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March 03, 1934 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1934-03-03

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The Weather
Cloudy and slightly warmer
lay; followed by showers to-
ght; tomorrow slightly colder.

- I -.d

Slir ii


W IVII iiiiiiiilY i WnWY IYYY

VOL. XLIV No. 109


High Ideals
Are Urged
At Parley

1934's Political Turmoil: No


Economic Life In The Far East

Weaver Asks Stress


Spiritual Values; Calls
Tli 11m Most Practical
Over 400 Present
At First Sessions
Discussions Of Economic
Change, War Dominate;
Sections Meet Today
Into an atmosphere heavy with de-
bate over economic and political is-
sues was injected a note of "spiritual
reality" which sharply divided opin-
ion in the student group as the first
general sessions of the Spring Par-
ley came to a close last night in the
Prof. Bennett Weaver of the Eng-
lish department, declaring that "there
are boats to Russia but no boats to
the country of high ideals and spir-
itual value," received a storm of ap-
plause from the more than 400 stu-
dents who were present at each of
the sessions, while a large group
gathei-ed around him after the last
meeting to challenge his views.
A capacity audience was present
for both afternoon and evening meet-
ings, with many standing and others
being turned away for lack of room,
far exceeding records of previous par-
Sections Outlined for Today
Questions which were heatedly de-
bated yesterday will receive further
treatment at smaller group meetings
today. A brief general meeting of the
whole Parley will be held at 3 p. m.
in Room 318 of the Union, after
which the group will split up into
sections to discuss the sub-topics out-
lined. The section meetings will con-

EDITOR'S NOTE: This article, writ-
ten especially for The Daily by Pro-
fessor Remer, will be followed by
others by faculty authorities. They
too will deal with interesting Euro-
pean, Euro-Asiatic, and Euro-American
(Of the Economics Department)
When we observe suchtchanges as
the oper~ing of China, the rise of
Japan, the settlement of Eastern Si-
beria, and the increased importance
in world trade of the East Indies and
the whole territory of southeastern
Asia, it becomes important to grasp
the chief problems involved.
No one is wise enough to tell us
the precise nature of the relation
between economics and war and no
one is foolish enough to maintain
that there is no relation. Every case
must be observed and studied.
But it is not the fear of war which
arouses the chief interest of the
economist in the Far East or, for that
matter, in any other nation. War is
highly advertised but the ordinary
processes of economic life are more
important to us day by day.
If we regard man as engaged in a
long struggle to get the best standard
of life from the resources at his dis-
posal, we have a more realistic view-

point than we have if we regard
everything else that happens as the
background for battle.
Looking at the Far East from this
economic viewpoint what do we see?
The problem of the Russians in
Siberia is that of the development of
agriculture, fishing and mineral re-
sources. In the absence of capital
movements from the western world,
this means developed by means of
equipment from European Russia. It
requires the provision of transporta-
tion facilities between Siberia and
EuropeannRussia, and it means the
maintenance of the possibilities of
trade through Vladivostock and with
the countries b o r d e r i n g on the
A more immediate problem is that
of maintaining communication be-
tween the maritime province in the
East and the rest of Siberia, which
involves the Chinese Eastern Rail-
way across Manchuria. Another im-
mediate problem is the defense of the
Soviet system in the Far East. This
gives importance to the group of
"white" Russians in Manchuria and
makes Russo-Japanese relations more
tense than they would otherwise be.
Extremes meet in northeastern
Asia. Japan regards Russia as a
(Continued on Page 2)

To Probe Sabotage
Of U.S. Mail. Planes
WASHINGTON, March 2. - (A') -
President Roosevelt has ordered an
investigation into charges of sabotage
of army airplanes carrying the mail.
This was announced tonight by
Secretary Dern of the War Depart-
ment who added that reports of
punctured gas tanks, controls being
tampered with, and the presence of
water in gasoline tanks were being
investigated thoroughly.
Although he said he did not be-
lieve in the truth of such charges,
he nevertheless has directed that a
complete inquiry be made.
Among the charges that will come
under scrutiny is one that commer-
cial pilots, 90 per cent of whom are
members of the Air Corps Reserves,
are being threatened withy blacklist-
ing if they accept positions piloting
army planes.
President Asks
Power To Gains
Tariff Benefits

A section on "War and the Stu-
dent" will meet with Jacob Weiss-i
man, '34, as student chairman, and<
Prof. Thomas H. Reed of the political
science department and Prof. Preston
W. Slosson, of the history department
"Capitalism and Social Change"
will be the topic of a group under
Martin Wagner, Grad., student chair-
man, and with Prof. Max S. Hand-
man and Charles A. Orr of the eco-
nomics department, Prof. Margaret
Elliott of the business administra-
tion school, arid Prof. Harold J. Mc-
Farlan of the engineering college to
lead the discussion.
Discuss Student Government
Professor Weaver, Prof. Leroy
Waterman of the Oriental languages
department, Prof. Leslie A. White ofa
the anthropology department, and
possibly Prof. Howard M. Jones of1
the English department will partici-
pate in a discussion of "Religion andj
the Church," with Bettina Right-
mire, '36, as student chairman,
Edward Litchfield, '36, will be
chairman of the group on "Sex and,
the Family" at which Dean Joseph
A. Bursley, Mrs. Herbert S. Mallory,
director of social service in the psy-
chopathic hospital, Prof. Howard Y.
McClusky of the education school,,
and Prof. John F. Shepard of the
psychology department will be pres-
A fifth group, formed at the sug-
gestion of students at the Parley last
night, will meet at 7:30 p.m. today
to discuss student government on the
campus. Dean Bursley is expected to
be present.
Calls War Undesirable
Questions of war and of economic
and social change occupied the ma-
jority of yesterday's sessions. Pro-
fessor Slosson, in reply to questions,
declared that he did not believe war
should be avoided under some cir-
cumstances, and that even acts of
aggression were often justified, es-
pecially in the case of civil revolu-
tions againstintolerable conditions
of oppression.
He also stated, however, that in-
ternational disputes could be settled
more satisfactorily and more eco-
nomically by peaceful methods, and
said that such machinery as is pro-
vided by the League should prove
adequate if it were properly used.
Defends Present System
A contention by Professor Hand-
man that the masses had turned on
their own leaders and that any sys-
tem other than the present would
lead to worse exploitation of the peo-
ple aroused a heated protest among

Drive To Keep
Library Open
Gives $50 To Campaign;
$325 More Needed To;
Keep Unit Open Sunday,
A campaign to raise money to keep
the Main Library, exclusive of the
stacks, open Sundays for the remain-
der of the year, was begun yesterday
when the Undergraduate Council
gave $50 to the fund and announced
it would supervise an extensive cam-
pus drive at the beginning of next
week for the additional $325 needed.
All those whoaire .interested in
having the library open for the re-
maining Sundays of the year, and
who will give a few cents to a fund
which will make this possible, are
requested to sign coupons which will
appear in The Daily and either mail
them to The Daily or deposit them
in boxes situated at strategic points
on the campus.
Besides determining campus senti-
ment by way of coupons, the Council
intends to send to each fraternity
and sorority on campus, as well as
other campus organizations, letters
requesting $2 from each house. Be-
tween $150 and $200, it is hoped, will
be procured in this manner.
If the library is to be open Sun-
days, it will be necessary for stu-
dents to raise the money themselves,
said Gilbert E. Bursley, Council pres-
ident, who presided after an absence
during the latter part of the last se-
mester, for the State cut 23 per cent
from the library fund this year. The
library was forced to drop 20 full
time members because of this action
and authorities did not believe it fair
to ask those remaining to work on
Sundays without compensation, Bur-
sley said.
The Council also decided that all
freshmen who have not already done
so may stop wearing pots after March
4. In future years, the members de-
cided, freshmen need only wear pots
until Thanksgiving Day, after which
they may be discarded.
The Council also appropriated $25
toward the University Fresh Air
Camp and announced its complete
support of an entertainment to be
held some time in the latter part of
March for the purpose of raising
additional funds for the camp.

Varsity Swim
EVANSTON, I11, March 2.- (/P)-
Michigan's Big Ten champion swim-
ming team won six out of ten first
places tonight to defeat Northwest-
ern, 49 to 35, in ~a dual meet.
Taylor Drysdale provided the out-
standing performance of the meet in
winning the 150-yard back stroke
from Miller of Northwestern in 1 :38.4.
The Wolverines won the opening
event, the 400-yard relay, and never
were headed, although Northwestern
was close until the last three events.
Pr"rojee l Meth1od O
Tieaching. (ICa ime d
Unfiair ITo L hiidrenl
"There is no such thing as right
or wrong in school work -it is aI
little better or not quite so good."
Thus does Dr. J. L. Meriam of the
University of California at Los An-
geles justify his attempts to take the1
three R's out of school work. Hef
spoke at the Phi Delta Kappa dinnerI
held last nigh t at the Union.I
Dr. Meriam is noted in the educa-
tion world fo: his marked departure
from the cony ntional in the teaching
of elementary school pupils. He con-
demns the project method of
motivating sti dy among such pupils
on the ground that it is unfair to7
"fool the children," He adds that1
most teachers don't know that they
aren't fooling the pupils but that the
pupils know that their teachers are
trying to fool them.
The first speaker on the program
was W. A. Rih::on, of Atlanta Uni-
versity, who is makig a tour of the
schools of the north. He is well known
in the South forhis work in train-
ig Negro teah
The speakers were introduced by
Dean J. B. Edmondson of the School
of Education.
Hockey Team
Defeats Tech
By21 Slore
Michigan Takes First 0f
Series As Sherf Breaks
Tie In Final Period

Repealists Will Organiz
On Tuesday For Campaig
Democrats To Back" Dri
Club Plans To Acquaint Vienna-Bound? Consolidation Of
Ann Arbor Citizens With In Support Of Pr4
Student Viewpoint Amendment Plan
Issue To Be Made Committee To
Familiar To Voters Elected By
A Reorganization Meeting {, Drive For Funds 4
Of Group Planned; State {Y ]Flans; Treasure
Official To Speak Be Appointed
The movement to effect the legalC n Wet groups, jubilant
h 4 common Council's decision
sale of beer east of Division Streetb eD n
in Ann Arbor won its first campus.......netoy......on.te
tion directly up to the pe
political support with the decision
vote April 2, began to formut
yesterday of the Young Democrats' for a campaign last night
Club to make the legalizing of beer n"a special meeting of all th
sales in the campus area its first ested in the repeal move
political issue. Announcement of the Tuesday night at the offic
decision was made by officials of the Daily.
organization. The call was issued by
An intensive campaign to acquaint Kraft, chairman of the
Ann Arbor citizens with the viewpoint Charter Amendment Repea
of students on the beer issue will be -Associated Press Photo tee which recently collect
launched by the club at a meeting to Rumors persisted in Austria that 1,600 signatures asking for
be held at 3:30 p.m. Sunday in the Archduke Otto, youthful claimant to the question. Although the
League, it was said. that nation's throne, would be weredeclared illegal by City
Acting upon the decision made brought to Vienna as part of a move- William Laird on a techr
Thursday night at a meeting of the ment to restore an Austrian mon- was this display oi repeal
Common Council to submit to local archy. observers believe, which fd
voters April 2 an amendment which tion.
eliminates the last 12 lines from Sec- F Last night it was said
tion 88, Article 3, of the City Charter, Europe a ingcommittee would continue
the Young Democrats will point their tion and that all citizens
drive for support of the amendment Arm s Struggle, would be asked to Join Wi
at Ann Arbor citiyens and students ) larger organization, the
who reside in this city. o -estaI British VCharter Amendment Repe
Students, unless able to establish .1s Vr1tis2e Phil C. Pack, State rep
Ann Arbor as their residence - that who has claimed that thi
is, where they will go after leaving . Street beer ban was repeal
the University - will be able to par- Critics Call Eden's Trip bill creating the State Lqu
ticipate in the vote only by influenc- T EuCot'ient Commission, will serve as
ing Ann Arbzqr ients to vote vlsor of the commttee
"yes' ontIe amendment prolosal, Only A 'Talkie Toir They league ra sai,
officials pointed out. invitations to 50 people
Although a controversy over the LONDON, March 2.- (if) -The been connected with thi
east of Division Street beer issue has opinion that Europe is face-to-face drive for the meeting Tues
waged for several months, splitting with the most serious disarmament but all other people who ar
Ann Arbor citizens into two factions crisis since Germany pulled her ed are asked to attend, he
it is believed by the Young Demo- stakes and left Genevalast October The meeting willelect a
crats that there is apathy and indif- was expressed tonight in an author- to carry on the work nec
ference to the interests of students itative'British quarter. organizing a large repeal vo
on the part of local residents which The indication of the American for funds will be made ai
must be removed by strong cain- State Department that the United zations and individuals wil
paigning by students if their inter- States was in complete accord with to contribute. Other matt
ests are to be represented at the polls the British government's views on will be considered at the m
Students and faculty members are disarmament gave only a glimmer of be campaign literature,
invited to participate in the forma- hope in the situation, for London publicity, personal contaci
tion of plans for the campaign, offi~ has known for some time that Wash- paign to get unqualified
cials of the Young Democrats Club ington supported the British arms registered, and all other :
stated, at the Sunday reorganization osals necessary to get out the 19
meeting. William F. Dorn, assistant propo .
attorney-general of Michigan and No such encouragement, however, sible repeal vote.
president of the Young Democrats of was evidenced on the European con-
Michigan, will address the rally and tinent as a result of Capt. Anthony P1lCat10B
advise in the formation of plans for Eden's recent tour of the capitals.
the campaign. The Lord Privy Seal and arms ex-

Wants Congress To
Him Anthority To
Trade Reciprocity


WASHINGTON, March 2. -(P) -
A wide change in the nation's tariff
policy, the badge of political faith
for more than a century, was pro-
posed today by President Roosevelt.
A thousand-word message, one of
the longest he has devoted to any
one piece of legislation, took to Con-
gress the news that the President
desires authority to bargain with
other countries for trade benefits.
The immediate reaction of Senate
Republicans came from Senator Mc-
Nary of Oregon, their leader. "Too
much power to put in the hands of
one man," he called it, adding that
it presaged the "destruction of the
tariff commission."
In general, the President asked
power to bargain with other nations
for trade, the treaties thus arrived
at not to be subject to the long and
sometimes tedious process of Senate
ratification. He pointed to the foreign'
trade picture and said full and per-
manent domestic recovery depended
upon revived international trade.,

The Wolverine hockey team took
a further step towards securing a
strangle-hold on the mythical college
championship for the S t a t e last
night by defeating Michigan Tech.,
2 to 1, at the Varsity Arena. The
Maize and Blue need only to tie to-
night's game to clinch the mythical
Johnny Sherf, speedy Michigan
wing, won the contest for the Wol-
verines in the final period when he
skated down the center of the ice,
dribbled the puck through three of
the Miners who were back of the
red line, drew Eddie Maki, Tech
goalie, out of the cage, and shot the
puck by him for the tally that broke
a 1-1 tie.
Michigan drew first blood in the
speedy contest near the middle of
the first period. Sherf had been sent
to the penalty box and came out just
in time to drive a loose puck over
against the boards. Capt. George
David grabbed the puck as it bound-
ed from the boards, rounded the Tech
defense men, drew Maki out of posi-
tion by faking a shot at the left
hand corner of the cage, and scored
in the unprotected corner of the net
as he skated past. b
The Technicians tied the score
shortly after the second period start-
(Continued on Page 3)


Fundamental Things Apply As
Time Goes By-For Co-Eds Too

Blue Law Depression trip a "talkie tour."
Ceer Gardens Contrary to reports, published
Empties rabroad, that the United States had
taken a new initiative in disarmament
Ann Arbor's bright spots were sud- negotiations, American ambassador-
denly dimmed last night as the beer at-large Norman H. Davis told the
gardens felt the first effects of the Associated Press that "the United
city Blue Law. States is not offering any new plan
Small groups of puzzled students as far as I know."
wandered about the city visiting one Mr. Davis, who is in London en-
haunt after the other in search of route to Stockholm, interpreted the
week-end entertainment, and found American policy as one of waiting for
only empty tables. European governments to settle their
Distracted proprietors found their political differences and renew arms
business completely ruined as the new discussions.
law banned dancing and stopped the "When disarmament is ready and
sale of beer just as gayety was be- if I am needed and wanted I shall
ginning to reach its height. be there," he said.
Colleye Publications Criticize
Work Of National Defense Week
(By Intercollegiate Press) tion whose object is to make higher
LARAMIE, Wyo., March 2. - Na- education available to every young
tional Defense Week, featuring movie man and woman of the state and
screens alive with folks telling au- imposing such conditions as 'take
diences they'd better begin crying for military or get out' seems hardly
biger and better armies and battle- compatible with Ithe principles of
ships, didn't go over so big in at least democracy as set forth in the Con-
two of the nation's colleges. stitution."
Here, for instance, is part of what The Akron Buchtelite of Akron
the Branding Iron, student news- University, said in part:
paper at the University of Wyoming "That smug world in which we in-
had to say about it: offensive, peace-loving college stu-
"The next war will be fought by dents live is being momentarily
us and our contemporaries. It will be shaken by another one of those na-
another 'war to end war,' or 'to make tional something or other weeks. The
the world safe for democracy.' And American Legion, that band of jingo-
the armament ring will clean up ists, and diverse other clubs of ex-
again. You will have little if any fighting men, are rallying around the

(By Intercollegiate Press)
CLEVELAND, March 2.- The ques-
tion of morals has developed into
one of "good taste" and "poor taste"
so far as the modern co-ed of in-
telligence is concerned.
Put any matter up to her on this
basis and she is pretty certain to
make the right choice-even when
it comes to choosing a husband.
As a result, divorce courts of to-
morrow will grind far less swiftly
than they do today.
This was the concensus of the na-
tion's deans of women, gathered here
in convention this week.

said. "They want to be self-support-
ing, too. For it is their belief that in
these days it often takes more than
one to earn a living for a family.
"As to morals - they are, of course,
far more a matter of individual inter-
pretation today than formerly. The
intelligent young woman does not
conform to a certain code because
she thinks tradition or public opinion
demands. Her conduct is regulated
chiefly by what she considers 'good
Much good has come out of the
depression so far as the girl grad-
uate of tomorrow is concerned, in the

Mrs. Roosevelt To
Fly To Puerto Rico
WASHINGTON, March 2. - {P) -
On a new aerial adventure --a pro-
posed flight to Puerto Rico - Mrs.
Roosevelt's second year as mistress of
the White House will be' "off to a
flying start."
From Washington to San Juan in

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