)AY, 1ARCH 3,1934 THE MICHIGAN DAILY olverme Wrestlers To Seek Second Win Over State T4 oP Tracksters In Chicago For Triangular Encount Northwestern, Chicago Battle Local Runners Michigan Favored To Win By Large Margin Today; Purple May Be Second Michigan tracksters will engage in their final meet before the Con- ference Indoor Championship at Chi- cago this afternoon. Coach Hoyt's troup of 21 thinclads will compete against Northwestern and Chicago in a triangular meet. The Wildcat runners, with T.N.T. on their shirts, will provide the most trouble, past records taken into con- sideration. Michigan should have little trouble in downing them, how- ever. How Fast Can They Run? The Wolverines appear to have point-winners in every event. The big question evolves around the times that the Michigan men will turn in. A good indication of their chances against Indiana next week should be apparent from the results. The Maize and Blue mile relay team is of questionable ability, but Coach Hoyt hopes it will be in form for the meet. After winning their race against Ohio and Illinois in the A.A.U. meet and setting a new Field -House record, they went into a slump mad were bested by Ohio State, Mich- igan Normal and Michigan State. . Probable Entrants The probable Wolverine entrants in the different events are: 60-yard dash - Ward, Barnes, Kemp, Lamb; Mile run-Childs, Gorman, Good- in~g; 65-yard high hurdles -Ward, | Hunt, Wiereng6; 440-yard run -T. I Ellerby, R. Ellerby, Patton, Kemp, Starr; half-mile -Smith, Gorman; 65-yard low hurdles - Hunt, Wier- e engo, Lamb; two-mile run -- Alix, Howell, McManus; pole vault--Hunn, d Droullard; high jump -Ward, Wier- k engo; shot put - Blumenfeld, Bacon, e and Alexander. "Little Jack" Grover, son of J. C. s Grover, president of the Missouri h Valley A.A.U., broke into the sports t limelight by winning a table tennis tournament from 150 Kansas City w high school lads. H OCKEY finishes tonight against the Techsters in the second game of the series. . . . hockey. . . the sport beloyed of all athletes If you ever want to see a Michigan coaches' convention from all sports look in the hockey gallery Yost, Cappon, Hoyt, Johnstone, are some of the mentors to be seen at times. Coach Ed Lowrey of the pucksters has played pro hockey up along that northern boundary of civilization, the Ottawa river.. . . in Ottawa, the Do- minion capital. Incidentally, why did the Canadians ever put their capital up on the frozen (in winter) rim of the world? North of the Ottawa River, and to the west of the city, stretches a se- ries of pine-sprinkled granite humps off into the blue-green distance. Just like a landscape of stranded and pet- rified whales. . . . only much larger. WENT along there on a hot day last summer. . . . the worst road in the world. Looking over to the north, not a sign of habitation..-- not a felled tree along the north bank, not a plume of smoke in the distance. There are a few small frontier-ish towns on the south bank. . . . Ren- frew and Pembroke. They take their hockey very very seriously in such places. Lowrey says he can remember substituting for a man up in Pembroke who had been felled by a well-aimed bottle. Dis- cretion being the better part of val- or, Lowrey skated up and down the exact center of the ice through the the duration of the game. What a country! NewOhio Grid Coach Is Noted For Victories FORT WORTH, Tex., March 2- When Ohio State University signed Francis Albert Schmidt as head ath- letic' coach, the Buckeyes obtained the "miracle man" of Southwest football and basketball; the man who has the best record for winning in this section; the man whose unique personality and rare wizardry have earned him the reputation of being a genuine genius. The big six-foot, 200-lbs. Dutch- man is a dynamo awalking. His rather sharp face, with prominent nose and keen eyes, only hints at the remarkable mental alertness and nervous energy it masks. He is nev- er quiet. Whether he's strumming his mandolin or scrimmaging on the gridiron, he is likely to have his coat off, sleeves up, tie off and collar open, sweating and going as if he were fighting fire. Something like 98 per cent of the 46-year-old Nebraskan's energy goes to athletics. At one time or another he has played or coached all of the major sports, many of the minor ones, and retains a lively interest in all. Football and basketball are his favorites. He thinks, talks, eats and sleeps them. Track interest is a close third, and baseball fourth. Outcome Of National, American By JOEL NEWMAN The boys are heading south. The banquet league has run its course mnd soon the Grapefruit League will be underway. In other words the Big League teams are encamped on ball diamonds throughout Florida, absorbing the rays of "Sol, and pre- paring for the preliminary swing around the bush circuit before the regular season starts. Along with the paraphenalia need- ed, and the wives of the players, and the general hangers-on that each team carries, a certain genus of newspaper man known as a sport- writer goes along. It is the duty of that writer to detail the happenings in the camp from day to day. Also A Dopester But by an inherent right that has existed from way back when, he not only tells a story each day, but he makes certain predictions at just about this time of the year. And so from the sunny south comes the clatter of typewriters turn- ing out material for the folks back home to devour and to debate upon. A .compilation of these early sea- son prophecies puts the translator through the tortures of the damned. Yet out of the entire mess certain standard facts can be ascertained. Number one: the Giants are a cinch to retain the title they earned so nobly last year. Number two: Cincinnati, with all its newly found wealth in the per-I son of Powell Crosley, will have to1 wait at least another year before it will be able to stagger out of the Badminton Finalists To Be Determined Tuesday Finalists will be picked in the city badminton tournament by Tuesday night, when the few re- maining matches have been played off before the title round. The most recent winners in the mixed doubles were Miss Marie Hartwig and Nelson Shaw, who defeated Miss Betty Cady and Randolph Webster, 21-14; 21-16. The defending champions, Mrs. Henry Lewis and Clem Wheat, will take the court Sunday after- noon, in an attempt to eliminate Miss Beatrice Massman and Har- ry Kasabach. The latter pair is the University number 1 team. The last match scheduled will be held Wednesday evening with Miss Hartwig and Nelson Shaw playing Dr. Margaret Bell and Dr. John Dorsey. dark and dismal atmosphere of th last division. Number three: Pittsburgh gaine second place through a strange freak of luck last season, but not all th luck in the world will help her re peat that performance. Number four: The Chicago Cubs the Boston Braves, and the St. Loui Cardinals will battle it out through the schedule for positions in the firs division. Number five: Philadelphia, no- sluggerless, is going to give Cincin nati a tough fight for the cellar posi tion. The general consensus call the Phils hapless. Nobody Knows About The A. L. The situation in the America: League is even more ccmplicate than is its sister league. The Was- ington Senators are not improved and even Manager Cronin admits th need of a change. The New York Yankees have stood pat on their line up for these many years, but th once mighty machine is creakin and in certain places absolutely cracking. Connie Mack and his Philadelphi Athletics are prepared for a nose div into the depths of the lower divi sions. Detroit can do anything this year It would occasion no great surpris to find the Tigers in the World Se ries. Cochrane has a thoroughly re juvenated group of players. Boston, aided considerably by oust ing the old team and importingz new outfit will not end in the cella this year. No more door-mat. St Louis, Cleveland, and Chicago ar starting over again, turning the well known new leaf. What they will d remains to be seen. Clark Griffith, president of th Washington Senators, 40 years ag was a pitcher for the Missoula, Mont Giants. - - - - DA - QUITTING BUSINESS SAL STORE CLOSES TONIGHT SCHLOSS SUITS CHOICE OF THE STORE - n d 1, e k e g y a e - r. se a r t. ,e - Io Le ;o ., 2i The Inside Sltory I-r is no mystery that a well - groomed head is very often indicative of your other habits. If you are one of those who always strive to give the best possible impression, you will appreciate the up-to--date service and Val. to $50 ALIt A A EN AVANT A A ,'" 4 . A A None higher None Lower $8.50 and $9.50 Suede Jackets- grey, cocoa, champagne, button or zipper- $495 Sizes to 48............. Arrow Collars.............. .15c $1.50 to $2. Silk or Knit Ties .59- facilities of the Michigan Union Barber Shop t