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March 01, 1934 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1934-03-01

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- - - -.;-
Piutblishad every inorning except Monday dring the
iverty year and Summer Session by the Board in
ntrol of Student Publications.
rvAember of the Western Conference Editorial Assoelatton
d the Big Ten News Service.
$%5Odfiat &6iki i##t $rtoz
e 9 I (AT" ~ E >IWO ,--
The Associated Press im eneluivy entitled to theus
r .republication of all news dispathces credited to it or
it otherwise credited in thi; paper and the local news
Llsished herein. All rights of republication of special
spatches are reserved.
Entered at the Post Office ait Annl Arbor, Michigan, as
cand class matter. Special rate of postage granted by
ird Assistant Postmaster-General.
ubslption during sulnmmer by crrier $1 00; by mail,
n50. Dring regular school year by carrier, $3.75; 'by
all, $4.25.
floes:. Student Publicatiuns Building, Maynard Street,
in Arbor; 1Michigan.-Phone:-2-$14
Representative: College Publications Representatives,
c., 40 East.Thirty-Fourth Street, New Yrk City; 0
yison" Street, Boston; 612 North Michigan Avenue,
Telephone 425
TY EDITOR..................BRACKLEY SHAW
MEN'S EDITOR.................CAROL J. HANAN
UHT EDITORS: A. Elils Bal, Ralph G. Coulter, William
G: Ferris, John C. Healey, George Van Vleck, Guy M.
Whipple, Jr.
'ORTS ASSISTANTS: Charles A. Baird, Arthur W. Car-
tens, Sidney Frankel, Roland L. Martin, Marjorie
OMEN'S ASSISTANTS: Marjorie Beck, Eleanor Blum,
Lois Jotter, Marie Murphy, Margaret D. Phalan.
WPORTEPW: C. -Bradford Carpenter, Ogden G. Dwight,
Pau1 J.'Elliott, Courtney A. Evans, Thomas E. Groehn,
ohn Kerr, Thomas H. Kleene, Richard X. Larch, David
. MAcdonald, Joel P. Newan Kenneth Parlcr, Wil-
"lmR. Reed, Robert S. Ruwtch, Robert J St. Clair,
arthur S. Settle, Marshall D. Silverman, Arthur M.
CWothy Gles, Jean Hanmer, Florence Harper, Marie
Iie d, El anor Johnson., Rut 'Loebs, Josephine McLean,
9(arjori Morrison, Sally Place, Rosalic Resnick, Kathryn
Rietdyk, Jahe Schneider.
Telephone 2-1214
PARTMENT MANAGERS: Local Advel'tising, Fred Her-
1ick; Classified Advertising, Russell Read; Advertising
ontracts, Jack Bellamy; Advertising Service, Robert
Ward; Accounts, Allen Knuusi; Circulation, Jack Ef-
ISIBTANTS: Meigs Bartmness, Van Dunakin; Milton Kra-
;e?, John Ogden, Bernard Rosenthal, Joe Rothbard,
James Scott, David Winkworth.
re Bassett, Vir Inta veil,Mary Burley, Pegy Cady,
Viginia CGluff, Patricia Daly, Genevieve Field, LOuie
Plor , Doris Gimmy, Betty Greve, Billie Griffiths, Janet
arson, it se KrAmse, Barbara Morgan, Margaret
IAstar , Betty'simuonds.
irst Step In
eer Fight Won . .
HE FIRST STEP in the long fight
to secure beer and light wines in
e area east of Division Street has been won
th the decision of the Ann Arbor Common
uncil to submit the question to the electorate
the election April 2. If this action is taken by
le Council at its next meeting, as now seems
finitely assured, the second and last step is the
curing of a 60 per cent favorable vote on the
nendment repeal proposal.
For its work in the circulating of petitions ask-
g repeal of the antiquated legislation prohibiting
ist Side beer we congratulate the Citizens' Char-
r Amendment Repeal Committee. Although the
immittee's work in obtaining more than 1,500
Mnatures was declared invalid owing to the lack
fulfillment of a certain legal procedure, the
gnatures undoubtedly aided in enlightening Ann
eborites as to the sentiment felt in many quar-
rs relative to East Side beer.
Now that the proposed amendment is actually
come to a vote, it is natural that arguments
to the desirability of East Side beer will wax
otter than ever before. Opponents of repeal of
e East Side ban will bring up the stock argu-
ents concerning "pollution" of high schools, the
wving of the way for whiskey, the defamation,
the "better" side of town, et al. To these shib-
leths we will reply that beer cannot be served
those under 18 years, that those over that age
e assumed by the State Legislature to be able
take care of themselves, that whiskey and other

gh-powered liquor will never be sold in Ann Ar-
r at any location but the West Side State Re-
tll Liquor Store, and that the East Side is no
ore sanctimonious than the West. There are
any more arguments on both sides. To The
aily the wets' arguments seem the better.
It is the duty of all those planning to vote in the
pril election to weigh carefully the problem, and
imake their vote a thoughtful one.
t Looks Good
)i Paper.. .
S TUART CHASE, perhaps the best
known of the "popular" economists,
as an article in the current issue of Harper's in
hich he deplores the present attempt by officials
i Washington to bring back what he terms "The
.ge of Scarcity." Kilogram-calories of energy;
ave increased forty fold in the last century, and
he day has past when in an "Age of Abundance,"

individualism, perhaps even the day of capitalism
itself, is ended. As Mr. Chase has stated, any
system wherein people starve amid plenty must
eventually fail. But it is also true that America is
in a critical condition. While a new system will
eventually come, we. cannot sit by in idleness
waiting for it. The Roosevelt administration has
advanced a definite program, and while a part of
it is an attempt to bring back the "Age of Scar-
city" to which Mr. Chase objects, it, at the same
time, is at least an effort to alleviate the suffering
caused by the economic unrest of the past four
years. Unless Mr. Chase can present something
constructive toward the Utopian plan which he
advocates, he is certainly doing nothing to relieve
the condition which he deplores.
-- - - - -. -=
The The"atre
EXPERIMENTAL PLAYS ebb and flow like
moon-mad tides -but the latest of these
dramatic fluxes (or ebbs, depending on how you
want to look at it) is the product of the facile
brain of George Middleton, eminent author of
such pays as "The Big Pond," "Embers," "tosses-
sion," and "The Prodigal. Judge." Now, Mr.
Middleton is nothing if not daring: this, in all
probability, is the reason for "Hiss! Boom! Blah!"
a "cross-section community chronicle of some mad
years," involving fifty scene changes in two and
a half hours, to be presented April 5 by the
University Theatre at Iowa State.
The community cited above renains anonymous
throughout: there is nothing like being non-
committal. But this community is a type, and
its various groups of citizenry pass from the
obstinately tragic bigotry of the World War and
the attendant absurdities of the Bankers' Banquet
during prosperity (spelled, advisably, with a lower-
case "p") to the frantic irrationalism of today.
"Writing primarily for the stage," says advance
publicity for the play, "Mr. Middleton has vividly
dramatized the high powered propaganda, dis-
torted values, and organized mirages that lead to
the Great Dilemma-and one of the characters
offers a surprising solution for a way out." That,
at all events, is something.
It will be interesting to see what sort of fortune
Mr. Hunton D. Sellman, technical director of the
University Theatre, experiences in his effort to
make the fifty scene changes sandwich in with a
minimum of stoppage. Of course there is nothing
like experimentation in any field of endeavor:
past experience is a foundation of good dramatic
art. The peril lies in the fact that Mr. Middleton's
brain-child, if successful, is likely to start a fad.
Those things have been known to happen in this
day of flurried grasping after straws. "Such men,"
Julius Caesar is credited by a mreat bard as having
stated, "are dangerous."
Screen Reflections
Cap'n Jericho ............Richard Arlen
Sally .......... ..... ... Judith Allen
This is a tale of a tugboat skipper bent on
"getting ahead." This desire is so strong with
him that he forgets to love and live, thus making
himself impervious to the virtues of a fatherless
woman who (literally) falls into his fish nets.
Stranded on a deserted island, he suffers a con-
version, and returns in time to sock the villain on
the jaw and avow his love for the girl.
Richard Arlen as Jericho is an inarticulate lout.
Miss Allen blubbers through a tough-girl role. The
villain is a Babbitt, whose chief influence on the
hero is exerted through short radio addresses. The
film is totally lacking in any sense of dramatic
propriety or balance. There is no carfully worked
out crisis. The hero's mental conversion occurs
during his shipwreck when we are not allowed one
glimpse of him or an inkling as to his thought. No
important moment in the plot is suggested to the
audience before it happens. This results in a
loosely constructed plot which fails to arouse in-
terest. The best shot in this picture is one of

tuna fishing in the Pacific which was originally
part of a newsreel.

As Others See It

41MINENihT SPEAKERS have been ruled off the
air for varied reasons, nearly all agreeable to
the Tory viewpoint. Prof. William Z. Ripley was
forbidden to make an address criticising abuses in
the issuing of public utility securities. Father
Coughlin was barred from the air at one time
because of his unorthodox economic theories, but
was speedily restored when his myriad followers
voiced their objections. Norman Thomas and
Kirby Page have been muzzled to preserve the
ether from their Socialistic and anti-war views.
Norman Hapgood was denied time to answer
attacks on the American Civil Liberties Union.
F. J. Schlink was forbidden to make an address
criticising the NRA. Censorship has withheld
from the radio audience expressions of opinion
favorable to public ownership of utilities, critical
of American foreign policy, favorable to Russia,
critical of strike killings, and so on.
By these examples, and others, Mitchell Dawson
proves in an American Mercury article that "the
air is not free." It is intolerable that this great
potential instrument of education and enlighten-
ment should be so bound by the prejudices of its
private owners. The two great chains and their
associated stations, on a unit basis of hours and
power, control 75 per cent of the nation's broad-
casting facilities. Advocates of unorthodox causes
have access only to small independent stations,
which reach a restricted audience. In a country
dedicated to freedom of opinion, such restraint
on expression betrays the people.
The situation both resembles and differs from
that with respect to freedom of the press. Any
minority may publish its own organ and send its
doctrines through the mail without restraint, save
on obscenity and sedition. The number of wave
lengths is limited, howevdr, and; broadcasting
apparatus is costly,.so minority expression on the
air has slight chance to be heard save by indul-
gence of the major stations' owners.
Those who urge free speech on the air, however,
do not mean that anyone should have access to
a microphone, to spout irresponsible utterances at
will. Enlightened newspapers give space to both
sides in a controversy, but reserve the right to edit
material submitted, and to keep it within the
bounds of their space. The Government, under
whose authority the stations operate, might simi-
larly require a hearing for responsible speakers of
both sides on the air, subject to the same intelli-
gent methods of presentation used by newspapers
that receive public confidence and respect.
The Government has authority at any time to
take over broadcasting facilities, under the emer-
gency clause of the Radio Act. Under the growth
of liberalism in this country, there will be increas-
ing pressure that it do so unless greater freedom
is given Government control has its danger of
verging into tyranny, however, as in England,
where such leaders as Lloyd George, Austen
Chamberlain and Winston Churchill have been
barred from the air, for political reasons.



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Thanks to the skilful teamwork of these many
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Our radio stations can grant:free speech on the
air, if they will. Of course, there is good reason
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foul-mouthed agitators. But a policy of broad
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i _ f W

Such an undertaking might well be one objec-
tive of the Federal Communications Commission
which Mr. Roosevelt has just advised Congress
to create.


Coliegate Observer

' ;


Doti t mtiss our- display this week

The Purdue Exponent lists the following rules
for campus dances:
1. No dancing on the ceiling.
2. Don't hang feet out window.
3. Don't boo chaperones.
4. No re-cuts - you fathead.
5. Don't get lost in the wiles of the lounges
unless you brought her.

Sinl Slater's window!




The King .................. John Boles
Lili ..................... Lilian Harvey
Here we have the trappings of a petty Balkan
principality reproduced. The King inevitably falls
in love with the cabaret singer. The principal
difficulties of the state are those involved in bal-
ancing the budget. The person of His Majesty
is to be sacrificed in marriage to a wealthy prin-
cess in order to solve this difficulty. Fortunate-
ly, oil is discovered within the realm, and the
King, freed from the necessity of royal marriage,
creates Lili the Countess of the oil lands and
proceeds to announce her as his bride-to-be.
For some reason this picture has just missed
being a good one. The "Student Prince" theme
is stripped of any real human significance. The
romance necessary to a romantic story -has been
sacrificed to burlesque. The ingenuous tripping
of Miss Harvey fails, in spite of her much pub-
licized physical charm, to be convincing. The
minor characters are excellently cast and fit well
into the setting, but no originality is exercised,
and the film falls short of the intended atmos-
phere. However, the picture has some good mo-
ments and is not devoid of humor. If one is
fond of Lilian Harvey the picture is reasonably
--L. B. G.

Here's one from a Gamma Phi at Ohio State:
The wages of sin are merely deferred tuition in
the school of experience.

* * *f*



A recent vote at Maryland College for the loveli-
est girl on the campus declared Madeline Ormsby
the winner. Madeline is a prize cow.

"Virtue," according to the Syracuse Orange,
"consists of fearing to follow the dictates of
your desires."
S * *

There is too much rah-rah-rah-ism in American
colleges, a professor at Davidson College told stu-
dents at the University of Chicago. We don't
eulogize rah-rah-rah-ism, but a bromide is a

Here's a good one coming from the Univer-
sity of New Mexico Weekly: In communistic
Russia they are so red the only disease they
permit is scarlet fever.

- aay MA

Here's a strange case coming from the Univer-
sity of Vermont. A student there received a grade
of eight less than zero as a term grade. At the
beginning of the semester, he had a C; by the
second half, he had dropped to a D. He then pro
ceeded to get 56 on a test, 16 on another, anda
fiat zero on the third. Add, divide by three, and
the subsequent total grade is 24.
Now for each absence they deduct two per cen
from the final grade. Sixteen absences at two pe
cent make 32. Subtract 32 from 24 and the ne





Howard Scott, the No. 1
the engineers should run
about Hoover?

Technocrat, says that
the country. What





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