The Weather Cloudy and warmer Thurs- day, possibly rain at night and on Friday. L E it igan VOL. XLIV No. 107 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, MARCH 1, 1934 U Spring Parley Permanence Is Emphasized Officials Hope To Make A Stenographic Report Of All Proceedings Student Volunteers Requested To Assist First Session Of Parley Is To Open Tomorrow At 4 P. M. In Union Proposals to emphasize the perma- nent aspects of the Spring Parley, which will open tomorrow for its sec- ond annual three-day session, held uppermost position in discussion yes- terday of campus groups interested and of the executive council. Officials hoped to be able to take a complete stenographic account of proceedings during the Parley, and aIo, to make available some sort of summary of the whole. Patricia Woodward, '35, who took a partial record last year which has proved of considerable value as a reference source, will again be in charge of the work. Student volunteers will be asked to aid Miss Woodward in the work, and an attempt is being made to get jobs for one or more assistants approved under the FERA student work plan. In addition to obtaining a perma- nent record, those working on the Parley are especially anxious this year to see that some of the smaller discussion 'groups interested in prob- lems in a more specific field be con- tinued through the year. No continuation committee will be appointed until after the Parley, it was decided, but representatives of campus groups will meet later to de- termine more definitely as to the value of the permanent record and what can be done to continue the Parley itself next year. The first session of the Parley will open at ,4 p. m Friday in the Union, followed by another general session that i'ight, smaller group meetings Saturday afternoon and evening, and a concluding general session Sunday morning. Certain questions willnbe intro- duced at the first session to start discussion, with members of the fac- ulty panel answering in not more than five-minute talks. Longer talks on the part of either faculty or stu- dents will be discouraged, since the intention is for a purely question- and-answer group. Winifred Bell, 37, was elected per- manent secretary. Continue Sale Of 'Ensians On Campus Today Students will have a further op- portunity to purchase 1934 'Ensians with the continuation of the campus sale today, according to an announce- ment made last night by Arend Vyn, '34, business manager. Vyn stated that the yearbook may be purchased by the payment of $4.50 outright, or on the installment plan with a $1 down payment. This is practically the last opportunity stu- dents will have to buy the book by this plan inasmuch as they will be re- quired to pay the entire amount in a lump sum after spring vacation. The editorial staff has already de- cided on a cover and cover design for this year's issue with brown as the featured color. A display, which has been stationed in a window of Slater's book store, shows the cover and replicas of typical pages to be found in the yearbook. Alpha Nu Discusses Air Mal Contracts Members of Alpha Nu aired their views on the question of the Roose- velt administration's abrupt cancel- lation of air mail contracts in an open discussion led by Leo Walker, '34, vice president of the society, last night. Opinions sanctioning and disap- proving the air mail policy were even- ly divided. Among views brought out were that the reason for the cancel- lation was to bring home the fact that the U. S.'air force was poorly equipped; that the contracts were Comolex Legal Problems Under Consideration By Law Faculty Tangled phases of the laws which have grown up around the motor transport industry and its relations with other angles of interstate com- merce, preparation of codes of legal procedure for Michigan and Illinois courts, and many other legal prob- lems are being considered by the fac- ulty of the Law School since the Le- gal Research Library was completed. According to the annual report of President Alexander G. Ruthven, which discusses the work being car- ried on, funds made available for research by William W. Cook, donor of the library, have enabled this type of work to be accomplished with the new facilities. Motor transport laws throughout the nation are being surveyed by Prof. E. Blythe Stason, with special references to licensing, taxation, reg- ulation, and the variations in these practices in different parts of the country. The study is expected to throw needed light on a rapidly- growing industry whose legal fea- tures interlock with railroad busi- ness and are of great importance in interstate trade. Preparation and support of codes of legal procedure for Michigan and Illinois courts has been the work of Prof. Edson R. Sunderland. The early legal history of Michi- gan, through Territory days to state- hood, has never been fully recorded, according to Dean Henry M. Bates, of the Law School, and so an im- portant study of it is being con- ducted by Prof. William W. Blume. A large collection of materials which had never before been published or made the basis of publication was made available to the school for the study by the State Supreme Court and the Michigan Historical Associa- tion. Included in the collection are a number of files of cases decided in the Territorial and early State courts, and said to be of great significance in the study. Prof. John B. Waite made a study of the code of criminal procedure drafted by the American Law Insti- tute, especially in relation to Michi- (Continued on Page 2) w _, Fire Damages Vanguard Club Rooming House Damage Is Estimated At $1,000; Headquarters Is Moved To New Location Fire which destroyed ;portions of the roof of the 'Vanguard Club co- operative rooming house at 614 Mon- roe St. at noon yesterday caused damage estimated at nearly $1,000 and caused 10 students residing at the house to move to new quarters. The blaze, attributed to defective wiring, broke out in the attic. Fire- men, handicapped by inadequate en- trances to the attic, were unable to control the fire for over half an hour. A large part of the damage was caused by water. The students who have been com- pelled. to move.,are Kendall Wood,'3 4, president of the Vanguard Club; Kar- tar Gill, Grad., Joseph Feldman, '37, Paul Stanchfield, Grad., Arthur Well- man, '36, Manohar Khorana, Grad., and Ren-Bing Chen, Grad. New quarters for the club and for the roomers have been secured at 1505 South University Ave., according to Wood. Members of the club worked all yesterday afternoon moving their belongings, none of which were se- verely damaged, and were in the new location by nightfall. Because of the fire, however, a banquet planned for Howard Scott, technocrat lecturer, was not held.a Fire Chief Charles J. Andrews re- ported that the fire was caused by defective wiring. City engineer. G. H. Sandenburgh, it is said, was to have inspected the wiring fixtures of the residence this morning. The Monroe Street house is owned by Osias Zwerdling, 538 Church St. The damage is covered byinsurance. Sunday Library To e Council's Topic Possibility of collecting funds to keep the Library open on Sundays will be discussed at a meeting of the Undergraduate Council at 5 p. m. Fri- day in the Union, it was announced yesterday by Gilbert E. Bursley, pres- ident. Several other matters will come up for discussion, but the library issue is to be the main question. All tryouts for the Council were urged to attend the meeting, as cards will be given out at that time identifying them as Council workers. One Good Turner Deserves Anotiher, Experience Shows Necessity is apparently the frater- nity brother of invention. Tuesday night Noel D. Turner, '34, house manager of Phi Kappa Sigma fraternity, began to grow worried. The coal bin was almost empty, and the coal company which contracts to keep the Phi Kappa Sigmas warm had been very negligent in its deliv- eries. Repeated telephone calls to the company were of no avail, and it became apparent by bedtime Tuesday that the fire would go out during the night if something were not done. The house manager ruffled his curly black locks and pondered the question, for he knew that the mor- tality rate among house managers is exceedingly high when the brothers are not happy or comfortable. Finally Turner's resourceful brain triumphed., .Freshmen were -ha ti; routed out of bed and armed with bushel baskets. Two neighboring fra- ternities and two sororities - Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Theta Chi, Gamma Phi Beta, and Kappa Alpha Theta - were called and besought to lend Turner some fuel for the night. The amateur coal men charged out of the house and returned in a few min- utes with several bushels of coal- though it had taken some persuasion at the two sororities before the men' could get in after closing hours. Yesterday morning the coal com- pany appeared on the scene with a full order of coal, the Phi Kappa Sigmas are snug in their big brick house, and some freshmen will have to haul coal back to four other Greek-letter houses. Give President Power To Set Arms Embargo WASHINGTON, Feb. 28.-(P)- The Senate today passed the House bill authorizing the President, in co- operation with other nations, to em- bargo shipments of arms to belliger- ents. The objections to the proposal on the ground that it compromised America's neutrality were removed with an amendment applying the em- bargo impartially to all parties. The bill goes back to the House for acceptance of the change. The proposal, approved without debate or a record vote, was passed by the House last session. Squire's Talk Ends Speech Series Tody 'Famous Crin inals I Have Known' To Be Topic Of Sing SiiigPhysician Bases Talk On Own Experience In Job le Discusses Personalities Who Have Completely Baffled Police Dr. Amos O. Squire will close this season's Oratorical Association lec- ture series at 8 p. m. today in Hill Auditorium when he presents an in- timate discussion on "Famous Crim- inals I Have Known." In his capacity as chief physician of Sing Sing Prison, Dr. Squire has come to be looked upon by criminals as one in whom they may confide. It is said that they speak to him as to no one else of their troubles, their hopes, their sins, and their lives. He is purported to know the inner- most reaches of their secret selves. As one of the last men whom the condemned criminal sees before be- ing strapped in the electric chair he gets the last words of the criminal. his lecture tonight will be based on personal experiences and intimate contacts with inmates of New Yorka state's oldest penal institution, an experience which has enabled him, in the last 20 years to compile many interesting statistics and draw sig- nificant conclusions as to the under- lying causes of crime. Many are the praises that have been sung of Dr. Squire's lectures by enthusiastic audiences. He is said to possess an excellent delivery, and interspersed with the sad and mor- bid accounts of the condemned crim- inal will be the many entertaining accounts of the personalities that so baffle the police. The personalities, human side- lights, and amusing. anecdotes of ome, of the ollywg ell-known crimiinals will be treated by 'Dr. Squire tonight; Roland B. Molineaux, (Continued on Page 6) Dr. McKenzie To Lecture On Society To day' Dr. Roderick D. McKenzie, chair- man of the sociology department, will speak on "The Territorial Organiza- tion of Society" at 4:15 p. m. to- day in Natural Science Auditorium. The lecture is one in a series by University faculty members. The growth and distribution of population in relation to the chang- ing economic structure of modern society will be the basis of the lec- ture, which will deal with the sub- ject from a world viewpoint. Men- tion will be madeof the strong com- petition between the different na- tions and races, and the influences of this competition on the growth and rise of nationalism. Dr. McKenzie will also bring up the subject of social planning and the problems and limitations that have obstructed its growth with the rise of nationalistic feeling in the world. Former Senator's Son Admits Accepting Bribe WASHINGTON, Feb. 28. -UP)- Ernest W. Smoot testified today to a Senate committee that he was paid $13,000 for handling publicity for a favorable beet sugar tariff during 1929 when he was serving as clerk of the Senate Finance Committee and his father as chairman of the com- mittee, was directing the Hawley- Smoot tariff bill. Altogether, Smoot said, he received more than $19,750 from various pri- vate individuals and companies in 1929 for representing them. He also testified he received an additional $2,500 for serving in 1930 and 1931 the Western Air Express, which ob- tained an airmail contract. He said he represented the company in some of the negotiations, and there was other testimony that his father, the former Senator from Utah, had dis- cussed the matter with former Post- master-General Brown. Frosh Frolic Tickets Popular Vote On East Side Beer Recommended By City Common Council Members Scott Declares Technocracy Is Not A Fad Predicts It Will Become Economically Workable ' In A Few Years Definitely contradicting the pop- ular conception of Technocracy as a passing fad, Howard Scott, prime leader of the movement, who spoke last night in Hill. Auditorium on "Technocracy: Diagnosis and De- sign," declared that in "a few years a sufficiently large number of people will embrace the tenets of Technoc- racy to make it economically work- able. "Such a movement will be engen- dered," Scott believes, "because the credit system, inextricably tied tothe present capitalistic system, can no longer provide workers with jobs." In Dr. Amos O. Squire, consulting support of this contention he cited physician of Sing Sing Prison, will statistics showing total unemploy- speak at 8 p. m. today in Hill Audi- ment at nearly 14 million, and stated torium on "Famous Crimnals I Have that technological improvements Known. would undoubtedly increase this number in the future. Faculty Men In a discussion of current politics, 93 Factsaduhatye rugeeidi vidualism" of Herbert Hoover led to Give 442 Talks the New Deal of President Roosevelt. "In a like measure," he continued, "the New Deal will lead to the for- D in. 9 2 mation of the Technocratic state, be- cause under no political set-up can the administration continue pouring Report Indicates Greatest capital into a faltering credit system Interest Was In Parent without the inevitable result of a dtion completed break-down."EducatiOn Programs According to Scott, North .Amer-Attlo 3,0 esn i h ica is the only continent sufficientlyA total of 131,600 persons in the self-sustaining to set up such a Tech- State heard 93 members of the Uni- nocratic state. Under that system, versity faculty give 442 lectures dur- which he says will come about when ing 1932-33, according to the annual most workers become dissatisfied with report of Dr. W. D. Henderson, direc- "present economic insecurity," he en- tr of the University Extension Di- visages a government embracing the vision. whole of the continent, entirely di- rected by engineers and free from any 193233hreprof Presient Alexander profit motive.13-3rpr fPrsdn lxne Under Technocratic government G. Ruthven, also list 195 communities all industry would be nationalized,all that these emissaries visited.Parent- workers would be paid $20,000 a year education courses which were organ- the whole of their lives, provision ized in Grand Rapids, Saginaw, Wy- would be made for workers past their andotte, and St. Johns attracted a years of productive capacity, and attendance of 5,000 there would be no such thing as sav- Between 400,000 and 500,000 people, ing, since a year's pay would have to the largest audience of the Exten- be spent during that year. sion Division, listened to the parent education radio programs Sundays over the University Broadcasting New Plan For Service. Audiences were made up of parents and others in Michigan and Aid neighboring states. dOutlined By Membership in the Michigan High AdmiOutnedoB School Debating League has now Administration reached 176 schools, the report states. From these secondary institutions, debating teams with more than 1,500 WASHINGTON, Feb. 28. - () - A student members engaged in 500 de- relief plan which administration of- bates before audiences estimated to ficials expect to tie into a long-range exceed 100,000 program for shading poverty and un- Regular credit and non-credit employment out of the national pic- courses of the division enrolled 3,061 ture was sketched in rough outline students, with an average of 27 to a today by President Roosevelt, class, in communities near enough to The three-point plan, with roots Ann Arbor to allow commuting in- that sink into as many divisions of structors from the University to visit government, was designed to meet the them. There was a slightly greater needs of the three emergency group- enrollment the previous year, but the ings - farm residents who are in report indicates that the bank holi- distress, persons in shrivelled indus- day, coming just at the start of the trial communities and unemployed in secondI semester, was responsible for cities. the decrease. Detroit Plannin g Commission Considers Housing Projects Piatigorsky Will Present Final Concert In Cho ral Union Series Gregor Piatigorsky, distinguished Chicago, Los Angeles, Cleveland, San Russian violincellist, will be heard in Francisco, and the New York Phil- the final concert of the Choral Un- harmonic Symphony, always with ion series, March 6, in a program the highest praise on the part of the of varied and substantial composi- critics. tions for his instrument. He was born in 1903 in Jekaterin- Piatigorsky represents one side of slaw, Russia. At the age of 15 he that great triangular combination of was engaged as first 'cellist of the Russian virtuosi who have startled Imperial Opera orchestra at Moscow. the musical world in recent years, He was headed for a brilliant career the other two sides being represented in his own country when the revo- by Vladimir Horowitz, pianist, and lution came and with it, terrible Nathan Milstein, violinist, both of times for all artists. whom have appeared before Choral Piatigorsky went to Berlin and en- Union audiences here. tered into a competition for the po- Until very recent times, the gov- ernment has shown very little inter- est in low-cost housing projects, ac- cording to Prof. Wells I. Bennett of the College of Architecture. The idea originated in Europe and has pro- gressed enormously since that time until now two million houses have been erected in Germany alone, Pro- fessor Bennett said. In this country, very little housing was done even during the war and after that time the projects were for- gotten until recently. An example of the steps being taken at this time to accommodate the poor element in the larger cities is seen in Detroit.