will be an opportunity for danc- ing. No individual invitations will be sent out, Notice To All Members of the Uni- vcrsity: The following is an extract of a By-Law of the Regents (Chap- ter III-B, Sections 8 and 9) which has been in effect since September 1926:- "It wills hereafter be regarded as contrary to University policy for any one to have in his or her possession any key to University buildings or' parts of buildings if such key is not stamped as provided (i. e. by the Buildings and Grounds Department). If such unauthorized keys are found L.he case shall be referred to the Dean :r other proper head of the Univer- sity division involved for his action in accordance with this principle., Any watchman or other proper repre- sentative of the Buildings and Grounds Department, or any Dean, department head or other proper University official shall have the right to inspect keys believed to open Uni- versity buildings, at any reasonable time or place. " . ...For any individual to order,1 have made, or permit to be ordered or made, any duplicate of his or her; University key, through unauthoriz- ed channels, must be regarded as aI special and willful disregard of the safety of University property." ' These regulations are called to the1 attention of all concerned, for their, information and guidance. Any per- son having any key or keys to Univer- sity buildings, doors, or other locks, contrary to the provisions recited above, should promptly surrender the same to the Key Clerk at the office f of -the Superintendent of BuildingsI and Grounds. Shirley W. Smith Smoking in University Buildings: attention is called to the general rule , bhat smoking is prohibited in Uni- versity buildings except in private of- fices and assigned smoking rooms where precautions can be taken and "ontrol exercised. This is neither a mere arbitrary regulation nor an at-} tempt to meddle with anyone's per- I sonal habits. It is established and enforced solely with the purpose of1 oreventing fires. During the past two years there have been twenty fires ,n University buildings, seven of' which were attributed to cigarettes.1 To be effective, the rule must neces- sarily apply to bringing lighted to- bacco into or through University buildings and to the lighting of cig- ars, cigarettes, and pipes within' buildings-including such lighting just previous to going outdoors. With- in the last few years a serious fire was started at the exit from the Pharma- cology Building by the throwing of a still lighted match into refuse wait- ing removal at the doorway. If the rule is to be enforced at all its en- forcement must begin at the build- ing entrance. Further, it is impos- sible that the rule should be enforcedI with one class of persons if another class of persons disregards it. It is a disagreeable and thankless task to "enforce" almost any rule. This rule against the use of tobacco within the buildings is perhaps the most thank- less and difficult of all, unless it has the willing support of everyone con- cerned. An appeal is made to all per- sons using the University buildings-- staff members, students and others- to contribute individual co-operation to this effort to protect University buildings against fires. This statement is inserted at the request of the Conference of Ideans. Shirley W. Smith To Deans, Directors, Department Heads and Others Responsible for Payrolls: Kindly call at the Business Office to approve payrolls for Oct. 31. This should be done not later than Oct. 18. Edna G. Miller, Payroll Clerk College of Literature, Science, and the Arts: No course may be elected for credit after the end of the third week. Saturday, Oct. 13, is therefore the last date on which new elections may be approved. The willingness of an individual instructor to admit a student later would not affect the operation of this rule. To Graduate Students in Educa- tion: The preliminary examinations for the doctor's degree in Education will'be held on Oct. 18 and 19 at 2 o'clock and on Oct. 20 at 9 o'clock. All students planning to take these examinations should notify Dr. Woody's Office at once, Room 4000 University High School. Clifford Woody, Chairman of Committea on Graduate Study in School of Education Mechanical Engineering Seniors & Graduate Students: All men working under the FERA system are requested to call at room 221 West Engineering Building at once. 4 Exhibitions Fall Showing of student and alum- ni art work at the Art Exchange on the second floor of the Women's League Building. 3 to 5 this after- noon and every afternoon and evening the following week. The public is cordially invited. Academic Notices Ch. E. 153, Motor Fuels and Lubri- cants, will meet on Tuesday and, or Friday afternoon at 1:00 p.m. in room 3215 E. Eng. Bldg. Events Today Presbyt.rian Student Appoint- ments-Sunday: 9:30, Student Class- es meet at the Church House. "The Career and Significance of Jesus," "The Creed We Live By." 10:45, Morning Worship, "The Influence of Religious Beliefs on Personality," Dr. Norman E. Richardson. 5:30, Social Hour and Supper. 6:30, Forum Hour, "If I Were a Freshman," Dr. Howard Y. McClusky. 8:00, Fireside Hour at the Church House. Experiments in "Comedia del Artes," conducted by Edward Freed. Roger William Guild, 503 East Huron. Sunday study group, 12:00 to 12:45. Rev. Howarti R. Chapman, leader. "How Christian Religion Thinks of God." 6:00 p.m. Student forum meeting, 503 E. Huron. Rev. R. Edward Sayles, Minister of the Church, will speak on "Where Shall We Begin Our Religious Thinking?" Free discussion. Refreshments and a social hour follow the program. Mr. Sayles will preach on Sunday fore- noon, 10:45, at the Church, on "The Satisfaction of the Supreme Fellow- ship." Harris Hall: Regular student meet- ing at 7:00 p.m. Professor Randolph G. Adams, director of Clements Li- brary will be the speaker. His topic is, "How Can We Know, in Religion." All Episcopal students and their friends are cordially invited. Saint Andrews Episcopal Church: Services of worship Sunday are: 8:00 a.m., Holy Communion; 9:30 a.m., Church school; 11:00 a.m., Kinder- garten; 11:00 a.m., Holy Commun- ion and Sermon by the Reverend Henry Lewis. Congregational Church: 10:30 to 12:00, unified service of worship and religious education. Mr. Heaps, the pastor, will speak on "The Lost Eden," the first sermon in the series on "The Old Testament in the New Times." Following the sermon, Pro- fessor Preston Slosson will speak on "How Man Discovered God," the first lecture of the course on "The Evolu- tion of Religion" which is to run through the college year. The Stu- dent Fellowship will have supper at 6:00 with a program of French classi- cal music rendered by the fellowship orchestra under the leadership of hor Johnson of the School of Music. Young People's Society, Church of Christ (Disciples): This week's meet- ng will be devoted to a discussion Sf "War and the Profit Motive." All 7tudents are invited to attend and participate in the discussion. Tea at 3:00 and the meeting at 6:30. Lutheran Student Club regular meeting at 5:30 p.m., at Zion Luther- an Parish Hall. Dr. Edward Blake- man, religious counsellor of the Uni- versity, will be the speaker. Unitarian Church - Sunday: 5:00 o'clock - Devotional Candle - light service. Mr. Marley will speak on "The University Mind." 7:30 o'clock --Liberal Students' Union--Profes- sor DeWitt Parker will speak on "A Human Basis for Values." Round Table: The Sunday Round Table startsr today at 4:00 p.m. in the Upper Room at Lane Hall. The speaker will be Dr. E. W. Blakeman, Religious Counsellor to University Students. This Round Table is pri- marily a discussion group on the ap- plication of modern religion to mod- ern society. The subject of the first talk will be "Religion and Human Values." Hillel Foundation: 11:15 League Chapel. Rabbi Heller will deliver a' sermon on "The Sound and Species Claims of Fraternities and Soroities." 4 - 6, Fireside discussion of Dr. Hell- er's sermon to be led by one frater- nity man and one independent stu- dent at the Foundation. Genesee Club will hold its first meeting at 4:30 p.m. in the Union. All men students from Rochester, N. Y. and vicinity are cordially invited to attend. All old members are urged to come to help formulate our pro- gram for the year. Coming Events German Department: The month- ly meeting will take place tomorrow at 4:15 in Room 201 U. H. Study Tours for Fov igh Students: The first of a series of study tours for foreign students will be given Monday at 4 o'clock. The group will assemble promptly at 4 o'clock in Room 1209 Angell Hall, and will then be conducted through the University Library by special guides. Economics Club meeting, Monday, Oct. 8, at 7:45 o'clock in Room 302, Michigan Union. Professor C. S. Yoakum will lead a discussion on "The Economic Outlook for Ger- many." Members of the Faculties and graduate students of the Econ- omics Department and the School of Business Administration are invited. Observatory Journal Club first meeting of the year at 8 p.m. Tues- day, Oct. 9, in the Observatory resi- dence. Dr. R. M. Petrie will discuss recent work at the McMath-Hulbert Observatory and will show a motion picture film of solar prominences. Mathematical Club regular meet- ing Tuesday, Oct. 9, 8 p.m., Room 3201 Angell Hall. Professor J. A. Ny- swander will speak on, The Solution of Differential Equations in the Vicin- ity of Singular Points. Glider Club: First meeting of the year, Tuesday, Oct. 9, 7:30 p.m., room 348 West Engineering building. Everyone interested in flying is urged to attend. (Continued on Page 8) LAUNDRY Tian Porter, 26 years old, Gainesville, ___-__ __________ Tex., who is just 28 inches tall, last STUDENT Hand Laundry. Prices rea- night became the bride of Chester sonable. Free delivery. Phone 3006 Keesaer, 29, Muncie, Ind., who towers 9x to a height of 30 inches. i ., ,! 15c TO 6 --25cAFTER 6 WHITNEY - Daily 1:30 - 11 P.M. The Love Story Of A Beautiful Adventuress! Fay ray .NiIls Asther "MA-DM EXTRA In Color "VILLAGE BLACKSMITH" "LOVE DETECTIVES" HILARIOUS CARTOON UNIVERSAL NEWS ML Fi When You Travel us' WE 00UR PART WE 00 URLPART Let a Permanent Campus Organization make ' your arrangements at no increase over regular tariff rates. Airplane, Steamship, Railway and Hotel Reservations in any part of the world. MI CHIGAN ALUMNI TRAVEL BUREAU ALUMNI MEMORIAL HALL pl 11® " id w TO- DAY I Continuous Show Daily ice 2-11 P.M. ((15c 'til 6 25c after 6 e v '~ s "American Express World-Wide Service" i- 14 1 .i NOW PLAYING MICHIGAN SHOWS CONTINWOUS TODAY III e Over-the-Counter SALE OF SEASON CHOALl1hIN -______-__----BEGINS SATURDAY, OCT. 13,8:30A.M. AT TkHE SCHOOL OF MUSIC MAYNARD STREET At this time all remaining Season Tickets will be placed on Sale at $5.00 - $7 00 -