TIE MICHIGAN DAILY Hlungry3 Brilons; c-eral Johnso; Senate Candidate -Associated Press Photos CLASSIFIED DIRECTO] V All appearances to the contrary, this picture doesn't represent the "spirit of '76." It shows British "hunger marchers" enroute to London to protest against the new English unemployment bill. A drum and bugle corps led the men, who hailed from the Newcastle area. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Phone 2-1214. Place advertisements with Classified Advertising Department. 'Pe classified columns close attfive o'cieck previous to day of Insertions, Box Numbers may be secured at no extra charge. Cash In Advance-le per reading line (on basis of five average words to line) for one or two insertions, 10c perreading line for three or more Insertions Minimum three lines per insertion. Telephone Rate-15c per reading line for one or two insertions . 14c per reading line for three or more insertions. 10% discount if paid within ten days from the date of last insertion. Minimum three lines per insertion. By Contract, per line-2 lines daily, one month ...........................8c 4 lines E.O.D., 2 months......3c 2 lines daily, college year ..... .7 4 lines E. O. D., college year ...7c 100 lines used as desired ......9c 300 lines used as desired ........8c 1,000 lines used as desired ......7c 2,000 lines used as desired .. ..c.6 The above rates are per reading line, based on eight reading lines per inch of 7Mz point Ionic type, upper and lower case. Add 6c per line to above rates for all capital letters. Add Be per line to above for bold face, upper and lower case. Add 10 per line to above rates for bold face capital letters. NOTICE BUY NEW AND USED CARS FROM FINANCE CO. 311 W. Huron 22001 1933, 1932, 1931, 1930 models. 12x TAXICABS TAXI-Phone 9000. Seven-pas4enger cars. Only standard rates. lx ARCADE CAB. Dial 6116. Large com- fortable cabs. Standard rates. 2x WANTED WANTED: MEN'S OLD AND NEW suits. Will pay 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 dol- lars. Phone Ann Arbor 4306. Chi- cago Buyers. Temporary office, 200 North Main. 5x ital from abroad. The old Chinese imperial system failed and its very failure was due to forces which make it difficult to find a substitute for it. China must have a good government, as has been pointed out thousands of times, but the very need for such a government rests u p o n changes which make it a highly difficult thing to provide. If we move south from Siberia, Japan and China, we move into a region in which the influence of China has been and is greater than that of Japan. The millions of Chi- nese in the southwestern Pacific area play an important part in the eco- nomic life of the region and in the economic position of China. Unusual Suffering The prosperity of the region is bound up with the general prosperity of regions which provide foodstuffs and raw materials. The depression has caused unusual suffering here, as in Cuba and in the American tropics. These regions have much to gain from any successful efforts to- ward greater economic stability in the world. The problems of national- ism and independence are somewhat different in the southern islands than in the north. The economic inde- pendence of a nation which depends upon the sale of a few raw materials widely produced is even less think- able than is the economic independ- ence of an industrial nation such as Japan. A political solution consistent with a reasonable solution of the economic problem seems indicated. In the absence of international or- ganization of growing power --such as the League of Nations must be - the political development of the is- lands of southeastern Asia will prob- ably mark time. Such is a brief account of the eco- nomic problems involved in the Far East. The political problems would be easier of solution if political lead- ers were really as much interested in the promotion of the economic welfare of their peoples as they solemnly assure us. The economic problems of the Far East will hardly be brought nearer to solution by war or by the pursuit of such ambitions as may lead to war. LOST AND FOUND LOST: Man's white gold Elgin wrist watch with metal band, in wash room of Michigan Union. Reward. Phone Barrett 4205. 361 LOST: Pi Beta Phi sorority pin at- tached to S.A.E. pin. Reward. Phone 7717 or write to Michigan Daily, Box 40A. 367 LOST: A black pigskin purse on Feb. 21. Reward. Call 7117. 366 FOR RENT CLEAN, comfortable two-room suite, $4 per week. Mrs. Smith, 1221 S. University, 2-2097. 369 LAUNDRY WE DO your laundry work for one- half the usual price. Phone 2-3739. 8x LAUNDRY 2-1044. Sox darned. Careful work at low price. 4x FOR SALE FOR SALE: White taffeta evening dress, grey crepe dress, brown lapin jacquette. All size 14. Call 5326, after 1 p. m. 368 HELP WANTED STUDENT or employed girl can earn all or part room rent for services in home. No other roomers. 824 Granger. Phone 5519. 365 oug Students Are Studied By Hidden Guests The problem of visitors in the University Elementary, School is solved by the use of observation bal- conies which are a part of several rooms in the school. These balconies are more modern than those found in most schools where the habits of school children are studied, according to Prof. Willard C. Olson, director of research in child development. They are built so as to enable the observer to watch the children without being discovered. Older children usually are aware of the fact that strangers are nearby, Professor Olson says, but it has little effects on them. They act and talk just as they would if only the teacher were present. Early in the year and specially in the case of the younger children the knowledge of the pres- ence of strangers makes them behave differently and the usual advantage of observation is voided. For this rea- son visitors in the balcony are asked to refrain from speaking or making noise. The balconies are constructed in such a way that they are really a part of the room, being separated from it only by a black screen which does not permit people in the room itself from seeing people in the bal- cony. Union Opera Groups one and two see Mr. Peter- son sometime between 2 p. m. and 5 p. m., today. Monday, groups one, two and three meet at 4 p. m., and group four meets at 7:15 p.m. WURT DAILY MATINEES 15c Today "Galloping Romeo' BOB STELE Tomorrow "TOO MUCH HARMONY BING CROSBY Gen. Hugh S. Johnson, NRA administrator, is shown in Washington as he opened the meeting of critics of the national recovery administra- tion, 1934's Political Tur.oil: No. 7 . Economic Life In The Far East (Continud from Page 1) L Lance m u s t ultimately be upon rous threat against Japanese building a trading empire or pro- political and economic or- moting freedom of trade. ation. Russia regards Japan as Greatest Trade With U.S. upreme example of capitalism S eatustTreWthyU.o.t rted, by i m p e r i a 1 authority She must, of course, try to do both upon divine right. Each re- and the conflicts which these diver- protection against the other gent policies raise go far to explain viously necessary self-defense. the position of Japan. Her greatest bm of Japan is trade is with the United States and economic probeis f apau inthis urges upon her a liberal policy intly presented as a population fntntialc-prtninhe °m. If we take a broad enough cf international co-operation in the oint, the economic problem of hope of continued and perhaps freer iuber of countries in theFar trade. Chine represents the country nay be so presented, of next importance and her tempta- tion here is toward empire-building, na and Japan are bu examples toward exclusiveness, and toward >opulation problem which is as non-co-operation with others. in Java and ill certain parts T ia. The difficulty about calling The place of Manchuria has, by the conomic problem a problem of emotion which Japan has invested in ation is that it tends to blind Manchuria since the Russo-Japanese themny tha itngs tt needoWar, been raised to an importance the many things that need to greater than it deserves upon eco- fieland that are being done in nomic grounds. It offers a very few Japan Building Up important r a w materials and a eems more immediately useful market of minor significance com- 1 the Japanese problem one ofp pared with the American or Chinese n trade. Japan has few re- market. es but by industrial develop- The key to China's position- if she has built up a rising stand- again we move beyond the general living for an increasing popu- statement of the problem in terms of population - is the international must have access.to raw ma- movement of capital. The Chinese and she must have markets are numerous and a poor people. s is to continue. Her problem They require above all things a sur- lssure herself of these. Hr re- plus to bring about the economic de- Rep. F. H. Shoemaker, (above) of Minnesota, Farmer - Laborite, an- nounced he wond be a candidate for the United States Senate against Senator Henrik Shipstead, also a Farmer-Laborite. velopment without which a rise in hviing standards is impossible. This surplus their very numbers and their poverty prevent them from having or from accumulating. They must get it outside af the country. But their experience in the past has made them fearful and their political and economic organization makes them ineffectual as borrowers abroad. From whom shall they borrow? West- ern nations have in the past at- tempted to subordinate capital move- ments to political policy. Japan has done the same. So the Chinese face the problem of imperialism, but it is not the Chinese alone who face it but the western nations and Japan as well. The necessity of borrowing abroad puts any government in China in a dif- ficult position in relation to the Chi- nese people. The . Chinese people tend to distrust the foreigner, and yet the government and Chi- nese groups must deal with him if the capital is to come in. The Chi- nese communists express this distrust of the foreigner - as well as other things -- but they offer no solution to the problem of capital for China. The Japanese probably cannot pro- vide it. If they cannot, it must come from the west and Japan is faced with the problem of international co-operation in a new form. How far the world is from an international economic organization competent to solve its pressing economic problems is illustrated in the ineffectiveness with which the Chinese problem has been handled. Must Find Government For China the problem is one of finding a government and an eco- nomic organization which will pro- vide the best solution for the Chinese people of this problem of the de- velopment of the country with cap- s ., MAJESTIC 0: + MICHiCfA&N Euds Tonight - ie Dunrine - - Clive Brook O'lokVaudeville Show LORENA & JEAN, "Hot Moosic" JOHNNY HYMAN, Playing Pranks with Webster LAUREN & LADARE, "Comedy Cut-Ups" THF TIIHREE EXCELLOS, "Up in the Air" Gucest Iealitre I VRPM U 1 W It nowuA . / JOSEPH M CHENCK prsenfg CON TANCE BENNKET r < I