THE MICHIGAN DAILY Official Ci-d Fced With Proble Histr Drama To Directs Fashion Show ( -" Be Presented Soon M Decorating Microscopic Rooms P IBY Play Production Several guests were entertained last night at a rushing dinner given by the member of Theta Phi Alpha sorority. Green tapers and pink tulle bows made up the table decorations. Alpha Xi Delta Members of Alpha Xi Delta enter- tained six guests at a rushing dinner last night, according to Winifred Ar- thur, '34, who was in charge of the affair. Pink roses and pink tapers were used for decorations. Delta Gamma Delta Gamma pledges will enter- tain the active members of the sorority at a formal dance tonight. Nancy Olds, '37, is in charge of ar- rangements, and Max Gail's orches- tra will play. Chaperones will be Mrs. Phyllis Reynolds, Mr and Mrs. F. C. Morgan, and Dr. and Mrs. William J. Stapleton, Jr. Delta Omicron The Xi Chapter of Delta Omicron, professional musical sororiay, opened its rushing season recently with a tea at the home of Mrs. Charles Ver- schoor. The second event of the sea- son was a bridge party held at the home of Mrs. Lewis Gram. Tuesday night the sorority pre- sented Miss Virginia Mente, pianist, and Miss Mary Jane Clark, harpist, in a recital given at the home of Mrs. Alexander G. Ruthven. Their pro- gram included selections by Bach, Chopin, Liszt, Corelli, Salzedo, Le- schetizky, Durand, and MacDowell. Tonight the Xi chapter is holding a formal banquet at the Union. Pledging will take place Sunday aft- ernoon, March 4, at the League. Delta Zeta Delta Zeta recently entertained four guests at a rushing dinner. An oriental motif was carried out, and the guests were seated on cushions at a low table Janet Brackett, '36, and Janet McPhee, '36, were in charge of the party. Helen Newberry Katherine Choate, '36, athletic manager for Helen Newberry, has been elected as sophomore represen- tative on the Helen Newberry Board of Student Governors. She will re- place Gertrude Walker, '36, who has left school. Sigma Kappa Sigma Kappa sorority wishes to announce the pledging of Ruth E. Taylor, '36 Election of officers of Lambda Chi Alpha was held Wednesday. The re- sults of the election are Allen D. Mc- Comb, '35, President; Floyd Hart- man, '35, V i c e President; Keith Davis, '35ED, Secretary; Ralph Whis- ler, '35, Treasurer; Robert Heusel, '36, Social Chairman; Stuart Reed, '35, Initiation Chairman. Lambda Chi Alpha Lambda Chi Alpha fraternity is entertaining at a closed pledged formal tonight. Prof. Roland Rob- inson will be the chaperon. The music will be furnished by Bill Marshall's orchestra. The guests attending the dance are Dorothy Bromley, '35, Irene Brom- ley, Chicago, Barbara Otte, '37, Cath- erine Shannon, '36, Lillian Weinman, '34, Dorothy Bernard, Ypsilanti, Jean Platz, Grosse Pointe, Luella Mae Kees, Charlotte Bessmer, '36, Rose Offly, '36, Ruth Kurtz, '34, Mary Jane Moran, Grosse Pointe, Margaret Culver, '35, and Joan Whetstone, '36. Phi Sigma Kappa Phi Sigma Kappa fraternity wishes to announce the pledging of Richard Hardenbrook, '37, Rochester, N. Y., and Robert Gingrich, '35, Grand Rapids. Theta Xi Theta Xi fraternity held the sec- and in its series of faculty dinners Wednesday evening. Prof. J. S. Wor- ley of the transportation engineering division gave a short talk on the future of railroads. Theta Xi wishes to announces the pledging of Charles Holkins, '37, Howell. Honor Society To IitiateNew Memlcrs Soon Margaret Hiscock, '36, is vice-presi- dent of Alpha Lambda Delta, hon- oiary sLho astic society, which will 1hold its annual initiation of new members soon. Miss Hiscock, who was chairman of the Soph Cabaret, is also stidiomore reprcsexntative to the League and a member of the execu- tive committee for the Spring Parley. Prof. John G. Winter of the Latin department will speak at the next ~eeting of the A.AU.W. to be held a( 3 p. m. Saturday in the Grand Rapids Room of the League. Follow- ing his speech, tea will be seryed, at which Mrs. Alexander G. Ruthven, arid Mrs. Gerrit ,J. Diekema will pour, assisted by Mrs. M. J. Underwood and Mrs. L. E. Rittershofer of the junior group Professor Winter will speak on "The Excavation of Karanis and Its7 Contribution to Knowledge," in dis- cussing the finds of the University expedition there, and their impor-t tance in the study of ancient history. By FLORENCE HARPER There's nothing quite as engross- ing during the first days of a semes- ter as the problems in interior dec- oration which assail the distracted, co-ed who is just moving into new? quarters. If it happens to be herj first experience with a sorority orI dormitory room the problem of dec- oaating it is a major one and even if she is an old hand at the matter it is a project which is apt to con- sume all her time and energy for the first few weeks to the exclusionI of such minor matters as classes and the getting of an education. The main problem is that of raak- ing a cell-like "dorm" room which seems almost microscopic to the poor freshman girl a bit more spacious and home-like. This may be solved by the judicious use of color and ar- rangeinent of furniture, says Profes- sor Herbert A. Fowler of the decora- tive design department. The large backgrounds and the most important color notes should be in general of blues, greens, and vio- lets, the so-called cool colors, which give the eflect of misty distances and vistas. Por more striking spots of color the orngyes, reds, and yellows, and the neutra+l shades, for instane, henna and the new tiger lily shade, wvhichare oranges greyed, may be used. ihe smaller articles such as cushions and spreads should be in these colors to give t o ii c h e s of warmth to the room. Orderliiess, w"lhicli is (Jite defi- nitely not the forte of the average college girl, is one of the prime req- uisites for a sense of spaciousness. By this is meant not only ordinary neatness but primarily the placing of furniture in many convenient groupings with a free area left in the middle of the room where one may get at least a little feeling of the wide open spaces. To Carry out this effect a large carpet is better than numerous small rugs. It gives the illusion of space as well as being more practical for hurried exits and entrances or for setting up exercises and the like. The wall space may be treated in much the same manner with pictures grouped in connection with the fur- niture to give an orderly effect and a good deal of space between the gioups to give the illusion of "mag- nificant distances." The pictures themselves in such an intimate room should be small, but the groups may be built up to a considerable. size. The principle invlved in the building up of large' groups seems a bit complicated. A person looing at a large group of pictures infers that the room itself must be large as there would not be space enough in a very small room for such a sizable group. It may sound only like a very spe- cial way of fooling the public, but it really does work according to all the experts. Betsy BawI oii thonors 1 6 AL Sixteen girls were honored yester- day at the annual scholarship dinner dance held at the Betsy Barbour Dor- mitory. Louise Van Evera, '37, had 45 honor points, or the eq1uivalnt of an all-A record. The other I f girls, cah 1 having at least 35 honor points, were: Helen Clark, '34SM, 1 avinia Creigh- ton, '35ED, Billie Faulkner, '37, Jose- phine Gibson, '37, Charlotte Hamil- tIon, '37, Katlileeii Ma clntyre, '36, Marie Mette, '37, Winifred Moffett, '35, Nancy Quirk, '37, Elizabeth Roura, '37, Mary Lou Traywick, '37, Dorothy Vale, '37, Olive Webb, '35, and Collin Wilsey, '35. Mrs. Leona M. Diekera, B3etsy Bar- bour director, l)resided( at the dinner, which was a formal affair. Corsages Were given to tie honored girls. The decorations were black and white candles with artificial flowers. Sales Se:Record An unprecedented event in the his- tory of class dances has taken place in connection with this year's Frosh Frolic. All the tickets were sold on the first day the sales were openedj to upperclassmen, and nearly twol weeks before the dance itself, accord- ing to Richard Schumo, '37, chair- man. Last year the Frolic was not sold out until the day before the dance, and then only when the price was cut from $3.00 to $1.50. This year 300 tickets were sold in all, at $2.00 each. The dance takes place March 9 at the Union. Isue Ldrary Science Summer School Bulletin The r e g u 1 a r announcement of courses in the Library Science de- partment of the 1934 Summer Ses- sion, to extend from June 25 to Aug- ust 17, was released this week and is available at the office of Prof. Louis A. Hopkins, Director of the Summer Session. A staff of nine librarians, including three members of other institutions, will be on the campus to teach the courses offered, which will include those for first year students in Li- brary Science as well as those offered primarily for graduates. ,1atake-up Techi iq ttehImp ofna it For Various Roles In J. G. P . By MARIE MURPHY Just as it is important for the mod- ern girl to apply make-up to empha- size her best features, so it is on the stage that by following certain tech- nicalities in the use or rouge and black "liners" the essential charac- teristics of a type may be brought out. This was pointed out by Mary Ferris, who is in charge of make-up for "Gang's All There," in a recent interview. "The more general types are fairly simple to portray," Miss Ferris said, "Old age, for example, is shown by dark grey "liners" for wrinkles at the corners of the eyes, lines at the mouth, shadows in the hollows of the cheeks and spirit gum on the eye- brows to make them appear shaggy," she explained. It is even possible, Miss Ferris stated, to make the face appear broader or longer by placing the rouge correctly. To effect an appear- ance of wide features the rouge is applied from near the center of the face, shading almost tothe hairline at the side of the face; for length, of course, the opposite would be true. In addition the eyebrows would be drawn close to the eyes and the lips colored broader to produce a full, round face. Transform Faces The choruses for "Gang's All There," according to Miss Ferris, will require make-up judiciously applied to transform feminine faces into those of gangsters, chorines, "high yaller gals," and Viennese doctors. These will all provide interesting problems in characterization, she added. "The mug," she explained, "would need coarse features, and so we will have to thicken the eyebrows, brush the hair straight back from the fore- head, and darken the skin coloring. There will be nothing on the eye- lashes, and just a bit of eyeshadow, while the lips will be a dark red with the lower lip a little thick." The doctors will have thin lines drawn at the sides of their eyes, and heavy shadows over the eyes to give j dark effect, she continued. "We shall probably make quaint Van Dyke beards for them too." Make Up "High-Yallers" The "high-yaller gals," the colored dancers in a night club will be cov- ered with a dark yellow base; their eyelashes will be heavily beaded, and their lips will be thick and brilliant red. The "molls" will not be espe- cially difficult to make-up, Miss Fer- ris remarked, for placing the rouge in round, red spots in the center of the cheek, brightening their lips, and giving them a great deal of eyesha- dow will produce that "hard' look. 'In any dramatic production the acting is naturally an outstanding feature, but just as good sets and appropriate costumes are essential, the proper make-up is necessary," Miss Ferris said. Glee Clubs To Meet Today At Lab Theatre A meeting of members of the University Glee Clubs will be held at 4 p. m. today at the Labora- tory Theatre, when they will be given an opportunity to learn some of the music for "The Gon- doliers," before the first impor- tant general rehearsal to be held at 2:30 p. m. Sunday. Inasmuch as action will be set at this time, it is necessary that everyone who wishes to be considered seriously be present. WhereTGo Motion Pictures: Michigan, "If I Were Free" with Irene Dunne and Clive Brook; Majestic, "My Lips Be- tray" and "Hell and High Water" with Richard Arlen; Whitney, "Mur- der on the Campus" and "Marriage on Approval", Wuerth, "The Chief" and "East of 5th Street." I hncing: Union, Chubb's, Hi-Hat Inn, Joe Parker's, Dixie Inn, Preke- tes. Clildrtr.'s Theatre: "The Pied! Pi- per of Hamelin Town"; Lydia Men- delssohn Theatre; 3:30 p. in. if 11 DANCE TO MIKE FALK and His Orchestra ONE NIGHT ONLY All-leather heels . . buckles tiny perforations . .. and Kilties . .. just a few new additions that make Rough Grains your choice for Spring. A meeting of the active chapter of Alpha Lambda Delta, freshman hon- orary scholastic sorority, was held yesterday afternoon at the League. Plans were made for the initiation of new members, which is to take place this month at the home of Dean Alice Lloyd, who is an honorary member. Winifred Bell, '36, president, presided at the meeting. FRIDAY, MARCH 2 t liit !I 1