E C H I GAN lAITV I JLJV r Li 1 I' Lf.., .,. 21 .ibUshed every morning except Monday during the vers ty year and Summer Session. by the Board in trot of Student Publications. ember of the Western Conference Editorial Association the Big Ten News Service. ocgiafed allegi>i> e ®_re~s 1933 .ATIONAL..' VRAGC 1934 MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS e Associated Press is enclusively entitled to the use republication of all news dispathces credited to it or otherwise credited in thi.; paper and the local news ished hetein. A l rights of republication of special atches are reserved. tered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, .Michigan, as id' class matter. Special rate of postage granted by d Assistant Postmaster-General. bscription during summer by carrier, $1.00; by mail, $ During regular school year by carrier, $3.75; by ,$4,25. ices: Student Publicat(ns Building, Maynard Street, Arbor, Michigan. Phone: 24214. presentatives: College Publications Representatives, 40 East Tirty-Fourth Street, New York City; 80 son Street, Boston; .612 North Michigan Avenue, ago. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 4925 AGING EDITOR ..........THOMAS K. CONNELLAN fORIAL DIRECTOR............C. HART SCHAAF r EDITOR..... ..............BRACKLEY SHAW RTS EDITOR ...............ALBERT H. NEWMAN MEDITOR .......JOHN W. PRITCHARD E N'S EDITOR.......... ........,CAROL J. HANAN IT EDITORS: A, Ellis Ball, Ralph C. Coolter, William Ferris, Johat C. 11enley, tleor~cVain leek, Oluy M. "pple, Jr. iTS ASSTSTANTS: Charles A. Baird, Arthiir W. Car- ris, Sidney Frankel, Roland 1L. Martin, Marjorie stern'. ideas with those of students attending. The parley is not a series of addresses, but consists of dis- cussions, with opportunities to ask questions and get further ideas expressed on particular phases of the general theme, "What Can We Believe." We urge students who feel that their con- ceptions of present-day society, the economic sys- tem, religion, the family, war, and other problems, are jumbled to attend this gathering and profit through hearing expressed the opinions of others on the topics. By comparing these ideas with the student's own he should be able to formulate new theories on a firmer basis. Beliefs during the last few years have neces- sarily been subject to rapid modifiactions under the influence of radical departures affecting all of our lives, and many have found it difficult to stabilize their thinking along with the changes. It is for the purpose of assisting this process that the parley is held. Students, officials and faculty members con- nected with the parley this year are making plans for an even greater attendance than last year, when standing room only was left, and we feel their belief -that students want to hear the opinions of others on their own problems is justified. We are all doing more thinking than we used to and we hope that a great number will take advantage of the meetings. Screen Reflections AT THE MICHIGAN / "IF I WERE ONLY FREE" J 5 t The Theatre AT THE LYDIA MENDELSSOHN "THE PIED PIPER OF HAMELIN TOWN" A Review: - By JTOHN W. PRITCHARI) 11' Sarah.....................Irene Dunne Erwin......................... Clive Brook Tono............................Nils Astor "If I Were Only Free" concerns the tale of two people, married to indifferent characters, rather dejected with life, in general who meet in Paris and find their happiness together in spite of it all. This is a more or less old theme done well by Irene Dunne and Clive Brook with able assistance from Nils Asther and Henry Stephenson. It is done well because the manuscript for the play provided some rather nice dialogue, and except for some rather heavy scenes, it has come up to the better type of cinema. THIS CHILDREN'S THEATRE has the rare virtue of being consistent. "The Pied Piper" is their third production this season, which is the first season in their history - and not a single one of the productions has been poor, or even weak. In addition, there has been steady improve- ment in all branches of their work - script, pro- duction, scenery, music. "The Pied Piper" thus must be labelled as the best of the three, without any derogation to the quality of the preceding two presentations. I wish to reiterate a point upon which I dwelt at some length during my last review of The Children's Theatre. This organization presents plays with interpolated music and dancing, which are primarily addkessd to child audiences; which are filled with extravagance of word, gesture, color, and situation, and which can in no sense be called realism. Yet there is an undercurrent of satire in the plays which makes them entertain- ing to mature audiences as well. It is this wee touch of sophistication, hidden from the children but highly perceptible to grownups, which lifts the plays above the ordinary run of child enter- tainment. It is the same species of adult appeal (although, of course, not characterized by the same genius) which made "Alice in Wonderland" an immortal tale which is a part of the library of every well-read person, no matter what age. For example, "The Pied Piper" is a children's story; it is built for children, and it pulls them oum uos.iad ou '1a3 -llu.1a l - s as iau So no has had any experience with the world can miss the application of a racketeering town government to the present day. Having known about this ahead of time, I was somewhat fearful that this element might be overdone, with great detriment to child appeal. My anxiety was wholly ground- less. It is an unmistakable touch of satire, but it is not overplayed. It is just there. The production, as I have said, is filled with color, dancing, and music. The first set, that of the square before the town hall, is rich and lovely. Because of these scenic effects, the audience is quickly translated into the fairyland of Robert Browning. And the poet is certainly not ignored, for there are long sections of dialogue lifted whole from the original poem. These are skillfully used, too; a fine instance is in Act II, when the mem- bers of the mayor's'council peer out of the window of the town hall and describe the "big rats, little rats," and all the rest of their ilk that flock after the piper when he plays of chesses and apples and all the other delicacies that gladden the heart of a hungry rat. There is a mob scene, and a game scene (with two very funny acrobats), and several show-down scenes - and a happy ending, which, for present purposes, is an improvement on Mr. Browning. Harry Pick, as the piper, is exceedingly graceful, as one might expect. He is charming, and imme- diately secures the sympathies of the child audi- ence. Goddard Light and Betty Spooner, as the two children, Karl and Lisel, carry a good share of the action with great verve. Paul Bauer, as the leering, bullying cook, Edward E. Freed as the villainous mayor, Mary Potter as Truda, the mother, and Patrick Wilson as Ludwig, the juve- nile menace, all are interesting. Collegiate Observer Your Daily Offers Fact No. 2: Alontg with Other Oitstumlirig News Facilities RILLIAN .EITORILS This specimen gives an idea waothe realdn of intflueince oVer which our editorials extend. These editorials Were written b1y m~embers of Thie Daiily stalt to combilat ani evil thiat the ent ire student body has been objecting to for several years * You arc aware of ow te autho)rities acceept*I lle adviee iv te e ditori ls ani n tstiluh ited imedi ate aelioti, " WOMEN'S ASSISTANTS: arjorie Beck, Eleanor Blum, Lois Jotter, Marie Murphy, Margaret D. Phalan. tEPORTERS: C. Bradford Carpenter, Ogden G. Dwight, Paul J. Elliott, Courtney A. Evans, Thomas E. Groehn, John Kerr, Thomas H. Kleene, RIchard E. Lorch, David G. Macdonald, Joel P. Newman, Kenneth Parkr, WI-] 1am R. Reed, Robert. S. Ruwitch, Robert .J. St. Clar, Arthur S. Settle, Marshall 1). Silverman, Arthur M. Taub. Dorothy Gies, Jean Hanmer, Florence Harper, Marie Held, Eleanor Johnson, Ruth Loebs, Josephine McLean, Marjorie Morrison, Sally Place, Rosalie Resnick, Kathryn ietayk, Jane Schnelder. BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 2-I1l4 BUSINESS MANAGER...........W. GRAFTON SHARP CREDIT MANAGER .... ..BERNARD E. SCHNACKE WOMELN'S BUSINESS MANAGER............. --........................CATHARINE MC HENRY DEPARTMENT MANAGERS: Local Advertising, Fred Her- trick; Classified Advertising, Russell Read; Advertising Contracts, Jack Bellamy; Advertising Service, Robert Ward; Accounts, Allen Knuusi; Circulation, Jack Ef- roynson. ASSISTANTS: Meigs Bartmess, Van Dunakin, Milton Kra- mer, John Ogden, Bernard Rosenthal, Joe Rothbard, James Scott, David Winkworth. Jane Bassett, Virginia Bell, Mary Bursley, Peggy Cady, Virginia Cluff, Patricia Daly, Genevieve Field, Louise Florez, Doris Gimmy, Betty Greve, Billie Griffiths, Janet Jackson, Luise Krause, Barbara Morgan, Margaret Mustard, Betty Simonds. NIGHT EDITOR: GEORGE VAN VLECK t's About le .0.. T HE UNDERGRADUATE COUNCIL will today consider taking action tive to keeping the main reference room of the ary open on Sundays. We understand that It $350 are necessary to maintain this service 1 June and the Council will probably open e sort of a drive to obtain the necessary funds 1 students and student organizations. is really unfortunate that the students should sked to pay for this service. It is unfortunate the state cannot provide such facilities for y. There are many services on the campus h many persons think less valuable than this but since the library can be kept open in nb r way than by student support, The Daily asks students to contribute whatever way they can rhatever fund is collected. The Daily hopes the Council will take definite action today commends it for considering this task. iroughout the year, there have been com- its from many quarters because this service been discontinued. They have been just com- its. Sunday is an excellent day for study e students have no other work to take up their If every student would contribute about cents the library could be kept open. We for speedy action. ingniard Club hfeaus Fire. . . T HE PART of the campus that thinks will sympathize with the ibers of the Vanguard Club, driven from their lence by fire, and will applaud the vigor and d they have shown in re-establishing them- s in a new location. ie Vanguard Club has in its brief existence blished itself as a live organization. Formed body a part of whose function was to be the ulation of political and economic discussion esentative of all points of view, the club is to ongratulated for having, by and large, at- ed to its dynamic goal. uthful, it might have easily been driven into itergration by the flames which Wednesday e necessary the vacation of the building which ed it as office and as residence of some of its ibers. The club is to be praised for having en another course. tend The ring Parley . . Erwin spends his time "going to the bank" while in Paris (drinking rather heavily) because his doctor says his health car't stand excite- mentd . meets Sarah one evening after she has had a rather horrid evening with her husband Tono, and they find that the world isn't such a bad place after all. They go to London, she sets up an interior decorating shop, he goes back to his law practice: result, happiness in the end only after much suffering and struggle, but then such things are supposed to be gone through before the promised land is reached. The dialogue, in Brook's lines especially, are rather clever in the Paris scenes, while a shot of photography here and there makes interesting the dull scenes. The rather high note sounded at the beginning has a tendency to drop off at the finish which is brought around when Erwin is nearly dying and Sarah sings him a sentimental song to bring him around. This is the poorest shot in the picture, but this is to be overlooked as the remainder of the picture over-balances this point. Best shot: Sarah and Erwin on a bridge overlooking Paris, featuring the pleasant atmos- phere of about four o'clock in the morning with fine silhouettes in the background The added features were out of the ordinary in that "Game Gangsters" is a strong plea for hunt- ers and fishermen of this State to play fair with the animals they are seeking, the Grantland Rice Sportlight pictures some fancy fishing off the coasts of our country . . . a more or less twist in the side of the first game feature. Chic Sale has an amusing comedy for those that like his sort of humor, while the News goes in for the long list of accidents that have occurred in the storm of winter lately (Air Mail and Avalanche). The coming attractions tell us that "Six Of A Kind," humor plus, is coming to this theatre Sunday. -R.E.L. Campus Opinion Letters published in this column should not be con-f strued as expressing the editorial opinion of The Daily. Anonymous communications will be disrearded. The names of communicants will, however, be re- garded as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked to be brief, confining themselves to less than 300 words if possible. HITLER MORE VICIOUS THAN DOLLFUSS To the Editor: Permit me in all friendliness to refer to the editorial in yesterday's Daily which contains this sentence: "Even the off-denounced Nazis in Ger- many did not go to the length in accomplishing their revolution that the Fascist Heimwehr did in Austria.' It is of course true that firing upon municipal buildings in Germany did not take place. It is also true that such firing constitutes a dastardly act. But after admitting this, there is a comparison between the frightfulness of Dollfuss and that of the Nazis. What happened in Austria was a matter of a few days. What happened in Germany and is still happening is a matter of at least a year -and, as stated, is continuing. What the Nazis did was not merely to suppress all opposi- tion - the Social Democrats, the liberals, the pacifists, the Communists, ad the Jews. They suppressed the labor unions whose property they confiscated - i.e., stole. They suppressed free- dom--freedom of the press, freedom of speech, and freedom of assembly -in short, all freedom. The Nazis exist now on force and fear! The Nazis put into concentration camps, ac- cording to the latest news, more than 100,000 people -not because of their political opinions. The suffering of these people is said to be un- speakable. The latest book by one who escaped from a camp is: "Murder-Made in Germany," by Heinz Liepmann (Harper Bros.). S 1Ii rVA By BUD BE tNARD , . . - vc' t olpucpose o- . ea e~ e isa s hepe 5e 0 Oe et .0%vc et e&\for Xtev is as t5ta e taxePyateve t s ceXtete tdtt e n " ~ a oee uso A Tri Delt pledge at Knox College had a very comprehensive crib written on her knee which greatly aided her in the exam; but it must have been disconcerting to the freshmen boys who were sitting near by. * * * The heighth of optimism. -- Hitler, Mus- solini, Stalin, and Dollfus playing contract. -- Clark Weekly A college man is like a thermometer, say the University of Pennsylvania Daily, because he is filled with alcohol and graduated with degrees. * ~* FROM OUR CONTEMPORARIES We are feeble minded. We are anti-social. We are misanthropic. We are ;physically, mentally, and morally obstinate. Something is wrong with us. We don't fit into the scheme of things. There is no hope for us. For: We don't like Joe Penner. We think Eddie Cantor drivels. Eight O'clock classes pain us. Women's hats hurt our sense of fitness of .hings. We think Arthur Brisbane is a case of arrested development. Wayne King seems dipped in saccharine. To us Mae West is just another girl, In other words 121,999,999 people are either cr:4zy or else we are. Mr. Death, the bi- chloride. -De Pauw Collegian Co-eds, according to an Ohio State man, are like final examinations. They keep a fellow up all night worrying about them and then ask the most foolish questions. This article came to our attention at an ap- propriate time. A dean at the University of Wis- consin minces no words in his condemnation of "hell week" among various fraternities and so- rorities this year. "I thought that hell week had been abol- ished. Certainly the fraternities, at least many of them, agreed last year to put a quietus on the silly, brutal, and degrading hangover of the dark ages of academic his- tory. "A few problems have only one side; the y problem of hell week is one of them. Indeed, JAC o ~get INS, T} ;aitt 1 t *.rgi oe to vs 1 'e ty'leS .OD C& 0 t o asaoe; atlN s i deto et' bef madeAla n0 ii:e as t ., en Sir Itr'al, 9ero .e n tV e L a'O 30V , O xesnit oroitr ecs X , t m and tvi InaComoiealo ' t ~so.i a 11 n otre rpzao on Other Ilerttorious News A dvaumges: Associated Press Meiber Book Reviews by National Literati A Sunday Rotogravure Section Spo'rt AXil1oiies I ll