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October 06, 1934 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1934-10-06

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Germany Seeks
To Manufacture
Own Gasoline
Production Ordered By
Government Regardless
Of Its Cost
BERLIN, Oct. 5. - (P) - How far
Germany is prepared to go in her des-
perate fight for self-sufficiency was
disclosed today in a government order
for peat and coal operators to pro-
duce gasoline, even thought it costs
four times the world price.
Mining interests were told to raise
a common fund to perfect experi-
ments now under way. One of these,
it is claimed, is a signal advance over
previous gasoline production methods
in that extensive pressure apparatus
is eliminated.
Concurrent with this work there is a
frantic effort to uncover oil deposits
in Germany. Newspapers herald each
attempt with enthusiasm, for the reich
imports great quantities of oils.
A qualified foreign source said com-
pletion of the gasoline production pro-
gram might mean a severe blow to
American oil interests, even though
the German synthetic product would
cost four times the imported gaso-
The government command, the first
of its kind, is especially noteworthy
because it involves the large central
Germany soft coal industry, famous
nitrogen and chemical works and
Germany's determination to "hoe her
own row" in an effort to conserve
her dwindling foreign exchange and
develop industries against future un-
Ruhr coal operators and Ig Farben
(the dye trust) negotiated earlier this
year for a state guarantee enabling
them to complete the experiments but
without success. Now, however, off i-
cials of the Ig Farben experimental
works anticipate success with the im-
proved Bergius process for distilling
gasoline for coal.
The Ruhr Chemical companies, em-
braciig about 80 per cent of the Ruhr
mines, will build an experimental
method which was described as "very
In 1921 Germany used 2,375,000
tons of motor fuel and only 713 tons
were produced domestically. It was
estimated there are 6,000,000,000 tons
of available coal in Germany suitable
for distillation and there is no danger
of exhaustion of natural supplies.
About 125,000,000 tons of peat coal
are now mined in Germany annually,
about 40,000,000 of them suitable for
American Society
For Metals Meets
The Detroit Chapter of the Ameri-
can Society for Metals will hold its
sectional meeting tomorrow in Ann
Arbor, and a program ofaactivities
for the day will be terminated by a
dinner at the Union, it was announced
by Prof. Clair Upthegrove of the
chemical engineering department
An inspection tour of the engineer-
ing research laboratory in the East
Engineering Building is planned for
the morning, and tickets have been
secured for the football game in the
Dr. Randolph G. Adams, director of
the William Clements Library of
American History will speak at the
dinner on "Literary Forgeries." In
addition to the talk by Dr. Adams,
Prof. A. E. White, director of the de-
partment of engineering research will
address the group on "The Trend of
Engineering Research Activities at

the University.
President To Address'
Cosmopolitan Meeting
The Cosmopolitan Club will hold,
its first meeting of the year tonight
at 8:00 p.m. in Lane Hall. Pres. Alex-
ander Ruthven will address the Club.,
All foreign and American students
are cordially invited to be present.

Richberg Is New Leader In Reorganized NRA Unit

Leon C. Marshall

A. D. Whiteside

-Associated Press Photos
In President Roosevelt's reorganization of the NRA, Donald R. Richberg (center) emerged as the new
top man in the industrial recovery drive. He heads a new industrial emergency committee of six which will
outline the policies for the revamped NRA. Members of the NRA's new administrative agency, to be known
as the national industrial recovery board, include Leon C. Marshall (upper left), former Johns Hopkins
law professor; Clay Williams (lower left), North Carolina tobacco manufacturer; A. D. Whiteside (upper
right), publisher of financial data; Sidney Hillman (lower right), president of the Amargamaied Clothing Work-
ers' Union.

Pro gram For1
Motion Picture
Reform Urged'
Federal Law To Correct
Faults Is Advised B y
Research Group
NEW YORK, Oct. 5. -- (P) - Ad-
vocacy of a program of national pol-
ivies with regard to motion pictures,
including the abolition of compulsory
blook-booking and blind-selling, is
announced by the Motion Picture Re-
search Council on behalf of 35 na-
tional organizations which interested'
themselves in the matter.,
The council urged these practices
abolished by Federal law, and a legal
committee be appointed to submit a
bill to Congress in January. The 35
organizations also plan to encourage
the teaching of "film appreciation" in
high schools and voluntary groups,
help in establishing a national film
institute, and inform the public re-
garding "the effects of unsocial mov-
ing pictures in personal and commu-
nity life."
As a further program, they favor
amendment of the anti-trust laws to
prevent monopolies and combinations
in restraint of trade in the motion
picture industry "so far as is consti-
tutional." Community control or regu-
lation of film exhibition is urged.
The organizations also favor, as a
"tentative program," the creation of a
"scientific, descriptive film service,
assuming the abolition of enforced
block-booking and blind-selling -this
service not to be supported by the in-
Encouragement of local non-the-
atrical exhibitions of films for chil-
dren, and of a general program of
public recreation under local boards,
are on the program for the future.
Set Date For Trip
Planned By S.C.A.
On Nov. 2 a trip to Chicago for
social study will be sponsored by the
Student Christian Association.
According to Russell F. Anderson,
president of the Student Christian As-
sociation, a special train will be char-
tered and the approximate cost of
lodging and transportation will be
The trip will include the study of
problems of crime, organized vice,
unemployment, and of both racial and
radical groups. Among the places to
be visited are Hull House, Hobo Col-
lege, Mexican Colony, Jewish Ghetto,
and several flop houses.
Dr. Frank Beck, eminent practical
sociologist, will direct the trip in Chi-
cago and he has made arrangements
whereby students may talk to hobos,
inmates of jails, and radical leaders.
Interpretations will be made by Dr.
Beck on the tours.
Anderson emphasized the fact that
this trip is not limited to sociology
students. The complete itinerary will
be announced at a late date.

TVA Spreads Co-operative
Plan T AJd DIf- i F L-f

Attorney For Insull

Faculty Members Attend
Meeting Of Librarians

BANNER ELK, N. C. - (P) - While
the public reads much about the
Tennessee valley authority building
$34,000,000 dams to harness raging
rivers, the TVA quietly is sponsoring
a farm co-operative plan for more
abundant living in the southern
The authority is giving attention to:
more prosaic activities, even helping
housewives to knit socks and can
"snap beans."
Organized under local leadership
in various communities and under-
written by the TVA with the help of
$300,000 from the federal relief ad-
ministration, eight of the co-opera-
tives are active. They are designed
to reach farmhouses far back in the
coves of western North Carolina and
Eastern Tennessee.
Edgar H. Tufts, general manager
of an industrial college, an orphan-
age and a rural hospital which his
father founded years ago, and Dr.
W. C. Tate, a veteran country physi-
cian, took the lead in persuading 400,
mountain farmers to form at the vil-
lage of Banner Elk one of the first
units of what the TVA calls the Ten-
nessee valley associated co-operatives.E
Units have been organized at five
other North Carolina mountain towns
- Cranberry, G r e e n Mountain,
Waynesville, Hendersonville and Mur-
phy - and at Soddy Grove, Tenn.
During the summer each commun-
ity built a cannery that paid out over
'3,000 for blackberries and huckle-
berries - picked in the neighborhood.
Many mountain families were able to
buy school books and shoes for the
children and pay the taxes with dimes
and nickels received for berries.
The co-operatives also went into
potato growing. At Banner Elk
Physical Education Group
To Hold Meeting Today
The executive committee of the
Michigan Physical Education Asso-
ciation will hold its first meeting atj
2 p.m. today in the Michigan League.
Dr. Mabel Rugen, assistant professor
of physical education in her capacity
of chairman of the executive com-
mittee will preside.
The purpose of the meeting is to
determine the policy and the proce-
dure of the group for the coming
year. The constitution will be revised.

xI e ar e The annual meeting of the Michi-
gan Library Association, Oct. 3, 4, and
alone members count on $25,400 ' 5, in Dearborn, has awakened interest,
profits from their harvest. in the library science department, Dr.
pots fomeirhavest. annWilliam W. Bishop, head of the de-
The ownership of each canning and partment, and librarian of the Un-
agricultural project is vested solely I versity, stated today.
in the local co-operative. But the
rVAC administrator, Arthur C. Jack- Papers will be given during theI
;on, serves as supervisor over all. meeting by Prof. C. B. Joeckel and
-nd rvs auevr or a, associate Librarian S. W. McAllister,
He and Dr. Tate have worxed out both members of the University fac-
a diet of canned goods to replace the ulty, Dr. Bishop said. The subjects
starchy "fatback" and hominy on were unannounced.
which many mountain families de-
pend for subsistence. An innovation in the meeting this
Deep in the mountains near Ashe- year has been the creation of a col-
ville, N. C., the TVAC found house- lege section under the direction of J.
wives liked to knit. It advanced funds F. Gourly. Mr. Gourly is director of
to build a commercial knitting center book purchasing for college libraries
to encourage the industry. given grants by the Carnegie Foun-
The TVA influence was felt again dation._
at Brasstown, N. C. Using the John
C. Campbell Folk school as the nu- TYPHOON DAMAGES LUZON
cleus, Administrator Jackson ad- MANILA, P. I., Oct. 5 - () - A
vanced $20,000 to found a co-opera- typhoon swept northern Luzon Island
tive creamery, a savings and loan as- tonight, stopping all communications
sociation, which makes long-time and causing heavy nroperty damage.

-Associated Press Photo
Leading the battery of defense at-
torn:!ys for Samuel Insull and a num-
ber of his associates on trial in Chi-
cago in a federal mail fraud case
growing out of the collapse of the In-
sull utilities, is Floyd E. Thompson
Fines On Monday
Fail To Eliminate
Shows On Snay
MEMPHIS, Tenn., Oct. 5. -- (A) -
Although state and city "blue laws"
forbid, Memphis downtown theatres
open regularly every Sunday.
As regularly as every Monday comes,
the managers of the theatres are fined
$25 in city court.
That seems to be all the police can
do about it, for the county grand
jury has repeatedW refused to indict
any of the operators, and city court
punishment is limited to fines.
Most of the theatres give their
Sunday proceeds to charity, hoping to
create such a demand for Sabbath
entertainment that it will result in the
legislature doing away with prohibi-
tory laws.
Those operating for the benefit of
charity insist that existing laws do
not prohibit shows in the name of
charity, a viewpoint contrary to that
announced by City Attorney Walter
One of the operators, however, con-
ducts his show on Sunday as a
"movieteria" or "sandwich-movie."
The patrons pay 40 or 50 cents for a
sandwich and a cold drink in the
cafeteria in the lobby and are ad-
mitted to the pictures free of charge.
The manager, who is testing the
case in the courts, says the law does
not prohibit shows where no admis-
sion is charged.

Board Of Appeals
To MeetMonday
The Ann Arbor board of apeals will
meet Monday night to consider mat-
ters relative to the building and zon-
ing ordinance, officials announced
late yesterday.
Several complaints have been ru-
mored of late, and the board is ex-
Pectcd to make an investigation of
them. A strict enforcement of the
ordinance in the future is predicted
by those in charge.
It is possible the board may decide
on a new time for meeting, individual
members having found Monday
nights at times inconvenient.
The only other meeting next week,
according to city hall officials, is one
of the finance committee Wednesday
for the purpose of preparing its re-
port for the council meeting, Oct. 15.
Estimates on this report were not
released, and the context of the docu-
ment will not be made known until
after the committee meets.
Seek Cross Section
Of Business Attitude
NEW YORK, Oct. 5- () --A cross-
section of the business man's attitude
and future relations of government
to industry is to be sought by the na-
tional association of manufacturers.
Characterizing the move as the
"first cross section of industry views
on this vital point," the association
mailed the first 5,000 questionnaires
to large and small industrialists and
through the co-operation of allied
organizations, expect to receive be-
tween 50,000 and 70,000 replies be-
fore Nov. 15.
Recommendations for legislation by
Congress in January is the associa-
tion's ultimate aim.
"The replies received will be used
as a guide to the committee in work-
ing out a suggested policy for rela-
tions between government and indus-
try," it was stated by James W. Hook,
chairman of the association commit-
tee on future relations of government
to industry, in a letter accompanying
the questionnaire.
"This plan in turn will be submitted
to members of the national asscia-
tions of manufacturers and affiliated
and co-operating organizations for
their final ratification."
Advanced R.O.T.C. Corps
Will Be Taught Riding
The members of the advanced corps
of the R.O.T.C. will be given an equi-
tation lesson, Lieut.-Col. Fredrick C.
Rogers, commandant of the unit an-
nounced today.
The instruction will be given under
the direction of the Intramural staff,
and plans have been made to pick the
best horses from the three prominent
stables in Ann Arbor. The lessons will
be optional, a course of ten being
given for $5.
The fencing instruction, which
proved very popular last year, will
again be offered to the advanced corps



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loans .to young farmers, and a guild
of wood carvers.
At Newport, Tenn., thrifty farmers
organized to buy a bankrupt flour
mill with the help of ttfe TVA. Mean-
while, the TVAC agreed to advance
Newport co-operative funds for a
fertilizer and seed depot and a cold
storage plant.I

The loss of life, if any, was not known
here. Telephone and telegraph wires
were blown down and railroad tracks
were washed out.
Manila escaped the fury of the wind
and accompanying rainstorm. This
was the second devastating typhoon
to visit this section of the Philippines
I within the last six days.


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