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March 02, 1934 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1934-03-02

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sia Tries

Henry Pu-Yi Ascends Throne As Emperor Of Manchukuo

Professor Urges Teachers To
Stop Preaching Of Capitalism

Of 101.

ri Arctic Ice

t Possible Relief
ary To Save Lost

Report Women And
Children Suffering
S o vie t Aviators In New
York May Be Sent To
Alaska As Aid
MOSCOW, March 1. -A Russian
rescue commission laid plans today
to extend to Alaskan bases, if neces-
sary, an expedition to save 101 mien
and women marooned on an ice floe
in the Berring straits, off northern
Ten members of the Wrangel is-
land expedition whose vessel, the
Chelisukin, sank Feb. 13, are re-
ported to be suffering severely from
weakness and exposure. Two small
children are among them.
"It is not merely a question of
rescue now, but the speediest pos-
sible rescue," said V. V. Kubysheff,
head of the commission.
Aviators Arrive
Three Russian aviators, one of
whom flew to the 'aid of Jimmy Mat-
tern when he cracked his plane in a
force landing on his 'round-the-world
flight, arrived in New York Wednes-
day with orders to proceed to Wash-
ington and await orders from Mos-

CLEVELAND, 0., March 1. - The
educational world was brought to
life with a shock this week when
Clyde R. Miller, professor at Teach-
ers C o11e g e Columbia University,
speaking at one of the many educa-
tional conventions being held here,
urged that teachers quit teaching
capitalism and begin teaching the
need for a new social order.
Miller gave his audience twelve
axioms. They were:
1. Life is worth living. If it isn't
we ought to stand the unemployed
up and shoot them or let them starve
To Erect Fire
Tower Given
By University
LANSING, March 1- As a result!
of a gift from the University of
Michigan, a 150-foot fire tower, one
of the tallest in the state, is to be
erected in the Porter township oil
field of Midland county as an in-
creased protection against the men-
ace of forest fires.
Porter township is largely an area
of brush and cut-over land in which
a grave fire hazard exists during the
period from April to November, jeo-
pardizing not only private property,
but the operations of drillers as well.
The gift from the University was
in the form of a 253-foot Insley steel
builders tower, which was erected at
a cost of $3,000 and weighs 1712 tons.
It was used in experiments on wind
When dismantled, a sufficient por-
tion to erect the new 150 foot struc-
ture in Midland county will be set
aside and the remaining section
raised at a site which will be de-
termined later.

as our financial interests now blandly
2. To sustain life we need air,
water, food and clothing. I suspect
that if some of our bankers could
get a corner on air and sell it they
would gladly let some of us suffocate.
3. There are enough food, shelter
and clothing to give everybody on
the continent all he needs
4. Most of this abundance is con-
trolled by a very small minority.
Two per cent of our people control
80 per cent of our property.
5. The 2 per cent also control
what we think.
6. Most people 4on't yet know
there are enough goods for them to
live in comfort. The schools never
gave us any notion that with proper
organization we could have all we
wanted. They never taught us that
if hours were shorter and profits for
the 2 per cent not so big there would
be plenty for everybody.
7. Everybody hopes he will be
8. In a system of rapid mech-
anism, individualism can't and won't
9. There must be national control
of industry and means of life.
10 Teachers m u s t teach these
fundamental economic controls.
11. Teachers must have a strong,
militant organization.
12. There must be a close alliance
between teachers and the great mass
of the people who work with their
hands and their brains.
The largest crowd of Michigan
alumni ever to gather at the National
Education Association Convention at-
tended the breakfast given especially
for them by the University Club of
Cleveland, during the convention, at
the Hotel Cleveland, according to a
report received in the office of T.
Hawley Tapping,

-AssoCis ed EreS k'lotO
Henry Pu-Yi, 29 .(left), last of the 300-year-old Ching dynasty, who ascended the throne as a baby and was forced to abdicate in the
revolution that made China a republic, became emperor of the Japanese-advised state of Manchukuo yesterday. His enthronement took place
at Hsinking, capital of Manchukuo, amid scenes of oriental pageantry. Delicate health prevented the new ruler's 28-year-old consort, Yueh Hua,
or "Moon Flower" (right), from taking part in the ceremonies. The daughter of a Manchu businessman, she was selected by Pu-Yi as his bride
from a photograph when he was 14 and she 13.


1934's Political Turmoil; No. 6,
What Your Pre sident Has Done

Kubysheff said they may be sent
to Alaska to attempt an appeal
rescue from Nome. The position
of the castaways was last reported
as 68.25 north latitude, 173.9 west
longitude, approximately 200 miles
due west of Point Hope, the nearest
Alaskan territory.
U. S. Offers Help
The three aviators, ranked ,among
the foremost in Russia, are S. A.
Levenevsky, M a t t e r n's Samaritan,
G. A. Ushakoff and Siepney. They
sailed for New York aboard the
Olympic. They did not carry planes,
Kuybsheff said the United States
government has not been asked for
assistance, but indicated that any
help from that quarter would be
gratefully recieved by the Soviet gav-
Meantime the Soviets are concen-
trating on one of the greatest relief
expeditions in the history of Arctic
exploration. Three large planes are
already at Cape Wellen awaiting fav-
orable weather to take off for the ice
camp set up with the aid of stores
rescued from the sinking Cheliuskin,
and the steamer Smolesk, with seven
lighter aircraft aboard, sailed today
from Vladivostok.
Long Delay Necessary
The steamer Stalingrad is taking
on two more'light planes at Petro-
pavlovsk, expecting to sail soon. In
addition the aviator M. Vocopianon
is now flying ifrom Moscow to
Khabarovsk, from where he will hop
in easy stages to Cape Wellen in a
specially-equipped plane.
Kuybysheff estimated that even
with the most favorable weather -
the most important factor in air-
plane rescue operations at this time
of year in the Arctic - it probably
would be 10 days or two weeks be-
fore the full relief forces are con-
centrated at the operating bases.
Kuybysheff revealed that one of
the planes previously dispatched flew
over the castaways' camp on the
flight from Cape Wellen but could
not see the occupants or be seen by
them because of a snowstorm.

(Continued from Page 1)
departure from that normal balanceE
of public procedure." He was pre-
pared to recommend to Congress the
measures which he regarded neces-
sary in the circumstances; but should
Congress fail to act he would ask
that body for "broad executive power
to wage a war against the emergency,
as great as the power that would be
given to me if we were in fact invaded
by a foreign foe." Herein he fore-
shadowed the grants of extraordinary
powers vested in him during the first
session of the Seventy-Third Con-
Banking Emergency: Faced with a
financial crisis on entering office,
President Roosevelt made use of a
war emergency act of 1917 to pro-
claim a bank holiday from March 6 to
March 9. Calling a special session of
Congress for March 9, he asked for
legislative control over the banks.
Congress immediately passed the
Emergency Banking Act and the
President used the power conferred
on him to extend the banking holi-
day to March 13. On the evening of
March 12, by means of a nation-wide
radio broadcast, President Roosevelt
explained his banking and currency'
program and appealed for popular
support. Closely associated with the
reorganization and reopening of the
banks were the Glass-Steagall Act, to
reform the national banking system
and to insure deposits, and the Secur-
ities Act, to prevent fraud in the sale
of securities.
Economy Program: March 10 the
President sent to Congress the draft
of an economy bill designed to re-
duce Federal expenses by $500,000,-
000, the principal savings to be ef-
fected by curtailment in pensions and
allowances to war veterans and in
pay of government officers and em-
ployees. The bill was passed and
Lewis Douglas, director of the budget,
made drastic cuts, especially in the
allowances to veterans whose disabil-
ities were not directly attributable
to the War. In the face of a move-
ment among some of the war veterans
to develop popular sentiment in fa-
vor of restoration of their previous
allowances, President Roosevelt ad-
dressed the American Legion Conven-
tion in Chicago Oct. 2. He declared
that in undertaking to balance the
budget the principle must be pre-
served "that no person because he
wore a uniform must thereafter be
placed in a special class of benefi-
ciaries over and above all other cit-
izens." At the moment of this writ-
ing, a movement in Congress to re-
store the allowances of veterans and
the pay of government employees
has led to the threat of the President
that he will veto the bill if passed,
in its present form.
Farm Relief: The President stated
that the primary objective of his1
farm relief program was to bring the
prices of farm products into pre-war

parity with prices of industrial prod-j
ucts. As one means toward this end
the Agricultural Adjustment Act of
May 12 conferred on the Secretary of
Agriculture extensive powers to ef-
fect reductions in production by con-
tract or otherwise, to regulate inter-
state and foreign trade in farm prod-
ucts, and to levy taxes on processors
of farm commodities to pay the ex-
penses of the plan. In a message read
Dec. 11 before the American Farm
Bureau Federation, President Roose-
velt asserted that "in a few short
months the whole complexion of the
agricultural o u t 1 o o k has been
changed." While admitting that "we
are not yet out of the woods," he
said that "we seem to be on our way."
In his message to Congress Jan. 3
the President repeated his statement
that the farm relief experiment was
National Recovery Program: Dur-
ing his campaign for office President
Roosevelt had insisted that a
planned economy was essential to re-
covery. In the session of Congress
which, he called to meet the emer-
gency, legislation was introduced to
aid the farmers; to provide for the
regulation of hours of labor, wages,
and industrial production; to co-or-
dinate the railroads; to carry out a
scheme of social control in the Ten-
nessee River Valley; to co-operate
with the states to relieve distress; to
make loans to home owners; and to
initiate and carry out an extensive
program of public works.
National Industrial Recovery Act:
In signing this act, President Roose-
velt characterized it as "the most im-
portant and far-reaching legislation
ever enacted by the American Con-
gress." On June 24, in another radio
broadcast to the country, he out-
lined the theory of the act and asked
for support in the "offensive against
unemployment." In an address Dec.
7 he expressed the belief that the
country was "entering upon a time of
great gain" and that it could be ; a
prosperity "socially controlled for the
common good." Under the provisions
of the act codes have been drafted
for many industries. Meetings are
being held in Washington this week
to hear complaints against the opera-
tion of the codes, with a view to ren-
dering them more workable and more
satisfactory to all concerned.
Government Purchase of Gold: In
a radio speech Oct. 22, the President
repeated that the definite policy of
the government had been to restore
commodity price levels. With this
level restored the next step sought
would be "to establish and maintain
a dollar which will not change its
purchasing and debt-paying power
during the succeeding generation."
He announced a policy of controlling
the gold value of the dollar at home
by establishing a government market
for gold in the United States, and
authorized the Reconstruction Fi-

nance Corp. to buy gold newly-mined
in the United States at prices to be
determined after consultation with
the Secretary of the Treasury and the
President. He stated also that when-
ever necessary gold would be bought
and sold in the world market, and
this has been done. This policy
aroused a storm of criticism at home
and abroad, but the President re-
mained firm in his support of it.
On Jan. 15, 1934, he asked Congress
to pass a bill transferring all gold
bullion and coin in the possession.of
the Federal Reserve Banks to the
Treasury and to fix the upper limit
of permissable revaluation of the dol-
lar at 60 per cent. Furthermore, he
suggested that out of the profits of
any devaluation, there should be set
up a fund of two billion dollars "for
such purchases and sales of gold, for-
eign exchange, and government se-
curities, as the maintenance of the
credit of the government and the
general welfare of the United States
may require." Congress embodied
these suggestions in the Gold Reserve
Act of 1934, approved by the Presi-
dent Jan. 30.
Silver Purchase: As another part of
his monetary program the President,
by an executive order of Dec. 21, rati-
fied the silver agreement negotiated
at the London Conference and pro-
vided for the purchase of practically
all newly-mined domestic silver, half
to be coined and half to be deposited
in the Treasury. This order was ex-
pected to satisfy the advocates of
silver monetization, regarded as one
of the powerful groups favoring infla-
Alcoholic Liquor: On March 13,
1933, President Roosevelt asked Con-
gress to modify the Volstead Act to
permit the sale of beverages contain-
ing 3.2 per cent of alcohol. He stated
that the revenue derived from the
licensing of brewers and dealers and
from the taxes on the sale of the
beverages would assist in the bal-
ancing of the budget. In accordance
with his request Congress enacted the
so-called Beer Law of March 22 The
President also went on record in
favor of the repeal of the Eighteenth
Amendment and his action undoubt-
edly aided materially in the speedy
action taken by the states in this
connection. On Dec. 5, simultane-
ously with the proclamation of the
adoption of the Twenty-First Amend-
ment, President Roosevelt proclaimed
the Eighteenth Amendment repealed
and expressed the hope that the
people would be temperate in their
use of alcoholic beverages.
Air Mail Controversy: On Feb. 9,
1934, the President ordered annul-
ment of all existing domestic mail
contracts and directed the army to
carry the mail during the emergency
created by his order. It was the con-
tention of the Administration that
the air mail appropriation had been
expended for the benefit of a few
favored corporations and as a club to
force competitors out of business. It
was also claimed that contracts had
been awarded to favored corporations
by connivance and agreement. These
charges were denied by former Re-
publican officials and by representa-
tives of the corporations, who also

claimed that they had been con-
demned without a hearing. When
several Army aviators lost their lives
on their first air mail flights, a wave
of criticism of the President's order
swept the country. Plans are now be-
ing made to redraft the contracts
and return the air mail service to
private corporations under stricter
governmental control.
. Foreign Policy: Space does not
permit a full discussion of President
Roosevelt's foreign policy. Little was
accomplished at the London Eco-
nomic Conference, and the problem
of the payment of the War debts
remains unsolved. A non-aggressive
policy in Cuba and at the Pan-
American Conference at Montevideo
advanced somewhat the doctrine of
"the good neighbor." The outstand-
ing act of the year was the re-
"the good neighbor." The outstanding
act of the year was the resumption of
diplomatic relations with the Union
of Socialist Soviet Rebublic. This was
announved Nov.,16, following discus-
sions between the President and
Maxim Litnov. Speaking at the ob-
servance of the anniversary of the
birth of Woodrow Wilson Dec. 27,
President Roosevelt declared that the
time had come for the United States
to announce that its definite policy
was one opposed to armed interven-
tion and that we did not contem-
plate membership in the League of
Nations. He laid down the follow-
ing three-point world peace plan:
(1) Every nation to agree to elim-
inate over a short period and by
progressive steps, every weapon of
offense: (2) no nation to permit any
of its armed forces to cross its own
borders into the territory of another
nation; and (3) every nation, with-
out exception, to enter into the
agreement by solemn obligation.

For Lenten Days-This
MIodern Cafeteria Serves
SYou FreshFish ..
Friday Feature Menu
Fried Lake Erie White Fish......14c
Baked Fillet of Haddock ........15c
Fried Deep Sea Scallops.........15c

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Stewed Milkfed Chicken........1 5c
With Dumpling

Dinner Steak Features

Broiled Beef Tenderloin Steak..
Broiled Large T-Bone Steak ....


Open Afternoons & Evenings

Because of
of sun spot
come to an

the fact that the period
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mike fingerle, prop.




(Continued fromPage 3)


eight-thirty. Butler relays only two
days away.
March 23.-Butler relays only one
day away.
March 24. -Butler relays at In-
dianapolis. Five unidentified Butlers
killed in rush. Names: Jeeves,
Throckmorton, Adams, Morris and
MARCH 25.-Doggone if it isn't
raining again. The Sabbath, so
conduct yourself circumspectly.
March 26. - This day will probably
be very near the end of the month.
March 27. -This day will be
March 28.-If March were Feb-
ruary the chances would be three to
one that this day would be the end
of the month.
March 29.- Swimming Nationals
hnr.i n . nh in g.to nd - t hra


NEW BOOKS--The Best of Non-Fiction

The Michigan Union
presents Bob Steinle
and the Union. Band,
featuring Mary Ann
Mathewson and a host

Beard-The Idea of National Interest.
LeGallienne-At 33........... . .
Gilfllan-I Went To Pit College... .
McConaughy-Who Rules America?.


Walthek-Gouverneur Morris, Witness
of Two Revolutions .....,.......3.00
Delisle Burns-The Horizon of Experience 3.50
Cronyn-The Fool of Venus ... 3.00
Winton-Robert E. Lee . 4.00

Friday 9-1
Saturday, 9-12
r- ..,.. (t 1 n





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