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March 01, 1934 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1934-03-01

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To Start Work
On County Jail
Project Today'
lob Of Demolishing Old
Structure Is Completed
By CWA Crews
Actual construction work on the
ew Washtenaw County Jail will
egin this morning, in accordance
vith the construction schedule set
or the project by Abram Fisher, su-
'ervisor. CWA crews, despite cold
veather and other unforeseen diffi-
ulties, completed the demolishing of
he old jail yesterday.
State officers, for the last six years
ave threatened to condemn the old
uilding, erected in 1885, because of
is unsanitary condition.
The new structure, designed by
ynn Fry, architect, will have accom-
iodations for 80 prisoners. It will be
uilt at a total cost of $64,000, of
vhich Washtenaw County will pay
8,000. The new jail is unique in
hat it will house the men in two
ormitories, equipped with built-in
unks, to accommodate 30 each.
Separate provisions have been
made, in accordance with the State
aw, for separating housing facilities
>r juvenile and women prisoners.
The basement of the new building
'ill be constructed to serve as a ga-
age for county vehicles, and will also
e equipped to contain especially
angerous or'disorderly prisoners, or
hose awaiting trial on serious
harges. In the interests of economy
id permanence, it has been planned
o use concrete in construction inso-
ar as is possible.
.urtailment Of
Air Mail Route

Wrecked Plane In Which Passengers 4nd Crew Died

Sociology Talk
Given On Radio
By Prof. Angell

Asks Full Payment

-Associated Press Photos
This is the wreckage of the United Air Lines transport plane which crashed in the Wasatch mountains
near Salt Lake City, killing its five passengers and a crew of three.

Hampers State
Detroit Is Only Remaining
City In State With Direct
Service Since Cut
LANSING, Feb. 28 -That Michi-
gan is beginning to feel the unpleas-
antness of having its air mail wings
clipped is evident from information
reaching the State Board of Aero-
nautics here.
Only one city - Detroit - now has
direct air mail service. This solitary
air mail extension into Michigan is
not a main route either, but instead
is a "feeder line" from Toledo, 0.,
to Detroit. Ten other, Lower Michi-
gan cities, which before the Presi-
dent's order cancelling mail contracts
were serviced by regular mail planes,
now get their "air mail" letters and
packages via train from such con-
nectingipoints as Detroit, Toledo,
and Chicago.
Cities May Be Re-instated
It seems probable that these cities
will be re-instated in the service
soon. The temporary abandonment
of schedules, however, is seen to fur-
nish an opportunity for the State.
to evaluate the benefits of air mail
service such as was furnished under
the old order, and to compare these
with the obvious disadvantages 'if
the State were permanently to be
left out of the air mail map.
Assurance that the Detroit-Muske-
gon mail line will be re-instated af-
ter a temporary lapse is reported to
have been given some of Michigan's
Congressmen in Washington by post
office authorities. This may indicate,
it is felt by some, that army planes
will fly the route or that the Kohler
Aviation Corporation will be .given
a chance to file a new bid for the
Air Mail A Distinct Asset
Being situated as it is, with water
surrounding it on three sides, Michi-
gan's position makes air mail a dis-
tinct asset, it is pointed out. The for-
iner trans-lake Michigan mail flown
by Kohler planes between Detroit
and Milwaukee, together with the ul-
tra fast four-hour mail service giv-
en by American Airways between De-
troit and New York City, were ap-
parently of great value to industries
and other business firms in southern
Figures recorded with the State
Air Board show the extent to which
the Wolverine State has endeavored
to aid the airways used by air mail,
>assenger, and transient planes. The
last two years' airport and landing
feld construction program has placed
Michigan among the first six states
.n the Union in total number of fly-
ing fields. It was also among the
first five in number of men employed
n recent months in CWA airport and
.anding field construction projects.

-. GREAT cGDtvn
-Associated Press Map
Arrow on this map indicates the
location of the snow-covered pass 20
miles east of Salt Lake City, where
eight persons died in the crash of a
transport plane enroute from Salt
Lake City to Cheyenne.
Noted Graduate
Of The School
Of Music Dies
Llewellyn L. Renwick, noted organ-
ist who died Sunday at his home in
Detroit, was a member of the first
graduating class of the School of
Music, according to Charles A. Sink,
president. Mr. Renwick graduated
from the department of organ, which
at that time was headed by the late
Prof. L. A. Stanley. Another mem-
ber of that first graduating class was
the late McClelland, who for many
years was organist at the Mormon
Tabernacle in Salt Lake City.
After his graduation Mr. Renwick

Secret Service
Kept Busy By
WASHINGTON, Feb. 28- (P)-
A litter of spurious $5 and $10 notes
is keeping the secret service on the
jump from coast to coast.
A sharp upsweep of counterfeiting
in general and these notes in par-
ticular was reported to be approach-
ing record- figures,
Reliable figures-show activities in
the 1934 fiscal year thus far have
surpassed 1933's record of 3,003 ar-
rests and $921,499 in fake currency,
White-haired William H. Moran,
the secret service chief who has spent
a life time tracking down counter-
feiters, says 80 per cent of these ar-
rests will result in convictions.
He explains the recent big increase
in private money-making- as due
among other things to:
Out-of-town bootleggers; the com-
parative ease of manufacturing crude

human Relationships Play
Important Role Today,
Speaker Declares
While a sociologist, from his
knowledge of how human association
actually works, may be able to tell
the public how to reach certain ends,
he cannot set those ends, Prof. Rob-
ert C. Angell of the sociology depart-
ment stated in a radio interview yes-
terday with Prof. Waldo Abbot, di-
rector of University broadcasting.
"The setting of such ends must
be a matter of the public's religion
and philosophy," Professor Angell
said, "and as a result, courses in so-
cial work have to assume certain
ends as desirable before they can set
down the best way of reaching
Professor Angell pointed out that
some work in sociology is of great
value for anyone who wishes to play
a significant role in modern life. "No
longer can we understand the civili-
zation in which we live merely by
keeping our eyes and ears open. It
takes systematic study such as one
finds in the various courses in the
social sciences," he said.
Among the subjects listed by Pro-
fessor Angell as topics of special
study by sociologists were crime. vice,
and poverty. "The functions of var-
ious communicative devices such as
the radio, the newspaper, and the
telephone are fascinating problems
for research," he declared.
At present Professor Angell is con-
ducting a special study of the effect
of the depression on a group of av-
erage families.
Squire's Talk Ends
Oratorical Series
(Continued from Page 1)
Gordon Faucet Hamby, the bank
murderer, 'Charles F. Stielow, John
Shillitoni, and the famous Diamond
Dr. Squire was graduated in 1899
from the Columbia University Col-
lege of Physicians and Surgeons, and
has beeen actively engaged in penol-
ogy ever since. In 1900 as acting
chief physician, during the absence
of the medical officer of Sing Sing,
he became interested in criminology,
Since that time he has been in con-
stant touch with the prison as con-
sulting and chief physician. Eight
wardens have come and gone during
his time but Dr. Squire has remained
to serve under all of them.
Tickets, which are priced at 50
and 65 cents, will be on sale at
Wahr's until 5 p.m., after which time
they may be obtained at the box of-
fice in Hill Auditorium.

Zoolo gist Goes
To Bloomington
For Conference
Will Lead Discussion On
Entomology In State And
National Recovery
Dr. Samuel A. Graham, professor
of economic zoology, left last night
for Purdue University, Lafayette, In-
diana, to attend a conference of a
group of entomologists from the cen-
tral states region on the entomologi-
cal work being done on the various
government emergency projects be-
ing undertaken in this field.
In the meeting today, Dr. Graham
will lead a discussion on the part en-
tomologists can play in the State
and national recovery programs.
At the conclusion of the confer-
ence he will go to Milwaukee to at-
tend a conference of foresters from
the lake states region called by F.
W. Tinker, regional federal forester.
This conference will take up the
matter of co-ordinating the manage-
ment of wild life and the manage-
ment of forests of this region.
It is thought that this meeting is
being called now because the recent
Federal purchases of land in this
region have created problems which
will require the co-operation of Fed-
eral and State authorities for their
Such a problem is that of the nui-
sance character of certain types of
wild game and the co-ordinating of
methods of their control. Other top-
ics to be disctssed will be the es-
tablishment of State game refuges
within Federal forest tracts, and the
importance of production of the
greatest possible crop of beneficial
wild animals in the region.


-Associated Press Photo
A bill introduced by Rep. Clarence
J. McLeod '(above) of M i c h i g a n
would provide for full and immediate
Federal payment of depositors in
closed national banks.
Four Tryouts Accepted
For Adelphi Membership
Four tryouts were accepted into the
Adelphi House of Representatives at
a meeting last night, it was an-
nounced by Samuel L. Travis, '34,
The men were Stewart M. Cram,
'34, Robert B. Braun, '37, John Per-
kins, '36, and Israel H. Finkleston, '37.
At the same time Robert Howard,
'34, iwas elected chairman of the
bills committee.



2 FOR15c

-Associated Press kPnoto
Lloyd Anderson was the pilot of the
transport plane which crashed near
Salt Lake City, killing all of its crew
and passengers.
Composer Of May
Festival Music Is
Jikud In Worcester

Two scoops of Ice Cream covered with
our Famous Rich Chocolate and topped
with a handful of whole Georg ia Pecans

imitation money by' photographic,
methods; hard times and the availa-
bility of thet automobile for "push-
ing" the money in small towns and
passing swiftly on.
Moran maintains emphatically,
however, that the delicate micros-
copic art found on United States
paper money never has been exact-
ly reproduced.

at all

* This is just one of the many TWO FOR ONE
treats in our annual 3-Day Fountain Festival


I1 ' -'.--


The death of Sir Edward Elgar,
famous English composer, is of in-
terest to music-lovers the world over,
but it is of special interest to those
who followed the May Festivals of
several years ago.
The 77-year-old master who passed
away Feb. 23 at his Worcester, Eng.,
home was world-renowned for his
oratorios, "The Dream of Gerontius"
and "The Apostles," and his canta-
ta, "King Olaf," Besides these hej
wrote two symphonies, two concertos
for violin, and the famous "PompI
and Circumstance."
Two of his masterpieces have been
featured in May Festivals of other
years. Carantacus was first given
in 1903 and was rrpeated in 1914.
The year after the first performance
of "Caractacus" the Festival featured
"The Dream of Gerentius," which
was repeated in 1917. Both of these
works are important for mixed cho-
rus, orchestra, and soloists. They
'were conducted -at the Festivals by
the late Prof. L. A. Stanley.
Sir Edward was made "master of
the king's music," a post correspond-
ing to that of poet laureate in Eng-
land in 1924, and held the position
until his death. He also held honor-
ary degrees from Yale and Western
University of Pennsylvania. He was
made a knight of the British empire
in 1904 and in 1911 received a rare-
ly bestowed decoration, the Order of
Although his genius might suggest
an extensive musical education, Sir
Edward is said to have received his
education principally from his father,
an organist, whom Edward succeeded
as organist at St. George's Catholic
Church, Worcester, in 1885.

became a member of the School of
Music faculty, teaching organ and
theory. He then went abroad for a
concert tour, establishing his head-
quarters in Paris,
He continued his studies in Paris
and later returned to the University
as head of the organ department.
Following a second trip to Europe,
I Mr. Renwick settled in Detroit, play-
in!; at several churches there.
Mr. Renwick was also known for
his work in connection with the early
Choral Union series and May Festi-
vals in which he was the solo organ-
ist for many years. He also gave
recitals on the Freese Memorial or-
gan when it was located in Univer-
sity Hall.
"In the death of Mr. Renwick the
School of Music has lost one of its
outstanding alumni and the music
profession a very distinguished expo-
nent of the art of organ playing and
teaching," President Sink said yes-
terday in commenting on Mr. Ren-
wick's death.
Except Monday at
The Sugar Bowl
No Cover Charge
109 and 111 S. Main St.


Mildred Walker - Fireweed ....... $2.50
Nordhoff & Hall-Men dgainst the Sea . 2.00
G. B. Stern - Summer's Play ........ 2.50

Louis Adamic - The Native's Return .$2.75
Beverly Nichols - A Thatched Roof ... 2.50
Warwick Deeping - Valour.......,.... 2.00


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